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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. There has been a lot of cover up of the Cosby rapist acts through the years. Comedians who traveled the same circuits were aware of his proclivities. If it were not for Hannibal Buress speaking up -- and putting his career in jeopardy -- we still wouldn't know about Cosby the Rapist. Just because someone PORTRAYS a beloved sweater-wearing father on tv doesn't mean he isn't a creepy perv in real life. Cosby has a lot of power and could make/break anyone who supported/did not support him. There are many layers to why women couldn't or would not come forward. From what I've been told by a professional comedian who worked with Cosby, he was NOT a nice person and pretty self-important. But stand up to or talk back to him and you are finished in show business. Period.
  2. I liked Nick so well last time that I would have awarded him the win, stop the show now. But last night, Nick vs. Fik-Shun was the only outcome I agreed with. I REALLY dislike the frantic Swing Latino for the reasons others have posted above, and very much enjoyed the Miami group. Like Ne-Yo said, it felt like a Broadway routine ... because it was GOOD. You know, like Broadway! After disagreeing with every duel after Fik-Shun's, I've resigned myself to accepting that my favorites are going to be beaten every week so I'm not going to stress about it. I absolutely LOVED Quick Step. And you are not alone, LittleIggy, being uncomfortable with the non-costume being worn by the baby Eva. Totally out of good taste and bordering (bordering like hell) on child porn IMO.
  3. I called Lee getting that last rose based on all the THs beforehand, the guys saying, by golly, if Lee got that last rose, blah blah blah. So yes, of COURSE Lee got the last rose. *yawn* Anyone who was surprised by that has never watched this show before. Meanwhile, the episode had a lot of men on whom I had never seen before. Dean? Who's that? But I loved how happy and smiley he was. I also liked the country singer who serenaded during his date. I'm tired of all the racist talk I am reading though. If you're white, you are not allowed to say THIS. If you are black, you are not allowed to say THAT. I'm watching this show with no interest at all in the race of any of the contestants. I don't give a care. What I do care about is Rachel's protruding forehead. Holy cow, girl. A man with your receding hairline would be doing a combover or wearing a "piece." You could at least get some bangs or something. As is, your forehead blocks out your date's face when you turn in profile. And when I'm the b-ette, there will be a spelling bee every episode, with losers who can't spell a four-letter word going home. I did laugh at Kenny afterward using the phonetic Sham-PAG-na after missing his word. You can stay, Kenny! I did like AJ being in the spelling bee audience. AJ can spell in French!
  4. If this show would quit calling Kacy "The Mighty Kacy," maybe she wouldn't be feeling so much pressure. It was nice Brent made it through this year, but I'd MUCH rather see Nick Cooleridge. I could live with an entire hour of Nick. So, WTH, show, why do you ignore him every year after featuring him back when? Does he refuse to play the promo game or what? There has to be some reason he gets put in the commercial-break-finishers group. Meanwhile, Barclay is a new favorite, and I love Daniel Gil and his hair. His then-girlfriend-now-wife competed in the past. I was waiting for her to run this year but I guess not. Anyway, pretty good show, although I could do with less Mighty Kacy and Brent, and more Nick Cooleridge.
  5. Series 3 started here last night too, with the Christmas episode. I guess I was cranky because I found Amanda even more intolerable than before, and Sidney "spazzing out" during the birthing scene tells me he's not the least bit into that dad/husband stuff. So yeah, get thee to a nunnery, Amanda, and out of the vicarage. I continue to like Leonard more and more. But those children in his pageant, they all needed a good 1950s smack on the backside. What a bunch of brats that I did not find funny at all. Meanwhile, I was fascinated by looking at all the fake snow while no breath could be seen from anyone standing outside in the "freezing cold." I'm ready for Amanda/baby to be gone, or all of Sidney's parishioners will be if she stays. You are not so good looking as to make people forget their 1950s moral fiber, Sid.
  6. Tobeannounced, I have the same questions about why the CEO married Lars, the creepy hippy construction worker. I can't come up with any answers. If I thought a burglar were in my house, first thing I would do is call 911. Don't most people have a phone in their bedroom if not their cell on the bed stand? Only then, if I were a big badass like Lars, would I take my gun and yell out that I had that gun, and use a flashlight to jacklight the intruder. I keep a flashlight in my bedroom in case power goes off. Lars said he saw a flashlight being used by the "burglar." The only problem with me grabbing my gun to go after an intruder, I have a shotgun and a rifle, but both are by my back door, nowhere close to my bedroom. What was Lars so afraid of that he kept a sawed-off in his bedroom? And if it wasn't under his pillow, he'd have to get up to get the gun, during which time you'd think he'd be telling his wife to stay put. And the wife would be saying, "What?" You know, like any of us would IF we were in bed with Lars. The newspaper said there was a dog that was "growling," reinforcing Lars' thought that there was a burglar. Burglars I know (well, the ones I see on crime tv!) don't break into houses that have dogs. Which is why I'm not worried about break ins at my place. Username, thanks for more info on where the money went. Since Lars got convicted, would he still get half the house? Newspaper said the shotgun put a hole the size of a tennis ball in the wife. Geezy pete ...
  7. Mrs. Cosby is living the high life being married to a multi-billionaire. She can do whatever she wants, wherever and whenever -- she is filthy rich from Cosby's $. Emphasis on "filthy." So why should she look that gift horse in the mouth? She had to know about his "proclivities" (TM Teabag), but maybe part of their deal was, he stays "off" her and she keeps her mouth shut. Yes, that says a lot about her, but what does she care what anyone thinks? JMHO, of course. But money talks BIG. We know this because Dateline "regular people" murderers kill people they "love" for it. As for Cosby himself, he disgusts me. But famous people just don't go to prison *coughOJcough* for crimes, especially a crime against women (who are considered second-class citizens by so many men. Sorry, but it's true.). My money is on Cosby never seeing the inside of a jail cell, and never being convicted of anything. And IMO, he's guilty as hell.
  8. I missed the Lars episode so researched it online, mostly in the San Antonio paper. Deborah was shot with Lars' SAWED OFF shotgun at a distance of THREE FEET. She was a corporate CEO worth millions; he was a "handyman." His arrest pic shows he had shoulder-length hair. For some reason, his lawyers cut that all off and gave him a short business hairdo for his trial. What, a long-haired hippy carpenter isn't a good look for a defense in a murdered-my-millionaire-wife trial? Lars said after he shot the shotgun, he was going back to get his 9mm handgun when he figured out it was his wife he shot. Well, duh, I can recognize someone I know at three feet even if it is dark. Lars also was naked when police arrived (!!!!!!!!) with no blood or anything on him from "doing CPR" as instructed by the 911 operator, and no gun residue on his hands. WTH? Why not? Or did he change his story from a burglar shot Deborah to he "Oscar Pistorius" shot Deborah? And they were married only two years. How did they meet? And yeah, my guess is Lars thought her life insurance would auto go to him, the husband. Fooled you, I guess. He's eligible for parole in some seven years. He deserved life, or worse, since it's Texas.
  9. Kacy did a lot of guest appearances on shows after she topped The Wall and "became famous." But NBC having a contract with her is an interesting theory. I wondered why she was in the crowd for this new episode, then got an interview, then it was announced she would be competing at X city. I've always wondered if ANW pays ninjas to travel to other cities to be in the crowd scenes. Or if certain ninjas are paid to compete. Some ninjas (Brian Arnold) have quit work to train for ANW full time. Since the show has only had to pay one person the prize $$ in all its years, it has to have a big bank account just sitting there gathering interest. Then the special ninja shows, like US vs. The World ... are those ninjas paid or compensated in any way? Anyone know?
  10. Looking forward to tonight's episode. I'll be interested to see if this took place before or after Oscar Pistorius murdered his girlfriend using the same "I thought it was a break-in burglar" alibi. Dateline will have to work hard to make me believe anything other than the guy is a lying murderer, just like Oscar. Although I guess I'll watch anyway.
  11. Young Lions, my favorite of the night. Ne-Yo read my mind when he call Ian Bruno Mars' taller, thinner white cousin. I loved him. I hated the Columbian dancers. They were too much ... everything, plus WTH was that throwing the woman through the air to barely be caught by her feet? Yikes. I also did not think DNA was up to even DWTS level, so OUCH to them getting a tongue bath. And LOL at Ne-Yo telling the guy, "Bro, get to the gym and work out." I wasn't comfortable with the very young contemporary girl wearing a skin-colored bikini so she looked naked, but whatever I guess. And count me as another who wished TPTB would listen to Fred Astaire's words of how to showcase a dancer.
  12. I liked the first act, the big guy (Oscar?) who danced. I'm guessing we'll see more circus-type acts now that Ringling and others have shut down or been shut down, leaving acrobats and daredevils out-of-work. I liked the dog act, the dogs were all having a blast and were borderline "wild-and-crazy." I never thought Olathe Dogs should have won, but whatever. I liked these poodles that "look like lions" better. I liked the Air Force choir too, color me corny. The implication that those older women were crotchless was in such bad taste for a family show, whether real or faked. And they did not deserve to go through. In all, an entertaining evening, which is all I ask from this show. I now pay attention to what everyone is wearing thanks to you guys, and Tyra continues to bug. Again, thanks to you guys pointing out how irritating she is.
  13. Destiny74, I could watch an entire hour of Grant and Alaska Ninja doing ... whatever. That was some fun teevee.
  14. Mambo Queen just gave an idea for Corinne's new reality show: "Corinne Seeks Rehab for Sex/Alcohol Addiction." Me, I'm not watching. I really did not hit post twice, but an unable to remove that dupe since I cannot edit using Safari browser. Sorry guys.
  15. Mambo Queen just gave an idea for Corinne's new reality show: "Corinne Seeks Rehab for Sex/Alcohol Addiction." Me, I'm not watching.
  16. According to TMZ's interview with Corinne at LAX, she is "hinting" at getting her own reality show. So there you go folks, that explains it all to me. And as a side note, I find it interesting that all of Rachel's "BFFs" she keeps bringing on to The Bach-ette are all members of BIP.
  17. This was a pretty good first episode, lots of new competitors, although I didn't like relegating some of my favorites to "while we were away" clips. The new women were awesome, but I also don't like giving them all a pass. And the woman in the zebra top needs to get a better sports bra so she doesn't have to "readjust the girls" after every freaking obstacle. I was glad the guy with the bleeding face didn't fall in the water because I, too, was thinking they would have to drain the pool, bleach everything, then refill before the next competitor. So, thanks guy, for staying dry. And Flip is my new favorite to go all the way. That is, if Nick Cooleridge doesn't come back. And yeah, IMO Kevin Bull IS Elvis! If I had a little kid, I'd want him/her to idolize Kevin, Flip, all the Ninjas. I did feel sorry for the very first runner since, of course, we all know the first guy always wipes out.
  18. Hey Denim, are you referring to the black woman whose boobs were hanging down to her waist? If she had been wearing a belt, that would have hurt big time.
  19. I still am not all up on the married-women murder episode. What motive did the one have to kill the other? Just p*ssed off? And the paint might be used to cover up the killer's DNA on the body, except they were married and, presumably, lovers, so DNA would be all over each of them just from a normal day. All I can think the paint means is, the dead woman wanted to paint the living room teal, the killer woman wanted green, so she killed her, then still stewing over it, dumped the teal paint on the body and said, "THERE'S your freaking teal paint, you b*tch, how do you like it NOW?" JMHO, of course. Oh, and Judy, I couldn't tell the two apart by their photos either.
  20. I watched last night's ep too, even though I had seen it before. I didn't remember who was the killer, so the ep was "sort of" new to me (LOL!), which either says something about Dateline or my own memory retention. But I did remember that the woman being shot in the leg was fake. I just didn't remember it was the older son until the very end when it was revealed. I do remember being grossed out that the husband had remarried (how on earth did he find a GF much less someone to marry his cheating *ss?) and was living in the house where his wife had been freaking MURDERED. His new wife must be one of those women who send love letters to serial killers in prison.
  21. I loved Drew listening to Mulan, too. I was expecting something more like what Michael Phelps listens to, Lil Wayne. So Drew went up in my opinion, not that IMO matters.
  22. Since no judge had ever seen a skating act like the bro/sis, I guess they never watched "I Can Do That." Nicole Scherzinger did that same act partnering with the Skating Aratas, and they were shown over and over on that episode. So to me, seeing the bro/sis team was BOOOOR-ing. I thought the dog was okay, but really did NOT want people to choose 16 and then 20 barks. Ugh, please, no. I can see the deaf singer getting the GB since I don't think she'll change/improve much over the weeks, so this way she goes directly to finals to stay in competition. I wish I could have seen the arc acrobat team instead of multiple ADHD shots of the audience and judges. I don't have a clue if their act was good or interesting or anything since the camera work about put me into a seizure. And now, because of you posters here, I am paying attention to Tyra and her multi-outfit changes per episode. Make that outfit AND hair changes. WTH? The judges keep the same clothes per episode, it's too much for Tyra? What, is she Cher now? So thank a lot you guys. Anyway, welcome to AGT I guess.
  23. Thanks CelticBlackCat. I knew that about hung juries and mistrials. (Since I watch Dateline, where it happens a lot. LOL!) I feel "more stupider" to have asked about the retrials. So thank you for your explanation and patience! I still wonder about the paint thing though. And what sentence did the wife get?
  24. I missed the end. Did the wife get convicted on the third trial? What, cases can be retried w/o end until lawyers get the verdict they want? Was the paint ever explained? I didn't get that at all. Was it said where the little girl is? And how the wife could have killed her partner if she was gone with the daughter? I guess I didn't "get" this episode.
  25. I didn't read Arista's post above, but I heard on Ryan Seacrest's radio show today that Lauren split with Ben because she couldn't get past Ben telling JoJo he loved her. Okay ... whatever. Took her long enough. And I always liked Brit, never found her phony or fake or anything but nice. Just shows how YMMV ... in just about everything. People today are so used to snarky snotty people with backstabbing snide comments. It's hard to accept someone who just wants to be nice.
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