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Everything posted by ItCouldBeWorse

  1. I agree: 100 Cheerios, pennies (that won't be a thing in the future, I guess), etc. It did take me a little bit out of the show wondering how every single student in Barbara's class had parents who could afford wigs (and possibly special clothes). Or who were all into the project enough to powder their kids' hair, or whatever.
  2. She helped found The Roots (in 1987!) with Questlove! That's 38 years ago.
  3. Many people on the internet agree with your theory. If it turns out to be true, it will not be the surprise that Mike White thought it would be.
  4. I watched Walter Goggins in The Unicorn, which was a cute sitcom with a very good supporting cast. "A recently widowed father with two daughters is encouraged by his friends to re-enter the dating scene. To his surprise he becomes highly sought after due to his status as both an eligible widower and as a devoted father. The show is set in Raleigh, North Carolina."
  5. Olympia's relationship with Sarah makes her appear weak, not like someone competing for a partnership. She can be an empathetic mentor without being a push-over. I has to be Ellie's relationship with Alfie, or Mattie would have said " Drugs are destroying our relationship." This is how I took it. Ellie interrupted Matty's sentence. But now I see why people understood it the other way. I don't see how a lowly associate, and especially a female one, who is "brutally honest with no filter" could advance with those traits, unless there is a partner with those same exact traits who wants to mentor her. Exactly.
  6. I agree with all of this. Elsbeth doesn't exactly keep all her opinions to herself with people she cares about (see Kaya and her tenant), and it's completely normal for even grown children to want their parents to listen more and interfere less. I'm not surprised at all that he was unhappy to hear that he didn't get his job completely on his own merit. I don't think she has actually decided that the judge entered the victim's apartment and beat him to death with a baseball bat himself, since that's almost impossible to imagine. I suppose she might think he hired someone to do it, though. I personally believe since she still doesn't know what the judge's connection to the victim is, she's not sure what his connection to the murderer is. He could be protecting someone else, for instance, or he could have been bribed. (I suppose she could also suspect he might have been blackmailed, but he's too much the mustache-twirling villain for that to be the explanation.)
  7. If someone makes a threat or tries to blackmail you, you are permitted to expose that threat. And I believe the ethics rule applies to a lawyer secretly taping a witness or adversary in a legal proceeding. Elsbeth is a private citizen in her "dispute" with the judge, even though he trolled her by mentioning she was a lawyer and had probably acted unethically with regard to that client she had represented in Chicago (who had also threatened her.)
  8. The ghost table only has room for 4. Remember when Hetty wanted a seat but Trevor shut her out? They're definitely not paying their tab, or returning the stolen art. Jay knows when to leave well-enough alone.
  9. Are Billy and Sarah really the best people that Olympia could send to sweep for bugs? What equipment did they use? This isn't House where the junior doctors had to look for clues in the patients' homes. Big law firms have actual experts on retainer for this (and yes, I know the client couldn't pay for them, but this whole case seems to be pro bono, and if Olympia wants to win, she needs to use actual experts.)
  10. No way he would do this. Having an attorney working on cases under fake credentials could be disastrous for the firm.
  11. In a real highly competitive law firm, Sarah would not be getting good performance reviews. New associates are supposed to be devoted to their work and unobtrusive. Sarah is highly obtrusive and annoying.
  12. Only after Ellie had been clean for a year. So not for 11 months.
  13. It sounded like this was a pattern that existed before this show. Kays said that Elsbeth had a romance in Scotland - so I guess she returned there with Angus for a bit. Elsbeth really needs to start surreptitiously recording conversations with bad guys. A recording of the judge threatening "her friend," the acquitted defendant, would have landed him in a lot of trouble.
  14. But how did the police know to go there to save Elsbeth? I suppose, but the show could have used a line to explain that.
  15. If they hadn't gained custody of Alfie, he might have died instead of Ellie, who would then have gone to jail. They were right to fight for the child (although I don't know why Ellie couldn't have had weekly supervised visits in their home.)
  16. Perhaps because it's a family vacation, and they don't want Saxon in a probably distant single room, if they even exist. I assumed he's using data. At some point someone in the family will need to text someone else, most likely, and they'll be using data too.
  17. And he bought boyfriend jeans. Which are not meant for boyfriends. Me, too. It really, really bothered me that they were handling the plague situation themselves, and not immediately calling the CDC as required. Silly how Bruce and Joyce put on gowns and gloves to talk to the plague patient. They'd be wearing respirators, as plague can be transmitted through droplets. They'd isolate the patient as best they could before fiddling with the cat. It would be a very big disruption to the hospital. Yes! He shouldn't be diagnosing non-surgical patients. He shouldn't be roaming the floor. He seems to be a jack-of-all trades, not a specialist. The problem is that Ron is the only other doctor we've really met, so Bruce gets thrust into situations he's not meant to be. Don't they have an infectious disease specialist there?
  18. That's Leslie Bibb, who is Sam Rockwell's partner. I briefly wondered about that possibility, but he isn't keeping a particularly low profile. Maybe he has a business proposition for Jim. Saxon hit on Rick's British girlfriend Chelsea. Greg and his girlfriend aren't staying at the resort so probably don't have access to the pool (unlike the bar.) It doesn't seem abnormal to me for 2 brothers or 2 sisters their age to share a room with 2 beds on vacation, even if they don't at home. I didn't recognize him, and I still don't! (Just to be clear, I saw Zone of Interest.) I wasn't sure what his accent was, though, so thanks for identifying him.
  19. https://variety.com/2025/tv/news/why-dana-carvey-bill-hader-dan-aykroyd-not-snl-50-1236311883/
  20. Although at Sears you paid more for each separate pose you bought, it would have made more sense to have taken 3 different group photos: 1) Mandy's family: her parents, her brother, Georgie, Ceecee and herself 2) Georgie, Mandy, and Ceecee with all 3 grandparents 3) Georgie, Mandy, and Ceecee with Mary If they were just trying to take only 1 picture for Ceecee's baby book, then I guess this is a way to do it. But down the line, Mary doesn't really need a picture with Connor (or the McAllister grandparents in it), and the McAllisters should have a nice family picture without Mary.
  21. So why bring it up at all, and then lie and say he lost access to all his school emails, which would be an even bigger lie, if not true? He had just extracted a promise from Matty that she was going to leave it alone. If he couldn't follow his own advice, why compound his "betrayal" by specifically lying about it? That's what I think, too. I jokingly suggested that earlier. I really don't think this show is going for an incest reveal, though. What makes you say there are only 2 episodes left?
  22. There's no way Missy would have agreed to participate (I remember how hard it was to get my kids to all cooperate in a Sears picture, and they weren't mad at the world), even ignoring the fact that the Coopers were preparing to take a family picture when George died.
  23. Yeah, he was too eager to send the victim's employment records to the police. Wasn't that how the fentanyl was administered to both victims? When Elsbeth was in protracted pain from spraying herself in the eye, I couldn't understand why she didn't run to a bathroom to flush her eye with water. A tissue won't help. In the murderer's office, Elsbeth's many bags were kind of a detriment, since she had to fumble through all of them to find her phone ("kind of" since the phone was dead and the murderer didn't fall for her fake conversation). We've never seen that before.
  24. Ava can invite her "soror" over to wash her hands in cold water. Speaking of which, with no hot water, how many kids are even washing their hands after they use the rest room? Germs everywhere.
  25. Perhaps Flower was concerned that if the restaurant stayed open, it would be overrun by new ghosts after the meteor strike! And it's a very strong basement. Jay and Sam would then proceed to repopulate the world. (I noticed too that Flower didn't even mention saving Bela.) This. Also, I guess the restaurant patrons are fortunate that Isaac only stinks up the place, and doesn't transmit dysentery. But now there's also an excellent reason to keep the cholera ghosts out of the restaurant-so no living accidentally sits on one of them at the table/walks through them and gets sick.
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