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Everything posted by ItCouldBeWorse

  1. Or could he have asked her to read his thoughts, so she'd understand what he was trying to prevent? Did Steve Rogers hurt people, or did he just get his own happy ending?
  2. Would Sylvie be able to visit? As Loki reminded her, she's also a god.
  3. We saw that the child Victor did not get the book; he kept making candles. He may still be a genius or an impresario, but unless something changes, that Victor Timely will not have access to the TVA guide. However the yellow-covered 2nd edition of the TVA Guide says it's authored by Ouroboros and Victor Timely, so his previous contributions remain.
  4. Haven't we been told they were all variants since the 1st season? B-15 got very upset when she found out, Mobius didn't want to know who he had been, etc.
  5. I always "gift" NYT articles, so everyone should be able to read it, too (that's why it has a lengthy url with "unlocked" in it): https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/27/us/politics/mike-johnson-house-speaker-son.html?unlocked_article_code=1.6Uw.IyqS.-WuvYGcYV7Fk&smid=nytcore-android-share
  6. She was pruned, not killed, so she should be in the Void.
  7. He uses him as an excuse for some of his political positions. And don't miss The Blind Side reference (which hasn't aged well): On Race, Mike Johnson Says His Views Were Shaped by Raising a Black Child https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/27/us/politics/mike-johnson-house-speaker-son.html?unlocked_article_code=1.6Uw.IyqS.-WuvYGcYV7Fk&smid=nytcore-android-share
  8. He didn't even care about how it tasted as he immediately gave it away; he just wanted to see how the machine operated.
  9. Maybe we'll find that out with Mobius. Speaking of which, I think that Brad said that Mobius was taken from the Sacred Timeline (ST). But that's not how this works, correct? He would have been a variant taken from a to-be-pruned branch, and his doppelganger (or original, or whatever) would have lived out his life, however long that was, on the Sacred Timeline. To remove people from the ST in order to obtain TVA agents might have had a butterfly effect, or even created a new branch. This must mean that TVA Brad did something to the ST Brad in order to take his place, right? Or am I just confused?
  10. The finale of season 47, in May 22, was Pete's last episode Season 48 (last year's) opening credits: https://www.google.com/searchq=snl+season+48+episode+opening&sca_esv=573896841&rlz=1C1GCEU_enUS820US820&sxsrf=AM9HkKk9k9rwb1ewXqjFSjhVjeZhOlWYFQ%3A1697495352702&ei=OLktZcPKKcSp5NoP_8a9wAk&ved=0ahUKEwjDxoT8zvuBAxXEFFkFHX9jD5gQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=snl+season+48+episode+opening&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAaAhgCIh1zbmwgc2Vhc29uIDQ4IGVwaXNvZGUgb3BlbmluZzIFECEYoAEyBRAhGKABMgUQIRigATIFECEYoAEyCBAhGBYYHhgdMggQIRgWGB4YHUitLlAAWNUscAB4AZABAJgBigGgAeUVqgEFMTkuMTC4AQPIAQD4AQHCAgQQIxgnwgIHECMYigUYJ8ICBxAuGIoFGEPCAgcQABiKBRhDwgIIEC4YigUYkQLCAg4QLhiKBRixAxiDARiRAsICDRAAGIoFGLEDGIMBGEPCAg4QLhiDARixAxiKBRiRAsICDhAAGIoFGLEDGIMBGJECwgIOEC4YigUYsQMYgwEY1ALCAgsQABiABBixAxiDAcICCxAAGIoFGLEDGIMBwgIEEAAYA8ICCBAAGIoFGJECwgIFEAAYgATCAgYQABgWGB7CAggQIRigARiLA-IDBBgAIEGIBgE&sclient=gws-wiz-serp#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:08258a35,vid:_k8sMBTSExc,st:0
  11. Yes! When Ego went to get the camera, I wondered if this skit was taking place in the past, before cellphones, and then he pulled his out. I also thought that there might be a point at which Pete confessed relief that he was no longer bound to his grandmother's bean farm. That's because they were rubber. They were definitely fake. Probably a slight homage to the hotdog fingers in Everything Everywhere All at Once. I thought that Heidi's costume in the spaceship skit was great.
  12. I think it's the fact that Loki saw her at the TVA in the future, before he was purged and stopped time-slipping. But it's not at all clear to me. Also, now that Dox and Co. purged most of the branches, shouldn't the Time Loom be stable for now, until the Sacred Timeline starts branching again? And how did Brad know he was Brad? Since all the agents/hunters are variants, did he kill the "real" Sacred Timeline Brad and take his place?
  13. I feel like I'm missing some information. How did Mobius and Loki zero in on "Brad" and no one else? Was Brad loyal to Dox, but also planning to stay on the timeline as an actor? (would Dox have allowed that?) How was Sylvie's timeline still there after all the pruning? Just luck? And what would happen if she tried to return to a pruned timeline? Also, when Loki was giving the big windup about how he was going to torture Brad with the device, why didn't Brad at least try to unlock the "locked" door to get outside to Mobius, who he thought would rescue him? He thought the door was locked from the inside, correct? How were the doors to the Time Loom opened last time? Wasn't "He Who Remains" dead then, too? To me, this was a very choppy episode.
  14. When Gerry said he would be interacting with the 15 remaining contestants, I was confused, because there were 16 left after last week: https://people.com/the-golden-bachelor-marina-explains-why-she-left-show-after-week-1-8348751
  15. Are you sure that you aren't developing cataracts? They can really affect night vision.
  16. "Both time periods." You are correct.
  17. The only way I could explain it is that 1) he didn't mean "right in front of me" literally, but meant colloquially, as in "we were just together, and then in a second, he was gone" and 2) "He looked like he was in pain" was either a reference to how Loki looked when he time slipped/appeared in front of Casey, which Casey did see, because he said "Loki?" in a somewhat shocked manner, and/or to the mental pain that Loki seemed to be in directly after when he peppered Casey with questions. I'm fine with my explanation for #2, but #1 could be an error.
  18. Did anyone else notice that OB is wearing what appears to be a watch on his left wrist in both timelines periods? He has a multi-handed clock on the wall in his department, which he never leaves, so I wonder if the watch has another purpose.
  19. OB hasn't even slept for 400 years! Perhaps since OB has been alone for so long, no one remembered to reset his memory .
  20. Hopefully Johnathan will be able to handle the pressure (unless Oliver intends to keep the role.)
  21. Exactly. Is the play still continuing? With both producers under arrest (and Jonathan given another chance as the lead?) I figured that opening night, despite its success, would also be closing night.
  22. Both Holly and Grace were at Ava's house when they found out from an extremely agitated Luke that Maya had gone into premature labor. Holly got "out of their way" and left. Grace calmly texted Ava's grandmother to come provide transportation to the hospital, helped Ava pack Luke's baby bag, and went with them to the hospital.
  23. And Ava told Grace that she loves her! One of the best things that Ally and Paul can do for Luke and Maya is to offer to keep Jay at their house overnight once a week on a regular basis, let's say Friday nights. Then after an entire week, they will know that a break is coming up, and they can recharge. (This is in addition to any babysitting at Luke and Maya's place if the younger couple want to go out for an evening.)
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