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Everything posted by enchantingmonkey

  1. LOL at "Higleypoo." Good point. I'm crossing my fingers and toes that this will be attempted rape. Just because Aiden was of questionable conscience, and Andre gave horrible advice, doesn't mean Chase would rape his best friend. And I'm not convinced Ciara wouldn't try to fight him off. There were two sturdy-looking candlesticks on the table next to the couch.
  2. I've been considering this, as well. I don't see that this is all leading up to some kind of happy reunion. I made up a backstory that it all started with Katie and Broussard having some kind of romantic dalliance. It was the only reason I could think of that she didn't tell her husband about becoming involved with the Resistance from the start. She felt guilty about cheating in one way or another.
  3. I wonder who fought to keep that kiss from making it to the screen. It's nice to know that there's at least one person with some sense behind the scenes. Unfortunately, there's way too much stupid happening for one person to deal with. Isn't Beth Milstein's material supposed to begin next week? Those spoilers sound like they came from the tiny mind of Dena Higley.
  4. Did Andre walk all the way back from the demolished building to the Dimera mansion? The walk he pulled himself inside the room was ridiculous. It would make me feel a little better knowing the writers are sitting around laughing while they come up with this stuff. Poor Joe. His crush on Ava makes sense to me. I think the only reason I'm enjoying the stuff with Ava is because Steve sees her for exactly what she is. At least there's one story that isn't being driven by a dumbed-down character.
  5. Thanks for the Joseph Mascolo interview! He provided many years of entertainment to my life, and I loved how he continued to play the character even though it was clear his human body was failing him. His spirit was still there. Sad to see him say goodbye.
  6. Yes, and they were part of an awful reality show together back in 2011.
  7. Erika Slezak's comments about Dena Higley are from a newsletter to her fans called "Erika's World". She continues to bash Higley throughout the Q&A session. It's amusing if you were watching or familiar with OLTL at the time. The link to the interview is on this page under "Erika Slezak has choice words for Dena Higley (wrote from 2004-2007)"-- http://therealtoddmanning.blogspot.com/2011/02/erika-slezak-has-choice-words-for-dena.html
  8. I'm getting close to the end of my rope but I guess I'll hold on a little longer to see Beth Milstein's material. Now I wonder if there will be a noticeable difference. While watching the show these days, all I can think of is what Erika Slezak said about Higley's writing all those years ago....
  9. I just finished Leviathan Wakes and was a little surprised at how different it plays in the book. There's a comradery between that crew of the Rocinante in the book that the show hasn't captured. I'm not sure if it's the writing or the actors.
  10. Just thinking about that book club episode puts a big smile on my face!
  11. I'm enjoying Leviathan Wakes. Miller became interesting to me soon after I started reading, which hadn't happened while watching the show (I started reading after episode 4 aired on SyFy). And the crew on the Rocinante feel more like a family in the book. My only disappointment with the book, so far, is that the time spent with Dresden was cut short much too soon. *shakes fists* Watching the show will likely become an exercise in making comparisons. That's what happened while I was watching episode 5. But making a visual picture from someone else's words has long been a weakness of mine, so it's nice to see some of what I'm reading. I could have never visualized Tycho station.
  12. The show runner, Fabrice Gobert, said this about third season-- Audrey wasn't a rare case. We saw a quick glimpse of one of the decomposing Returned that looked like it was eating something, and I think we're to assume those decomposing Returned were eating the animals and scaring them into jumping into the water in season 1. I saw someone mentioning Camille eating a squirrel in season 1. Maybe Claire found the squirrel after Camille had eaten on it? My memory isn't fresh on this, as I think it was early in season 1.
  13. I thought about this myself. The only thing I could come up with was that there was an admiration between Victor and Mr Lewanski but it wasn't the same as Julie's love for him. Didn't Victor say that he grew because Julie loved him? And in season 1, it seemed that Victor was drawn to Julie because she represented the blond fairy that Mrs Lewanski had read about in their bedtime story. I'm guessing that Victor's relationship with Julie was somehow more fulfilling than his relationship with Mr Lewanski, which is why he grew. We know so very little about Victor, though. It could also be that he doesn't fully understand why he does or doesn't grow.
  14. Yes, I'm going to have to go back and watch the Sandrine scenes from the previous episode and see if that makes sense. Hindsight is usually helpful, lol. The reviewer of this episode at The Guardian speculated that Victor may have tried to bring back Laure, and that's why there was a second wave of Returned (Audrey, Morgane, Milan and the girls murdered by Serge). I imagine the actress being pregnant and unavailable complicated some of the storyline for this season.
  15. Interesting theory! I'm still trying to figure out how Victor saved Julie. It seemed like Victor helping the Returned get back was intertwined with him saving Julie. Maybe Victor had become cynic after the incident with the dam and quit believing he could change things. He had been hiding in the Lewanski home for 35 years. Then, bringing back Mr Lewanski was a sign to him not to give up hope on making a difference. Believing he could save Julie was like a final step, and the Returned became the water that lifted her from the sinkhole. It may have appeared as random because of how we were introduced to the different characters but I think it was all happening at the same time. I did think it odd that he left Mr Lewanski after reviving him but perhaps he was startled by what he had just done. Also, he may have realized Mr Lewanski had called a paramedic and didn't want to be in the house when they arrived. I was puzzled by that, as well. I thought she was in some kind of state of shock, and then Audrey started eating her.
  16. What a beautiful tale about love, loss and the pitfalls of not accepting things as they are. That makes sense about the actress who played Laure. I was so confused/annoyed that we didn't see her this season, as she was relatively important in season 1. I loved everything about Victor and Julie. Also saw it as Victor bringing back the dead when he prayed for Mr Lewanski to return to him. Victor's power to change things is imperfect. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't....just like everything else in life, haha. Perhaps his power is more flawed when other people are a part of the equation, as in the situation with the dam. If Victor is like Nathan, does that mean neither of them can officially die? I'm fine with where the show left things but I wouldn't have minded knowing why Lucy came looking for Victor. Lena crying when Camille had to leave with the other Returned made my eyes water.
  17. Tilda killed a grown man a few episodes back. She should have wiped the floor with that kid. I know they needed a reason for M.K. to cut himself. The Widow continues to be my favorite part of the show. Perhaps getting lucky in the past is why she currently overestimates her abilities. Sometimes a bit of luck leads one to a bit of delusion. I also see her as having a Savior complex, so perhaps she puts herself in these situations because she thinks she has to. Any thoughts on Tilda being The Widow's biological daughter? It seems like all of the girls call her "Mother" and all of the girls call each other "Sister". I'm not sure if The Widow has any biological children. I've seen plenty of complaints about the kid playing M.K. but he doesn't bother me much. Probably because I keep telling myself he's Avatar Aang.
  18. American audiences are so used to being spoon-fed that I can see why some are frustrated and complaining about the show. It's giving us some answers but the show is also allowing room for personal interpretation. The more I think about it and go back to re-watch scenes, the more I enjoy it. It's been helpful to revisit scenes from season 1. I need to re-watch all of Victor's scenes from this episode. I can't remember all of what was said between Victor and Milan but I think they may both be right, in a way. Milan sees some supernatural power in Victor, so I can see why he might think Victor decides everything. Victor knows he doesn't decide everything because he's warned people who haven't listened to him. I still see him as a lost soul who's trying to fix the world. I wonder if we'll find out why Milan went from being a part of the plot to send Victor and the Lewanskis away (aka killing them) to revering him. Poor Sandrine. I just love that actress. Julie's dream of kissing the nurse seemed to validate my sense of some romantic feelings there. And in that scene with Julie sitting on a beach, I was half-expecting Victor to be revealed when the kid pulled the shirt over his head. I suppose that's what they were going for. Are those of you who've already seen the finale in the UK? I know they were a couple weeks of the US broadcast. I'm resisting the urge to read reviews of the finale, lol.
  19. It's possible there was no man involved with Julie. She could have been artificially inseminated. It certainly seemed like Julie and Laure were a couple on the night she was attacked by Serge in the tunnel but I don't remember there being any dialogue that stated it as a fact. They could have just been lovers. That's a good observation of Serge reassuring his victims. It ties his killings to the scene with Milan and Virgil even more than I realized.
  20. I've been watching various parts of the episodes. Mr Costa sat in the car with Milan. Pierre and the guy who shot the members of Lewanski family were the only ones to go into the house. Mr Costa told them to frighten the family, while Milan instructed them to do what they think is right. That was likely a little "wink, wink, nudge nudge" for them to use their guns. Milan had probably already killed Lucy at this point, because it appeared as though he killed her shortly after the dam broke. I tried to figure out if Milan had killed Virgil before the dam broke but the timing wasn't that specific, from what I could tell. The old woman Julie spoke to said Milan organized surveillance teams to deter thieves after the dam broke but I suspect he was punishing people for their "sins" before that. After the dam broke, he probably had free reign. Mrs Costa died after the dam broke, as she was in the group of people looking down on the town as the water rushed in. I'm assuming Mr Costa played a part in the attack on the Lewanski family because he was pained over his wife's demise. Did that sound like rambling? I'm just trying to organize some of this in my mind, lol. Milan was likely married to the boys' mother but fell in love with Lucy. She was an attractive young woman. Maybe his guilt over that played a part in why he judged others so harshly. But if he's murdering people, he's also dealing with some kind of mental illness.
  21. What if being on the brink of "happiness" was exactly what triggered him to commit suicide? Perhaps he thought Adele could save him from himself but it seems their life together wasn't a resolution for his mental anguish. Also consider that the internal dialogue that would motivate one to take their own life wouldn't make much sense to those on the outside looking in. It's why suicide is so confounding to those who've not experienced that particular mind state. Mr Costa was also involved, and I'm assuming it had something to do with Victor drawing the picture of Mrs Costa drowning right before it happened. I can't remember if the dam breaking happened before or after Mrs Costa drown. Also, they were only supposed to scare the Lewanski family. It was the crazy guy with Pierre who decided to start shooting. I feel like a big part of this story is about how Victor was trying to warn/help people but many of those around him saw him as something sinister. How perception can be deceiving. With only 2 episodes left, I'm not sure how much deeper they'll get into this but Milan said he told her he loved her, and I'm assuming he meant Lucy. Perhaps he realized she was having a sexual relationship with Morgane and that's why he said something about saving Lucy from her sins. I wouldn't mind something a little more concrete on what motivates Milan but it may be one more thing left open to interpretation. I keep hoping they'll explain the strange wounds on the Returned, and Lena, but I'm starting to give up hope on that, too. I know it's unlikely all of my questions will be answered.
  22. Really enjoyed this episode, too. The show was losing its magic a bit for me, too, when I was trying too hard to figure things out but somehow I've gotten back to just appreciating the emotions driving the scenes. These last 2 episodes have been a real treat. That was Mrs. and Mr. Lewanski. The woman who answered the door was the same one we thought was Victor's mother. Poor Sandrine. The actress is tearing my heart out a little. I also feel bad for Claire. She is probably realizing on some level that she will lose Camille again. My theory is that Lucy is trying to find the way back to the Land of the Dead, which would explain why Simon doesn't want to go with her. I haven't worked out why she wants Adele's baby, though. I don't think Victor is bad/evil at all. I'm thinking he's some kind of lost soul. My guess is that he hasn't figured out how to stop his visions from occurring (as what he's seeing is some future event that is bound to happen), though that hasn't stopped him from trying, as we saw with Esther. It looks as though his parents committed suicide, and he may have spent his young life being tormented by that and followed in their footsteps. I think Father Jean-Francois admitted he wasn't surprised Simon had committed suicide during a scene in season 1. I got the feeling that nurse had a romantic crush on Julie and wanted her to stick around for the companionship. I could have been reading into the actress-playing-the-nurse's body language, though.
  23. The coat is a problem, isn't it? I could see Julie entering the water with some suicidal intention but then her survival instincts kick in and she removes the coat to swim unimpeded. I know that Julie is emotionally burdened but I do see a survivor within her. Or, maybe I just like her so much that I don't want her to die, lol. Curious to see where she ends up.
  24. It's odd how the show has been so vague about the whereabouts of Laure. I've re-watched the final scenes of season 1's finale and she wasn't specifically shown inside or outside of the Helping Hand. I love the friendship between Victor and Julie, so it pained me that he lashed out at her like that. I didn't interpret that last scene as Julie drowning herself, just that she was reluctantly swimming across back to the land of the living.
  25. The friendship/bond between Victor and Julie was one of my favorite parts of season 1, so I was pleased when she came to his defense. But I suspect his mother isn't a bad mother, she was just trying to protect him from whatever motivated the attack on their home that resulted in her death. I didn't understand why Lena was so upset with her father. Considering they're living in a town in which people are returning from the dead, I felt it makes some sense that Jerome would try to figure out why that's happening. How long do we have to wait for Sandrine and Audrey to reunite!?!?!?! :D
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