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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. Viewers are NEVER allowed to see/hear anything like that. It's blasphemous that you even suggest it. For shame! ;-))
  2. I prefer it too, probably since I am more of a wrong reasons viewer. I'm a wrong-reasons viewer but I still prefer TB/ette because: Travel Porn. A fancy date on BIP is moving down the beach to another square of sand or taking a dip in a swimming pool with no STDs in it ... yet.
  3. Oh, okay. Thanks. I figured maybe Eric didn't go home after all and maybe Carlee was someone new I missed while I wasn't paying attention. That happens to me a lot during BIP! As for Evan and Carly, all I can think of when I think of them is that vomit-inducing hot-pepper-eating longest-kissing contest they were forced to be in.
  4. Who are Eric and Carlee? What'd I miss?
  5. Man, Jenna looks like she's 50 years old in that scene where she's talking to John. Who is eating pizza like he's ... what was that guy's name ... Josh.
  6. If she has, she has company there named Annaliese. That chick is bat-shit AND not so good looking on top of it.
  7. If someone pulls me aside to talk to me and then sticks her finger in her ear and digs around in an effort to fish out whatever's in there, that'd be the end of any relationship that person might have had with me.
  8. I missed the first hour (god that sounds terrible, this show is LONGER THAN ONE HOUR!) so thank goodness I missed Carly, Evan, et. al. and the babies. I mean the real babies. If I had to spend even a minute with a toddler in dipes, I'd have my thumb out for the next limo home. I guess I'm not this show's demo if you have to want or like little kids.
  9. Arlington ... Texas? That would be a valid excuse for missing FJ.
  10. I had a majorly HUGE crush on Arie after Emily's season, and was pumped beyond words when he was chosen to be TB. I even would have applied for his season. Yeah, that glow faded pretty quickly, but at least it was something to look forward to. But Colton? Nothing there of interest for me. I totally agree with this, that TPTB want us to believe the script they are writing for Colton to (clumsily) follow. It's all about ratings which are built via watercooler talk, clips being played on entertainment shows and chatter on talk radio as we watch this lovelorn virgin on his Great Journey to Find Love. Even Colton haters will be watching and snarking, and maybe even believing a minute or two of the edited scenes we get to see. "Moo" said the Fleiss cash cow.
  11. I don't think Farmer Chris fared very well on DWTS. He got pretty snippy with partner Witney toward the end. And Nick Viall blamed the news about Chris killing his neighbor as the reason Nick was voted off. Joe might fare pretty well on DWTS since none of us know him very well. Or make that: TPTB haven't ruined him (totally) for us. Yet. I hope he does well.
  12. Colton ... the Bachelor whose eyes don't match what his mouth is (scriptedly) saying. He's not even good a faking it. *sigh* This is all so depressing. As expected, GMA showed the clip of the Big Tia Breakup. Count on her to return to give him "advice" during the season. I'd rather see a second season of Juan Pablo. At least he was good to look at and has great legs. Colton? Not even brainless eye candy. Just brainless. But I guess Colton ends up being The Winner in the Big Race To Be Next Bachelor. You know, the real prize all of Becca's beaus were competing for.
  13. I didn't see the whole thing because I flipped to ANW and then went to bed. Thank all the gods. This made me laugh because you are right, Colton's season WILL be the most.dramatic.season EVER. Take a drink every time we hear that one. I guess we all need some "drama" after this BIP being the.worst.season.EVER. Even the editors don't give a care any more, we've had maybe one-half laugh in all these multiple hours of dragging out "drama" that's so scripted we all knew what was coming next. Or at least I did. What's up that this dead and bloated cash cow is still producing mega money for Fleiss.
  14. Congratulations for believing the script TPTB gave Colton so the stage would be set properly for him being the next Bachelor. You (we all) have been played.
  15. Thank you American Ninja Warrior for saving me from seeing Ashley/Jared.
  16. A big YES to this. I can't stand Wells, he's the worst Mean Girl of all of them. Plus that person's shoulder DID NOT smell "like scallops."
  17. Maybe, like, add, like, blindsided to that, like, list.
  18. I liked her on BIP last year. She was a breath of fresh air in the middle of all the Mean Girls. And she's probably there because she was asked 1. she likes the money 2. and the tv face time 3. and it's a free if somewhat sweaty vacation 4.
  19. That's because he is. Wouldn't that be refreshing? I could get behind that, someone actually saying something honest and real.
  20. Now it's four days later and Colton is up to a whopping 8 percent. Woo hoo. Not.
  21. This is not surprising given the previews for tonight's BIP, in which it looks like Colton and "her" break up so he'll be properly broken hearted for his appearance on GMA in the morning. All along I've felt Tia was being scripted to build the Colton story, from the fake "reveal" to Becca that she's "in love" with him to all the bogus scenes on BIP. All producer manipulation ... of us! I have to say, thinking of Colton as TB makes Ben Higgins look great. And I'm not a Ben fan. NBC better come up with something good on its channel since AGT and ANW will be over by the time TB airs.
  22. He also said the pool was "sick." He's so rad!
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