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Everything posted by MitaJo

  1. So we don't even get to find out who died until next season?? I don't care though. I wasn't ready to lose anyone I care about just yet.
  2. I'm barely 30 minutes in and I'm here to find out who died before I have to watch it. My nerves are so bad right now, I don't even care about being spoiled. I have to prepare myself.
  3. Lord, have mercy! Sister Patterson needs to leave. I know this "therapy" is bull, but she is being disruptive to the others. I'm just here for Bam and April and S.P. is ruining my vibe. Also, I consider Bam to be a celebrity, even a bigger celebrity than Dame Dash. Anyway, as I said, I'm here for Bam because I love the Jackass movies and I was a fan of Viva La Bam. I can't believe how far down he's gone. I mean, I shouldn't be surprised, but seeing him was really jarring for me. What was wrong with his mouth that was making him talk funny? I know he used to talk a little funny before, but it was so much more pronounced here. Was it because he's doubled in size? Anyway, I have a soft spot for him and the sight of him nearly made me cry. I don't know if this show is going to help him, but I really hope that he gets SOME help before it is too late.
  4. And he's got an accent!! Hot damn.
  5. No comments?? Is anyone watching this show besides myself? My thoughts: Kristinia is annoying and fake.This whole story with her addict father, just seems off. El Debarge seems like he's badly acting from a script that was created to get Kristinia noticed or something. And she's a bad friend. You know Angela likes Romeo, you told her to her face that you don't like him like that and two seconds later, you're all up in his face and flirting with him. Whether he's single or not, that's a violation in my book. I don't like her at all. Angela, girl. I liked you a whole lot more before I saw you on this show. I don't know if this stalker story line is real, but if it is, you really need to stop treating it like its a joke. With regards to Romeo, you should really chill out. He's not your man, he hasn't said anything about being your man, so stop acting like the neglected girlfriend. I'm actually a little embarrassed for you. Romeo, we get it, you're taking over No Limit, and you have to make your pops proud and yada yada yada. Do you have to say it every five minutes? Is No Limit even a major record label? Who is currently on the label? Kristinia? Ok, I guess. Egypt is cool, but really, I don't know who told her she should be singing. I agreed with Romeo that she still has a ways to go before she can do that professionally. Boogie and TJ are cool as well. Too bad Angela is only see TJ as a brother, I think they're cute together. Is Damon Dash a producer on this? I'm wondering why he's always around. He did crack me up when he was taking picture of that chick that Angela thought was her stalker.
  6. Me too!! Dude, can't you get anything right? Fifteen minutes late picking him up is a long time when you're his age. And you know that he told Maci that you were late, so you sure as hell can forget ever being allowed to do it again. He admits that they have communication issues, but he doesn't reply to any of her texts asking where they were. Also, did she try calling him? If she did, did he not answer? Bentley's so awesome, I can't wish him away, but Ryan and Maci had no business procreating. Bentley is also very much aware of Ryan's short comings. He barely looks like he wants to be with him or around him.
  7. I laughed way too hard at our first shot of Amber. Laying her lazy ass in bed while Matt and Leah wait on her. I wonder if it was 10:30. Never change, Amber. SMH I hate to say it, because she's a child, but damn Sophia is annoying as hell. I couldn't work on that shoot. That stupid baby voice and talk she does is ridiculous and Farrah needs to put a stop to it. She's too damn old for it. Dealing with her mom is one thing, add on Sophia and it's like nails on a chalkboard. Why in the hell do they call him Daddy Derek?? He's her father, just call him dad. Calling him Daddy Derek makes it seem like any other guy can come along and she'll add Daddy to his name. Daddy Simon dodged a bullet. I noticed that too. She clearly knows how to be fake. Maci annoyed me too. I mean, I get it, Ryan hasn't been the best father and I'm sure his parents would have been taking Bentley to school the next day, but hell, how about you explain to Ryan like you explained to Taylor? "Because" is not an answer that adults give. And Ryan, grow the hell up. Is he afraid of Maci or something? You just HAVE to cut wood when Maci gets to the house and then your excuse for not talking to her is that when you came out she was leaving. Dude. How about we just show Bentley with Mimi and Papa and don't show Maci or Ryan anymore. They get on my nerves. Tyler talking about suicide in front of his little brother made me uncomfortable. You caught yourself the first time, yet you continued to talk about it. How about you send him to the car or something? Gary's new little baby looks so much like Leah. I guess that answers who Leah looks like. I've never been able to figure it out before, mainly because Gary's so damn fat you can't tell what his features are. I think that both April and Butch were on drugs during that time. That whole situation was screwed up and twisted. I think that being sober has made them a lot "less douchey", lol.
  8. Isn't this guy a famous plastic surgeon? I did read the client list of the PR Firm that represents him and Kail, but I can't believe that this guy really needs this much publicity. I checked out the photos and hell, they look pretty good. I would think he'd have a line out his door of people wanting to see him. Hell, now I want to see him. Dammit Kail! For real, though IF she did pay for this, even a small portion, I really don't want her complaining about struggling to take care of Isaac when she's trying to live the lifestyle of the rich and famous. Javi better watch out. She starts thinking she's "FINE", she's going to want to upgrade her man.
  9. Tonight's episode, "Knock, Knock", is eerily similar to that Zola story that was on Twitter a couple of months ago. Not an exact retelling, but I could not stop comparing the two, with the one girl working as an escort, her boyfriend acting as the pimp, meeting some strange girl and inviting her to join them. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3294396/Zola-s-story-Stripper-s-Twitter-tale-trip-Florida-prostitute-suicidal-boyfriend-pimp-wanted-murder-grabs-attention-Selma-director.html
  10. I believe Vince was saying that back in the day, people were telling him (or he was telling himself) that he and CT would have been head to head in competitions. Or they were saying (again, he was saying this to himself) that the Vince today, is the same as the CT from back in the day. Either way that he meant it, it was still a bit of a insult to CT because it sounded to me like he was saying that CT didn't have the same skills as he had before. And CT was, rightfully, annoyed and said that back in the day, he would have knocked Vince's ass out by now.
  11. Love me some CT!! I agree that there was something very different about him last night, his voice DID sound different. Anyway, my eyes were leaking the whole damn time he was on. Well, up until Vince the douche started bothering him. Like man, move along. You can't compare yourself to him even on his worst days, on these shows. He would have worn your ass on his back just like he did your cousin. I was so confused about why CT and Diem's sister were there. I seem to remember TJ saying that the competition that day was in honor of Diem and her Ring Toss challenge she won all those years back. But this challenge had nothing to do with Ring Toss and didn't really have any similarities to that challenge. Maybe I missed something, but what was the significance, other than recognizing Diem? Can't wait to see my boo again next week, because I was also disappointed that he was only on for a brief moment last night. I thought they were going to be joining the cast as competitors.
  12. Hasn't Catelyn lost weight since then? I swear I saw an article about her weight loss a few months ago.
  13. Man, this After Show is making me feel a little (just a little) bit bad for Farrah. Clearly the other girls are friends and hanging out, and she's the odd man out. It's her own fault of course, but it is still awkward to watch. That being said, she must be contractually obligated to attend this because she doesn't look like she wants to be there. Regarding the white party, I don't recall how the friend told her about it, but was she actually invited to attend? I don't think so because of how they took it back when they found out she was coming? What did she hope to achieve by just showing up? If no one wants you there, don't go! You proved nothing by showing up there.
  14. Amber really needs to stop with her little digs: Complaining about how Leah was dressed for the first day of school, complaining about the shoes Leah is wearing. Did they know you were going to the park? Maybe if they did, they would have had her wear them. OR maybe you could keep extra items with you for just this occasion. And another thing, I don't believe anything that Amber says that Leah "said". Why do the cameras never catch her? I mean, outside of the sleeping all day thing. I can't remember, did Leah say that to Gary on camera or was that something Gary said that Leah said? Nice to see that Ryan can actually be playful and fun for his son. I'm sure it isn't a regular thing, but it is nice to know that he's capable or loosening up. Way to ruin dinner Maci. How can she NOT see that she's annoying with the constant talk about getting married? You slept with the guy, had his child and bought a home without a ring so, please don't act like the sanctity of marriage means anything to you. What party did Farrah crash? She was there for four minutes! Probably didn't even make it past the back door.
  15. OH MY LAWD! Farrah is the most delusional person on the damn planet! Non one wants you at the party because you're on Teen Mom?? Girl, what???! You have got to be kidding me! And also, I don't think you know what "classy" means. I would love to hear what her producers actually think about her. They all seem to tip toe around her, watching their words so that she doesn't get upset. I just need to know that they hate her as much as I do.
  16. I don't see a problem with Maci inviting Ryan to the mud run. I thought she said that she did it so that they could start trying to get along better for Bentley's sake. Ryan, knew full well that he wasn't going, and shouldn't have agreed to go. And yeah, Steve, we need to see more of you. Tired of seeing these co-signing friends on these shows. Sure you didn't say anything, but I could see your disdain and disapproval through the screen. Ryan can't even come up with good excuses for his friends. Hell Adam at least knows how to play it up to make himself look like the poor, defenseless dad who can't spend time with his kids. Ryan just can't be bothered and he has no shame in letting people know. That said, I thought it was sweet that Maci had Ryan's parents watch her baby. That probably pissed Ryan off even more. So glad to see Bentley again. He's my favorite. I hate that his Mimi and Papa have to lose out on spending time with Bentley all because of Ryan's neglect. Add me to those who think Leah is playing both sides. She's knows how to work her parents, that is for sure. Amber, why is it Gary's fault that you don't have 50/50 custody? A judge made the decision to give him full custody, Gary can't just up and decide that you get joint custody on his own. Do what you need to do and go to court, if that's what you really want to do. And don't blame Gary because Leah doesn't want to sit around your damn house all day doing nothing. If your anxiety about being out in the public is what's keeping you at home with your kid when you do have her, then you need to seek help. Farrah, girl. She clearly needs a man (parents and friends, as well) to kiss her butt all day and tell her how great she is. She can't handle people telling her the truth about herself. Simon may be a douche but good for him not taking her crap. She's clearly buying Sophia's affection, she's buying her parent's devotion (I know she's got to be supporting them financially) and she's got to be paying for her friends. No one in their right mind would want to hang out with her for free. Ooh, I can't stand her. Who the hell is going to watch Sophia for a month if Deborah doesn't, Farrah? That demon is a handful so you should be happy that Deborah even wants to.
  17. The women on this show disappoint me so much. The boys are always douche bags and treat them like crap and the girls get all caught up in their feelings, never seeing this for what it is, A GAME. Anessa has been around long enough to know better and she falls for that young as child?? Girl, this is not a good look. Why are people all concerned about whether Abram knows about Cara Maria? Who gives a damn if she flirted with the guy? The guys are messy ass trolls. The girls are emotional wrecks. Why do I keep watching this? I think if it wasn't for the fact that CT was going to show up eventually, I would probably throw in the towel on this season. Yeah, the real Kelly Anne showed up. Reminded me of why the Sydney season was a huge failure when it came to casting. Parisa has done wise to not show up on any more shows. She's still good in my eyes. Well, and Cohutta. Can't hate him. Johnny is and will always be full of shit. He really could have said Jenna's name and it wouldn't have made not one difference and would have saved this so called alliance he had. But he wants to claim he did it because everyone else was doing it. Then he tells HER in "private" that his girlfriend would have been mad if he didn't say her name. What the hell? What about the other times you didn't say her name? What about the fact that Nany is on your side and there to help you win money? I'd think that Hannah would be okay with trying to save your own ass. I look forward to the day when Johnny no longer has control over everyone.
  18. MitaJo


    I was wondering the same thing! Does she have something on them? Why was she asked back again? Please don't tell me it's because she's popular. I would quit my job if I was forced to film her. She's horrible and abusive and MTV sucks for allowing her to continue on this shit show. That I refuse to stop watching...but still. I can't stand this bitch.The saddest part of this whole thing is that Sophia is going to turn out the same way. A bitchy, bitter girl who doesn't love herself.
  19. Kristen's new guy has money and a career. OK, but does he have a television? Someone needs to get him one ASAP so that he knows what he's getting into. I hate James more and more each week, especially knowing that he's George Michael's godson. How dare he embarrass George this way?! His mom is really beautiful though. Too bad her son is a douche. What is the hell is going on with Jax's forehead? Ariana, get yo' life girl! Do you not have friends outside of Tom? Sure, you should be concerned about his faithfulness. But Tom going out of town should not equal you staying home doing nothing. Plan your own damn trip!
  20. Yeah, why do we have to suffer with Jax when you have ANTHONY behind the bar?? He's so cute! Lauren, girl, you are horrible. Fake ass bitches, all of them. Kristen, you don't work there anymore, sweetie. I mean, I guess they're paying you to be on this show so you have to be around, but have some pride. I don't see it with James at all. I don't find him to be attractive in any way, shape or form. He reminds me of a stupid little boy who just had sex and can't wait to tell everyone. That stupid, smug look he gets on his face. Eh, I can't stand him. La La, ma'am! Sleeping with Jax is not getting revenge on ANYONE! What in the world?? Have you seen Anthony? That's how you get revenge on a bitch.
  21. Oh snap! I forgot about Wait A Minute! I still play One Wish and Sexy Can I on a weekly basis. Exhibits 1 & 2 of why I never really hated Ray J and actually found him to be hilarious at times. Now, I can't stand to look at him. He's no longer amusing to me. Touch and Ice Box were my shit! Add in Entourage and O, shoot, I think I may have been an O fan and didn't even realize! B2K's Bump Bump Bump, Badaboom and Take it to the Floor! Man, what!!?? This post is just to co-sign on the songs I love from these fools. Now that that's done, who was Omarion opening for at that concert? I don't believe for one second that he got a crowd that big just to come and see him. Can't wait for the reunion next week!! I just want to see if Moniece's mom will jump to defend her. I forgot all about Nia and Garbage Pail Kid. I guess they weren't important enough for final thoughts either. Someone is going to hell for that Angry Bird with Down Syndrome picture! Yeah, I laughed, but I asked the good Lord to forgive me for it.
  22. I taped the show, so I didn't get to catch Stephen's message on Into The Badlands in time. What did he say?
  23. That was a total misdirection. He was actually happy to see Tori Spelling and Gabrielle Carteris. I did think it was weird that they hadn't seen each other in over 15 years. I've had about as much as I can take of Slomique. I think she thinks she's the star of this show. Way too much of her for my taste. Probably because she's just so loud and a tad bit unprofessional. I truly hope that she is playing it up for TV because otherwise, I can't see why David hasn't fired her by now. That being said, give me more Montree. I don't mind him at all. I hope that we get to see his wedding.
  24. I know that this "reality show" is fake and all, but why did Jax's girlfriend go to a job interview wearing her nightgown? In what real-life situation would she ever get hired? Unless it was an interview to be a hooker.
  25. I hate Kelly so much! She is the rudest bitch I've ever seen in my life and I know some rude bitches. She is ridiculous! I was a little sad that the show is ending but I am happy that I won't have to see Kelly's a$$ anymore. ETA: I swear I didn't mean to say the exact same thing as swankie! Devin should have been gone. I have no idea how he was ever signed on as a model for any agency, but I can see why he wasn't getting much work. I don't know who the hell told him that those faces he makes are a good thing because even when he's told not to do it, he keeps making them. For real, if Mikey wins this cycle I'm going to scream.
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