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Everything posted by saber5055

  1. I know! I thought of you when I saw the handle gone. I thought Flip was shown as one of next week's competitors. I wasn't paying attention that closely since I totally missed Drew being mentioned.
  2. If butterfly would not be accepted, then bear would not be accepted for what animal is on California's flag. A friend raises monarchs. They are endangered and victims of numerous parasites at the chrysalis stage. Here is a portrait of a monarch, they have quite fancy faces. Second photo is a monarch checking out one of her photos on her computer monitor. The monarch in the hatching series took two hours from beginning to emerge to first flight.
  3. Since monarchs are the only butterflies known to migrate, I think you are good.
  4. My schedule shows ANW next Wednesday at 8 p.m. central, following a new ep of The Wall. My schedule also shows it being rerun Friday at 7 p.m. central in case you miss it on Wednesday.
  5. The high point of this episode for me was Jake Murray in the cave, screaming like a little girl.
  6. Wow, this is some tough course. These guys need to check out how to last on the Corkscrew, There's a method. And Kevin Bull gets yet another WWWA.
  7. The rule is, jokes should never be explained. Maybe give them a little more time? I admit I had to do a google search for the photographer who got killed by the giant cheese wheel. I pondered a couple weeks before I finally gave up, while some of you got it instantly.
  8. I goofed up the spelling on that one. It should be: What do you call a retired fly. A flew. Anyway, I think that's the spelling. Jokes I hear don't always come out the best when I write them. Hoping you guys can figure them out anyway. I'm also not sure if the dung beetle was on duty or on doody. Probably the second one ...
  9. Choosing the winner of Week 4 was a tough decision as there were multiple players in contention. But I've decided that @Ailianna and @helpmerhonda will share the glory this week based on their mirror scores for four weeks straight. If you two are copying off of each other's papers, I will have to move you to opposite sides of the room. We will see if those mirror scores continue through Week 5! (It kind of would be cool if they did.) Meanwhile, congratulations to you both for your weeks of continued (same) good play. You guys rock!
  10. The Sunday Funnies, Volume 3 What should Mike Pence have done with that fly on his head. Call in a SWAT team. What do you call a retired fly. A flu. I went shopping last night for cherries and a new microphone. Bought a bing, bought a boom. How many surrealists does it take to screw in a light bulb. Potato. How many beers does it take to get a tropical bird drunk. Two cans. I tried Japanese decluttering where you throw out things that don’t bring you joy. So far I’ve thrown out kale, an electric bill and two vacuums. Where does a belly button go for fast food. That’d be Innie and Outie Burger. Who is a belly button’s favorite actor. That would be Lint Eastwood. What is the belly button’s favorite Lint Eastwood movie. The Outtie Law Josie Wales. What did the thesaurus order at the bakery. The synonym roll. They had to stop the hockey play off last night, there was a face off in the corner. It was awful. Why couldn’t the dung beetle go to the party. Because he was on duty. I started a band called 999 megabytes. We’re good, but we still don’t have a gig. Someone asked me if I was looking forward to the fall. It took me a minute to realize he was talking about autumn, not civilization. What do you get if you eat 3.14 cakes. You get fat.
  11. Has anyone seen @lb60? Four weeks in and no sign of the pantsless James-loving bear. It's not the same without her
  12. Now you expect us to be not only Bible experts but Dylan fans? This educated adult* thinks that might be asking too much. *I use the term loosely.
  13. The cold open might have been passable if they had left Biden out of it. I hate Jim Carrey's Fire Marshall Biden imitation. Why not have Alec be Trump The Fly on Pence's head. They could have had a take on Trump's COVID meds shrinking him down to give Pence pointers on how to ruin a debate. That might have been actually funny. Maybe. I did not know Bill Burr, and it appears I might be the only viewer who liked his monologue. The LOL moment for me came via Pete in WU. That was a golden moment. I also liked the Woke Mafia, which maybe is why I enjoyed Burr's monologue.
  14. You were only two letters short, so I'd call that pretty close to a win. Raised by wolves ... my soulmate ...
  15. WEEK 4 • Oct. 5, 2020 — ONE asterisk * 16. Famous Americans. Will Smith & Lennox Lewis were pallbearers at this man’s 2016 funeral. 17. Geography Fun. It’s the largest country in area that begins & ends with the same letter. *18. Who Said It In The Bible? He tells his son not to worry about the lamb for the burnt offering—God will provide it. * 19. The Americas. Home to more than 20 million people & 3 different official languages, this island is about 600 miles from the continental U.S. 20. Books of the 1950s. A special edition of this 1953 novel came with an asbestos binding.
  16. @zoey1996, I have you down for 11/20 ... 1-3-4-3. I went back through the weeks and those totals are as posted, so that's what I'm recording. @theartandsound, I added an asterisk to your total this week. Some don't play the asterisk, but I see you have been. Congrats on your perfect week! I said Haiti for Thursday's FJ. I remember Papa Doc Duvalier, so figured the languages there were French, Spanish and English. I had no idea Haiti shared its island with another country, and the island itself was still another name. It was a good geography lesson.
  17. While Samuel Adams is the proper name of this brew, people routinely ask for a Sam Adams. But never would anyone ask for an "Adams." So yes, Sam/Samuel was required. If the clue wanted the name of the governor, the show's style is last name is sufficient. No Jeopardy here AGAIN today. I guess any and all sports are more important than maybe someone somewhere actually LEARNING something. Thanks for making a sucky day worse, network.
  18. I liked the teacher who kept winning last night. That doesn't happen often for me, liking someone all the way through an episode. I wonder how they pick the audience member whose face always shows up in the open square on the front of the contestants' table. It's so random and weird, like Señor Wences and Pedro. I watch for the head-in-a-box every episode. "S-okay?" "S'al-right."
  19. Am I the only person anywhere who said the dumb person thought that dog was called a French poodle because of its ... not beret, but its ... big tongue? I wouldn't have matched anyone, but Alec would have liked it I tend to believe.
  20. No one has bothered to tell the players that on this new version.
  21. I had agreed with this earlier, but thinking about it, if the strongest player is safe every round, and is the strongest every round, that player would just auto go to the play off at the end. I do think there s/be a pass instead of a player taking FOREVERRRRRRR to come up with a wrong answer. A pass could still send the bank back to zero, but there would be more time for that round to progress. I'm also not sure players realize they need to build a chain of correct answers to make any serious money, although with these people I guess two correct answers is a chain they are lucky to bank.
  22. I'm voting for @Katy M. That is, if we are allowed to vote.
  23. I was disappointed we did not get to see the glasses retrieved from the bottom of the pool. That would have been one of the episode high points as I'm guessing some ANW PA had to dive in and fish them out. I thought at the start of his run he should have had one of those safety straps on them.
  24. Or who did not know FJ. Well, buck up because yesterday's champ broke the two-days-and-you're-out curse by winning a third day. Stay tuned to see if he makes it four.
  25. Oh, I know. And he was Weakest Link three times before they sent him home. He can stop at the book store on his way home and pick up a few volumes of Oswald's best poetry.
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