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Everything posted by enchantingmonkey

  1. Good point. Not to mention that they were only kids, not grown adults who could have really done something about the situation. It seems to me Danny is taking out his anger and frustrations for his father on his siblings. My sympathy for him is starting to fade a bit. I didn't enjoy this episode as much as previous ones. It's nice that John's investigation is finally connecting to the rest of the show but my mind started to wander through most of those scenes. Danny going to see the "big guy" was a fine demonstration of how stubborn and reckless he can be.
  2. What if Adrienne and Justin getting a big story, and Wally Kurth getting a contract, means Dena Higley is going to kill off Sonny?
  3. I thought that looked like Scotty Baldwin! Do you know who the woman in the scene was?
  4. I've also been wondering if Danny has been "seeing" Sarah since her death, like some kind of defense mechanism. I do find it odd that he imagines her as a grown woman. How would he know what she looks like as an adult?
  5. I've just finished episode 6. Are there any stand out/awesome episodes through the middle? I can feel the show slowing down a bit.
  6. Are we supposed to be rooting for Belle to get with Foodie70? I'm certainly not rooting for Kevin in this situation. It was fun watching the NAVY guy kick the shit out of Danny. I imagine that's why Danny wouldn't leave him alone. Nice self-destructive streak. They got me with hallucination/dream thingy. I'm not proud to admit that I couldn't figure out how John was "seeing" Sarah until the sequence ended.
  7. It's certainly a possibility that Chuck's done some underhanded things himself. But when we're judging others, we're usually focused on their flaws, not our own. And we all judge others, hehe. I'm pretty happy that Jimmy becomes Saul, so if this is the impetus for it, I'm not complaining.
  8. Lots of Chuck hate, I see. It was cold but I can see where Chuck's coming from. He has a mountain-sized amount of pride for what he's accomplished. And if you take pride in all of your hard work, Jimmy might look like one of those guys who takes the easy route. The confrontation was a great scene, though. Maybe the first (except for the entire Mike episode) on this show to capture my undivided attention. Mike is awesome.
  9. Nice to have another episode without those silly flash-forwards. Kevin is an annoying, little twit. Ugh. So what happened to Sarah was an accident, but the family covered up the father beating the crap out of Danny. And, the mother went along with it. Interesting.
  10. Being the woman Danny "saw" on the bus? I saw Mia Kirshner listed as "Sarah Rayburn" on the show's wiki page, so I went and watched that bus scene again. That's when I realized she was wearing the seahorse pendant.
  11. My perception is that they invited Danny back primarily for their mother's sake. Perhaps also because he'd been away long enough for their sentimental feelings towards him to grow a bit stronger than their feelings of distrust. Really great scene at the end with Danny and the father. It's interesting to me how they've allowed a traumatic event in the distant past define their present relationship, rather than confront it and come to some resolution. But maybe when the death of a child is involved, resolution is a very difficult thing.
  12. If not hilarious, it would certainly be a unique approach to storytelling. Sarah Rayburn. I think she was the woman Danny "saw" on the bus wearing the seahorse pendant on her necklace in episode 1. Danny blackmailing his little sister was a fun scene. Even in death (I'm assuming), poor Meg has always lived in her older sister's shadow. Curious to learn why Danny refers to Meg as "Mister."
  13. I haven't watched the show in weeks. It started as a short break to clear my head (I was watching classic Doctor Who episodes, then The Comeback) but I haven't read any spoilers that have drawn me back. I have missed reading your thoughts and opinions, though. Sounds like the show isn't in any better shape than when I left.
  14. I have mixed feelings about it. I was looking forward to Theresa having a baby because I thought it would give TPTB an opportunity to give her another "layer." I love Theresa but she's pretty much one-note most of the time. Since this is just a soap, I'll go ahead and say that I would love for Kristen to finally have a child. I've always had a soft spot for her, and I'm happy that her dream is being realized, though in a sick and twisted way. It's just that Kristin will be off-screen and all we're probably going to get from Theresa is pouting and the stomping of her little feet.
  15. I miss the OTT stuff, too. Since the show runners seem to have an aversion for any kind of depth, I'm all for more crazy. I find it more entertaining than some of the bland stuff they're doing now.
  16. That was the best laugh I've had in days. I remember the first time I checked out the DAYS thread at TWOP and not knowing WTF was going on with all of the nicknames. I'll have to check in here more often just to see who you're all talking about. Probably more fun than the show is most days.
  17. It seemed like the trigger had to be the last thing you see just before you die but I don't know that the show did a very good job of explaining much of anything. Marcus probably didn't die right after he saw the sea shell. Could his trigger have been a brick, too? Or was it too dark in there to see the bricks? I really like the idea of the two souls and the triggers, which is probably why I stuck with the show. I just wish the show had handled it more intelligently.
  18. Good observation. I was wondering how that guy got triggered, as it didn't seem there was anyone to hold a trinket up to his eyes just before he died.
  19. I completely agree, yet somehow I still like something about this show. I can't even see a good reason for a second season but I'd watch just to see what happens next. I don't know what it takes to keep a show on BBC America but the show lost over half of its premiere ratings, and only went down from there. Haven't seen the numbers for the finale.
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