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Everything posted by Joystickenvy

  1. I kinda wonder if Jena wouldn't be better off without the OTT pimping. However, if this show is on 100 seasons, they will still never quit trying to make "fetch" happen.
  2. I'm aware and I still think it's a nice perk.
  3. I think the biggest difference between Adam/Kris and Caleb/Alex.....other than talent, is Adam peaked about mid-season and then leveled off, whereas Kris was a fringey competitor flirting with the bottom for a good part of the season who really came on strong at the end. I think momentum probably had more to do with the win than anything. Plus Adam's rehash of Mad World didn't have the same magic as the first go round making the impact of Kris' best performances being at the end even greater. Caleb/Alex have been pretty steady all season, so barring a major breakthrough/meltdown at top 3, I think they'll finish about how they started. However I think Alex & Jena have about an equal shot at the finale.
  4. All I could think about during the bird scene was this: And also eating the "crunchy chicks " to become evil in Fable lol. So that scene didn't have the impact for me it could have. I'm still not convinced that Hannibal is actually being fooled as opposed to playing along. We shall see. I hope Alanna isn't the one that blows the whole thing, but I fear she will be. Maybe it's because I haven't read the books, but I'm still not feeling the Verger's storyline at all. The brother continues to be far too cartoony....I mean seriously....the tears thing? And even though I like Margot, I felt nothing for the whole lady parts scene. I actually was far more concerned about "Kitty" than anything else Verger related. I guess I'm supposed to feel bad for her, but losing the baby & baby making facilities when she only seemed interested so she can get her hands on the family fortune after offing her brother doesn't seem that sympathetic. I get it, he's a bad guy, but things would go much easier on that front if she'd get a job and forget the money. I'll be happy to have them off my screen, or at least the brother's role in the story. I expected Freddie to be alive, but it was still nice to get the confirmation. Will is a cold fish trying to set pig boy onto Hannibal, but obviously that isn't going to work, so kinda suspense less. Overall, not one of my more favorite episodes, but hopefully things will pick up next week. What's the over/under on Alanna surviving the season?
  5. Definitely glad to see this one get renewed, particularly with the bloodbath on the rest of the NBC schedule.
  6. The top 4 performance show pulled a 1.8 rating, finishing 2nd to Survivor at 2.4 and just edging out The Middle at 1.6. The results show got a 1.6 finishing 3rd to Grey's Anatomy at 2.5 & 2.5 Men at 2.1. Viewership on network TV is down overall, but Idol's ratings are no longer "down but good." They are barely pulling higher numbers than war horses like Hell's Kitchen and The Biggest Loser and are getting beat regularly by .5 point or more by the even older show Survivor. Depending on what it costs to produce the show, if the ratings stabilize in the mid 1s next season, they might hang on awhile, simply because Fox doesn't have much going for it beyond Sleepy Hollow, a fading The Following, a tepid New Girl and animation domination. If they slip into the sub 1s, I don't think they will renew it for season 15. It will be interesting to see if they cut the results show and/or the running time of the performance show next season.
  7. Alex says something about whoever goes home they should all be proud of making it this far and Caleb says, "it's been a wild, humbling experience." So, no, not a weird usage.https://youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=FWf8Dla5Id8
  8. My favorite was....."Three months! That's almost half a year!"
  9. I'm all for changing up the format, but I thought this was a pretty boring change and TBC almost always means no one actually going home. I fast forwarded over the talking in Gordon's office segments. I did enjoy watching the girls fail at volleyball.
  10. I'm giving them a pass on the picnic convo because I'm pretty sure that was written for them. I ran across the husband of a minor country/major bluegrass star on Facebook who thinks he can't go to wal-mart without getting mobbed and he's like 60 years old, so it's not like they'd be the only minor celebrity to get a big head even if they came up with it themselves. Shoulda seen the dude from "PM magazine" who used to be my next door neighbor lol.
  11. I think any combination of the three is possible for final 2. Most places you go there's people who think Caleb is out dated and/or a jerk, Alex is boring and Jena is annoying, but there's also people who think each of the three is the greatest thing since sliced bread. I think we are heading towards a Jena/Caleb finale, but I wouldn't be shocked if it went some other way. In terms of who I'd rather listen to, I'd rate them Caleb, Jena, Alex, but I'm pulling for a Jena victory for entertainment value, since I don't think the prize is worth enough these days to fret too much over who "deserves" it. Fwiw....my mom likes Caleb and she tends to like the winners.....though she didn't watch last year, so PP was her last correct prediction.
  12. I think Chris' treatment of Kurt and Rachel was pretty consistent to how these characters have been written by the other Glee writers this season, complete with the many flaws. Whether that was because he didn't want to give the writers a big ol middle finger by being all THIS is how Kurt should be portrayed or because he actually likes that portrayal is impossible to know, which is why I'm not putting too much stock into this effort as a representation of his overall ability. Kurt is still my favorite character on the show and Chris my favorite actor, but there have been plenty of times when the writing for the character had made me want to throw things at the screen. I thought in this ep he was guilty of being a well meaning, but mis-guided buttinskie and the poor poor me, who sacrifices so much for my ungrateful friends thing has been done and done, but is a fairly true to life theme, but on a well written drama, the warm fuzzy endings would be lazy for both SLs. IRL parent/child relationships and friendships are more complicated than that and usually don't have warm fuzzy endings. But....this is Glee, which is essentially a fantasy show and the writing was pretty par for the course in terms of story and at least had some nice moments.
  13. After watching the video, I kinda wish Tasha had ditched Spencer and and Kass early on and angled for that girls alliance Tony was so worked up about. So far Tasha & Jefra are the only players I wouldn't mind seeing back of those on the jury.
  14. The SHIIT can not be given to another player. If he has immunity for the last tribal it can be used (hopefully top 5) he could give away his regular HII and his necklace, assuming they can still do that.....don't remember that happening in awhile....but not the SHIIT. Regardless of final 2 or 3 I really hope top 5 is the last chance to play HII.
  15. That went pretty much exactly as I expected. Fly free slapout! At least they focused on her one good song from this week instead of kicking her on the way out. I hate to read too much into these things, but I thought it was interesting how Jessica ignored J Lo trying to swoop in, in favor of Randy and then Jena. Maybe Randy is a better mentor than he appears to be, at least in terms of support. Jena seemed to be struggling to remember her script during the dinner. Heaven forbid the show let them have a genuine moment. Jessica you are in fine company with Haley, Elise and all the rest of the victims of the American Idol bus tour. I'm sure Slapout will have a parade anyway.
  16. If the Morlock grounder Queen rode into camp Iwannabangya on a radioactive two-headed unicorn I would watch this show forever.
  17. I love Heart Shaped Box.....too bad on that one. I'd love to see the song list for this week, particularly for Jessica & Jena. Glee has conditioned me to believe teenagers love 80s music, but I'm still giving that Benatar song the side eye and Jessica's choices were bizarre. With the budget cuts and declining popularity of the show I imagine getting new music cleared is only getting more difficult.
  18. She wouldn't be the first contestant to accept unwarranted praise for making something their own, but honestly, I didn't think the arrangement was particularly innovative, so it could go either way. Some past contestants have claimed they edited out the part where they gave credit to the cover artist in their package....Adam for one....after he gave props on the results show. Expecting inexperienced singers to be able to come up with original versions of one song let alone three in less than a week is a tall order, so I always assume they are doing covers of covers, whether the judges slobber over their "originality" or not. What I do give her credit for is performing a version that suited her, which she failed to do with Gaga. I can hear a really cool version of that song that woulda suited her to a T in my head, but I felt like she just kinda phoned that one in. I wonder if she even likes that song.
  19. I never have liked J Lo and couldn't figure out why of all people they brought her back. In the early part of the season, I thought she was much improved, but clearly TPTB dictated a return to the days of yore, because both her and Keith abandoned everything that made them likable in the early going and have only gotten worse as the season progressed. Even "harsh Harry" obviously was instructed to shift gears. I fast forward over all judging commentary, but those shots of J Lo's "o face" and weird bouncing are inescapable. Now Keith is doing it too. I miss drunk Paula.
  20. It's not even limited to Facebook really. Even on forums and such, people who like something tend to comment once or agree with somebody else and then move on, unless they really, really like it, while people who hate something are much more likely to enthusiastically and frequently post about how much they hate it.
  21. If they do a final 2, I think they'd be even more crazy not to take Kass. I think even Woo could beat Kass.
  22. It's old hat now and only diehards are still watching, so there's just not the level of righteous indignation the show once generated. The judges have never really called anyone out for covering covers, it's always been the anti-fans. I actually think this is why they gave up on the narrow theme nights. Everyone started doing an in genre cover of a cover, so there was no point really. When Daughtry did it, it was viewed as "cheating" or at least pussing out by many, after all everyone was waiting with baited breath for him to attempt a country song or whatever, but then everybody started doing it and most fans just decided to roll with it, at least as long as it was somebody they liked.
  23. While I think Kass is correct that Tony is the person she has the best chance of beating, I think she is delusional if she actually thinks he is more hated than her. If she makes final 3 it will only be as the goatyest goat who ever goated. With two idols, unless something bizarre happens, Tony is pretty much a lock for final 4. However, if he votes Kat for spite, he seriously decreases his chances. Woo was adorable with the kids. So pretty & so nice, but so dumb. I don't think Spencer meant "little monsters" in a mean way. He does seem like a bit of a jerk at times, but I think that was a fairly innocuous comment, but I don't like kids much either. I'm guessing this is gonna be one bitter jury no matter how it winds up.
  24. Caleb - Bon Jovi song was ok, but nothing special. CCR bored me, but I reckon he sang it fine. Thought he did quite well on Maybe I'm Amazed and I was surprised he kept the screamy parts to a minimum. I think he should have raised the key, because the high parts lacked the vocal tension that makes the song memorable. It ended up sounding pleasant, but safe. Jessica - Drove the bus over herself on the first two songs. As I feared, the Kelly song was completely wrong for her voice. It is deceptively rangy and in order to keep the high notes within her range, she kept the key too low for her to hit the low notes. Plus, in spite of her pink hair and all she is not an edgy rocker and even on a faux rock song like this one, it just doesn't fit. The Pink song was even worse. Reality show contestants of the universe....please stop singing Pink songs! They always, always, always suck. Always. These songs are hits because the lyrics are catchy and they suit Pink's voice, but they are not singer's songs. You and I was much better than I thought it would be. She kept it in her folky/bluesy sweet spot and avoided the vocal gymnastics Gaga throws on it at the end. If only she had done 3 songs in that vein. I think Jessica suffers from picking songs she likes instead of picking songs that suit her voice. Jena - Heartbreaker was an OK karaoke performance. Pat Benatar is hard not to sound karaoke on. Bad Romance was feckless. Why would anyone choose this song and not do the a Rah Rah part? That's the fun part! Lacked attitude and completely not believable. Vocal was thin. I was shocked to find I actually enjoyed the Elvis song. I know her anti- fans will insist she pronounced all the words wrong, but I thought she actually dropped most of her weird affectations and enunciation issues and I was listening for them. It was quite lovely. Alex - all three songs were vocally fine, but bland. I hate I'm Yours. If I had a physical copy of the master tape I'd burn it and then burn the ashes. He has a nice voice, but I wish he'd use his powers for good rather than evil. I don't think r word gate made it far enough beyond the blogosphere to have a real impact, so I think who goes home depends on how much the producers have fudged the b2s. If they've been giving us true b2s, then I'm gonna say Jessica. If not necessarily the b2s, then Jessica or Alex.
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