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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Once again I couldn't guess The Hustler. I thought it was the blond woman, even though for the last question she just sat there and didn't contribute. I figured she would pipe up if the other two got the right answer, which they did, then she agreed. I'm terrible at this show. I should apply to be on it, the real Hustler would never vote me off.
  2. That one fellow at least tried my idea of running past one fish at a time. So good on him for that. It was also good to see someone beat the Pole Cano finally. Jumping into the Wedding Ring does take some planning since that conveyor belt is moving pretty fast. As for the flippers, it seemed like it went down when the player jumped onto it. I wonder if you could jump on the first flipper, then wait until it came up so you could jump to the next. Someone get on the show so you can tell me! I guess Course Marshall Colin really got married? Who knew. There were a couple putts SO CLOSE to going in, I yelled out NOooo! But at least this week there were no obnoxious players (and no Port-a-potty holes, my least favorite) so it was a pretty good episode.
  3. Thanks for that, which probably contributes to why I dislike him so much besides being such a cr*p magician even I can see how his tricks are done. That someone wants to adopt kids has nothing to do with how good they are in their job. If that were true, this guy needs to adopt 10 or 20 more kids to make him a "barely average" magician, and maybe get some gigs at kid birthday parties. I know, that was so ... weird, right, that Simon said his moaning and oohing was too fake. More fake than the rubber-chained chain saw Simon? Guess we will never find out now.
  4. Thanks for that link Clam. I've been gone all night so missed the show. My only problem with the results list is I don't know most of the act's names. Is Matt Johnson the magician? Wait, he's the Chain Saw Guy, right? I was hoping the magician would get the hook from stage left but I guess he went through. I'm not that smart, really, but if I can see through his "tricks" they are NOT good. I'd rather have Chain Saw Guy and his pony beard go through than Magician Man. Oh well. It's not about me. On to next week!
  5. You mean, "I'm dropping this ball from 4 because I have four grand kids" isn't a solid strategy? Who knew!
  6. I'm glad this is back, I very much like that the show is giving the players college-fund money. Maybe I wasn't in such a good mood though since Cooper Manning never bothered me before, but last night, wow, he couldn't have been any more irritating ... and stupid. He really bugged. Maybe if he had a better writer ...
  7. I voted like crazy for Josh Blue on Last Comic Standing ... remember him? Funny that Howie didn't.
  8. I only saw a few minutes when I flipped over from the show I was really watching, but I found the woman to be insufferable and was glad I had another station to flip back to. The guy seemed pretty smart though, at least for the few questions I saw. Hoping Otto posts a recap so I don't have to actually watch more of that woman, reading about it will spare me that pain.
  9. This was an episode full of a lot of singers. I multi tasked during those performances since it was like listening to the radio. The only singer I liked was the woman who did the original "I've Been Dragged on Twitter" song for her audition, then got dragged by judges for doing a cover this week. Howie said doing a cover didn't make her stand out since there are a lot of GOOD singers this season. Funny thing though, of all the "good" singers this week, she was the only one I would pay to see. The others, I would tune my radio to another station if they were being played. The dogs were so high energy, it didn't matter that not all the Frisbees were caught, they just kept going. The judge VOs with the dog-judge panel though, what's up with that, did the judges record all that convo for them? Well then, of course the act got a glowing review. The magician is THE WORST. I knew exactly how he did his act in his audition, and I don't follow or watch any magician shows. It was just so obvious to this neophyte. As was last night's routine. As Howie was shaking up the cards in the tub, I kept wondering why the cards weren't changing positions or flipping over, they were all staying face up or down. Then as he performed his "trick," I knew why. I want to see him do that same trick with a deck I provide, not one purchased at an online magic store. So Peacock Guy was back and Simon, who voted him through for this live round, gave him a big red X. WTH was up with that. And that act went on and on and on forever. The guy has to be a cousin of some show runner or producer or something because he sucks. Although at the very end when he kept putting his wing feathers in Terry's face, now THAT was funny. Speaking of funny, Gina the comedian made me LOL at her pork-chop joke. I liked her, one of the best of the night. Maybe my favorite act of the night since pretty much everyone else were singers which, as mentioned above, I don't like. I didn't pay attention when the other comedian performed but I guess he was okay. The Danger Guy, when he was undoing the last padlock by his head and his left arm was over his chest, I swear it should have been cut by the chain saw. But no ... did the saw have a fake rubber chain on it? A butter knife can cut through balsa wood, so could a rubber-chained chain saw. I also thought it was strange the assistant attached the middle chain with a twist-shut chain link, not the padlock. But ... camera angles. On a shallow note, the man's appearance was greatly improved with his beard in a ponytail. He actually was kinda hot looking then. I guess we're suppose to vote for five (?) acts online or on an app or something, although looking at them, I don't remember any of them except the singer Storm. So I'll let the results fall where they may. Since really, I don't care who wins this.
  10. Good things come to those who wait. Congrats! And the gif is hilarious.
  11. Yeay that Joe Moravsky was able to power his Lift Chair so he could stand upright and compete as The Oldest Man On Earth last night. I was half expecting his arm to detach on any given obstacle since he's so old, he can't have any connecting tendons still viable in that decrepit old body of his. What a MIRACLE! that he won Power Tower. Now we'll get to hear more about how ancient he is in future episodes. Forget Pom Wonderful, ANW needs to get Geritol as a sponsor if Old Joe wins the whole thing. Which I hope he does. It was nice to see The Real Nick Hanson, even if he is out. He's one of my favs.
  12. Someone asked upthread where I found Katie's net worth to be between $1-5 million. Here is a link: to a Life and Style article. Several other sites say the same thing, plus the yearly salary for a bank marketing manager in Washington state is more than $100,000/year. Add in her SM earnings and yeah, she's pretty set financially. Blake's net worth is estimated to be around $200,000 to $500,000 according to the same source. Of course, both are now set to make even more thanks to SM.
  13. Great reading, and the author and I are totally in line with our thoughts on this dreck season. Thanks for posting the link. Only if she gets to keep the fake boobs. She didn't have those with her on last night's finale or during the "proposal."
  14. I thought about this overnight and my conclusion is that Blake was scripted to be "not sure" and "insecure" so viewers would get all in a bundle that he would not propose and Poor Katie would be left standing alone at the end. What guy would get all breathless and shaky and scared just looking at rings. (Scripted.) Then Tay pipes up from HER script that Blake could just walk away if he's not sure. So he gets up and walks away. Scripted. We see Katie getting all duded up in her Proposal Dress and then we see Blake walking around outside in his capri pants, wondering if he can really get engaged. Like he doesn't know that people on this franchise get engaged and unengaged every season since the beginning of time. Getting engaged means pretty much nothing on this show. Then Katy arrives at the Death Stage of No Proposal out in the dead sticks of the desert. Nothing about the setting said Happy Ending or even Have A Nice Day. Although now we see Blake magically dressed in some formal wear and he shows up on the Wooden Deck of Death in the Desert. But he just stands there and says nothing. Scripted. And Katie, who's been clued into the Big Reveal and knows she's getting that Neil Lane, never looks down or scared or sad or ready to cry because now she thinks Blake is leaving. Because she knows he's not. So she starts in with the blah blah blah whatever ramble about their tru lurv. Blake, as instructed, looks down and uncomfortable and viewers JUST KNOW he's going to bail. Katie, however, knows he's not so she just waits with bright eyes for the proposal that she already knows is coming. Bad acting, Katie. After that part of the script is over, the show continues with its budget cuts by putting them on two common bay horses equipped with old saddles pulled from some old barn somewhere. Geesh. If you're going to ride them off into the sunset, what happened to the palomino or white or pinto horses? The trail guide out front was on a pinto, yet the two newly engaged lovers get boring every-day-bay horses. There's also such a thing as fancy tack, silver saddles and breastplates and silver brides with silver inlaid reins, and horse manes and tails can be braided up with ribbons and flowers ... yes, even roses! This was just one cheap-ass season from start to finish, and COVID had nothing to do with how bad it was. IMO Blake was put into the show just so Katie would get a Neil Lane at the end, which is the whole premise of this franchise. Scripted, start to finish. Only Greg got burned by it, and I hope he does just fine from here out.
  15. I've moved on from Katie and Greg. It's too bad neither of them have, nor has the show. Worst episode ever.
  16. WTH? What's with the boom boxes and waving audience arms? It's like Wes Luv It Don't Come Easy is back. Most stupidest ending EVAH. Thanks the gods this dreck season is over. i never want to see Katie or Blake again.
  17. Katie: "When Greg left, so did everything I felt for him." Me: "BULLSHIT! If that were true, you wouldn't be raking Greg all over the coals now and being a big fat beeyotch about it. You hope he rots in hell for dumping you."
  18. Brilliant statement. Thanks! I'm keeping it.
  19. Katie and Blake are engaged, right? RIGHT? So what does anything with Greg matter? It's just a battle of pot vs. kettle, and none of it matters. Or maybe she and Blake are not REALLY engaged ... so there's that.
  20. Exactly. The show is on such a tight budget they couldn't afford to hook up a jog cart or carriage or something, they make Katie get on a horse while she's in her evening gown and barefoot. Good luck getting horse sweat out of those glitter sequins. And then they plod down some dusty road going ... where? ... while Tay and Kay stay behind and drink up all the champagne. Way to stay classy show. On to Katie bitching out Greg for a half hour ...
  21. LOL that the camera cut away just as Blake's horse was going to take a dump.
  22. So the show told Blake to stall around and act like he was going to back out? It's like Katie was in on it too, her face never changed because she knew he was giving her that Neil Lane. Me: "BARF." See you guys next season. Oh, and in BIP!
  23. Katie goes to her proposal site, surrounded by a landscape of dead trees and dead, dried-up tumbleweeds. Throw some big old pots on a wooden deck and call it a day. Nice. Show continues to save on its budget. Couldn't even spring for a bouquet of flowers.
  24. I guess that hour will be taken up with Katie bitching out Greg.
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