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Everything posted by BodhiGurl

  1. I hope Denise told Rinna to stop talking about the stupid bunny as well. Just saying. Rinna isn't innocent in bunnygate, lmao... anywho. Is this season almost over? I zoned out on most of the episode, and it had nothing to do with a certain someone no longer really filming... because scenes with her at this point in the season would bore the beejeezus out of me too. Time to wrap this situation up. And fire up RHOC... ha!
  2. I totally agree - I wouldn't eat those sad OEP taco shells at home, I sure as shiz wouldn't accept them if I was on a luxury yacht... blech... (disclaimer - I'm a soft shell kinda gal, except every now and then if I'm craving them at a Qdoba - even their shells are miles better than those shatty OEP shells... which are inevitably always stale)
  3. Friggen Old El Paso hard shells and nacho chips. WT serious F. A luxury yacht chef... serving Old El Paso... I mean, I've side-eyed the obvious Costco provisions in past seasons, given this is a high-end experience (I'm fine having 'em in my house, ha ha), but sweet jeebuz, OEP shells and nachos... yeesh. Not to mention everything that's already been mentioned by y'all - micro-steak, canned corn... weird arse choices for "starters"... I missed the first 15 minutes or so, not that I really feel I missed anything. I still can't with Craptain Sandy. I do hope the rumors are true and Ben comes back. I've missed him. Sigh.
  4. And once again - Ramona is an arse. It's a group trip - invite them all. That was shitty what she did to Barbra and I'm not even a Barbra fan. Maybe they should all go out and leave Ramona behind.
  5. Exactly my point - these women act like one room is superior to the other and battle for the "best room" - when all the rooms are great. I'll admit they (the women) weren't as bad this time around as past years but Romonja were pushing it...as usual. LOL
  6. Sweet cheezus these women. I know it supposedly makes for entertaining tv but they are WAY beyond "lets get lit" age - and I include Tinsley in this judgement. I'm a year older than BF and I gave this stupidity up in my early 30's... I couldn't be around these women in real life... I'm exhausted just watching them! LMAO
  7. Ramona personifies why I could NEVER work in the service industry (or with the general public in any capacity.) I don't know how some people do it. Why in heck would that poor man give a shat about Ramona's wardrobe, let the poor guy go...
  8. OMFG The damn room battle... yeesh. I preferred the few times the women did it via pulling numbers out of a hat, or when Tins did the Tiffany's necklace thing. For the lurve of gawd, ultimately it's just a place to crash at night. They're not living there for the rest of their lives. I'm sure all the beds are perfectly fine.
  9. Sonja's extra level weirdness in this episode isn't entertaining... she must be EXHAUSTING in real life...
  10. I didn't miss LVP. I don't need another weird scene with her new sidekick Cedric 2.0 kissing her arse. I wonder if C2 will do the opposite of C1 and move to England with them and be her house boy. Anywho. Kyle reminds me of someone I know who gets dramatic about almost everything and I see it as a grab for attention. Not that I don't doubt her anxiety - and I don't know Kyle IRL so I can't totally pick up on her vibe but, I do think some of it is a grab for attention. Overall I'm fine with Kyle (she has her moments). Denise's defense of Rinna was odd. I like Denise, but I wasn't terribly fond of her in those scenes involving Kim. She should just stay in her lane. So odd because she seems like a very compassionate person for the most part. I get her defending her friend, but given she's friends with Brandi, who is friends with Kim - it seemed weird. And I agree with the other poster that brought up Denise saying Kim needs to let it go when it was Rinna who brought it up. I loved the return of a Kyle party. I missed the white parties. Is it over the top? Yeah - but, it's part of what I watch these shows for - to see a life I can't relate to. I doubt she paid 300K for it. Even if she did - oh well. This party wasn't as fun as the white parties, but I enjoyed the return of it. I wonder where the fat burger truck was parked? LOL
  11. stalker fans - no clue when it became the slang term, but it's been around for awhile. They go above and beyond a reasonable level of fandom, beyond worship even... deep, invested obsession...LOL
  12. Watching a bit of the marathon from last season - on Bravo today. Right back to loathing Sandy - so incredibly unprofessional and poor choice for a boat captain. I am mystified as to why she's back - perhaps she'll have a RHOBH Camille Grammer redemption season, but I highly doubt it. Must be slim pickings for a reality tv show boat captain. HORRIBLE. I don't know if I can even tune in this season... who am I kidding, of course I'll give it a try, if even to hate watch it. LMAO
  13. I have backed off of twitter in regards to RHOBH this season because of the amount of wacky LVP Stans who are way too emotionally involved in this stupidity - I don't know of this particular instance because...of backing away, but what I've seen the stans say is beyond reason. I don't know if this is just the way of the world now but, yeesh, the stans would make the world a better place if they got emotionally involved in matters that actually, uhm, matter. It bums me out that I now feel the need to avoid Twitter like the plague, at least as it relates to live tweeting reality shows. It's no longer just a place to snark a bit... people go hardcore. I wouldn't doubt some of those LVP stans threatening the other ladies, or at the very least, telling them they should die or whatever other messed up things people behind screens like to say. I mean. This is RHOBH - it's not that serious. I also don't doubt Rinna taking one person (which one is too many) threatening her to make it sound like it's a shiton amount of peeps threatening her...
  14. Navy blue for the bridal party seems so odd to me given the location of the wedding, I would have expected something a little more tropical...
  15. Why does Mauricio always sound stuffed up? He needs a neti pot. Stat.
  16. Isn't Kyle like 50-51? I think the baby years are behind her... and with Mauricio's luck, she'd have another girl if it were even possible (to have a healthy baby and a healthy pregnancy at her age) (and I'm not age shaming, I'm close in age to Kyle - lol)
  17. LMAO - Rinna... you may have been in Playboy - but I highly doubt you are the one that "everyone wants to f&C!" I mean. Really.
  18. had to love that moment Rinna sniffed the pasta, and then took half a forkful... and then was done eating...
  19. asinine and staged. with her new sidekick Sessa, once again gripping on to a tiny dog whilst wearing a tiny arse shirt... oy. ETA: Totally staged to shade the other women. And what the hell was up with her insinuating Erika "tucks"? And what if she did? I thought Lisa was an advocate for LBTQ... oh wait - it was just "British humour" 😛
  20. Ugh. Crap'n Sandy is back. I LOATHE her. I don't know if I'll be able to tune in. Lordt why did they bring her back??? I read above that Ben might be on the boat? Maybe he's a mid-season replacement for the homophobic chef? Fingers crossed. LOL.
  21. I love how committed Tins is to the "Drink every time Lu mentions cabaret" LMAO Lu is an a$$. I haven't said this yet this week. So I says it now 😉 So what if BF wants to watch her kid sleep - or be able to get up early the next day. And trying to compare her "momming" to BF's mommy duties... Bish - any of us who have been in for the long haul with RHONY saw her leave her kids constantly in the care of Rosie... so. Bish needs to shush.
  22. Oh good grief. LVP and her new sidekick Jon Sessa... and a "lie detector" test. Why does LVP need to take one - Accd to Ken - she NEVER lies... *insert eye roll*
  23. that uncomfortable-to-watch moment with Kyle and Maurico... I noticed he had his leg crossed after it... Double uncomfortable to see on screen.. UGH. Sweet jeebuz Camille is now talking about the others - let's just forget she talked shat about LVP with Denise... anywho.... Ooooh... and now she's shading LVP in her talking head... I'm looking fwd to Denise going after Camille...
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