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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. You obviously are not living Your Best Life. :-P
  2. A tribute to Brayden is happening on today's episode, Friday. The clip is posted on the Jeopardy YouTube channel here if anyone missed it.
  3. Well, that's something I've never heard of before, so thanks. Although now I have to start looking for one, elusive though they are. At first I thought you had met Barry Allen's brother.
  4. Beautiful photos @Browncoat, and you even captured a flying pterodactyl! Good For You! Wish I were there. But then, I wish I were anywhere. But here. Thanks for sharing. Love them.
  5. @teebax, if you are out there, is Ben Henri the winner of your tournament? I can't keep years straight or remember who won when you competed.
  6. Steve Moulds, who played in Tuesday's game, was moved into Brayden's spot. The show might still do a tribute to Brayden before the ToC is over as it has done for other contestants who have passed away.
  7. LOL! How hilarious would it be if the debris was wreckage from Oceanic Flight 815.
  8. For viewers! What was up with Ash's x-rays/MRIs. What's missing in there? So is he an alien? Another thought ... the debris isn't from outer space, it's from another country to screw with the United States. It originated in some obscure Pacific Island that can't be located on a map. Hey, that's no stranger/weirder than any other idea. I guess. Sort of. Maybe ...
  9. More accurately, you swam in the Gulf of Aqaba. Neither Israel nor Jordan border the Red Sea. If you swam a few hundred miles, you would have/could have/might have made it to the Red Sea.
  10. Shout outs today to friends here, our penguin queen @Browncoat and Eeyore fan @secnarf. Congrats you two for making it onto national teevee!
  11. On a totally shallow note, Malcolm looked FINE out there in the woods in his not-suit. I'll miss that part of this show for sure.
  12. I noticed that too, but thought that's just the way she learned it. According to the Internet, it's herb with an H in Britain and erb with no H in America. But I've heard some gringos say it with an H so figure it's however they were raised. LOL that people from Michigan would be thought of as country mice! I have plenty of friends in that state and none of them are even slightly mouse like! (I say this as a pitchfork-wielding, hay-bale-toting country person.)
  13. Funny you say that. This weekend I watched episode 102 from Week 21 of Season 36, and I thought it sounded like Trebek was shouting, Or, to use a Seinfeld-ism, he was being a "loud talker." I felt like saying "Tone it down, Trebek." So maybe Buzzy is channeling. Finally, I easily got a FJ. Or more accurately, my FJ guess was correct. Yeah, that's the ticket.
  14. Please continue to be THAT guy, a person much needed around this thread.
  15. The Bride and Groomer contest ... LOL at Macie's dog that kept shaking off its hat and bowtie. Nice job ladies. NOT! You should know how to attach those props better. I had a real WTH moment when Gabriel's Bouvier went from a gigantic hairball head to a face that was trimmed and shaped all while a judge was standing there talking to him. It was a miracle! The face on Alyssa's little dog was adorable. The theme of this contest caused Rebel to hope for a proposal. You would have gotten one if TPTB hadn't sent Deb and her son home. Just sayin' girl. Gabriel said the two Standards represented him and his husband, but the trim and color sure didn't. The dogs could have used some tux props so they resembled the photo. Instead, the two dogs resembled ... nothing. Not even a Bride and Groomer, which was the challenge theme. Fail. Alyssa's groom was my favorite, so of course she was awarded second place. My least favorite was Macie who didn't do much grooming, just attached a hat and bowtie that the dog kept shaking off. Eh. Epic fail all around. Even Gabriel's groom was better than Macie's non-groom. And even Macie's two dogs were not impressed since both fell flat asleep during the judges' critique. Now the winner of the challenge gets first pick of a dog to groom for the final challenge! Wow, great! Except surprise, all three dogs are identical white mongrel Poodles. The center dog was jumping up and down, happy to be there. It was my first choice, a dog with personality. It was the groomer's last choice. But no matter, all three dogs were clones of each other. No advantage to choosing first or last. So winning the challenge meant nothing. I know ... surprise. Rebel said the contest has been going on eight weeks. I wonder how much time that was IRL. Maybe two weeks? Or less? Gabriel reveals his parents wanted him to be a doctor, and he started crying because he decided to be a dog handler/groomer instead, thwarting his parents' plans for him, which made him feel like such an outsider. Sob story! But then later in the episode, we are told Gabriel grew up in the slums of Brazil and lifted himself out of that squalor to come to America and groom dogs. WTH? How can people living in a Brazilian slum plan for (and pay for) their kid to go to eight years of college to be a freaking doctor? I call BS on that sob story. Beside, we were told in an earlier episode that an American professional dog handler brought Gabriel to America to work for him showing and grooming Bichons. Which story to believe ... eh, let me think ... The final grooms are now finished! Alyssa brought her dog in and I was WOW! OMG, that's FANTASTIC. Best groom I've seen this entire season. No one can top that, it's spectacular. But guess what ... on this show, the winner always comes in last so we can be gobsmacked by how wonderful it is. Next. Gabriel's dog is a big eh on my part. I didn't get it. But I appreciated his getting dressed in matching jacket and pants for his final presentation. Then the last dog came in, Macie's, which was an even bigger fail than Gabriel's. A phoenix and dragon? Really? I didn't see either on that dog. It was a total and completely epic FAIL. So, of course, the judges had to fudge their winning choice by saying they had to look at the groomers' complete body of work while on the show before deciding on the winner. That way they could say Macie won with the crappiest final groom and they didn't have to admit she won because her partner being sick was the best sob story of the season. Oh well. I had fun watching the dogs and seeing the grooms and posting here. I'll miss this show. Hope it comes back for another season. But if you are going to apply to be on, be sure you have cancer or have been evicted from your home and are living in a van down by the river or you are not going to win next season, regardless of how well you do with clippers and scissors.
  16. That the head traffickers would know he found/took the hard drive is a hand wave. Missed Ronald ditching his John Denver wig. I wasn't watching that closely. Darn, that scene would have been golden. Ground has been laid for a Cassie-and-the-marshal hook up. Where does Cassie board her horse, at the dead-body-poisoned-water ranch? Jenny was shot once in the upper abdomen. On all other cop shows when one of the good guys gets shot like that, they go to the hospital where the diagnosis is "No vital organs were hit, just tissue damage. She'll be okay." I'm expecting the same for Jenny. But WTH during the shoot out ... you yell at the bad guy instead of just freaking SHOOTING him? And then your friend is shot and you bend down and shout at her to STAY WITH ME! and get all verklempt instead of being proactive and using one of those cop radios to call the EMTs/police like STAT? Montana has plenty of empty space and lonely roads, it would take EMTs ages to get wherever they were. But then again, hand wave. It's Rancher Dad's own fault he choked to death on all his pills. You don't dump a handful of pills into your mouth and try to dry swallow them. Unless you are a kick-ass bad tough guy. I guess I answered my own statement. Dude even tried to Heimlich himself by bouncing on the floor, which I thought was pretty funny. If watching some guy die is funny. I find Ronald tedious and un-watchable. Didn't care for him playing the marshal and I am not looking forward to seeing him again. I was all for those two skipping into Canada and being gone from my teevee forever. The bad-dude driver should have just said "We'll send your kid to you once you get settled in White Horse." End of that story. (I wish.)
  17. Or you watch SNL and saw the hilarious guy's night out pool-hall sketch a couple weeks ago. This brightened my night. Thanks.
  18. And Neil Lane didn't even get to make an appearance!
  19. Then there are the ranger cookies made by real Army rangers ... put some sugar and creamer in a tin cup and heat it up over the MRE heater until the sugar/creamer bake together. Delicious snack!
  20. Not at my house, where it's been raining for the last four days and will be into next week. Although I guess it does look like here after all, just take away the colors. The bottom half of the photo is dead-on accurate.
  21. The one with the Teeny Tiny Carters!
  22. And that deserves a Good For You! I knew you would.
  23. I was wondering if the poster here who has a boat (a sailboat I believe, on the Chesapeake?) ran that category. Comparing today's game to yesterday's ... not even close. Yesterday there were five TSs. Today there were 16 if you count the missed DD of Rosaliynn Carter. And today's winner moves onto the semis with less money than second-place Jason got yesterday. I do like Nabir, who carried on the tradition of College Tournament mime intros. I was rooting for him. Finally, a FJ category right up my alley, Animals! Yeay! And it was an instaget for me ... Javelina! So disappointed to see the real answer was armadillo. Folks, there are armadillos in Arkansas and Missouri, they are not isolated in Texas. *sigh* That part of the clue ruined it for me. Javelinas are tank tough and real pigs on top of that. Side note: To capture an armadillo when it goes to ground, stick your hand down the hole and compress the sides of its shell, which it expands to prevent it from being pulled backwards. Then you can easily pull it out and fix it for dinner. Yes, dinner. They roast up great and are delicious baked with BBQ sauce and yes, taste just like pork. Plus the shells make fabulous plant hangers. And yes, I'm speaking from first-hand experience.
  24. One for you, two for me. Perfect!
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