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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I had forgotten how great Aykroyd was as Nixon. Man, he was spot on. And Nixon talking to Lincoln's portrait was pretty timely, too. Madeline as Pat was a hoot. I love Carly Simon as much now as I did then, which is ... a lot. She's timeless. It was odd to just see seven cast members at the end, but that's all there were back then.
  2. Extra credit for rhyming your response!
  3. @Minaboo, I am missing your score for last week, Week 37. And @Sharpie66, you are four weeks behind!
  4. WEEK 38 • June 8 — ONE asterisk * 186. 20th Century America. 10-year-old Martin Luther King, Jr. sang with his church’s choir at the celebrated premiere of this film. 187. Pre-Civil War Presidents. Encyclopedia Britannica says of him: “After an extended tour of Europe he retired to Concord…& he died in obscurity.” 188. Notable British Names. Published in 1881, “The Formation of Vegetable Mould, Through the Actions of Worms” was his last & one of his bestselling books. * 189. Medical History. One of the first recorded autopsies was performed on this man & revealed 23 puncture marks. * 190. Authors. On this woman’s passing in 2019, Oprah Winfrey called her “a magician with language, who understood the power of words.” I'm sorry to see the season end early, I'm really not ready for it. Contest winners will be announced after everyone has done a final check in.
  5. When I saw the FJ category, I said well, it's some guy. Then the pronoun "she" was in the clue, and I was all "Whaaaa?" And the answer was a black woman on top of that. I think the writers knew this was the last FJ of the season so tossed all the Woman Author complainers a bone. Happy end of Season 36 everyone.
  6. And Bobby Ewing died in Dallas. Until he got revived one morning in Pam's shower. In any case, I'd be fine with Zombie/Android Roman. Heck, we got François Arnaud last night, it be time for some Roman. Show: Take notice.
  7. I'm wondering if Patterson gets her on-the-lam lipstick from the same place the 1860s Wagon Train women get their eyeliner, mascara and false eyelashes. Her hair also grew about two feet since last season. "What Up with That?" to quote DeAndre Cole.
  8. "If this is wrong, I don't want to be right." ETA: I guess this sort of applies to my above post too.
  9. Haven't been watching this season but had it on last night. It got my attention when I looked up and saw François Arnaud, who I guess was stopping by on his way home from Midnight, Texas. Wowza. And I join the others above, if Roman had made an appearance, I'd grade this episode an A+. As it was, it got a low score from me. I haven't liked Weller since S1E1, and liked him less after his weepy crybaby scenes that went on way too long. Then the dumbass knocks the bad people out and just leaves. WTH, dude. What's wrong with shooting each one in the kneecap so they can't get up and follow you, and have to go to rehab instead of back on the street to capture and kill your ass. Like I said, dumbass. Meanwhile, the surgery scene with Jane directing how to extract a bullet, which seems to be just sitting on the other side of her skin, was whack. I do have to add that during that scene I was eating strawberry jam on crackers. I thought that was pretty funny. Next week the team steals a script from Leverage. Alrighty then.
  10. Apologies to @peeayebee if it was wrong to apply a LAUGH icon to your post of that picture.
  11. One TS that did give me a laugh was the answer of methane for "It's handy to put facilities for this gasoline additive right in fields of the Midwestern corn it's made from." Cows are getting a bad rap for producing so much methane, they are poisoning the planet, but if someone figured a way to make their gas a gasoline additive, that would be awesome. "This van powered by cow farts." Back to reality: There is an ethanol plant not far from me and it is, indeed, surrounded by corn fields.
  12. There were so many TSs today, it was staggering. I typically just say the TS to the tv. Today I started out saying the TS, then I started saying the TS and adding "Jesus Christ." I ended the episode by SHOUTING the TS and JESUS CHRIST! Good thing my neighbors are miles away, but I still suspect lightning will strike me for shouting blasphemy. But this show ... my god. I said Rasputin for FJ. Even after the reveal, I was satisfied that my wrong answer was a very good one. I knew it because of St. Elmo's Fire. Look it up.
  13. Spoon on bowl is a audio signal to dogs that treat is coming.
  14. Let's not mention how I managed to devour one-half of a 1.5 quart container of pistachio ice cream on my drive home last week. (It was SO GOOD!) There are pluses and minuses to living 40 miles from any town of consequence.
  15. It was one of my favorite shows, I watched it every week. I don't remember any violence though, just Emma Peel's outfits (slinky!) and John Steed's bowler and bumbershoot.
  16. Just fyi, one pint of Häagen Daz can be eaten in its entirety during my 45-minute drive home from the grocery. I've tested this many times, just to make sure it's true.
  17. Swenson gave me a great idea. I want to vote for the act I hate the most every week, and the ones with the most votes get sent home. That would give me some satisfaction, to be able to give 10 votes to someone I really dislike. Acts with no votes get to stay. I figured anyone dissing the girl "dancer" would catch flak because she's fat instead of she's a crappy dancer with no talent whatsoever. She should have gotten four Xs, and not for being overweight. Maybe because Simon thinks Sofia is prettier than Heidi?
  18. Okay, Boomer. (JK of course. You know what I mean!) Truly believe it because it is true. We are being duped every week so we either sit back and tolerate it or flip the channel. Or complain here. I vote we all do the last!
  19. So much this. It took me right back to last season when the camera zoomed in on a grinning and leering Simon Cowell when one of those male/female acrobat teams did a move that put the woman's crotch right into the man's face. The fat girl wanna-be dancer -- let's face it, that's what she is -- sucked. That she performs all over for and with everyone is a tribute to how the untalented are pandered to these days. Even Simon had to add a clip of him running backstage to tell her how marvelous she is. WTH. Like viewers are drooling morons with no judgement? Oh. Right. We are I guess. I would have Golden Buzzer'd the Indian man and little boy in the green shirts. They were awesome. Now THAT takes talent. Let's see anyone else do that with some little rando kid. Speaking of rando kids, did ya'll know Simon has a son? He should be on every episode so we can all tell Simon how adorable the kid is and what a great dad Simon is. Oh. Right. He is. And we do. I was wanting Simon Junior to run onto the stage and hang with the singer's little son, then play together or something. Or Simon Junior take Singer's Boy back to craft services for some ice cream or something. Anything. Oh. Right. Wrong class designation. Yeah, Terry had to be in on the fake t-shirt ripping contest which was obviously a set up by TPTB so he could show off his abs. If he starts bouncing his boobs AGAIN this season, I'm flipping channels. Besides the green-shirted Indian guys, I loved loved loved the two magicians. I actually LOL'd, and I seldom do that. Icing on the cake was that Simon didn't have a clue what they were doing or what was going on. He's such a dumbass. This show finds people online and on YouTube and solicits them to "audition." Then the acts are "scripted" so they appear to have just walked in from their jobs as garbage men or whatever. It's all a big rig.
  20. Watch for @Katy M's clue/answer on Season 37 of Jeopardy!
  21. That's a name that has never appeared in my universe and will disappear immediately after I hit SEND for this post. I have not a clue who she is, or even if she is a real person. Or even if she's a she. Long story short: Believe it. No comments that Hawkeye's name on M.A.S.H. is Benjamin Franklin Pierce? The 1881 best seller “The Formation of Vegetable Mould, Through the Actions of Worms” is now available at Amazon.com. It's required reading.
  22. I knew the Japan team would go through based on their extreme and OTT reaction to seeing the judges. Unimpressed teams and dancers (those who didn't squee and almost faint) were sent home. And did JLo call Derek by some pet name that now I can't remember, like Boo or some such? Gah. Get a room and get it over with. I liked the break-dancing group that was sent home. And Keagan Capps was another gymnastic floor routine that was especially freaky after watching the contortionist-dancer on AGT just prior to this show. Since when did wrapping your leg around your head and twisting your spine into a 180 become dance moves? This show is becoming all about gymnastic tricks. Our Olympic team should have applied.
  23. LOL! So funny how we like different things. We agree on this. I couldn't even hear the rainbow part, just the last Fool's Gold two words. Geesh.
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