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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Why don't Randall and Beth consider adoption if they are so stressed about foster kids being taken away, which happens. There are older kids who could be adopted, especially kids of color. Why foster? For the pay check? A family with Big House, Nice Car, Full Fridge shouldn't need that foster income check, a reason some people do foster. Is there a reason they chose foster?
  2. I knew Deadwood, and I've never seen even one episode. (Love me some TO though.) I got upset at DOCTOR Martens, so I looked it up. And Dr. Martens, Doc Martens, Doctor Martens ... all of those are correct. Since "Dr." is pronounced "doctor," there's the catch. Yeah, it bugged me that I was wrong after being so sure I was correct. (That happens often lately!) I even own a pair of Docs.
  3. How Americans accent words vs. the European way can make for some confusion. Have a Brit say "aluminum" and Americans won't recognize that word. In my amateurish studies I found Americans will emphasize the first syllable while Brits and Europeans the second. (I'm sure others here know more than I.) I first noticed it when reading Scottish history ... the Battle of Culloden (CUL-lod-en) is where the clans fought in U.S speak, but listening to the same book in audio, it's Cul-LOD-den in UK. So I'm guessing Americans say PO-ke-mon while Europeans say po-KE-mon. Just guessing! Pallida, I remember going often to my favorite happy hour place after work so we could play Pong, it was set into table tops so we could eat/drink and play at the same time. It was so modern and progressive!
  4. I question Randall's stressing "Big house, nice car" to Deja when IMO the important things in life are not material. I also wonder why Deja has been bumped around in foster care her whole life when her mom is articulate, has a NICE CAR! and apartment and obviously a job or other income to buy Deja new clothes (while I shop at Goodwill). Maybe the show didn't want to stereotype drug-addicted street people? Deja is smart, articulate as well, and was not a "normal" teen in that she communicated like an adult. Or not a normal teen in that she communicated period. We were shown no reason why Deja shouldn't go back to her mom. I'm guessing the tuition at Howard is less than Harvard. I'd think Milo would be pleased Randall wants to go there. He still ends up with "Big House, Nice Car."
  5. Since Pac Man was the only video game I could think of that "ate" thing, this: "...there should be some awareness of the time period of mostly arcade-based video games versus later console or home-based video games" made me laugh because I have to stop and think what year it is NOW, much less in what decade I played Pac Man. It will happen to you, too, when you get old! And did we ever find out why the now-former champ wore Hawaiian shirts? I seldom listen to the interviews since I can't stand Trebek making them about himself. I did enjoy the late champ being so overwhelmed every time he won. It was a stark (and most welcome) contrast to players who consider themselves "the smartest person in the room." Or world.
  6. I said Pac Man for FJ, even though it's probably older than 20. I thought Pokemon was a card game. Some day you'll see me as a FJ, category: Really Old People. Geez, I just typed the above and Pac Man just got a scene on This Is Us! Oooh, spooky.
  7. I'd forgotten most of yesterday's episode until I came here and remembered saying "Puffy Shirt" while I was working and watching/listening at the same time. I was creeped by Pocahontas, Franken and Tom Petty being in the same episode. I didn't have a clue Germany had states, so shame on me for that. My biggest takeaway was that I'm digging the Hawaiian shirts. I'll take that flamboyance any day over hipster people who fancy themselves comedians and mimes.
  8. A judge will announce tomorrow his decision to let/not let Chris Soules off Scot free for his drunken-driving accident that killed his neighbor. Soules' lawyer says the charge of fleeing the scene violates Chris' Fifth Amendment rights since Chris called 911 and "he says" gave CPR. I hope the judge takes into account Chris hiding inside a house and refusing to answer the door until cops got a warrant. But my bet is he gets off, free. I hope I am wrong.
  9. Thanks for the Gary Larson Goodall background, peeayebee. I remember that "tramp Goodall" cartoon, and I would think it hilarious if I were Goodall. Which, I guess, she did. Larson's "karma" episode also is quite funny. I miss those good old days.
  10. I thought that Porsche was a Peugeot. At least it starts with P, much like Thumb starts with T!
  11. All this episode did for me was make me hate Kate even more. She was a petulant, snotty kid and she's even moreso as an adult. She is hateful in every way. Only the last scene when she FINALLY let her mom hug her and she hugged her back did she become a (somewhat) likable human. And Toby threatening the delivery guy? That guy needed to step back away from Toby and call 911 STAT before Toby beat the sh*t out of him like he said he was going to, and have the cops arrest his *ss. Then Toby going through the warehouse? Yeah, right, like they would let him do that. If you are so freaking worried about the package, sit on your porch and wait for it. Then return it, put it in the attic or sell it on Craigslist. But if I had my way, Toby would be sitting in a jail cell after going all Hulk Smash on a delivery guy. And the onion thing? So what the recipe called for yellow. Buy some white or red or sweet onions. Or tell the lady you'll pay her twice what the onions cost. I would have run out of the store with my (MY) onions if I were that other shopper. Plus Rebecca could have freaking ASKED the grocer if there were more onions in back. Basically, I hated everyone in this episode until Toby gave his "it also affects me" speech and Kate actually hugged her mother after treating her like cr*p her entire child and adult life. Five minutes of redemption after 55 minutes of everyone being horrible.
  12. Yeah, I felt bad for the guy with the Tom Thumb answer. But is that worse than writing "Good game guys" or something else. At least it's a stab in the dark. Although there's this: We make fun of random stabs but not "I know I've lost" written FJ comments. As for the "What is ..." sentence beginnings, lots of times on spoken answers the correct phrasing isn't used, but as ChicagoCti says, as long as it's in the form of a question, that's all that matters. This show is really whack, when one thinks about the crazy rules/not rules.
  13. Has Jeopardy ever had an eight-word FJ answer before? Anyone know what the longest FJ has been? I'm assuming contestants are not allowed to write "What is" before time begins since I'm guessing if those two words are not there, the answer auto loses.
  14. Thanks tvaddict for the direct to the redditjeopardy site. My tv day was pretty boring yesterday with parades and parade reruns (which I didn't watch the first time), then football and more football. Today is all football and hockey, although Jeopardy is listed for today, thank goodness. Reading here, I should do pretty well on yesterday's game. Ha ha! It's a shame no one could recognize Geraldine Ferraro. She endured horrible verbal attacks, and I was so crushed when she bowed out. I even bought her book. She was an early ERA heroine. And I kinda like Three Stooges for TS.
  15. Ailianna, it was I who posted about the child player misspelling FJ. I used that example to illustrate how if one adds or subtracts a letter in his/her written FJ response, he or she will lose. But, if he/she writes phonetically so the misspelled word is pronounced the same, then that answer will be accepted as correct. The fact that kid or some other kid won or didn't win has no bearing on the point I was trying to make, which was how FJ answers are judged. My post was no more than a contribution to the discussion of Wilbur's ill-fated FJ half answer and not a dis of any player. Fish, we got the rerun of the Macy parade here, too, a whole two hours after the parade was shown the first time. So there was no rerun or new Jeopardy episode for me, either. And yeah, I hate football too.
  16. If one delves deeply back into the recesses of these Jeopardy! threads, you'll find our extended discussion of Kit Carson vs. Carson when it happened on the show. "Kit" or "Carson" anything has been a running joke here since. I'm guessing some of you are too young to know that. "Git off my lawn."
  17. I was surprised by Kiana doing so well today since IMO she stole the champion spot from Wilbur yesterday. Yes, I'm still sore about that. I got the TS Bob's Burgers, and I would have gotten Shroud of Turin if the clue hadn't said it was 14 feet long. No kidding! So I tried to think of some Biblical ship or boat, or something, you know, LONG. As for FJ, I didn't even understand the clue.
  18. Roaster, I don't think there is credible scientific evidence that there is an energy vortex in Sedona or anywhere else. Of course, I could be wrong. It is a great tourist and hippie draw however. Hippies .. yes, I remember them! As for the Benedict Arnold question, here is the category and clue: NAMES IN THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. "A newspaper announcing his death in 1801 said he died in England & was “notorious throughout the world.” So, is Arnold an acceptable answer? What about Kit Arnold? I think the full name should have been required.
  19. The local channel reruns old shows. FJ answer was Benedict Arnold, but the winner of the game just wrote "Arnold." And he won. He could have meant Arnold Palmer, Tom Arnold, Roseanne Barr Arnold, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Matthew Arnold ... the list goes on, but you know what I mean. Using the same thinking, "Sgt. Pepper" should have been sufficient for yesterday's FJ answer.
  20. I just watched some old Jeopardy on YouTube. There is a video of a young man (he looked pre-teen) who was winning a tourney, except he wrote "Emanciptation Proclamation" for his FJ. He lost when he was going to be an easy winner if not for that extra letter. Yeah, FJ can really suck, especially when you know the answer. I guess misspelling is the same as misspeaking, or adding an "s" on the end of a singular word.
  21. Have AT stop using "accents" to give further clues to the correct answer. Like "Sean Connery was born in this country" in a Scottish accent. Okay, I just made that up, but you know what I mean.
  22. I believe the rule is that if FJ is written phonetically so it's still pronounced the same, it will pass muster. But if it's missing letters, like that Waitin for Godot, you lose. If that person had written Wayting Four Godough, that would have been okay. (I think. Because ... Kit Carson!)
  23. I've seen FJ written as scrawls that have to be interpreted for Alex by the writer. But heck, Today Alex couldn't even decipher "The Wall," which was obvious to me. But I've seen plenty of "doctor's signatures" for FJs. Wilbur (I do love that name, because who is named Wilbur these days? Besides Wilbur, that is.) could have just done some loopy scrawls if he knew he was running out of time. Which I'm guessing he did not. As for rules being rules, just ask Kit Carson what HE thinks about Jeopardy rules. #TeamWilbur
  24. I didn't think Wilbur looked annoyed at the end, he just looked like the earth had swallowed him whole. That heartbreaker after coming back from being buried alive at the beginning of the game ... it had to have shattered a bunch of his brain cells. Congrats to Mondrianyone for even THINKING of translating that Cyrillic phrase. I didn't even look at it after the one second it took for me to ID the font. Too funny, the translation. I wish it had been something ... well, more interesting. But I guess that's why I'm not a writer on Jeopardy. A viewer like Mondianyone would get me fired. Meanwhile, I don't know if I would have gotten FJ because I forgot to listen to the question/answer. I did get that album for Christmas one year though, so there's that!
  25. Yeah, FJ sucked big time for Wilbur. I wonder if judges would have accepted emojis/symbols for heart and club. Because writing the entire title in 30 seconds, less if it took a bit to think of it, is pretty much a fail. (Except one person didn't fail, so there's that.) Speaking of fails, I shouted out Córdoba that was a TS for city in Spain. Then I shouted some sort of blasphemy when it was correct since I don't have the slightest clue how I knew that.
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