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Everything posted by MitaJo

  1. CBS is shady. They turn the feeds off when something good happens so that people have to watch the actual show. I got the feeds this week because it was getting good and every night I turn them on, they're playing that stupid music and showing the puke inducing stars screen. I'm about to cancel my 7 day trial, LOL.
  2. I know that Kevin doesn't talk game with anyone, but does he at least try to have small talk with people. He's came outside to eat his lunch and isn't even trying to chat with Cody and Presidents Day. It's so awkward. Day doesn't even look happy. I wonder if there was a blow-up after the ceremony or if she's feeling bad. I hope she doesn't.
  3. True, but she'd at least have one more ally in the house. I know it's a stretch, but maybe her, Kevin or David could manage to win the next HOH and they'd be safe for one more week.
  4. I was lucky enough to have the feeds or maybe it was Showtime After Dark, the night Chima flipped out and ended up being put out of the house. That was a great night, LOL. But other than that, they are boring for the most part. I did sign up for the 7-Day CBS All Access after Day won the Veto and now look! I think I'll just stick to the YouTube clips after this week. Unless some good stuff pops off after today's Veto meeting. Please let Day use it!
  5. Most definitely! I would have left period if someone I was close to passed away. Family or friend.
  6. They can't disrupt their precious game to be compassionate. /eyeroll They wouldn't even let the man call home. Sad.
  7. AMEN! This show is about life and social interactions. Talking about race is always going to come up because it's real life. And considering everything that's been going on in 2020, I was expecting them to bring it up a lot more. I do know that they aren't showing half as much race talk as they're actually doing on the feeds. Also, regarding Xmas and Day/Bay's blowup - it's interesting how certain people see it one way and others see it a different way. My take (because I've seen the longer clips online) is that Day was trying to really give Xmas insight on how Bay was feeling about being nominated for something she shared in confidence. Because Xmas didn't agree or like Bay's reason, she got upset. Day tried many times to keep things civil, but Xmas got increasingly upset. She is entitled to her feelings, but she should also understand that Bay is entitled to hers as well, even if she doesn't agree with her. She was so pissed that Bay felt betrayed that she wasn't willing to just listen or even agree to disagree. Day walked away to avoid making things worse and Xmas kept going. Bay comes in and tried to calmly explain why she felt the way she felt and Xmas blew up at her as well. Why is that that Xmas can be upset and yell but Bay/Day aren't allowed? And even if some of you refuse to acknowledge it, the "Angry Black Woman" trope is real and many black woman suppress their emotions so that they aren't labeled as such. Bay and Day's reactions were even with Xmas' reactions in that argument. But they're the ones that started it? Child please. And I agree that Bay shouldn't have shared that Day was her untouchable and that it was convenient for Xmas to use it. Especially when Xmas told her to go first and then never mentioned who hers was. However, Bay also realized that she fucked up but she is also within her rights to be upset that someone she thought was a friend used it against her.
  8. Tyler won't be going home until the end of the season. I bet he stops talking about quitting since he's going to the jury house now. I feel bad for Day that she actually thinks she has pull with any of these people.
  9. Seriously! The fact that this group is people who have been on the show before, know what has happened to other house guests in the past and they STILL don't have enough sense and awareness to understand that anything they say CAN and WILL LIKELY be held against them is on them. Newbies to the show, I can see them maybe getting too comfortable and forgetting the cameras but not these old folks. In 2020 when cancel culture is running rampant. I would be extra mindful of what I said and didn't say in that house.
  10. I think the only way they would show this on the CBS show is if there is a lot of backlash from like, like with Aaryn. If they continue with the way they're talking and behaving and more news outlets print stories about it, I think Julie would have to address it.
  11. Hey neighbor!! I've been watching my recorded episodes days after their aired. I just watched Sunday's show today. If I hadn't seen updates on Twitter which led me to this forum, I wouldn't be as excited for Wednesday as I am now. I'll be watching in real time for sure.
  12. I discovered BB during the first All-Stars season so it took me a while to get to know the game and get into. BB15 was when I came to realize that you are correct. Any POC would be a fool to think that they really have a chance at winning this game.
  13. I disagree. I absolutely believe that people provoke both Day and Bay to get reactions from them and not because they "enjoy" it. It's so that they can be right when they call them "angry/crazy/emotional/other triggering words". So that they can have a convenient reason or excuse to not want them to be in the house. I've seen it happen in real life many times. I'm a black woman and while it hasn't happened to me (I'm more laid back and non-confrontational, and sadly, I don't often speak up for myself) I can conjure up many times when black women I've worked with or in my family have been gaslit to the point of reacting, or being written up or called crazy. Whereas I've seen non-black women react the same way and they get treated with kid gloves because "they're just having a bad day". Please understand that when a person gets to the "blind rage" reaction, it's much deeper than you may think. Sometimes we have to bottle up our feelings to assimilate so often that you can't contain them anymore. I've had some pretty scary reactions when I FINALLY got tired of being run over.
  14. She's going to keep having kids until she has a daughter. My cousin did that when she was trying for a son. Ended up with seven kids total and couldn't afford to take care of not a one of them. Her first son was baby number 4 and yet she kept going. She had 2 boys and 5 girls and lost custody of all of them. I'm not going to say Creed isn't Chris' because I have cousins who have the same parents (both black) and when the youngest was born, she came out looking white. The hospital didn't even believe my aunt when she said the father was black. Now, 40+ years later, she looks more black, but she's very light-skinned compared to her brother who is dark-skinned. Kail should have just given her kids all her last name (except for Lincoln, since she was married to Javi). Now all these babies walking around with different names. I don't like to talk about kids and their looks, but poor Lux reminds me of the little vampire kid in The Lost Boys. 😬
  15. She signed on to do a show following her life and that, unfortunately, included her doing drugs and stealing from her mother. She stayed on the show many seasons after that happened, so now what? She enjoyed getting that paycheck and that's why she kept on filming. David is well on his way to looking like the Tiger King and that's not a good thing. Poor Barbara. Has to eat shit and be nice to Jenelle since she's not on MTV's payroll anymore. Such a sad turn of events. I don't know where things stand now, but I pray Kaiser is still with his other grandmother.
  16. Jade is too high strung for me. It's like she's super aware of the cameras and she's putting on a performance. She makes me anxious every time her scenes come on. Like relax! Brianna continues to make bad decisions. Lord! Hooking up with Luis was the dumbest thing ever and it's just the first episode of the season. Girl why? Close your legs and get your life together. I'm so proud of Leah. She has grown so much as a mom and co-parent. I'm excited to see that she's finally admitting to her drug problem that we all knew about. That aside, Corey should have been making it to the appointments regardless of whether or not Leah asked him to come. If only so that he could have his own understanding of what his daughter is dealing with. She's with him half the time. He should want to know. Jeremy needs to mind his own damn business because it wasn't that long ago when he was not seeing his own daughter and he wasn't always working either. Chelsea may be married but she's still a little too immature for me. The baby voice, the not wanting to deal with looking for her stolen property. Listen, as an adult, you have to do things you don't want to do, but you do them anyway. I'd hate to think how she would handle things if Cole or her dad wasn't there to hold her hand. You have 3.5 kids girl. Pull it together! Kail...blah. Girl. I just can't.
  17. I'll always miss Max, but Kamie is definitely the best thing to happen to this show since he left. I love her!
  18. I love Kamie! Her facial expressions and shade were killing me this episode. And yes, Dre absolutely looks like a worm with a beard. The pickings must be slim in Shreveport because no one that ugly should be that conceited and full of himself. Poor Rebecca must have low self-esteem or he must be great in bed. I can't for the life of me see what she saw/sees in that troll. The whole time he was talking to that Charisma girl, I was grossed out. So glad his sister came out and cut that short. He's so gross. I really hope Rebecca finds someone who really loves her and gets away from this piece of trash.
  19. Romeo and Master P can leave this show already. They get on my nerves. Romeo was all into this show, playing it up, acting like he was the prince of Hip Hop and now he wants to act like he's better than everyone. Like he's too good for reality TV. Is it because they made fun of him (he deserved it for acting like he's some guru sent to save their souls)? Did he find Jesus between seasons? Why is he acting brand new? And Master P needs to stay of these young folk's business. He looks so dumb getting involved in their mess. Let Romeo speak for himself. Talking about JoJo deserves an Oscar. He and Romeo are putting on the biggest performances than everyone else on the show. Acting like they don't know how reality shows work and how they manipulate things for the story. I enjoy this show so much more when they aren't on. Sam is another one that I can do without but I'm sure he needs the show to pay his child support. Egypt must not think she can find anyone better. That dude is a joke. I wasn't sure about Lil Twist when I first saw him but he's become one of my favorites. I love his energy. Angela, bless her heart. I can't figure her out but she really doesn't need to try as hard as she does. Own your shit girl! Stop acting like you don't know why people make such a big deal out of shit you do/wear/say.
  20. I used to think this. I have a friend who has triplets and she takes her kids on solo trips often. I don't know if Mackenzie does this when not on camera, but my friend has taken each of her kids on trips to theme parks or if she's going to visit her hometown/the grandparents. Each kid gets to have one on one time with mommy. Her husband usually stays home with the other two during these trips. It works for them.
  21. I don't follow Amber's trials and tribulations in real life/real time so I had NO idea she was seeing someone new. I mean, this is her typical MO so I shouldn't be surprised, but I really thought she would take a break and be single for a while. Alas, I forgot that she can't be alone and needs a man in her life in order to function. And she seems to still be on some kind of drugs in that scene in her rented kitchen with the producer talking about said new guy.
  22. Pauly posted a video on IG of him with a beard and wearing a hat, so we couldn't see his hair and I swear I wanted to lick the screen. He looked GOOD! Like, so good I didn't even think it was him. I hope that he's still wearing his hair gelled up as part of his JS/Pauly D persona and not because he really likes it because that shit is played out. He needs to move ahead with his quarantine look because it is 1000% better.
  23. I loved whenever a fight was going to break out. One of my favorite episodes was when they heard that Ronnie was having a fight on the boardwalk. Pauly and Mike were just chilling, relaxing on the couch and as soon as they got the news, they jumped up, threw their shoes on and took off. They were down for whatever back the. God he's an ugly man. I can't stand him and have no clue what she even sees in him. He's so smarmy and creepy. And he's totally using her for the publicity. I liked Roger and have my doubts that he's being as bad as she's making him to be, but I'm hoping that TODAY, they're doing better. They did celebrate one of the kids' birthdays last year all together (including 24's ugly ass). I'm really confused as to what's happening on the show now. When the episode with 24 flirting with Angelina aired, Jenni did seem to be more upset with her on Twitter. I followed all of that drama in real time. Now on the show, she's acting all apologetic? I must have missed her Twitter apology. And even though she saw how he was acting, she didn't break up with him, as far as I know.
  24. This show is so scripted now, it's ridiculous. I still watch because I actually enjoy it, but clearly they are setting up these situations for them to hang out with each other. I almost wish they would film this in a Real Housewives kind of way. I mean, it would be harder with Pauly and Ron living in Las Vegas, but there has to be less obvious ways to get them all together. They live tweet each episode and I'm starting to think that they do that to ramp up the drama and keep us watching. They're probably not even really that mad at each other.
  25. Angelina certainly did some questionable things, as usual, but her intent was clearly not serious. I feel sorry for her because I can tell she's trying to stand out on the show, since she wasn't a part of it for so long and she's trying way too hard. She really needs to calm the hell down and realize that the shit she's doing now is stuff they were doing back before marriage and kids. Seems as though Jenni didn't break up with whatshisface after all. She is on social media still blaming Angelina for not coming to her to express how she uncomfortable 24 made her feel, but is forgetting the part where Angelina did just that at dinner before the "incident" and Jenni dismissed her and blamed everything on her. She was never going to be willing to listen to anything Angelina had to say so I don't blame A for ignoring it and saying how much fun she had. Even with what 24 did, she still could have had a good time that night. Jenni is also trying to tell everyone that she's mad at the both of them yet Angelina is getting all the flack online from her. If you're mad at both of them, call him out on his shit too. And Deena needs to grow a pair. She's so scared of upsetting Jenni/Snooki that she won't giver her opinion or pretends she didn't see anything. Vinnie does that too, to a point. Everyone knows 24 is a POS and everyone saw how he crossed the line from the time he arrived in Vegas with that smarmy smile on his face. So what if Jenni gets mad? She's acting like a fool and y'all need to let her know how she's embarrassing herself on TV. She's too old for this.
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