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Everything posted by HoodlumSheep

  1. Watched "The Ghost & Mrs. Muir" on Friday. The one with Rex Harrison. Perfect movie was perfect. Loved, loved, loved it! It had me yelling at the tv like a crazy person. I was going to be so upset if the ending didn't end like it did. While I was watching it, I wondered if anyone has written CS fanfiction based on it, even though I don't read fanfiction.
  2. That CS script tease. Love it. Oh, Adam, you just love teasing people. Not gonna lie, I had a good laugh. I kind of wish he would do more script teases like that, just to mess with people. Killy says swan a million times per episode, so who knows when he yells it this time.
  3. Loved the episode! Frank can go away. Asher is Asher, Michaela moved up a spot in terms of which characters I like best, Wes continues to show his secret evil-mindedness the way he talked about how Annalise was playing them. Like, the way he was saying it and stuff, kinda made it sound like he was aware that he was already ensnared in Annalise's game. Rebecca had to screw up Wes's plans/strategy. I don't mind Rebecca. Don't like her with Wes much, and I still think Wes could be playing her somehow, but she does seem to be a smart cookie for the most part. I like Sam. Or should I say I enjoy his evil sliminess? A small part of me will miss his evilness when he's dead. Now that Annalise requested the DNA samples, The Rebecca/Nate team up isn't necessary (although they don't know that; the audience does) unless it turns out Sam is miraculously not the father. Next week looks awesome. I'll take a guess and say Bonnie did not kill Lila, mainly because I think they've tried to make her look extra shady. Don't know who did though it looks to be pointing towards Sam. And I'll say Wes killed Sam.
  4. I agree. I like to be kept in the dark on some things, especially involving pivotal episodes. Also, kudos for the Charming family for managing to find time to take a (family?) photo in between bad guy after bad guy showing up.
  5. I can forgive him for the bad sweeping, because he's a master compared to me. I can't sweep, at all. It's one of the most awkward things ever for me to do. What really bugs me is that he doesn't even use a dust pan. Instead he just pushes the dirt and dust around. Let Robin get with Regina. Marian should ditch him, and become High Queen of everything. Sorry Robin, I've tried to like you :(. I wonder how long Will was with the Merry Men? In Wonderland it made it seem like he was with them for a very short time.
  6. "WE?!?!?We???!!!!" NO Snow.YOU. Don't you dare try to making Daddy Charming share the blame. Dairy Queen is magnificent. I like the snow effect when she poofs away. Pretty good backstory. Didn't expect her to actually kill her sister, only injure or something, so that was a nice surprise. CaptainCharming! Poor Emma. She needs lots of hugs. Oh, Rumple, never change. Love his scenes with the DQ. I like how the DQ's goal is to live in a real-life Storybrooke snow globe with Emma and Elsa. Next week looks good. Favorite scene was probably when Rumple whipped out the good ol' furniture polish.
  7. Those script teases...maybe Rumple casually mentions a magic sucking item to henry, then emma hears henry mention it at some point, causing Emma to go to Rumple in 4x08? Will/Robin interaction? We'll see how it goes. As for the sketch/pic looking more like emma than helga. Maybe the artist was taking creative liberties?
  8. Netlyon2, I'm happy that you enjoyed Jafar and the Wonderland series (from the sounds of it)! You explained everything that made me enjoy Jafar and even the sultan. They weren't really supposed to be sympathetic characters, and their actions weren't whitewashed like in Once. I can probably understand why you aren't fond of Alice. I don't hate her, but she isn't high on the totem pole for me. I wish she had more depth to her character. My least favorite was the White Rabbit though. Such a coward (which was understandable, but I wish he would have grown a little backbone). Favorite non-main character was definitely the good Tweedle.
  9. I didn't think there was that big of a disconnect. Younger sultan was evil, older sultan spouted some occasional wisdom, but it was the kind that made him into a hypocrite, which shows he didn't really change. He talks about how Jafar needed to earn his love, yet never gave him a chance. So he didn't seem to change much besides being friendly with Cyrus and Alice. I think I must be the only person who liked Jafar :( It was a "love to hate" kinda love, but it probably stemmed from the fact that all the villains from Once (Regina, Rumple, Killy) were going through a redemption phase at the same time. I needed some good old-fashioned evilness. Pan and Jafar helped fill that whole.
  10. I liked the Sultan for the sole reason that he seemed to have a decently complex character. He tries to kill his son, but then spouts stuff about trying to earn love, yet seems like a decent fella at least to everybody that's not named Jafar. Has some wisdom, but probably not the kind he really needed. Who did people like or root for more? The sultan or Jafar? I think I rank the Sultan as a worse dad than Pan was to Rumple.
  11. I never found heart ripping too lazy. At least it made the show feel more dangerous than the memory wiping does. And yes, they should bring Bo Peep back. Either that, or they need to bring back anti-magic cuff links, because other wise all future villains have to have magic in order to be a threat to Rumple, Regina, or Emma.
  12. That's what I'm thinking. That whole scene sounded like she was rehearsing what she was going to tell the police. Maybe Wes did it if he thought Sam was going to attack Rebecca? And yet, this whole Wes x Rebecca thing is weird. I think Wes is the one manipulating Rebecca, mainly because of that one scene with Annalise and Bonnie when they were trying to figure out how to control the whole situation. Annalise was staring at Wes and Rebecca so intensely, I thought that she might of ordered Wes to get closer to Rebecca offscreen at some point. Oh, Asher, I love him more and more each episode. It was so adorable how he was clinging to the trophy all through class. He probably takes that thing with him everywhere. I wonder if Det. Nate will end up helping or screwing things up. Frank and Laurel are a no for me. Her other guy is so nice. I liked the chemistry between Rebecca and Sam. It's not romantic tension, but more like "they want to punch each other's faces in" tension. I'm hoping next week will finally be a Wes-centric. But knowing my luck, we'll get Frank/Bonnie/etc. centrics first.
  13. Now all I can think of is Treasure planet when Jim wakes up and finds out his father has left, and he sprints down to the docks only to just miss him. Except With Killy but only younger, like 7-8ish?
  14. *whispers* Jafaaarrr...*end whispering* No, really. Jafar needs to come to Once. Except I would be slightly worried that they'd ruin his awesome evilness he had in Wonderland.
  15. So if no one remembers... This is like Zelena and 3b all over again, except they're actually pulling off the mystery part a lot better. So the DQ was stalking Emma in NY possibly? That's creepy.
  16. Galavant premieres January 4th, 2015 at 8:00 p.m. (est. I do believe) on ABC!!! Huzzah!!
  17. The way I have decided to view it, is that the hand Is from the past, and in the past he was a meany face. Plain and simple. Was he bad throughout his entire past? No. But the hand was just a reminder that he was once a villain in the past. Rumple is a lying liar who lies, so I'll doubt if we'll ever know if the hand was actually tampered with or not. I like how you mentioned it didn't even click for Killy that he was also good in the past. Despite all the bravado he tends to put on for show, Killy seems to have really low self esteem, guilt issues, and probably still thinks he's the worst.
  18. Good, I liked Mulan, she deserves to have her storyline wrapped up.
  19. I too thought he was just messing around with "meself." With how he said it, I thought it was quite clear that he was joking, 'cause Elsa pointed out the pirate thing didn't she? And what words do pirates typically use? "meself" or "ahoy" or "AARR." Etc.I kinda thought he was trying to to sort of poke fun at the whole "pirate" stereotype. Maybe I'll have to rewatch the scene? Also, he used "ahoy" the other day, and you could totally tell he was just doing it for fun. Honestly, I am counting down the days until he goes, "AARR" or "AARRGGHH" just for the heck of it to screw with people or try to point out how ridiculous the pirate stereotype can be.
  20. Rumsy4, I too believe Killy and Liam are fully related, and will do so until it is stated otherwise. Their mother may have died before Killy would even remember her. I've always thought of them as two who managed to climb the ranks through sheer determination and hard work. If Liam was working on a boat, maybe he somehow saved the captain's life, and got recommendations and a promotion from there? My headcanon also includes that Liam pretty much raised him and taught him almost everything he knew, so when he died Killy lost a brother, a best friend, mentor, and a father-figure all at once. As for looks, I think they look decently alike. I don't think I look too much like my eldest brother, so I find it acceptable that they they have their differences. Maybe one took after his father and one took after his mother in the looks department. For some reason I really want Killy to resemble his mother. Maybe that's where he got all his prettiness from.
  21. How do I make the spoiler tabs?? Someone please tell me!!! Patchwork, I can't remember, but was it specifically stated that Jack was the one who did the thing in your spoiler? The jabberwocky once mentioned "monsters aren't born they're made." Except she used "we," so I always gathered there could be more than one.
  22. Loved both episodes!! Henry is so adorable! Good for him, sticking up for himself in the 2nd ep! Charmonique's bird call was great, and Sam is a delightful boss! I loved how Henry seemed to try to find the least majestic horse there was to ride.
  23. I wish they'd do away with the "vote however many times you like" part of the PCA's (or at least I think it's one of the award shows that you can vote infinitely, without having to find loop holes (like clearing history/blocking cookies, etc.)) People would still find ways to multi vote, but at least it would cut down some of the teeny bopper madness that can occur from some of the shows.
  24. Jabberwocky, Jabberwocky, Jabberwocky!!!! JabberwockyFor3rdVillainess2k14! Too long to trend, I suppose? I don't know if they could flesh out her background enough, but they could expand on the whole, "monsters aren't born they're made" saying she said in OUATIW.
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