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Everything posted by MitaJo

  1. It's the Kardashian Effect. Everyone wants fake asses, fake boobs, botoxed faces, because they worship those women in that family. Kail probably thought she was going to land her a better quality dude, not realizing its not her outward appearance that is unattractive. No amount of surgery will fix the ugly that lives inside of her. Same with Brianna too. She wasn't bad looking either and then she ruined her body. And for what? Still ends up procreating with trash.
  2. Wow, no one watches this show on the board?? I was coming to chat it up and see what everyone had to say about this season. :( My thoughts: Wish Erica Dixon was back full time. She was always one of my favorites. Can't believe Rasheeda is still with Kurt's ugly, cheating ass. There ain't no way in hell I would have been okay with him making a whole baby with another woman. Then to make it even worse, that other woman keeps popping up in my personal space, my business, etc, trying to chit chat with me. No ma'am. That's between you and Milk Dud. There is nothing we need to talk about. You want your baby to see his siblings, then you can work that out with his trifling daddy. The nerve!! Karlie is messy, always been messy, will always BE messy. How people think she'd be different with them is beyond me. She's staying true to herself. They should also realize that they're filming a TV show and if you say anything in the presence of the cameras, the person you're talking about will find out eventually. Spice was wrong for calling Tokyo fat, even with her reasoning that it's not a big deal where she's from. You don't have that familiarity with Tokyo to do that with her and you were clearly saying it to be shady. And for Tobias' ass?? Who the hell is he anyway? I know this show is fake, but can they at least make it somewhat believable? Joc continues to be the most entertaining person on this show and if he ever leaves, I may be following him. I totally forgot Stevie was on this season. He's been MIA for weeks now. Unless I'm getting confused with Leave it to Stevie episodes. Just Brittany, girl. Get it together. You can't let insignificant people get in your head the way Erica/Estalita (I can't tell them apart, honestly) did. You're supposed to be a professional. As far as talent, you have way more than they do. Go with that. I mean it's not much, but it's something. I was so embarrassed when they acted the way they did at the Dude Ranch. Showing their whole asses (and boobs, Spice) in front of all of those white people. Somehow it's different when they do that in Atlanta of in front of other black people. That is so sad that I just typed that because they should be embarrassed to do that in front of anybody. Tommie seriously has a drinking problem and I agree that she shouldn't be allowed to come back until she addresses that. I don't think it's healthy to allow her to behave the way she does on TV and I think she really needs some serious help. I've felt this way since the day she came to the show. She's not all the way right and it goes beyond just the alcohol.
  3. Oh, ok. I thought it was in reference to me saying they don't have board games. My apologies. LOL
  4. I was more responding to the original poster's comments about the kids and how how they were acting up and jumping all over the furniture. I know full well that Jenelle and David suck as parents, but if the kids had other shit to do, they maybe wouldn't have been running all over the place. I know parents who aren't even as bad as those two who still have kids that get when they're bored. And, they actually don't need their parents to play Yahtzee or any games with them, but it would be cool if they had that stuff available. I don't know or care about why J&D were cranky and if it's drugs or alcohol, well, that's just normal for Jenelle. But since they can't handle kids being kids, they should probably make sure there's something for the kids to do to keep them out of their face.
  5. You kind of answered the question of "when is it ok for kids to jump up and down on a couch, etc". The kids aren't being played with. When they were outside playing, they were yelled at. They get attention, but it's never positive, unless they're trying to be fake for the cameras, which is usually when Barb is around. They could be hopped up on sugar or whatever, but the kids are on vacation, away from their home with their personal things. Their "parents" are complaining about being tired, laying around on the couch, yelling at them for every thing they do to entertain themselves in that house. They're clearly not allowed to watch TV when filming (at least I've never seen any of them watch tv in previous episodes), D&J don't seem to encourage them to read or play board games, I didn't see an IPad or smart phone. I don't blame those kids for acting like wild animals in that situation. Outside of Kaiser, who is really still just a baby, I've never seen them get too crazy at home. I mean Jace does have some behavioral issues sometimes, but for the most part he's not all over the place.
  6. She'll probably say that David was drinking and she wasn't. And regarding Kaiser spilling his drinks, I do that shit all the time! I'm the biggest clutz ever. The problem is that David and Jenelle (in addition to being sucky people/parents) is that they've never had raised their kids full time so they don't know what kids actually DO and what is considered normal. All they know is that it annoys them and doesn't allow them to chill. Poor Ensley may just drive them over the edge. I've said it before and I still believe to this day that Jenelle doesn't want custody of Jace at all, because that's more work for her. She just wants to continue this storyline so that she looks like a loving and caring mom, and not the big sister she really is. I have a cousin who has had so many CPS cases open because of her 7 kids. They will not do anything unless there is some overt physical or sexual abuse involved. Not having food in the house, living in a dirty apartment, kids not having clean clothes, minor spanking, shit like that is not cause for any real concern. Oh, they'll do a home visit and take notes, but the kids will be left there. Her oldest lives with me and I once had a CPS rep come to my house to make sure she was actually there. He stood in the doorway the whole time, asked her a couple of questions about the last time she saw her mom and then left. He didn't check my house to see if everything was okay, he didn't check my fridge (once we had a lady visit and she checked the bathrooms, kitchen, her bedroom, etc). He was there maybe 5 minutes. Regarding the make-up Kail and Lindsie were wearing, I think it's either because they have a live video feature through their Instagram or Facebook page or because they take photos during the podcast. Either way though, that was a lot of damn makeup.
  7. Well, I've found out why Lindsie Chrisley hasn't been on Chrisley Knows Best is a while. How the hell did she hook up with Kail of all people?? That looks like the most boring podcast ever.
  8. Jeremy had me rolling my eyes, offering his opinion on when Matt should retire from the farm, move to Arizona, run for Senate (WTF is that about anyway?). Of course Matt should put his life on hold to coincide with Jeremy's plans. Your dad is old and handicapped. What the hell else are you doing that you can't be at the farm, learning what you need to do to run it? I hope this book you guys are writing isn't what's putting things on hold. Zach doesn't even seem like he cares one bit about that place. And why exactly does it all depend on Zach and Jeremy? I know Molly moved away and all, but Jake doesn't want any part of it? Not even off camera? Amy, maybe you could learn how to run the farm if you took your ass down there and demanded your seat at the table. Matt has been doing this to you for years and you allowed it. You had an excuse when the kids were still in school, but they've all grown up and are out of the house. You no longer have any excuses. I'm getting so tired of her complaining about how she doesn't have a life since the divorce. That's on you. Matt has moved the hell on and is living it up, all up in your face and you sit there an take it. You refused to leave that house, so you have to either suck it up and deal or move away. The whining and "woe is me" act is tiring. Make a damn decision already and stop hemming and hawing about what you may or may not do. Looks like your family is tired of that crap too.
  9. Somehow my DVR didn't record this episode! I saw the one where the one girl left on her own and the next one on my DVR was final five and I"m wondering where Erin went and that annoying blonde girl was the photo of the week.
  10. I love this family and yeah, they may be overly cheerful, but in comparison to all the other ratchetness (Teen Mom, Vanderpump Rules, Real Housewives, etc. They all have something ratchet going on) I see on other "reality" shows, they are a welcome change. I love how much they love each other and I love their family dynamic. I also have an autistic relative who is much younger than RJ, so I watch this show to get some insight on how his life may be when he's older. And yes, I know that there is a spectrum and that they're all individuals. I don't think they're phony though. Sure, you can tell that the show has scripted storylines, but I think that they are genuinely like they portray themselves on camera.
  11. Just got around to watching this episode and I was so uncomfortable with the girls' behavior towards Kayleigh. And I agree, that Johnny should have been called to the carpet too. I hate when the girl is the one who gets labeled and treated badly as if she was the only one doing wrong. That made me so sick and I was so happy when TJ called them on their shit. It was ridiculous. It doesn't even matter what Kayleigh did in the past/off the show/whatever. I loved when Kam stepped in and told them that ganging up on people shit was whack. I know this is what they do in that house, year after year, but it was annoying then and it's annoying now. Natalie's ass wasn't even that concerned so why did they feel the need to get involved? And seeing Britni's dumb ass on the After Show, I lost tons of respect for Brad for being with someone like her. I couldn't stand Tori but she at least had some intelligence. Britni seems like a twit and she on top of that, she was all over Devin, with her drunk ass. Moving on, I was cheering my ass off when Tony grew some balls and said Johnny's name, even though I thought he was going to wuss out when he said Nelson's name first. Still don't like Tony, but he gained some cool points. These idiots need to learn that the only way to have a real shot is to send Johnny home whenever they have the chance. I think the producers gave Johnny that puzzle on purpose because they knew he wouldn't get it. And I'm here for it! I hope they continue to for as long as he keeps coming back. He's such a hypocrite and I can't for the life of me understand what hold he has over these people, friendship aside. We've seen how he's screwed over friends in the past just to win money.
  12. Hearing Johnny get on Devin for calling Kayleigh an idiot and not being "nice" when he used to call all the girls "dumb bitches" every chance he got when they didn't do what he wanted. He never stepped to any man on this show, unless he was in confessional, but never to their faces. Johnny is going to carry people as long as it's beneficial to him and once he secures his place in the finals, he drops them. Every single time! I can't believe these people continue to keep him around. This leads me to believe that production tells them not to vote for Johnny, promising them more money or camera time or something. They know Johnny is the most popular on this show and they want him to stay as long as possible. There is no other possible explanation for these dummies to continue to vote against their own self interests and best chance at winning this stupid show.
  13. Maxie can't catch a break. I feel so bad for her. How about they stop pairing her up with cops? This is too much. Nathan was a bit boring, but I did love them as a couple and he was nice to look at. Hopefully Kirsten will get some good material from this. Being that this IS General Hospital, I won't be surprised if Nathan doesn't return in a few years, maybe with the same face. No one truly dies on this show.
  14. Christine (the opinionated daughter) had a lot of nerve trying to call out her stepmom about not being their mom and maybe not having a tie to the business. While her own damn husband is sitting next to her trying to be a part of the business. I liked the show, but I'm also a Tabatha fan and will watch anything she's on. Hopefully we'll get to see her do some salons because that's her wheelhouse. Not only has she done something to her lips but it looks like she had some work done on her eyes. They are pulled so tight. At one point it was almost like she had a hard time keeping them open. But she still looks good.
  15. Another Tabatha fan checking in. I've been catching reruns of Tabatha Takes Over and Tabatha Salon Takeover for a while. I'm so glad she's got a new show. She's also had some plastic surgery. Gee whiz.
  16. SAME!! I hated her from the first season she joined the show. Always the victim. She's even worse this season. She is a horrible. UGH!!!
  17. I remember a time when Johnny was one of my favorites. He's quickly become the person I hate the most and he seems to get worse with each new season. He clearly tried to manipulate the game by bringing that kid from Special Olympics and as soon as he said the guy was coming, I hoped he would lose. And I felt bad because I support the Special Olympics (my godson participates) but because of who Johnny is, I could not be on their side. Oddly enough, I work for the American Cancer Society so of course I've been on Wes' side all season, but I do like the idea of everyone winning money for their charity. Everyone but Johnny. This!! All of this. It's always about him. I will never like him again, after what he did to Sarah. That alone lets me know that he isn't a nice guy at all. I doubt it. He pretty much admitted he was going to let them go at it because it meant he got to stay for another week. No sense in getting involved.
  18. I could see that if they were both in the room or they were talking about them at the same time. Both conversations (the one with Nora and the one with Diane) were about Olivia Jerome. Calling her Liv just seemed unnatural. I think the only one who has ever called her that was Julian, if I'm not mistaken. I do think that that I've heard Olivia Falconeri referred to as Liv a few times over the years, though.
  19. Is calling Olivia "Liv Jerome" a new thing? Alexis said it several times yesterday and today and even Diane referred to her as Liv Jerome. I don't like it and it was so distracting. I think she was actually called Olivia once today. Please don't let this be a thing.
  20. I can't stand Jenelle, but I hope she gets away from David before he kills her. That motherfucker is a psycho and Jenelle is clearly an abused woman. I don't know Doris but if she needs me to testify, shit I will. LOL Let me know when the court date is, Doris! Oh and Jenelle, you didn't have your mom there to help at your wedding because you didn't invite her, you spiteful bitch. Don't come with the fake crying now. Everything that you swear happened TO you, happened BECAUSE of you and your bad choices. I'm so tired of her complaining about Barb not giving Jace back to her. First of all, when did you ever have him after he left your body? Second of all, he's not a toy she borrowed and didn't return. Third of all, if the courts thought you deserved to have custody of him, you would have had it by now. Always wanting to blame other people for your shit. I had no idea that Jace's therapist spoke on his behalf. Jenelle probably think that was Barbara's fault too. I thought Leah looked really pretty tonight. Hair all one color, makeup didn't make her look like a raccoon, outfit was really nice. She needs this stylist and MUA in her life full time. Also, Addy is my favorite. Kail should have had nothing but little girls so that she can know what it's like to deal with her ass. Lux is the dumbest name I've seen on these shows. I can't wait to hear what Jo has to say next week. Probably dropping truth bombs on Kail and she can't stand it.
  21. Jenelle is so damn delusional! I'd be curious to know if she really understood what the custody agreement is. Kail really pisses me off. She acts like she's doing Jo a favor by giving him time with Isaac. I don't blame Jo for asking for 50/50. When that new baby comes, she's going to be asking him to take Isaac anyway. She probably wishes she could send Lincoln with him too, like she sends both kids with Javi. I can't stand Briana's family, but her mom is especially annoying. She's way too involved in their lives and just talks way too damn much. She made me feel sorry for Devoin at that graduation. That had to be the most awkward first date ever, but Leah really should have given that guy another chance. He seemed nice. The cameras were probably making him nervous. I guess he was too normal for her.
  22. I can't watch a week of Josh as HOH. That is absolutely the worst thing that could have happened for me. I can't stand him, his face, or his voice. His head will be HUGE this week. And the others are so happy because they get to use his HOH to make him be an even bigger asshole. He's too stupid to see that they've made him their puppet. As much as I don't really like Jessica or Cody, I feel so bad for them. I'll be glad when they're finally gone so the others can start to turn on each other.
  23. My DVR didn't record this episode for some reason and I can't find a rerun airing anytime soon. What the hell is up with that? The reunion aired at 7PM!
  24. So that episode that mentioned Javi finding love, was like a TM Aftershow. We finally find out what was wrong with Ryan's eye at Maci's wedding. He wiped his face with a towel that had Nair on it. And Javi wants to be on Are You The One. Gotta keep his 15 minutes going, I guess.
  25. Wait, what?? She's a mother? Why do we never see her child? Is it like Gary's situation, where he ex-husband (she's been married before???) won't allow it? I do like her though. She was right to tell Ryan to communicate with Maci, and not at the last minute. It seems like that's how they schedule time with Bentley and it should be a little more organized. Amber gets on my nerves! You're a piece of shit to cry and make that baby feel bad about an ornament she made at school. Like a previous poster said, have a crafting day and make one with her. She knew that you were crying and I'm sure she could guess why, you idiot. Maci is also getting on my nerves. Does Ryan pay child support? If he doesn't, I'm sure we'd hear about it, but she doesn't have the right to arbitrarily make decisions about how Bentley spends his time, can she? I swear, Ryan needs to get his ass to the courts and get this on paper. Hell, dumb ass Adam from TM2 did it and we know his ass is a deadbeat. Ryan may have flaked off and missed some stuff but Bentley is well taken care of by post sides of his family and she needs to not use that child to assert her authority as his mom. I don't think Bentley minded spending Christmas Eve over there at all. Maci had to throw in their plans and make him feel like he was missing out on something. I don't think Jenn gets mad at Bentley. She's probably pissed at Maci and he feels bad. They all should do better with reacting in front of him. Its so unfair to him.
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