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Everything posted by HoodlumSheep

  1. Mr. Thornton!!!! My mom and I just watched the North & South mini series for the first time about a month ago. We loved it! Admittedly we were cracking up through most of it, mainly because literally 90% of it was made up of people (mainly Mr. Thornton) dramatically staring at something. Especially through windows. I loved it. Then we watched the older version with Patrick Stewart. The newer version is definitely better IMO, but I grew decently fond of his Mr. Thornton by the end. My mom and I just started watching Wives and Daughters the other day. Everyone is in it. Penelope Wilton (is that her last name?) from Downton,Michael Gambon, the guy who played Richard Carlisle in Downton, Mr. Collins and Jane From the P&P 2005 movie. Roger Hamley is an adorable nerd. He's such a cutie! I'd probably take him over the Austen men and Mr. Thornton.
  2. Fingers crossed for Perdita to finally make an appearance!!!!
  3. I find it a little strange too, but for some reason it doesn't bother me as much as it probably should. I think it's because the Snow Queen is presented as the immediate threat, and it involves Emma. Killy really should be telling Emma about the hat, but is instead choosing to focus on the immediate threat. Which sounds weird, because you'd think a magic soul-sucking hat would be considered a big threat. Rumple is just doing his typical Rumple shenanigans, so why worry? Nothing could possibly go wrong...
  4. I feel bad for helping get the timeline thread off topic, but the little knowledge I know of sailing/army ranks comes from Jane Austen, so I needed it to try and help figure out timeline stuff :( It's been awhile since I read the books. Wickham and Regina are kind of similar aren't they? Sharky, my mother watched the Pemberly episode and didn't mind it. Didn't watch it myself though. I'm not sure if I like the whole idea of P&P being turned into a murder mystery, but I can't judge because I didn't watch it. I wish PBS/BBC would do another round of Austen specials. I love watching all the different versions and comparing them to each other and the books. I'm waiting for a good Mansfield Park special. As for Jane Austen, my favorites are Mansfield Park and P&P. My least favorite is probably North Hanger Abbey.
  5. I love Persuasion! Anyways, you are right. Also, didn't they have to sort of have to pay for their promotions as well, or am I remembering it wrong? Isn't that what happened to Wickham in P&P, except he was a lowly foot soldier, so I don't know if it works quite the same with prominent families? I feel like the age thing would be a whole lot clearer if we knew what age Bae was when Milah left. Edited to say thanks for the brief history lesson, Shanna Marie!!
  6. Probably not a lot. I can't remember if Lana was ever nominated either. This award show, just like many of the big award ceremonies like the emmys, etc. typically always nominate the same-old "safe" shows or people (Sorry, but I feel like Ginny falls under this category :( ). But at least the people have a chance of getting a character nominated by writing him or her in.
  7. I've always assumed he was probably 18-21ish in Good Form, mainly because that's about the age pretty much everyone else has been portrayed as in their flashbacks. The age seems a little odd with him being a Lieutenant, but Killy seems to be portrayed as a very, very good sailor (outrunning curses and such), and with his brother a captain, he could have helped him climb the ranks faster too. Hopefully we'll get better info on ages whenever Killy gets more origin flashbacks. 34/35 seems pretty accurate to me, which is why I asked if people thought Neal had possibly eclipsed Killy's age (physically speaking I guess), even if it was by a few months or a year.
  8. Hasn't Delena won for the past bazillion years? I've never watched that show before. Anyways, good luck to Snowing! I'm crossing my fingers for JMo. (sorry Ginny!)
  9. I feel like 38 seems too high for some reason, In my opinion. I always put him somewhere between emma's age to about Neal's age, but I suppose it just depends on all the age and time estimates people decide to use.
  10. You know, I've always wondered about this. It seems like Rumple would jump at the chance of getting ahold of a full drawer of true love potions, and yet he hasn't for some reason. I take it he went after Snow and David because it was one of his little prophetic visions he got? Because he could of gotten a true love potion out of Cindy and her prince, etc. Even with all the true loves and their true love babies, the Snowing True Love still seems like on a whole different level (like truest of true loves) compared to the others. Probably because we watched the love story take place. Maybe everyone else's True Love isn't up to Rumple's standards. I wonder if they'll ever revisit that stuff?
  11. Yay! 2.6 is good! Hopefully it reaches 2.7 again this coming week!
  12. I have a question that may have already been asked (I've tried to keep track of the discussion here, but there's a lot to read, so forgive me). With the screwy timeline who's actually older (technically/ physically/don't know what word I'm looking for): Killy or Nealfire? Or are the same age? *I know their age has been discussed before, but I can't remember if you guys and gals figured out who is, I guess, physically older* It's supposed to be early 2013 or sometime before frozen right? Nealfire's wanted poster said he was "born" in '77 so he'd be about 35/36 (+200 or so years) when he died right? Hook is estimated to be around 30ish when he went to Neverland (which I believe time pretty much stops in that realm), did a few things for Pan, spent possibly a year or 2 outside before being Cora Dome'd, etc. So did Nealfire actually manage to eclipse Killy in age?
  13. I feel so bad for Colin whenever I see those evil hashtags trending. Instead of trying to trend those things, I wish certain groups tried more positive trends like #MoreRumblePlease or something instead of character bashing. Killy is the boyfriend of the main character, so yes, he's going to get more screen time. Also, arcs do center around certain characters. Regina just had 3b and it sounds like she'll have 4b too. Rumple will probably be prominent in 4b too with how they are setting up the sorcerer's hat arc. I'm just sitting here, twiddling my thumbs waiting for the day Snow becomes prominent again like in season 1, but you don't see me complaining about all the screen time Charming is getting (which he totally deserves all the screen time he's been getting lately). Also, I too, believe Frozen has been good for Once. I've enjoyed the Frozen cast and will be sad to see them go. And that's coming from someone who is not fond of Frozen (I thought Tangled was way better).
  14. I think Lana can still pull off a decently younger self (like 18ish or so). Colin could probably pull it off too if he got rid of the scruff and eyeliner. Emile looks pretty young with a pony tail and lighter make up (but they decided to slap that crazy lipstick on her last night). But yes, they should look for younger actors. But then they have to worry about finding identical mini-me's. But then again, the casting department does a pretty spectacular job finding look alikes or people who look like they're related.
  15. Cindy's baby does look older, but not old enough? I have no idea. The baby looks like it is dressed like a boy which causes some confusion. Then again, the clothes could be hand-me-downs, or they just don't care what they dress their baby in, which is fine too. But shouldn't the baby have more hair on its head than that at about 1-2 yrs.? Aurora's outfit looks cute and she seems happy.
  16. I choose to believe that it's because Marian isn't part of the Disney Princess Clique, so she doesn't get new fancy clothes or nice things. Instead she gets to be a popsicle. Also hoping Cindy's baby is her second. Cute mickey outfit!
  17. That's pretty on par with the last weeks L+whatever ratings if I recall correctly. It'll be interesting to see the L+3 and L+7 for 4x05 when it gets released. *I keep on editing because I can't seem to keep all the different ratings straight :(**
  18. Good to see it climbing back up a little. Hopefully it ticks up another point in the finals.
  19. Belle has the fake dagger, correct? Why didn't they show Rumple's wound healing (or something like that), or did I completely miss that? He gets stabbed in the chest with a hook, and shows no sign of injury, but a fake dagger manages to draw blood? Confused! >_<
  20. So what did everyone think of Belle's new outfits? She looked like a giant snowflake in the one, but I liked it. She looks nice in white. Wasn't really a fan of her first updo in the beginning flashback, especially paired with that lipstick shade.
  21. Honestly this just confused me more. Is he 200 or 300 somethin' years old? He mentions 200, emma mentioned 300 two episodes back. How old is Rumple again? Shouldn't Killy be around his age minus a few decades?
  22. Captain Charming 4eva!!! Anyways, Killy mentioned smashing the mirror, so I wonder if we'll see someone attempting that or if the DQ actually casts the spell. Also, Rumple could've taken out the snow queen with that hat, but he didn't. He's scheming something big.
  23. Liked this episode better than the last. CS continued to be adorable. Killy got another chance to use his hook. He doesn't have his sword with him anymore, does he? It's noticeably missing. Finally another reference to the twisted family tree. Liked the evil mirror. Belle's outfit kinda looked like a giant snowflake. Don't really know how I feel about it. So dis Belle jus. Hightail it out of there after Anna fell and the Dairy Queen showed up? Love the DQ, she's so twisted! Rumple had the perfect chance to trap the DQ in the hat, which means he's got a long term plan thought out. Oh Robin.....Regina seems to have more honor than you at this point. Regina seems to be handling this mess with a good amount of grace, so why can't she do that with every other problem she's caused or faced? I have a question about Rumple. They didn't show the dagger wound healing, so does that mean Belle actually had the real dagger? Or did I miss something. Colette gets added to the small list of good parents on this show, which makes the grand total about 2 or 3 out of a zillion parents on this show. Captain Charming next week!
  24. I didn't even notice it. You could barely see it. I still kinda wanna see it onscreen though, just to compare it to how it looks when it's photographed. Also, i have zero fashion sense, so I doubt I would have been bothered by his shirt. The only thing I know is that you typically don't match brown with black according to many. That's as good as it gets. I'm also one of those people who love "ugly christmas sweaters." I think they're fun. Regina's pants however... I liked the color, but it looked like they didn't fit right/weren't tailored right in the front???
  25. That's what I was trying to hint at when I asked my question, who knows what the other people were thinking if they asked a similar question. Sidney or the snow queen will probably die, although i don't know if they'll kill Elsa and Anna's aunt, so she's more likely to be trapped/sealed away somehow. I don't think having an ending planned is a bad thing. We don't know if A&E have it all planned out frame by frame, or if they have more of a general idea of what they picture that last episode/scene to be. Yes things can evolve to the point where the planned finale would make no sense, but for his show? It's all about everyone getting their happy ending. A few characters could have flip flop sides again by the end or a couple more people might die but for Once I don't think the characters will have evolved to the point where a seemingly planned ending wouldn't still work. Also, with the Wonderland finale I was aiming more at the quality of it. I balled like a baby (don't judge me). It was just so perfect.
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