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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. This show reminded me how much I dislike Piers Morgan. Maybe "dislike" is too weak of a word for the feeling I get whenever his face appears on my tv ... Who got the golden buzzer from Piers? I missed it during channel flipping.
  2. Yes, Tenley has darker hair, sort of a streaky blond/brunette, while Clare is blond. But as for the annoying thing, I'd put Tenley firmly in that category, not Clare. So the only sure-fire way to tell the two apart is hair color. And maybe Tenley's annoying voice and constant whinging that she's "going home" and "not able to find love." Boo hoo. I agree Clare is show-wise so not about to make waves immediately after getting there. And that's both literal and figurative waves. I noticed one of the guys, first day, said, "Want to go in the ocean?" which is a euphemism for "Let's DO IT!" in Bach language. While Ashley is being criticized for not speaking up around that bon fire and we've seen lots of her THs explaining her struggle with that, how about let's find out why Jarod and whomever that guy was to his right weren't saying a word, either. It was like a seance was going on or something, no one speaking to anyone else. Don't put ALL the blame on Ashley for the silence, let's hear from the guys about THEIR struggles with interpersonal relationships. Oh yeah, that's right ... this is a Fleiss franchise, which means it's all about demeaning the WOMEN. Men rule.
  3. If I came in late and got a date card, I'd hold it up and announce to the entire group: "Who wants to go on this date with me?" If no one says "I do!" then I guess I'm that helicopter guy from last season (forgot his name!) and go by myself. But, I'm guessing if I looked like Clare, several guys would raise their hand, then I would do a lottery pull, names from a hat, and that guy would go with me. Then no one could get mad at me. Well, at least not for that. Yes, GOLD, Jerry, comedy GOLD! I think Ashley I is stunningly beautiful, but talk about not judging a book by its cover. Inside she's ... horrid. Mikey was enjoying it a bit too much, which was obvious in a quick shot before the camera cut off and went to something else not so evident.
  4. Not to a man. Naked is naked, regardless of where it is seen or published, or not published. It's NAKED! And now the woman whom they saw NAKED! on their computers is standing right in front of them. YOWZA!
  5. I could remember the actual colors themselves easier than ROY G. BIV. Who the heck can remember ROY G. BIV?
  6. Which begs me to ask, did Marcus and Lacey get a free Neil Lane ring? I sort of turned the channel during their wedding. Some other show in this franchise did sisters with the same package deal. Wasn't that Bach Pad, when "fans" were chosen to participate with the "stars"? No big deal to me. Five years ... who was stringing WHOM along? And yeah, Jade could have a face like a mud hen and still be considered "the most attractive" by men who know she posed naked for Playboy. Plus, I'm guessing every single one of them googled her photos before that episode of Chris's season was even finished. Kirk is the Wisconsin guy with the taxidermy dad, right? He was a favorite of mine during that season. I thought the show did a number on him by making it look like lunacy ran in the family with the dead animals in the basement.
  7. I was going to say, more people know what Good Sex is than have ever heard of Green Stamps. Then I thought, no, that's probably not true either. I guess I'll stick with the Green Stamps version. And just so the double P doesn't irritate, just make it your educated mother served either "pizzas" or "pies," depending on your appetite at the moment. Problem solved!
  8. Apparently, this thread has plenty of Taras. I even know a real-life Tara, if that counts. Okay, I must know ... nine WHAT? I'm incredibly old since mnemonics weren't invented yet when I was in school. We had to just learn everything the hard way. Or not learn ... Bwah! You guys crack me up. You MUST sign my yearbook.
  9. Oh, but he wouldn't be Alex Trebek if he were not snippy and condescending to everyone! I, too, noticed the "Who is ..." left off of Annie Oakley. I wondered if it was an editing glitch given that I think they might be still dubbing in Trebek's croaking frog voice. I agree with Otto about the wording of that island clue. I came up with Fiji since it's not part of the Phillipines. Yeah, I know, shot in the dark.
  10. That would be the best EVAH. I'd love to watch Ken's entire run since I was working out of the house at the time so only got to see his episodes one or twice. I have the BIGGEST most HUGE crush on Ken Jennings ... Now Trebek, on the other hand ... OhioSongBird, I was going to "like" your post until you wrote this: "I've had a crush on Alex for years...would love to have dinner with him sometime." So much UGH. I cannot stand that man. And if he were to appear shirtless, I would barf my lunch AND dinner. So much UGH. And yeah, I'd rather see Sheldon AND Leonard shirtless all day than a shirtless Trebek for one instance. Whew. That was quite a rant. Some day I will tell y'all how I really feel.
  11. Isn't it called "cyberbullying" when someone tweets negative things? I think that term perfectly fits Kaitlyn and Shawn.
  12. WTHeck, did this episode air in some markets last night? It's not listed until Saturday here.
  13. Our ChicagoCubs poster here will be able to tell you that the St. Louis Cardinals is the nemesis of the Chicago Cubs baseball team. Games are sold out when those two play, and fans travel from each city to support "their" team, with no love lost for the opposition. I missed yesterday's show but follow baseball enough to know the Diamondbacks. It's a long name to get onto that electronic-pencil board for FJ though, so it's Diamondbax for me!
  14. God was given the Golden Buzzer and put directly through to Radio City Music Hall. (Sorry, I just couldn't help myself.)
  15. It just occurred to me that yesterday's second- and third-place winners went home with $2,000 and $1,000 respectively, while the new champ banked a cool $200. There's just something so wrong with that.
  16. Catherine's tweet in defense of her husband fit perfectly with Irritable's description of her ex-friend's descent into a Stepford Wife life. If you don't give it to the cameras, they can't edit it to suit their purposes.
  17. I always think it's smartest for the third-place person to bet nothing on FJ since they are in third place anyway. In this case, the woman would have come out the big winner. I am surprised the woman did not know The Thorn Birds, not so surprised the men did not. I watched that mini series as many times as it was on, then bought the book and read/reread it until it about fell apart. And yes, "mmmmm" to Richard Chamberlain. Not an odd family at all Pallida, a family with great taste in books. McMurtry is one of my favorite authors, I've read everything of his. I've already mentioned how I feel about The Thorn Birds. To make public my lack of intellect, I learned on yesterday's show that ratify is spelled with a T and not a D: radify. I couldn't figure how a "rad" was any sort of animal ... DUH.
  18. I thought this episode was a lot of fun. I had completely forgotten about Sharon and Hasselhof as judges. How quickly we forget! It did remind me of how much I dislike Piers though, and how happy I was when he was replaced. I agree too much was shown of recent contestants, it would have been fun to see more of the oldies. I had forgotten how fabulous Terry Fader was, he is quite wonderful. And I was very happy to see Prince Poppycock again, my favorite from that season. Therefore, I was glad very little was shown of Jackie Evanko.
  19. i don't pay much attention to jewelry, but I thought both rings looked pretty much the same, like they were the same "model." Can anyone tell me if that's true? It just went through my mind that it was odd the two rings looked so much alike when I watched the episode.
  20. Nightline did a short interview with Nick last night. They showed Nick tossing the ring in the limo, then showed the clip of Shawn and Kaitlyn on GMA making fun of Nick doing that, Kaitlyn braying like a donkey while Shawn said Nick did a lousy throw, he would have done an overhead toss. That clip made me ... dislike is too weak of a word ... those two. To quote Mr. Wonderful, they are dead to me. They are people who thrive on belittling others. Nick was very articulate in the interview, said he might consider it if he's asked to be TB, but with his track record he should decline. He isn't dating anyone now. The interviewer said Nick is way better looking in person, and called Shawn a "pudgy Ryan Gosling." I guess I don't see the Ryan Gosling thing, Nightline must have gotten that comparison from online places, like here. Then the interview ended with a big #TEAM NICK! on the screen. In all, it was very positive and I like Nick once again, even if he does have TERRIBLE taste in women.
  21. Well, except for last season, when he had to go to Dubuque, Iowa, in the middle of an Arctic winter.
  22. Does Nick work at Salesforce? I've worked with sales people in many different fields, printing, magazine advertising ... whatever. Those people are professionals, and those jobs are way different than some warehouse phone bank of high-school dropouts trying to sell you siding (or cable or a cruise or any cold call) over the telephone. About the expensive ring ... supposedly, it's the third-largest ring Lane has relinquished to this franchise. I say he's not worried about giving away something he's valued so high since odds are pretty much in his favor that he will be getting it back, sooner or later.
  23. I just saw their episode is being shown tonight on ABC, 9 central time. I might actually have to watch this one.
  24. With the exception, of course, that Dolarhyde is fictional and those others named are/were quite real. So Dolarhyde can be whatever and whomever Fuller wants him to be for this show.
  25. I'm wondering if that fantastic ring price isn't some big promo for Neil Lane, like his rings are SO MUCH BETTER than any other ring salesman's. In actuality, that ring might have set him back $200, but he puts a $150,000 price tag on it for this show and gets all kinds of press about it.
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