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Everything posted by ItCouldBeWorse

  1. Quoting myself: And Alberta was poisoned by a drink. A snake is possible, but the puncture marks would have to be hidden beneath his clothing. And Flower was killed by an animal. Of the main ghosts, so far, one died of disease, one was mauled by an animal, one was poisoned, one was struck by lightning, one overdosed, one committed suicide, and one was fatally shot by an arrow. Patience died from excessive bloodletting, Nigel was shot by a musket(?), the basement ghosts died from disease. I just remembered that Carol already choked on a doughnut hole. We know he didn't die as violently as Crash or Stephanie or the car ghost. Snake bite is still a possibility, but we've already had death by poison and by animal. I think that Sas's manner of death will be something we haven't seen yet, that doesn't leave visible marks. Perhaps he had an aneurysm, and doesn't even remember it because he died so quickly. Possibly Thor can describe the symptoms immediately preceding Sas' death (clutching of the head or chest before collapse) and someone else will infer the cause. It would make sense; none of the main ghosts have died from natural causes yet. But for someone as young as Sas, dying in such a way wouldn't have been natural, which might be why he's still on the premises. This would also result in a very poignant flashback; possibly as emotional as Hetty's.
  2. He's way too rape-y for me. He's likely stronger than the Bride, so if he ever gets ahold of her when she's not prepared, she's in trouble. He's also really dumb. I prefer the version in the comics, when he's an agent of S.H.A.D.E., is quite intelligent, and has had a consensual relationship with The Bride.
  3. We've already had ghosts killed by dysentery and cholera, so I think it will be something other than a disease. Maybe he choked on something? As I write below, Carol's cause of death was choking, so I think it will be something else.
  4. I was briefly concerned that the show was going to have pagan Thor convince Jewish Trevor to embrace the "magic" of Christmas and I groaned. Really glad that Trevor stuck to his beliefs and Thor dropped it. Too many shows have done the opposite. I actually don't think I've seen the expected trope being subverted like this before. That's exactly the comparison I was thinking of. But I thought the same thing before Isaac said it! What does that say about me?
  5. I thought so too!
  6. Yes, I meant to suggest borrowing a tool from a jeweler.
  7. Would you mind saying what part of the country? No need to identify a particular state.
  8. I couldn't understand why Bruce and Matt didn't at least try to apply ice. They were looking for shrinkage, weren't they? I'm not convinced that ongoing fraud is a sufficiently serious crime to allow Ron to break patient confidentiality. I believe the standard is "a patient poses a serious and imminent threat to the health or safety of the patient or others and that the situation requires the disclosure of patient information to prevent or lessen the threat." Now, if law enforcement suspected that the Go Fund Me was fraudulent and subpoenaed Ron, that would be an exception. But of course, they would simply subpoena the patient's records, request the name of his oncologist, etc. I actually thought that Alex had figured out a work-around to clue the family in when the daughter said she was going to the billing department. Maybe asking if all the oncology bills had been covered fully, or if the family had needed to chip in. The daughter would have said that they must have been fully covered, and Alex would have said something about how unusual that was, and how the Explanation of Benefits would be very interesting to see. Not something she would have said without knowing about the fraud, but not a blatant violation, either. Or, she could have asked about the oncologist. It's a little strange that the family was all gathered at the hospital, but that no one had accompanied the father to an oncology appointment. And that's why you should never let a patient call you "Sweetie."
  9. Is this a private Christian school? Imagine how a Jewish or Muslim child might feel if they were in a school choir that was performing Holy Night and Joy to the World. They would feel excluded. (My understanding is that Muslims consider Jesus to have been a prophet who was born to a virgin, but they don't consider him to have been divine.) I will say that I like Little Drummer Boy, but it doesn't belong in public school. Freedom from religion is an important Constitutional principle.
  10. Christmas is a celebration of the birth of a religion. Chanukah is a celebration of the fact that enemies did not succeed in suppressing a religion. (For those who don't know, the Maccabees were a family who led a revolt against the Syrian Greek king who wanted to Hellenize the Jews in Jerusalem in 168 BCE.) When I was young, I wished that holiday songs were kept to the home or religious institution.
  11. If you can, rewatch the previous episode. After the group leaves Cannon Capital, Nandor tells Guillermo that he wants to become a costumed crimefighter with certain embellishments, and Guillermo says "like Batman?" and Nandor says he's never heard of him. Then Nandor asks Guillermo to be his sidekick and Guillermo says "like Robin?" and Nandor says the same thing. Even though only Guillermo should have visibly aged in 6 years, whereas everyone looked the same in 1958 as they did now (my only issue with them showing bits of the current documentary; I wonder if they had considered reshooting those parts with everyone in their original costumes and Guillermo "de-aged.") I don't know if this is the real reason why Guillermo was so taken back at the crew leaving (because I'm not sure he would have had a chance to come to this realization yet) but here's my theory: Guillermo is constantly dealing with the bizarre, over-the-top actions of the vampires, who rarely take his advice, and often berate him for offering it. For the last 6 years, he's been able to turn to the crew and mutter a comment to people who he knows would understand his exasperation (even if they don't respond because they're there to record the goings-on, not to participate in them.) Now he'll be the only semi-rational being in a sea of crazy with no one to whom he can vent even mildly. (I say "semi", because it's pretty insane to live with mass murderers, even if he's no longer procuring or burying the victims.) Or maybe Nadja is correct and he just realizes that he's wasted a big chunk of his life.
  12. Amazon has Lockers to which packages can be delivered to avoid theft.
  13. Unless he keeps reattaching it with Velcro while maintaining its functionality, it would seem that that would solve the humping problem. Although at one point Baron Afanas was described as lacking genitals, and he was still a good lover (but he wasn't chasing dolls or humping stuffed bears.)
  14. My point exactly. Amazon doesn't have a mechanism for obtaining signatures. Not saying he did, just giving an example of how there was a certain order to courtships that he might be used to, either because it was what he did or because it's what others of his time did. Not to belabor my point, but what I meant was that in his time, people of their class didn't live together before marriage. When they were ready to cohabit, they got married. Their peers would have disapproved had they done it in reverse order, and Beatrice would have gained a poor reputation. (I also don't believe that long engagements were common back then.) No one in the B & B cares about cohabitation, so if it didn't bother Isaac, there was no "societal" reason not to. Even Hetty is no longer shocked by non-marital sex.
  15. And we got a chaste kiss. I forget to mention earlier, when The Guide said they were all immigrants and everyone nodded, I was thinking that there's no reason to believe that Colin Robinson was an immigrant.
  16. Watching again-new ending is correct! What do people think the 3rd will be?
  17. The 1958 documentary was made by the Maysles Brothers, best known for filming Gimme Shelter and Grey Gardens!
  18. I very much doubt he lived with Beatrice before marriage. They give her that line too often. So it's ok to murder other people... Wouldn't she be well into her 50's by now? Glad to hear he's so open-minded. (Yeah, I know Hetty's around 50, but Trevor didn't have a lot of choices.)
  19. Watch 30 Rock if you want to see the actor in another funny role! Agreed.
  20. I wonder if they run their (mutual) lines with each other at home, and make suggestions on delivery.
  21. Exactly! It's Mark who can't afford/doesn't want to replace the pipes, not Jay. Perhaps if Mark had to do it, he wouldn't have the money to pay his workers. But I assume that the "wrong" pipe could be resold or used in a different job where it is the appropriate diameter. Also, why would Jay want to have Farnsby holding this information over his head forever? Because he's so loyal and trustworthy?
  22. ABC If you like, but I doubt he has anything to do with television advertising. It's more silly than annoying to me. Showing a character enjoying a can of Coke might cause someone to drink one from their fridge, necessitating buying more, but I'm not sure that seeing an Amazon package on TV would have the same result. Speaking of Coke, my local theaters are both AMC, and there is a commercial for Coke showing directly before the movie starts. 2 issues I have with that: 1) Does Coca Cola really think people are going to rush out to buy a coke just as the movie is starting? 2) The end of the ad shows a woman in a movie theater drinking a Coke from an open glass to make it look more appetizing, but bears no actual relationship to the way you would actually want to drink a soda in a darkened theater. The ad: An article about the making of the ad: https://lbbonline.com/news/enjoy-the-magic-how-a-blockbuster-coca-cola-spot-is-bringing-fizz-to-cinemas
  23. That's for sure! A darker, more comic-accurate version, like the recent live-action version, would be great.
  24. I'm guessing that Nina will eventually play a crucial role in some episode, but right now, it's a miracle she hasn't been fried. Was it really worth taking extra time to chain up the Bride and imprison Nina in a bathtub to delay the rest of the squad from returning to the castle? Let's say it took 20 minutes to do that, and 20 minutes for the Commandos to find and free them. The Sons of Themyscira could have just returned to the castle 20 minutes earlier, and the Commandos would have found the dead females, and returned perhaps after 10 minutes instead of 20. So, the SoT guys would have lost the 10 extra minutes, but the Bride would have been permanently gone as an enemy. Could Circe have permanently changed the Bride into a frog, instead of disabling her arms? After Weasel and Dr. Phosphorus got off of her, why didn't she blast them all to bits as she did to GI Robot? Someone with magic powers should really have a huge advantage, and be basically unbeatable. I guess now we are going to find out that she was just using the SoT and is really a good guy after all (which is why she didn't kill the Bride or Nina.) And how/why the drooling Queen set up the Princess. Would love to see the Metal Men in action. They would make a great animated series. And maybe animate The Doom Patrol!
  25. Yeah, I meant to mention that. First Abbott Elementary, and now Ghosts. Doesn't seem like people are unaware that Amazon sells stuff that it delivers, but I'm not a marketing expert. And maybe it replaces more actual commercials.
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