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Everything posted by BodhiGurl

  1. Yet another episode of how awful Kim is. How awful Brandi is. How perfect Kyle et al. is. I just can't with this show anymore. Every dang episode is toxic. Every one. Every single episode is dog pile on Brandi (not that she hasn't brought a lot of it on, but jeezus). Every message thread is about how awful Brandi is. I want to go back to season 1 where sure, there was a bit of snarkyness but we got to enjoy peeking into a world most people can't relate to. Now it's all about the discord. My guilt tv has gone to the dogs. Blah. Yet I feel compelled to stick it to the end/reunions - tho I'm sure it will just be more of wash. rinse. repeat. Sigh - back to this episode in particular. What was up with Eileen being so butt hurt that Lisa R decided to mend enough of a fence to tolerate being around Kim. Eileen is a ninja bish. She's quieter in her pouncing than Brandi. But just as ridiculous. Well, she's either working in the shadows or dull as a box of rocks. Why didn't they bring up how violent Lisa was? Provoked or not it was wrong. They sure as shiz couldn't let the poorly chosen Brandi-throws-wine-at-Eileen-in-jest situation go. But zero chatter about LisaR. Zero peeps that she lunged at Kim. Zero peeps that she shattered a wine glass on the table. I get where Brandi comes from when she calls them hypocrites. Too bad she can't express herself maturely. I almost thought there was going to be a turn around to calm on the boat. Until Eileen stirred the pot. Jeezus. Please let the season end peacefully...
  2. I didn't realize being a good church going woman = being so dang nasty about Brianna's willingness to explore the whole tarot card/psychic... and since when did psychics become known for casting spells? Color me confused... yeesh. I don't think I can hang with this show anymore - every damn thing is so freaking dramatic... Maybe the NYC version will be more tolerable... darn guilty pleasure tv... lol ;)
  3. Violetta and Sylvia are retched arseholes...they should be kicked out. Especially after Sylvia admitted she would have murdered Madison had she not been pulled off. Crazy. Disgusted watching that. Kudos to Nicole for realizing how asinine that was.
  4. In the clip of Brandi tossing her drink on Eileen (after the first look clip), it sounded like Brandi said "Since Lisa won't do it..." (Something to that affect) so I think she was probably doing something "silly" that will go over like a lead balloon...as usual...
  5. Five minutes in on the DVR and I've confirmed to myself that I will remain happy to not see Jill Zarin on tv... Has not changed whatsoever... And that squawking.... Blah... Hopefully Ally can find a good guy...also a good job so she can move out ;)
  6. Regarding Bitchy Resting Face - that is how that hilarious YouTube video references it, check it out if u haven't seen it I too am a sufferer of BRF, lol
  7. From what I've seen of Jaq on the show and her Twitter behavior, I wouldn't want anything to do with her either, she's beyond toxic. In such a large family I can see how rifts could happen. I do remember scenes with Dina and other siblings, so clearly she has relationships with some of them. Personally I like Dina, she's not perfect, but who is? It's a shame that nieces and nephews are part of the fall out, I've had it happen in my own family where I lost contact with cousins (well thank gosh for Facebook which allowed me to reconnect with one of them), because of ridiculous behavior of an Aunt... Anyway, in an ideal world things will resolve for Dina and her estranged siblings ...but maybe not...
  8. Rewatching this episode... Amy is such a put upon martyr... While I agree Kat or Kate should have headed back to the boat after dinner, good lord Amy had at least an hour if not two (or more) to decorate for the bday party... While the other gals served the guests dinner on the beach... She has also been quite snarky to her boss...Kate...you attract peeps with sweet, not sour grapes... I guess I could deal with Amy for another season but I don't think she'd succeed at being head stew... She'd be too worried about being everyone's bestie, which would likely mean she'd be taken advantage of and then we'd be subjected to more tales of how put upon she is... No thanks...
  9. I actually like Kate. Much better than Adrianne. I do think she is past due on leaving the yachting industry, from what we see on the show... While I admire Amy's ability to keep a smile on in front of the guests her whole martyr act is tiresome and should this show come back, I hope she's gone. I just love (note sarcasm) how seemingly Kelly is losing interest in Jennice now that he "caught" her... He's a wee too old to behave the way he does imo... Eddie is a cutie... If only he was about 5 inches taller, lol :)
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