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Everything posted by ItCouldBeWorse

  1. Yes, I wonder what other class would want a potty book. Even kindergarten seems old for it, but perhaps they think it is funny.
  2. I guess Carol will be rooming with Hetty?
  3. Here's the article that started it all: https://www.esquire.com/entertainment/a40376194/truman-capote-la-cote-basque/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=arb_ga_esq_md_pmx_hybd_mix_us_18717285305&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwwMqvBhCtARIsAIXsZpbGL82f4Q8kgxEkKPz8OYa3rw-QYHRNIddOVojSGKulD3d5KbCnLfAaAk_0EALw_wcB
  4. There's a theory that he betrayed them to get revenge at the sort of people who had rejected his mother's attempts to join high society. Good question. Also, Lee didn't marry Herbert Ross (the "gay" director) until 1988, 4 years after Truman died.
  5. When is the last time Isaac has seen a person urinate on the floor, either in person or on television? I know he hasn't been to a tavern in ages, but he's surely seen television shows where patrons go to pubs, speakeasys, taverns, restaurants, etc. And if the argument is that tv wouldn't show floor-urination, it certainly shows men entering restrooms and standing in front of urinals. His insistence on straw on the floor for that reason seemed highly unrealistic.
  6. That's better than my plan: Ghost chain, with Thor the anchor on top. Hetty could even take off her dress and lower it to Flower to add extra length to the chain as long as she is holding on to it (I'm sure she is wearing plenty of undergarments.) But they better not drop any more ghosts. And her portrait was still in all the promotional materials, along with those of the 7 other ghosts. I just don't think they would write out a major character unless the actor wanted to leave, which is what happened in the British version. This isn't a show like Succession that kills a major character for shock value. It's a highly rated comedy.
  7. I didn't learn grammar in college. It may be that the child who was more of a student of the English language throughout his education was also more likely/motivated to attend college. Or that child might have done better on college entrance exams, and might have had less trouble writing college essays and garnering teacher recommendations. When did ratings take a hit?
  8. I assume they were trying to attract new viewers who wouldn't be familiar with the Janine/Gregory history by making the topic something that didn't require prior knowledge of the characters, in addition to teasing a special guest appearance.
  9. Thanks; I didn't know she was on. The show is actually called Hot Ones. "First We Feast" is the name of the channel, which has other shows. I believe he gives a lot of credit to his brother, who carries out the detailed research behind the questions.
  10. And as Kimmel said, he found a babysitter! (At 82, Pacino recently had a 4th child. De Niro recently had a new baby at 79, and since the mother accompanied him to the ceremony, they definitely found a babysitter.)
  11. Last week the dog in the Sydney Sweeney cheerleader sketch was also called a slut. I thought it was animatronic until it started biting Josh Brolin. (I'm pretty sure they don't do that, since they are primarily used with dementia patients.) Since the tower simply falling down from Brolin removing a shrimp seemed too obvious, I thought he was going to get immediately sick from eating a shrimp that had been sitting out for hours (no way that ice wouldn't have melted) and projectile vomit into the tower, thereby knocking it down. Gross, yeah, but it wouldn't have surprised me, except then there would have been two skits involving food poisoning. I don't think she is anymore. Many in her own party were perplexed by her performance.
  12. Surprised George Santos didn't pop in to announce his new campaign. I guess Katie Britt was enough Republican insanity for one show. Here you go: https://youtu.be/xfKCWMG4O0I?si=gVP2fYksR0oBXu8B
  13. Free copy: The Babe Paley in ‘Feud’ Is Not the Woman I Knew: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/06/opinion/feud-swans-paley.html?unlocked_article_code=1.a00.zE6O.vfowdhUdiCGl&smid=nytcore-android-share
  14. But then wouldn't she have said something to George when she was in Germany and he told her that Missy was hanging out with Taylor? Especially after Georgie's carelessness with Mandy?
  15. I was wondering if there were 2 beds, also. I don't see why that's a spoiler; he's a character from this show. I also wondered if the roommate had any clue how young Sheldon is. I expected Mary to at least say (about Taylor): "wasn't he gay"?
  16. Has a ghost ever fallen into a hole or ditch before? Do they walk on water?
  17. It seems like the granddaughter is mostly complaining that the show portrayed Babe 1) as a bad mother, and 2) as still smoking after her lung cancer diagnosis. I can accept that the second was not true, and it does make her grandmother look kind of dumb if the show doesn't also doesn't portray her as at least trying to quit. As for the first, you can be a terrific grandmother and a terrible mother. Unless your grandchildren live with you, you see them only occasionally, and (especially when you have a staff) aren't responsible for the more difficult and boring parts of child-rearing. It's easy to be the "fun" person with a grandchild. Babe was able to afford fake reproductions of her jewelry as gifts for her granddaughter. I have no doubt that she was a fantastic gift-giver with other people, too. With a child, there's 18 years of work involved, and it needs to be consistent, not sporadic, and more than just amazing gifts or even silly faces. I wonder if Babe was even part of her children's bedtime routine, as she was when Belle visited, because she likely would have been out socializing, or preparing to do so. Unless Belle's mom convincingly told her how great a mom Babe was, there's no way she could possibly have an accurate opinion. As an aside, when Babe took off her head-covering in front of her doctor to complain that the chemo she was receiving wasn't supposed to cause hair loss, I didn't see a bald spot. What, exactly, was she showing him? (Also, I hope she had requested the "best" chemo, not the "one least likely to result in hair loss". She could afford the best wigs available.
  18. These would have been gloves wrapped in paper that involved a salesperson helping to fit her, the way shoes are fitted in a fine department store, not gloves hanging from a rack. She was Jackie Kennedy's sister. Playing Johnny Carson's ex-wife
  19. If by recycling Nell's old phones, Edward intended to donate them to people who needed them, then he would have deleted her photos from them when saving them in the cloud.
  20. Exactly! Edward's comments would be extra painful because of this. Probably because she wasn't at least a somewhat-recognizable guest star.
  21. I guess she's supposed to apologize for bringing the lyrics into the building? It made no sense to me, either. Louise is supposed to get lunch and gas money only for teaching music; she's definitely not doing it for financial security. In fact, since she's going to be paid officially, that measly payment will be reported to the IRS and she'll owe taxes on it. Unless the school has a (cash) slush fund. It does seem like he'd be unclogging toilets while some activities are happening. And I too, think that if anyone official finds out about the kegs (or a student falls off the roof), he's done. We also didn't meet the roommate with the basketball decorations. I wonder if a future episode will be about how they don't get along. I'm sure it is, but he could at least have hung out in the library and done homework and then engaged in some activities or clubs that weren't dorm-centered, and then come home. It's unlikely he lives really far. We have no idea how he commutes back-and-forth, but if necessary, Darlene could go fetch him, I suppose. I'm also not surprised that he wasn't sleeping well in his living-room window seat bed. Finally, I guess that that Darlene must be on the school medical insurance, or the psychologist would not be offering to see her (presumably) for free. So that's a good work perk she's never mentioned. However, if someone stuck their hands in my food in a fit of anger because they weren't happy with my lack of responses, there's no way I'd offer to see them in my office. Who knows how violent they'd become if I said something they didn't like.
  22. People check out the cold opens on YouTube. YouTube has ads. It brings in revenue.
  23. Except for special editions: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/02/24/style/donald-trump-sneakers-roman-sharf.html?unlocked_article_code=1.aU0.-9aX.pVHgEzwKsGAE&smid=url-share (The regular ones go for $399.)
  24. To build up his relationship with Gregory. Jacob was eager/available to hang out in the evening, and we saw from Gregory's actions that he cares about Jacob (and Jacob saw it, too.)
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