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Everything posted by BodhiGurl

  1. But... But... she's a Best Selling Author who "wrote" her own books! LMAO. She's the most ridiculously inarticulate "Author" I've ever seen. At least most, if not all, the other HWs with books seem to be able to complete a sentence without slaughtering it - even if they also had ghost writers... And sweet jeebus - the plastic surgery she has had btwn last season on this. Yikes. When she attempted to cry it was painful to watch - and not because of the mock emotion she was trying to muster... Lordt.
  2. I decided to rewatch S1, and moved on to S2 - I honestly don't understand how ANY of these women can befriend Danielle - she's either completely delusional or has a chemical imbalance that needs to be attended to. She was SOOOO off the rails in S2. Full nutter. I guess Tre can stomach that clown because the clown kisses Tre's arse and she (tre) is cool with surface relationships. Danielle seems seriously disturbed. I do wonder how her daughters seem to have matured normally - maybe they know she's full nutter and cope as such. I don't get it. And Danielle's full-nutter-ness is not entertaining. At least not to me. She's not as exhausting as Soggy was, but maybe that's because they limit Danielle's time on the screen (as compared to Soggy). Oy.
  3. It bugs the beejeezus out of me too. And it's not like it looks "sexy" while it's down - all impacted by the humidity, it looks like a wet mop on her head. And incredibly uncomfortable. Most importantly, a safety hazard. If she were a stew it would be a health hazard. And her balony about having "one elastic". Come. on. I'll be surprised if she lasts the entire season. Maybe she'll have a "come to Jesus" moment and straighten up, but I'm not expecting it.
  4. The Dr who removed Ryan's tattoo is the one who was on Big Brother twice, as well as Amazing Race I believe 😉 Not Brownie's husband.
  5. I was referring to last season 😉 (that I'm currently watching on Hulu) Margaret (and her hubs) falling out with Danielle, as well as the post-season divorce shenanigans... No clue what happens this coming season, hopefully very little Danielle.
  6. Watching last season ahead of the new season starting - I never watched during the original airing (post-soggy flicker syndrome,I couldn't take it, even tho she wasn't' on the show anymore). I continue to not understand how anyone could be friends with Danielle. What do they get out of the relationship? She's ridiculously exhausting and narcissistic. I'm currently watching the episode where she's demanding her bridal party spoil her rotten. That crap didn't float with me when I was in my 20's and sure as shat wouldn't float as I approach 50 - the same range as these ladies. I know what ultimately happens this season with her, but still. I'm so confused why people continue to put up with Danielle. I think during S1 I had a very brief moment of feeling sympathy for Danielle, that ended quickly as I recognized her energy vampire sucking ways. She must kiss Tre's arse since Tre is willing to still entertain this jerk.
  7. Jeanna Keough is on 20/20 right now, episode is “Death of a Playmate”, she’s had way too much work on her face 😕
  8. When I was 32, a 22 year old pursued me. I figured he was younger than me, but not that young. His level of maturity had me guessing him to be around 28. I was SHOCKED when I found out he was only 22. Never told him my age. And I did feel like a cougar 😉 So I get it.
  9. After this episode I found myself liking her as well - I was sort of tickled that she wasn't having any of the shenanigans the drunkards were participating in. For some reason it cracked me up - something different. It may wear on me over time, but for now, I'm cool with her 😉 I tweeted about Abbi's hair situation that was in the previews and she responded with the following : "I know!!! Watching the episodes I’m like “please put your damn hair up” can’t fathom the thought process there" 😉 LOL... I might end up liking her too - as long as she puts that situation up, along with backing off pursuing Ashton... I'm so over Kevin. I was over him after the first episode. I feel like he came on the show determined to have issues with Kate. Here's a thought, if you want to come in locked and loaded, how about trying to get along with the Chief Stew for a change - because, the chef having issues with the Chief Stew is WAY over done on both BD and BDM. Yawners... I also didn't appreciate his vague snatchy comments in front of everyone about the "interior" not being up to snuff. I hope he has a come to jeebuz moment because I can't with him being like this all season... at least he isn't in Leon territory... yet...
  10. LMAO - ha ha - thanks for this! I friggen loathe Sandy. I stopped watching BDM towards the end of this season because I just couldn't with her anymore. I'm so salty that Bravo clearly loves her camera hungry/attention hoo-re personality, as she's in some of the ads for that cash cab show. Blah. I'm passing on next season of BDM. Now - back to the OG, Below Deck. It didn't escape me how we only saw Captain Lee at the very beginning of the episode, and not again until the end, when they were looking for meds for Chef Poopy. What a relief (ha ha, pun intended?!?)... So happy to have Lee back vs that gawd awful Sandy... She makes me stabby... lol ETA - Abbi and that HAIR! Why in the heck does she not have it pulled back? That massive amount of hair seems like it would not only be ridiculously hot to wear down, but a serious danger given the tasks she has to do. I can see it getting caught up in a rope or something... yikes!
  11. OMG Gina, they’re just boobs... at least the vajay is covered. And PS. Tams bewbs look horrible
  12. Tamra is not happy they’re making it nice... of course the niceness isn’t going to last...
  13. I hate Tamra. More than I loathe Vicki. There, I said it. And I loathe Vicki.
  14. My bolding - given she's featured right now in the ads for the reboot of "Cash Cab" on Bravo, I doubt she's going anywhere soon. I can't take her anymore. I didn't even watch the final episode and I don't care. Blah. Thank goodness Cap'n Lee and the OG Below Deck is returning
  15. Watching the replay this fine evening and caught the scene with Joao and Sandy, where she's getting irritated at him. See Sandy - this is why you can't act like you are "down" with your crew, and give 'em hugs and kiss their ass, then turn around and be angry that they aren't respecting your authority when you crossed boundaries left and right. Of course high ego Joao would think it would be ok to challenge you on the stupid jet ski situation. Lawd Bravo loves them some Sandy. I wish they'd dump her. I think I'm out next season, as she'll undoubtedly return. She's not even annoying in an entertaining way. She's just annoying.
  16. I dunno - I'll take Kelly Dodd on RHOC every day all day if she'll continue to give Tamrat and Icki grief. Would I want to be her pal in real life (if she behaves IRL like she does on the show)? Mmmm, nope. But I appreciate her going after the "OG's". And she won't back down. I do think she's a nutter tho. I also don't think she hit Shannon that hard, given the footage we saw, inappropriate? Yes. Hard? Nah. Drama for drama's sake. All that said - if I had to deal with Kelly at a retreat like Mirval I'd lose my zen really friggen quick and become stabby. Lawd if she returns next season don't let her get back in the nook with Icki. I am REALLY disappointed in Shannon. I wish she'd dump Tams and Icks... Sigh. I'm losing interest in Shannon. I held in long. LOL Lord help me Emily grew on me a bit this episode - probably because she's not up Gina's arse. And *gasp* there are moments of Shane's snarkiness that makes me laugh. Maybe he's playing for the cameras. I hope he's warmer to her off camera, and not actually a douche 24-7. RHONJ Jim Marchese is the closest house-husband I could compare Shane to - but he's still not as awful as Jim. Anywho.
  17. I find Sandy hugging the crew inappropriate - if the crew were hugging each other (like Hannah and Joao), that's one thing as they are mostly on the same level - but she's in a position of power, so I imagine they feel they must do it, vs wanting to do it. Take Colin being taken aback for example. Or what if Sandy was a man hugging his employees (especially after reprimanding them) - would it be looked at differently? I suspect it might. I'm sure some of my reaction is personal bias - I find it odd, even with people I've worked with for years, to want to initiate a hug at the workplace. If it was an after hours holiday party maybe I'd feel different. I don't tend to gravitate to hugging a superior - unless it's an unusual circumstance like they're grieving or something? Admittedly I'm not a Sandy fan so that colors my opinion I'm sure. I also found her discussing her alcoholism inappropriate, as I don't remember Travis asking her about it. Not that she shouldn't be proud of how far she's come, but - I just don't think it's an appropriate conversation for a boss to have with their employee, unless the employee specifically asked about it.
  18. That’s interesting that the price they quoted includes a 15k tip... so can these guests opt to leave some of the amount out or is this indicating producer shenanigans and each group leaves 15k even if they act like it’s less? Hmmm....
  19. Yes, Ben turned Hannah down during BDM's first season. She's resented him ever since.
  20. I can’t with Sandy anymore. She’s so unprofessional. Hugging your employees? Sharing your addiction story? Did I miss Travis asking her to share it? This season has to be ending soon, right? I have to give up live tweeting BDM, the Sandy love over 'der is mind boggling. Or mute a ton of peeps 😂🤷🏼‍♀️
  21. Oooh - Brandi G is dragging Tamra on twitter... clearly Tammy Sue deleted whatever tweets set BG off... I'm just here eating my popcorn and enjoying the show. Heck. I'd take BG on OC just to see her go head to head with wee lil Tammy Sue...
  22. I really want one of these bishes to DRAG Tamra. Sure, Kelly can do it - but she's seen as unhinged... I want someone who will drag that bish and come out looking good. Tamra and Vicki need a worthy adversary vs these wimps that cowtow to them and have their backs.
  23. Much like most of the shenanigans this season, that whole scene with Colin getting teary eyed and offering to quit if June can stay was ridiculous and scripted (IMO of course), it went by in a flash. Sure didn't take much convincing to get him to stay. Pffft. Sandy and her annoying arse in almost every scene. I'm surprised she didn't pop out of the bathroom attached to Jack and Aesha's room, during that "scene" (my eyes, MY EYES!), giving them a little snuggy hug and atta boy/girl! MAN she's thirsty for scenes. I can't believe the amount of love Sandy gets on Twitter. I honestly feel they are paid tweeps tweeting supportive crap about Sandy because. Come. On. Am I watching a different show? LOL. I'm glad Ben is back. I'm also glad original BD is returning in October. I've grown tired of BDM, but naturally I'll stick it out to the end, because. Bravo's Bish. HA!
  24. my sentiments exactly! This season is dripping in producer shenanigans.
  25. Ha ha! There are some hilarious moments that she's involved in, but she still exhausts the beejeezus out of me, I can't even imagine her in real life. I have to believe she has some somewhat "normal" moments, that we never see - where she isn't always on, loud, attention whoring and obnoxious. I thought I was up to the family van episode - but maybe that's season 2. In the episode Im up to - they got a normal van to pick up the gunvalsons... they're going to MEXICO!!!! Juxtaposed with Easter Island Lori and her chinless hubs to be going to Jackson Hole...
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