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Everything posted by Joystickenvy

  1. I don't know what they promised when they gave that 2 year renewal, but my wish would be for a short final season, so I can see what ridiculous ending they have cooked up without spending a whole season on it.
  2. I thought all the plots were silly, which is fine for Glee, and the Rachel stuff was definitely yet another retread of the Rachel learns a very important lesson that she will promptly forget so that she can learn it again SL, but I still enjoyed the episode more than most. I did not care for Mother/Daughter storyline for all the reasons stated above, however I really enjoyed Chris' songs and performances with the oldsters. I'm not going to judge Chris' ability to write a normal show based on this effort. If this is the last of Santana, that final season is gonna be hard to get through. Chris & Naya were the only saving graces left on the show for me.
  3. The Opry invite is significant more in a that's something most small time country singers who have not been on the voice/idol will never get to do, than in terms of becoming a "star." Because of the history, I just think it's a neat perk.
  4. I wish. Delvin seems like a super nice guy and he has a good voice, but I hate that song so much. It was a pretty Meh night for me. Kat was good, but I didn't really like the song. Sisaundra sounded too old fashioned. Kristen's voice sounded good when I could hear her, but for the most part I couldn't. I think I hate that song from having heard it on the radio, but I couldn't understand a single word other than "truck" because all I could hear was violins so I'm not sure. Josh - I actually love the song. I'm a huge Bonnie raitt fan. I fast forwarded over this. Something about the way he sings reminds me of Peter Griffin doing a walrus impersonation on Family Guy. Delvin - ok vocal. Terrible song Audra - don't remember Jake - his pitch was better, but I don't like Brooke's & Dunn and he sounded out of breath Grimmie - should have trusted her instinct that covering a rap song again was lame. It was.
  5. I would have rather kept Sisaundra or even Delvin or Audra over Jake, but I'm not surprised. I was a bit surprised Kat was out in front by as much as she was on the Twitter save, but I imagine Kat is gone next week and I couldn't see any of the eliminees winning anyway, so not like it matters.
  6. Re: posting during the show I've seen it stated elsewhere by the mods that you can, but don't post "live blog style" posts or in other words don't post: OMG she just said loaf again. Or can you believe that just happened? type stuff. Or basically don't try to carry on a running commentary like people do in the comments on MJs and such. If I'm wrong about that, I reckon someone can correct me.
  7. I'm guessing the reason Charlie gets the quest for the ten package is twofold......they are obviously doing a redemption arc for him and either they decided he's too goody goody looking for a showmance or he and/or Sharna didn't want to go that route. Everybody gets one of several tried and true formulas for their package. Amy is getting the overcoming hardship package. Meryl & James get showmances Candace gets faith & family The show seems to think showmances and injuries are more interesting than kids and scores, so they get more time. What is supposed to be the producer's motivation for manipulation anyway? The winner doesn't get a contract. I can't imagine they are dense enough to think Derek winning yet again is going to pull in more viewers.
  8. Interesting comment. I thought both James/Amy and Charlie/Candace looked much more relaxed when dancing with each other than with their pros.
  9. Anticipating a rough night for Jena & Jessica with those song choices, but maybe they'll surprise me. Both Caleb songs seem like they should fit his voice. I imagine the arrangement on The ballady song will be heavy on the high screamy part of the song. I don't recognize either Alex song by the title, so maybe I won't be annoyed when he denatures them.
  10. I took the speech from Tywin to mean that they could no longer afford to finance the crown's debts with Lannister money, rather than they were completely broke, and thus they needed the Tyrells to keep the iron bank off their back, but I might have missed something. Cersei can still mis-manage the funds and/or the dealings with the Tyrells and the Iron bank going forward.
  11. Could be.....I was having a hard time figuring out how the choreo fit with the song, so I thought after they dragged her out with the bars that maybe the different outfit was supposed to symbolize that she was the "creep" or maybe the others were lol Re: Maks "non-traditional rhumba" The mood and style of it reminded me a bit of the dance from Pink's "Try" video.
  12. I fast forwarded over Abby, so no idea what she said about his hair, but I had mild depression that season he chopped his curls off and I considered sending death threats to whoever decided to slick it back on DWTS ;) Oddly though, his adorableness sometimes detracts from the dances for me. Not sure why, but it's almost like watching Matt Morrison try to rap or something. His dance this week wasn't my favorite, but glad the judges quit ragging on him. I felt bad for him when he was awkwardly the only person in the background for several people's scores.
  13. I think Amy is just one of those people who cries when frustrated. As someone who has dealt with back spasms, I can attest that they can be extremely painful when they are happening, but when they relax, while the muscle may be sore, they aren't usually debilitating. Therefore, it makes sense to me that she's able to get through a 90 second routine, but runs into issues during hours of practice. I have a hard time believing that Amy is so desperate to win a reality dance competition that she is whipping up tears and faking a back injury to gain votes, particularly when she already has Derek and her built in "inspirational story" working for her. I enjoy her dances and I have a lot of respect for her as an athlete and while I'm pulling for Meryl and I don't care for Derek much, I'd be just fine if Amy won.
  14. I have never seen an episode of Dance Moms and I'm not familiar with the 'feud' so I just ignored the whole thing as manufactured drama. My favorite dances were Meryl & Maks, Amy & Derrek & the group jive. Nobody was really terrible, but I found Charlie & Sharna & Candace & Mark boring and while Danica & Val was entertaining, the ratio of dramatic posing to dancing was too high for my tastes. The other two group dances really fell flat for me. The choreo seemed awkward and at times silly. Felt bad for Danica & Meryl being saddled with both I Luh Ya Papi & the most uninspired choreo of the three. I wish they would have given the group with the two same gender partners the contemporary number, so they could have interacted with each other in a more interesting way. Side by side solo ballroom isn't all that compelling, particularly with two non-pros. I thought once Charlie got Candace up the lift was nice, though her legs were a bit wonky, but the transition was very awkward looking. I could have lived without the fake slapping and the stool, but both of those routines were entertaining to me, which is all I care about, since I know I'm not qualified to judge the technical merits. Sorry to see Danica go, but for me Meryl, Charlie & Amy are on a different tier than James, Candace & Danica. Surprise of the season for me is that I tuned in expecting to root for Charlie, since he has always been my favorite of the pair as ice dancers, but find myself enjoying Meryl much more on DWTS.
  15. I believe you are correct that it is a rifle and not a shotgun. I also agree that unless you are talking about some kind of sharp shooter, there's no real reason to expect someone to be comfortable trying to shoot a guy that is struggling with someone you don't want to get shot. Even a police officer would probably not take that kind of shot in real life. Course we all know what Keanu Reeves would have done.
  16. I have considerably less empathy for the "old men and girls don't want to be hit by bubble bulls" argument given that there was no reason they couldn't choose to do the dancing task instead. Mess with the bullz you get the horns.
  17. I definitely prefer the animation to "dramatic reinactments" but I also prefer the cosmos over the historical stuff, which was why I liked that the animation part was enough to give a nod to the people who made the discovery, but not a large portion of the episode.
  18. My first thought when I saw it was why is it shaped like Slave 1?
  19. I might be mixing it up with an entirely different story, but I thought I remembered getting the distinct impression that we were supposed to think the story was a lie because she talked about what a sickly pitiful little thing it was and then the book goes on about how robust all Roberts bastard kids were. Though the thought occurs that it might have been born and not died of natural causes, given Cersei's determination to not have Robert's kids. However, I'm not sure at all any of that actually happened. Guess I need to re-read one of these days.
  20. Lol yeah, I was feeling all warm and fuzzy about that and then Robin chucked Petyr's gift out the moon door and reality came crashing back in.Even more than crazy aunt Lysa and creeper Littlefinger, Robin squicked me the hell out in the books. Poor Sansa. At least she does get some potentially useful training on how to win friends and influence people. Also, I'm now pretty much convinced that the entire reason for the Cersei/Loras engagement was to set up the line "I'm not sure what to call you.....Sister or Mother?" For Marg.
  21. The drug part continues to be meh, but I did enjoy Romero taking down the drug lords. Everything else in the episode I really enjoyed and the final shot is great. Who knew the Willy Wonka kid could look so menacing. I liked seeing Norma be nice to Dylan, though part of me was scared she was just playing him and would take it all back as soon as she didn't get what she wanted for Norman. Was OK with Norman not going to see his bro. I mean sure it would be nice if he'd acknowledge the guy that saved him, but the whole thing, including the chat with Emma was about Norma, which fits their crazy relationship. I didn't watch after hours, so not sure what hints they give about next season, but curious if Norman will continue to be relatively normal other than when blacked out, or if the emergence of head Norma means there's a new driver in the seat.
  22. This was probably my favorite episode so far. Lots of interesting topics that weren't retreads, the animation segments were interesting, but brief and not a lot of gimmicky ship of the imagination type stuff. The climate change PSA was a bit heavy handed, but I'll give them a pass because it's a message that needs hearing. I particularly liked the presentation of the a Earth as it's own ever evolving organism and the demonstrations of how changes in the Earth sparked changes in the life forms living there paralleled by how living organisms (trees, humans) have also touched off massive changes in the Earth.
  23. It doesn't work if he floated away and lived, but if he was a previous returned for some reason, the time can just be explained by whatever the gap between death and return was. As a baby he wouldn't remember his previous life & he would probably have been adopted as a John Doe abandoned child. I agree with those who think the locusts/cicadas are probably a clue to some sort of every so many years returns thing.
  24. Michiel Huisman - the new Daario - made his first appearance as the love interest/alleged baby daddy of the lead character on Orphan Black this past Saturday.
  25. I'm going to vote for a Lady Stoneheart reveal at the very end of ep 10: White Walker style. I don't think Brienne will meet her this season (when she does I hope the episode title is "a word" heh) but they could do a quickie reveal with something like what was in the epilogue with her passing judgement on a Frey.
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