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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. OMG ... Joe = Adult. That's a first for this franchise.
  2. An hour in Paradise is like two months in real time. It's similar to dog years but it's dog hours.
  3. Of course we're never allowed to see/hear anything like that. This show ...
  4. What, that's the Unknown Trumpet Player? What's the deal with hiding his face? Not a SAG member?
  5. Well, I will say Joe wasn't the most sincere by wearing a gigantic grin while telling Kendall MAYBE they'll get engaged. Not something that's joke material IMO. You didn't miss anything except 10 minutes of commercials.
  6. Shu said "douchebag." Ha ha ha. I'm 12. Two words: Air time. And yeah, get me off that diseased beach please, even for a couple hours. Robbie kinda outed himself when he said he'd always try something new. Substitute "someone" for "something." And there ya go, Amanda. You are my designated Douche Meter going forward Leighdear!
  7. I didn't know I was being video'd and someone posted it online. The heck. I missed the first 10 minutes so just saw the end of the photo shoot. I don't know why putting on a wedding dress for fake photos would skeeve someone out so badly. Most little girls play bride, plus it's fake photos, so what's the big deal. Oh yeah ... drah-mah. I'm liking Jordan more and more, and he was not a favorite before. But he's pretty fun on BIP. (I'd make him shave his neck though. What, he thinks he starring on Blindspot? (Anyone who posts on that thread knows what I mean.) Ha ha to Robbie walking in the sand like a little girl.
  8. We can make our own Fantasy Jeopardy Team. Hokey smokes! Hi Alex. Just fyi, you can vote now on the beard: Welcome to Season 35! We’ve got a new website for you and a new tournament coming up, and Alex is celebrating the anniversary season with a sharp new look! What do you think? Vote yea or nay on the beard at Facebook or Instagram @Jeopardy. Link.
  9. I understand there will be an online vote as to whether Trebek should keep the beard or not. I vote a big fat NO, beards to me equal lazy ass person. But I don't like Trebek all that much anyway so don't really give a care what he looks like. I also understand a championship game is in the works, past winners including Jennings, Buzzy, Mr. I'm The Smartest Person In the Room, Brad Rutter, et. al.
  10. Except it starts out with a gigantic UGH for bad grammar, although Evan IS in Bachelor Nation which means no one can use pronouns correctly. Examples: "Me and Carly’s daughter, Bella ..." and "As for Carly and I ..." But then he saved himself with making me laugh with this: "Chris and Krystal finally had some positive screen time... I’m going to be happy for them at the end if they do end up together… although Chris will never know it because he blocked me on Twitter." That's some comedy gold there, Evan. Nice to know Chris is a dick not only on tv but IRL too.
  11. Actually, according to this Becca's season is the lowest-rated. So far. This show has been slipping in viewership every year, race has nothing to do with it, boredom (IMO) does. And if anyone is looking for felons, Becca had a few to choose from. Still, the franchise obviously makes money so it will continue on regardless of what any of us think about it.
  12. I'd like to see this show, but with people 30-40 acting like ... well, people 30-40, and there to find a connection, not working to become another D-list celebrity famewhore. Although I guess that wouldn't draw ratings. Seems all anyone wants to see is the manufactured fakety fake drama and setups to create conflict. Most viewers believe the scripts TPTB give these wanna-be actors. The rest of us, I guess, watch so we can snark afterward. While Annaliese and Shu can be termed crazy, at least they don't have anyone taking legal action against them for harassment. None of the men this season are prizes IMO, and I include Mr. 60/40 in there too. Well, there IS Joe, so of course we barely get to see/hear him. This is the most boring season. What happened to volleyball on the beach, frisbee, cornhole or diving contests or ANYTHING other than sitting/laying around moping.
  13. It's the same thinking as why little kids want to watch the same Disney DVD over and over and over again. They know what's coming so it's familiar and therefore, yes, comforting. I guess adults are the same way, according to Fleiss/ABC. Well, make ;that SOME adults. I'd love to see a whole new fresh Bach. I mean, we get 25 new 'ettes each time so why not a new guy too. Was his second tweet "And screw you"?
  14. Yeah, washed up, dried out old hags. *cough* Moving on, why is there so much emphasis on age anyway? Like someone 25 is okay but 26 is antique and hopeless? So much brainlessness in that thinking. Or lack of thinking. Makes me wonder if all that wasn't TPTB scripted drahama. Except Kevin got in there somehow, poor guy. He'd be ON my list. Right at the top of my shit list. (I have more words for anyone who uses that term, but you get the idea.)
  15. A jungle is much more natural (and in need of upkeep) than a bush. JMHO, of course.
  16. Me five for George of the Jungle! I was surprised all the panelists wrote "Bush." Maybe they were looking at each other's answers. I said "turn signal" for the airplane driven by the grandma. That airplanes don't have turn signals isn't any more insane than some of the answers on this show so I'm sticking with it. I guess I'm old that I said Scarlet Fever.
  17. I haven't been a fan of Karen & Ricardo until last night. I enjoyed them, and thanks for putting that stupid ultra spinning at the beginning so I forgot about it by the time they were finished. I did like Michael better though, but was it because of his dance ability or all the graphics and lighting and the ninja costuming? Not sure. I did think KyR were very gracious when voted off, which I appreciated. All these people crying and looking like they're heading to the guillotine if they lose gets a little much. Nice to know KyR are going to live to dance another day. Speaking of lighting and costuming, that group who did the wolf thing or whatever it was got screwed majorly by their lighting. Or rather, lack of it. They might have been good but who could tell. Jaxon needs to take a week off from trying to figure out who he is and see if he can perform some less-angsty dance. I've been a fan in the past but he's worn out his "I'm black and adopted" schtick with me, so bye. I liked The Lab. And I thought the Sisters were better last time around. So I agreed with that outcome. The Rock group, I spent their dance looking at the pretty colors on the floor so sort of didn't see them at all. Although I don't think I missed much. I don't remember names except for a few. I guess that speaks to how invested I am in those nameless ones. Not that I'm invested in anyone this season. But I don't hate anyone either, now that Eva Igo is gone.
  18. All I could think about during this segment was how the back area is full of fake people, extras, hired to be there, pretending to be acts waiting to audition. Several people who have been asked to audition by TPTB have posted comments about that. So Howie fooling with people who are themselves foolers was ... well, fill in your own blank. Plus there was a camera filming his interaction? Yeah, right. Everyone was (not) fooled. At least Shin Lim went through, although as someone posted above, I sort of hope he doesn't win so he won't be under some crazy contract for who knows how long, and not able to pursue any venues for as long as the contract chains him up.
  19. Stand there, wink at the camera, make a "heart" with his hands. That'll get him all my votes. What? You mean he has to do magic too? The heck!
  20. This made me laugh, so thanks for that Stompster. It's good to know Shin Lim isn't in your "attraction" wheelhouse, which means he can be in mine. I love to stare at him. Oh yeah, and he does magic, too. Yes, he DOES do magic. A handsome man with magic hands ... and great hair ... for my win. I do wonder why, after all this time practicing his craft, that his hands appear to shake. Ever so slightly, but still, they do. In other news, I couldn't get over how Tyra's overly blackened eyes made her head look like a skull with black holes where the eyes should be. WTHeck was that all about?
  21. White Pages says he lives in Melrose Park. Maybe with his parents!
  22. I THINK his store is in West Town and I think he also lives in West Town, which is where the "west" comes from. But there are more than a dozen groceries in that small neighborhood. And yes, his parents do live in Melrose Park. The Tribune says he was at Lollapalooza and was spotted with David Ross at a pizza place so his social circle is pretty exclusive. Also according to the Trib, Becca visited him in Chicago while the B-ette was still airing. He posted their photo on Instagram. As for his store, he was filmed at Eric’s Food Center in the Hegewisch neighborhood for his B-ette intro package, and he was "discovered" and asked to be on B-ette when he was at a Whole Foods in Chicago. So many stores, so little time.
  23. I was thinking it was south side, like southwest, not actually west. I will have to do some investigating ...
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