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Everything posted by WordsWordsWords

  1. Diko: You've been in the US since you were one year old. Peggy: I"m not American. I'm Armenian. Me; *sigh* * * * * Vickie: I called my pastor and he said stay away from that psychic! Me: Hahahahhahahaha * * * * Lydia: I want to be Lovely Lydia Me: Yeah, and I wanna be Wonder Woman. * * * * Peggy: Where is Iceland? Me: *head-desk* * * * * Re: Iceland Me: Dies of jealousy * * * * Peggy: Who's going to carry my luggages? Me: Good lord, woman, weren't you an ENGLISH major at university? Did you pay someone to (a) go to your classes and (b) take all your tests? * * * * Next week -- Iceland!
  2. The best thing about this episode was Colin's acting. Old Drunk (but not-so-much) Hook, StorybrookeHook, WishHook -- all quite different and yet still clearly connected. I was also very happy to see Jennifer for a few minutes. I'll miss her.
  3. I just watched this, and I have a few thoughts. Siggy's entrance into the restaurant, braying like a donkey, was obnoxious to a degree. No, not everyone in the restaurant knew you, honey, and not everyone was pleased to see you prancing around and bawling at them. (We saw the reaction shots. We know.) Cake-throwing is silly and childish. Considering the history between Teresa and Melissa, a little fun confection-tossing is nothing. Siggy, angry wine-throwing is worse. About the memorial on the beach, Siggy and Dolores *would* have been there for it if they'd bothered to answer the group text. They were not excluded by Margaret. Siggy and Dolores were excluded by Siggy and Dolores. (And I absolutely did NOT cry during the reading of the notes. I did not. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.) Quoth Siggy: "I expect my friends to have a level of class when you're in a public restaurant." Immediate video: Siggy entering restaurant, bellowing, disrupting everyone and everything. Perfection. Gosh, I really wanted to talk about more than Siggy. Siggy, (sorry, apparently I'm stuck in Siggy-mode) you're not as intelligent as you think you are. I associate with people in the MENSA bracket. You, honey, aren't even close. Dolores asks what happened? (Hey, not-Siggy!) Siggy (oops) happened. I didn't like Siggy much last year. I am rapidly learning to despise her this year. Oh, and Danielle isn't making my eyeballs itch. Yet. (Hey! A whole thought that's Siggy-free!)
  4. Peggy: We're Armenian, so we celebrate Easter. And we bake cookies. Because we are Armenian. And Armenians love their families (apparently no one else does.) Direct quote from Peggy: I told you what I wanted to say. Respect it. Don't question it. Really, Peggy? Who died and made you Queen of the World? When you put out a story which is confusing (even-- EVEN-- if it's 100 percent legitimate), people will want to understand. We can't understand by osmosis. So we ask questions. I'm no great admirer of David, and I hate that you've put me in a position of defending him, but he didn't lean in and question your husband aggressively as you imitated him. Yeah, my dislike for Peggy just keeps on growing. And Diko really pushed the description of David's questions when he said he felt as if David had "interrogated" him about it. I don't like Peggy or Diko. Vicki and her casseroles. Does she want a casserole from someone every time she catches a cold? Sounds that way. *insert eye-roll* That colonic scene was TM-freakin'-I. I have to say, though, I wouldn't want to have anyone messing around with my innards if she didn't know where my colon was. David and Shannon's sniping at each other was uncomfortable to watch. I've seen that behaviour with friends, and it never leads to a good outcome. Briana is only 30? Bless her heart, she's not aging well.
  5. Bless her heart, Kelly Bensimon is pretending not to be Crazy Kelly SO hard. Sorry, Kelly, but some of us saw and heard you displaying your nuttiness all over RHoNYC. You might have that nuttiness under control now, but it was totally out there.
  6. I don't know what sort of degree Peggy has (English, I think maybe?), but her university needs to re-evaluate her transcript. She has done what I'd thought was impossible supplant Kelly Dodd as my least favourite OC housewife. Kelly looked and acted both reasonable and civil in this episode. What is happening in my OC housewife world? I am so confused. Lydia is another piece of work. Holding her son and saying, "Those mean people had a party and didn't ask me. Isn't that awful?" Seriously? You need affirmation so badly you'll extort it from your little boy?
  7. I'm so glad, to be honest, that I'm watching this show for research on narcissistic, ugly behaviour. A combination of Lydia, Peggy, and a smattering of Tamra "starred" in my latest short story. Just when I think these women have touched the very bottom of the "outrageously bad behaviour" tank, Lydia thinks it's a good idea to flail herself all over the staircase. Wow.
  8. I have to say, I might have thought that for -- maybe, just maybe -- ten seconds tops. Bless her heart, she's annoying. How (as others have noted) do you obtain a degree in English without at least a passing understanding of metaphor, simile, idioms? How?
  9. I think everything I wanted to say has been said. I'm just gonna beat this one dead horse a bit. Luanne should have listened to everyone -- everyone! -- who told her Tom was skipping around all over town kissing on random women. I mean, if everyone --everyone! -- told me the hummus at the salad bar was sour, and I ate some anyway, I wouldn't sit around with my green face and rumbly tummy insisting that the hummus was "my rose" and that I was the happiest happy woman in the history of happiness. 'Cause sooner or later, that hummus is gonna require some attending to, and it's not gonna be pretty. Ditto Mr. Tom. Luanne listened to nobody even though everyone warned her about Mr. Tom and his wandering eye (and mouth, hands, and other bits). Therefore, my sympathy for her is, shall we say, extremely limited. This was, I think, the most interesting season of RHoNY in years. We had some drama, some fun, some romance -- and all in pretty good proportions.
  10. A few random thoughts, in no particular order. 1. Peggy and Meghan. If any woman I'd just met put her fingers on my mouth in that dismissive, condescending way, I'd have shown her the error of her ways. 2. Kelly Dodd. If she really had her mother's best interests at heart and wanted her to go to a senior centre and enjoy herself, she wouldn't have spent all her time sniping and tearing down her mother at every turn. Of course, Kelly Dodd has no one's best interest at heart. 3. Aspen. That baby is adorable. 4. Gosh-awful Yellow Car. Peggy ought not brag about how she designed that thing. Of course, we didn't see the interior, but we surely saw the exterior. And it was eye-blinding in its awfulness. 5. Vickie. Oh, honey. You can say, "I'm sorry," all week long, but if you don't mean them, the words are just so much warm air. In my own life, I've had people say, "I'm sorry," and then do the same thing again. I've also removed those people from my circle because I'm neither a masochist nor paid by Bravo to keep them around. You're lucky you have so many of the latter in your circles; otherwise your circles would be more like semi-circles. 6. Lydia. *sigh* I can call myself a Ford Fiesta if I want to, but sitting in a garage doesn't make me one. You can call yourself a Christian if you want to, but sitting in a prayer circle doesn't make you one either. 7. Tamra. See comment about Lydia.
  11. I loved this episode. I didn't like every decision the characters made, but every decision was completely in-character. I spent the entire battle -- which took up almost half the run-time of the episode! -- rocking back and forth and clutching my head. All sorts of torn feelings and conflicting emotions. I loved it. This was an outstanding episode -- and it's fascinating to see the different ways different viewers saw it. This is what happens when nuance and layers are written into scripts, directors working with them, and actors embracing and embodying them. Real people aren't all one thing or another, and neither are these characters.
  12. Kelly Dodd is a piece of work. No one should ever tell her one thing of importance because she'll turn it into a weapon. And laugh at you while she does it. Then she'll go make faces in a window. Why on earth did she think that was a good look? Never mind, Jose Cuervo, he is a friend of hers. I've made no secret of how much I've loathed her from her very first minutes on the show. I did enjoy Tamra's scenes with the guinea pig. They were cute. Oh, Vickie. Out there all alone, blathering about how your new office costs so much. If your taste is involved, it'll still be tacky. Bless her heart, Lydia still has all the personality of a damp sponge. She tries, but it just isn't there. Shannon needs to talk to a real, certified dietician/nutritionist. Someone with some education. Otherwise, she's going to keep on throwing away good money on quacks and quackers. Of course, she won't because the first thing any real dietician will tell her is to lay off the alcohol. I suspect she's dealing with David and his roaming eye with Grey Goose.
  13. I didn't mind Lydia when she was on before. I didn't really have an opinion. This time. she annoys me enormously. I don't like anyone -- on TV or real life -- who shrieks "Woo hoo" at the top of her lungs on any excuse ( see: Vicki G. ). I give exceptions to kids under the age of, say, ten. I didn't think I could loathe Kelly more than I did last year. From her tagline, "If I want your opinion, I'll give it to you," to her continued general nastiness, she continues to prove me wrong. She is the least likable and least interesting HW in all of the HW universe. That takes some doing. She deserves a medal. As others have said, I think Sarah invited Briana without telling Tamra. And I think Tamra should have told Briana why she was unfriending her -- if she really felt the need to do that. I mean, most, if not all, social media have an unfollow/mute function where you can avoid seeing someone's posts or Tweets without actually unfriending or deleting them. But, of course, Tamra couldn't exercise her new-found Christianity enough to consider another person's feelings. Shannon is still a little nuts. David is still a passive-aggressive lump of misery. I miss Heather. The first thing I said when I say that black-and-white car: That's just tacky. When I saw all the others: Massive eye-roll. Apparently Mr. Moneybags, whose name I don't remember at this point, thinks that's a cool colour scheme. One of us is sadly misguided. Re: all the diamonds - conspicuous consumption is conspicuous. *sigh* t
  14. I think what bugs the women about Luann's constant beating the "I'm married, and you're not" drum is the frequency and the "and you're not" part. Oh, and the bit about how she should have gotten a better room because she's married now. Because why? Darned if I know. If I'd been Dorinda, I'd have told Ramona and Sonja to go fly a couple of kites. In a thunderstorm. No way would I have given up my nice room when I arrived early and claimed it. Nope. If it'd been Sam Morgan instead of Sonja Morgan trying to force a kiss on kitchen staff, I'd call it assault. Because it's Lady Morgan, I call it . . . assault. I hope he (and the other guys) were very well-paid, indeed. Dorinda cannot hold her liquor, even if it's just wine. She needs help of some sort. I want to like her; I really do. But get a few drinks under her belt, and she turns mean. loud, and vulgar. Ramona. Dear heavens, woman. You are not in your 40s, and you don't have "babies." None of these woman has "babies," except Bethenny. Ramona's treatment of poor Tim was cringe-worthy from the first moment she glommed onto him till the last moment when she was ordering him around in the lounge. Again, I hope he was well-paid. So Carol got a turn with George Clooney? Lucky both of them.
  15. I loved it. I'm glad I have real life Irish friends 'cause I have no problem with Cassidy's dialogue. Tom Brooke is such a fine actor. I'll miss Fiore terribly. I'd love to see him and DeBlanc return somehow. Oh, and Cassidy and Fiore definitely had sex. :)
  16. On the whole, I liked this episode better than the first. The stakes are being raised; tensions are being ramped up. I like some of the actors who were introduced in this episode quite a bit. The thing that bothered me the most last week -- the similarity in most of the actors' line readings, as if they all went to the same acting coach and learned all the same techniques -- wasn't as much on display this week. If Withdrawal Girl (I'm still not sure of most people's names) and Black Soldier both saw Dead Woman in the Mist, this could be an interesting development. I did notice some plot holes and some bad logic, but I'll stick with this one at least one more week.
  17. And Sonja says (about being pissy about the bedrooms), "We don't mean to be obnoxious." I say, "Honey, if this is y'all not being obnoxious, I'd really love to see you make some effort." Ramona's "I *don't* want Skinny Girl wine!" while possibly a wise choice (I don't drink, so my wine knowledge is necessarily limited), was a lousy thing to say out loud. It's a perfect example of why I continue to dislike her. Her Royal Countess-ness wanted a nice room because she just got married? This makes about as much sense as if I'd said I wanted a better hotel room because my dog just had puppies. Sonja shouldn't tell Tinsley how to live her life -- unless Tinsley asks for her opinion. Tinsley is an adult and should be able to make her own decisions, even if they're bad ones. I have three adult sons and a daughter-in-law, and I don't offer advice unless they've brought up a subject and asked for it. But then, I'm not a Real Housewife of Anywhere. I still don't care for Dorinda. I've lived with verbally abusive drunks. When she's sober, she's fun. When she's drunk (which is all too often) she's the opposite of fun. Just like the drunks I've lived with. So Drunk Dorinda is triggering to me.
  18. I never said I wouldn't have preferred a more diverse cast. I would absolutely have. I just wasn't thrown off by it. And there's not much point in griping about the "murder mist" when that's the whole premise. Still, I take your point. :)
  19. I loved the novella "The Mist" is based on. I loved the film they made of it. The jury is still out about this version. Disclaimer: I'm a horror writer in my "real life," so I can be a trifle picky. The pacing on the pilot episode seemed a little slow. I can be okay with slow -- as long as the payoff is worth the wait. Because I don't know about the payoff yet, I'm still neutral. I was less bothered by the lack of diversity in the cast because of the location. I suspect that small town New England isn't the most ethnically diverse sort of place in the country. I could, of course, be wrong. One thing that did concern me is that most of the actors' line readings sounded as if they had all studied the same "how to act" guide. Everyone sounded the same, and almost no one sounded as if they lived in New England. So far, I can't tell one character from another. I'll certainly watch next week and see how it goes. There's not nearly enough horror of any kind on TV and most of the horror that's on isn't very good. Oh, and as a writer who's killed a few fictional dogs -- often to howls of outrage -- I was sorry to see poor Rufus die, but knew he was toast as soon as he ran off into the mist.
  20. Oh good grief. Sheree-the-delusional is still looking for compensation in a situation where there never is any. And she has no idea how the modeling world works. Unless you're Naomi Campbell, you had better be on time. I laughed out loud when she thought she handled herself well: He thought he was gonna come for me. Well, yes, honey, he did. He told you how things were, and you wagged your jaw at him. I'm pretty sure you didn't impress him. Kairo is never going to succeed as a model unless he stops listening to Sheree and starts listening to people who know what they're talking about. Because he doesn't seem to have the drive required to be a model, he won't do that. His career will end with RHoA, if it lasts that long. Noelle isn't tall enough, bless her, to be a high-fashion model. Because Cynthia's fashion projects aren't high-fashion, though, Noelle might have a chance. As to the genetics of height, my husband is 5'8" tall, I'm 5'3" -- and both our sons are 6'. There's a lot of height in my extended family and none at all in my husband's, but the genes for height showed up in both our sons. (The third son is an unofficial adoption. Dear to me as my own, but we share no DNA.) The OLG makes all of us Old Broads look bad. Keep your noses out of other people's business, smile happily instead of like a pack of jackals, and learn just one or two things about the business world before your start getting dollar-signs in your eyes over a new restaurant. Many, many new restaurants fail in the first few years. Todd should have enlightened them about that as well as the two-three year wait for profitability. Any man who'd sign that particular baby nup with Porsha would have to be more intellect-challenged than poor Porsha herself. She allowed the prospective father absolutely no rights, no influence, no input into the child's life -- and expected him to pay half of everything. Look, I'm a firm believer in the principle that a man who helps make a baby should take responsibility for that baby. I have no issue with that. But I do believe that -- assuming he's not a complete waste of DNA -- he ought to have some say in whether or not the mother slaps photos of the baby all over social media, takes the baby overseas, and so on. Granted, there are men (and women) who are, in fact, unworthy to be called Mom or Dad. Punishing all prospective fathers for those is the kind of thing Porsha would think of. Phaedra continues to be shady. I sort of liked her at first, but the more she shows us who she is, the more we need to believe her. I don't know why she thinks sticking out her tongue and grunting is ladylike or Southern Belle-like. Trust me, it isn't. *sigh* Kenya and Matt just make me sad now. She's manipulating him, and he can't see it. He's a danger to her, and she drama-queens about that. Don't even get me started on why she doesn't house train those two dogs. I've house trained half a dozen, and it's not hard. It just takes patience. Clearly, Kenya doesn't have it. If she doesn't want to do it herself, why doesn't she hire a trainer?
  21. I don't like Erika and have said so often. I think she has no class, no taste, and no talent. I like Dorit even less. She's pretentious, condescending, and judgemental without any reason for any of it. That said, if I'd hurt someone's feelings so she was still upset months later, no matter how trivial I thought her issue was, I'd apologise for it and mean it. A neat trick for "I-don't-remember-itis" is not to tell lies in the first place and not to get so lit I can't remember what I said last night. That way if I do forget something -- and it happens more often these days than I'd like -- I usually remember if I'm reminded. I do understand fear for family members in uniform. I had two sons in Iraq at the same time; one of those sons is career Army and has been back to the Middle East twice and to East Africa once since the Iraq War. My brother was first a career soldier and then went into law enforcement, ending his career as a member of the SWAT unit. I understand Erika's fear. I've even melted down a time or two (or seventy-five) over the years. I might not like her, but I felt for her right then.
  22. I watch this show and find it fascinating. I keep forgetting there's a forum for it, though. To reply to your comment, if Dillon weren't such a condescending jerk, everyone wouldn't have noticed it and commented on it. I've met a lot of men like that in my past, but then I'm older than all these couples. I'd never have dated one, much less married one.
  23. I don't have anything to add to the Kandi/Porsha stuff. I'm just over here shaking my head. I do, however, have something to say about Sheree and her sky-high, unrealistic goals dreams for Kairo's modeling career. As someone who works with new writers, I see this a lot. "I'm going to write this amazing book (one book only, mind you), and it's going to hit the NY Times Bestsellers List, and I'm going to be famous!" *sigh* No, you might possibly write seven books, and the last one might get picked up by a small publisher, and you might get a 4-to-5 figure advance (maybe, possibly), and then you'll be expected to do 99.9% of the marketing -- and write your next book at the same time. You won't get famous. Lightning does strike, but it's rare. Sheree needs to understand that a new model with zippo experience, working in a small market, employed by a small company will not be paid much if anything. Any kind of artist (and, yes, modeling is an art form when done right) will do the job for pennies for a long time before he/she begins making actual dollar bills. One more thing: I feel for Riley. She doesn't have a voice, Kandi. Don't force her to sing in public. Just don't. She will not thank you for it.
  24. We are in absolute agreement here. It's not anyone's business. I still like Kandi most of the time -- and I don't like her mother any of the time. She's probably the nastiest woman I've ever encountered on TV. She's been the inspiration for a couple of characters in stories I've written. ;)
  25. I'm not sure if prisoners have "free rein," but Twitter and texting are two different things. Maybe he texted from his fiancee's phone? Anyway, I disliked Marlo when she was on before. And, good grief, she made me dislike her even more in this episode. 1. She walked around the cabins saying out loud how disgusting they were, how she needed bleach wipes, etc. I can't stand that sort of behaviour. I really can't. 2. She was unnecessarily vile to Kenya (words I never thought I'd say). Oh, her feelings were hurt because Kenya didn't invite her to a couple of parties, so she feels entitled to slap her with her "my mother hates me and abandoned me when I was a child" issues? Ugh. 3. And then she walked back to those disgusting cabins in the middle of the night? Please. 4. She opened her mouth about Kandi's sexuality after Sheree (who's not innocent in that mess either) asked her not to. 5. I wouldn't "Ask Marlo" about anything on Earth concerning style, fashion, or anything else. Phaedra's drinking wine as if it were a combination of lifeline and water-in-the-desert while Porsha was struggling under Kandi's questioning made me laugh. Not in a good way. She knows full well she was the one who (in a not-at-all-subtle way) said in so many words that Kandi was "f-ing" Shamea. I'm still a Cynthia fan, most of the time.
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