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Everything posted by WordsWordsWords

  1. Just a few thoughts. Siggy is revolting. To refuse point-blank to meet Marge Senior is just beyond rude and hurtful. If I'd been Marge, I'd have texted Soggy and uninvited her from my birthday party on the grounds of terminal nastiness. Of course, she can't do that because Bravo needs everyone at that season-ending party. Theresa's apology seemed legit if awkward as all get-out. She's not a silver-tongued orator, is she? Danielle's daughter seems to be a lovely young person. Of all the dreadful looks Dolores has, her flat-haired TH one is the worst. My hair looks that way, limp, flat-to-my-head, and greasy when it's three or four days past its shampoo deadline. Oh, and even Dolores remarked that Siggy/Soggy was being rude at the Gorgas' opening. Will wonders never cease? I'm so glad Ms. Flicker won't be back next year. I can deal with two-faced social climbers. I can cope with crap-stirring drama queens. I can even handle talent-free "singer-dancer-performers" whose stage acts are mostly bad burlesque and whose personal style tends toward the crass and wince-inducing. No problem. Siggy Flicker is a whole different kettle of nasty, mainly because she presents herself as an expert on relationships. She wouldn't know a healthy relationship if it bit her on the ankle. Nor would she know how to repair a broken one if you wrote out step-by-step instructions for her. Her ignominious exit can't happen too soon.
  2. So this set of episodes is over, and only two of the four couples made it out "together." I put that in quotation marks because you know they didn't stay together. A lot of drama occurred this season. Made up? Real? I don't know. I don't really care either. I watch this show for the same reason I watch other "reality" shows: research. I'm a writer, and I have borrowed some behaviours and lines of dialogue from several shows, tweaked them a bit, and used them in stories. Also I like watching the talking head/confessional camera portions and comparing how the cast members *think* they're behaving to the way we can *see* them on screen. It's a neat little psychological exercise. That said, if I were having problems with my own spouse, do you think I'd be looking for Dr. Ish or Dr. V to help me out? Nope to the nopety-nopeth degree of nope-iness.
  3. I know I'm doing my best impression of a broken record (and showing my age with that figure of speech), but my loathing of our resident "relationship expert," Siggy Flicker continues to grow. When Margaret apologized to her, and she just returned wine-guzzling stone face and didn't say a word, I wanted to drag her across the table by her extensions. She isn't worth anybody's time or trouble. If I were these ladies, I'd remove her from my life -- just as soon as the season was over because you know they all need that Bravo $$$. Oh, and Siggy said she was entitled to her opinion about whether or not Margaret was anti-Semitic (a term which every single one of these women, including the "Super-Jew" as she called herself, mispronounced: it's anti-Semitic, not anti-Semetic). Well, I'm entitled to my opinion about Siggy's qualifications as a "relationship expert," which are precisely zilch. No, Siggy, you have little compassion for anyone not named Siggy Flicker. Dolores is another one I'd ditch if I were these ladies. She's just unpleasant. Milk-curdling. Milan continues to be a lovely city. It doesn't deserve the presence of these screeching harpies.
  4. I'll probably have other observations later, but I wanted to say this right now. NeNe thinks she should be a life coach? A life coach? And she'd give "excellent" advice? Excuse me, I have laughed myself into a coughing jag. 'Cause that's the funniest thing I've heard all week.
  5. I agree about Dolores. We'll have to disagree about Theresa. Throwing glasses -- even if not throwing them directly at someone -- doesn't show any kind of restraint, in my opinion.
  6. I've finally watched this and have, of course, a few random thoughts. Siggy. Dear lord, woman. I understand wanting to support the families of those murdered young men. I do. Kim D won't give them much -- if any -- of the proceeds of that charity fashion show. I'll wager she's an expert at creative accounting. On the other hand, she handled Melissa's flailing on the ground as she imitated Siggy's flailing on her floor better than I'd thought she would. And she did try -- at least to a degree -- to shut down Kim D's malicious "old flames" gossip. Dolores. This cat (apologies to actual kitty cats), of course, stirred those "old flames" embers as hard as she could. And when the other women were offering some piece of at least sincere-appearing soul-baring at the retreat, all she could cough up was a hairball about her upcoming dog charity. Again, I'm all about dogs and charities, but -- seriously? This is your deep secret hurt? *sigh* And then she helped instigate all that hysteria at the dinner. Melissa. I'm mostly Team Melissa this week, in that I don't have anything negative to say about her. ;) Oh, but no, Melissa, people don't like ferrets as dogs. They like ferrets as ferrets. Gorga-tongue is contagious. Also the scene between Joe Gorga and Milania was both sweet and sad. That girl needs consistent parental figures. And possibly therapy. Teresa. From my experience with people who are "all about the namaste," they don't throw a lot of wine glasses in public. Honey, you might get farther with your interactions with other people if you shackled your inner shrieking fishwife. Yeah, I know. That's your brand. (Disclaimer: Several years ago, my husband and I dealt with divorce rumours in our small community by saying, "No, that's not true. Where did you hear that?" and squashing the rumours. Neither of us threw any glasses. Of course, we're sane people.) Danielle. Yes, Teresa owes her and her children an apology. She very likely owes Teresa one as well. Margaret. I still don't care for her design aesthetic, but she clearly works hard. She also clearly feels pain at the estrangement from her stepchildren. She left their father for another man. She might just have to deal with their feelings of betrayal. Her ex-husband might be able to help. (Another disclaimer: One of my sons isn't even my official stepson. He just sort of came to live with us when he was in his mid-teens. I've tried to encourage him to maintain some relationship with his birth family -- and it's worked sometimes. But when he was in military service, he listed me as his mother on all his paperwork. )
  7. Random thoughts: I detest Kim so much. Frankly, I'm not all that confident in Kenya's marriage either -- but, honey, we all know the only reason you started blatting out your low-rent blatherings about the marriage was your desire to stir trouble and cash the check you and your former football player so desperately need. Kenya should -- but won't -- end all the "is she or isn't she" talk by just introducing her new husband to the group. Of course, that way won't lead to less screaming and is therefore apt to lead to being relieved of her HoWife duties. NeNe. I have loathed her for ages, at least since the second season. That fake-superior caterwaul she produces from time to time might be the worst fake laugh in the history of fake laughs. All her crocodile tears about Gregg don't persuade me she cares much. Her Girls and Gays Never Forget All White Party was offensive on every level. Just tacky. (Disclaimer: I use RSC all the time, though not at parties because I don't throw parties.) Side note to the party: Derek amuses me, but he's not an attractive person. I don't suppose my opinion matters a bit to him. :) The triflin' way all the RH shows treat gay people, on the other hand, bothers me a good deal. This party is a good example.
  8. I have only two things to say. One: The makeup artists must hate these women (or not know what they're doing) because the makeup on everyone (with the possible exception of Shannon) was horrible. These are not, for the most part, physically ugly women. The hair and makeup (especially the makeup) did nobody any favours. Two: I must apologise to Peggy. I have been ragging on her all season for her failure to understand common English expressions and colloquialisms. And at this first installment, Andy asked about the meaning of "a bird in the hand is better than two in the bush." Only Vicki spoke up with the actual meaning. Tamra flailed around, trying to make some risqué joke -- please, Tamra, tell me you're not so dumb you don't know what that saying means. I know Tamra's no Mensa scholar, but really. Still, if no one knew that saying -- and they all seemed surprised that Vicki was right -- maybe none of them should throw stones at Peggy and her "peanut gallery" or "why is he giving me coal?" So, Peggy, I apologise to you. Apparently everyone in this cast is semi-literate.
  9. I've been meaning to say this for weeks. About Teresa's opening: I don't think she understands the meaning of "Namaste." I really don't. I"d like to visit that resort, but not in connection with any retreat organised by Ms. Flicker. Clearly her idea of "empowering" women involves nothing but polishing up the surface. Furthermore, I'd say that screaming "F you!" at everyone who hurts your feelings is a great way to have no friends at all. I hope the women who attended that retreat were comped by Bravo, because that was pitiful. Siggy continues to annoy me with every single thing she says and does. I do like her house -- at least the exterior. I think I like the interior, at least what we've seen, but I know I like the exterior. I don't like Danielle and haven't since her first run on the show. I tend to believe her in the Dolores vs. Danielle "who said what" argument, though. Teresa spends a lot of time looking completely jaw-dropped confused. Either she's putting on that stupid act or she's really dumb. "Was Joe cheating on me?" she asked as though such a thought had never crossed her mind, despite the phone call we all heard a couple of years ago while the RHoNJ cast was in that doggoned vineyard. Not to mention all the tabloid reports. (None of which need to be true to have provoked a thought or two.) Margaret, bless her heart, was playing to the crowd and never saw the storm clouds forming on Siggy's face. Siggy's not going to handle this well. Remember her strategy when someone hurts your feelings. I suspect we'll see it played out next week.
  10. Season finale thoughts: Kelly: Honey, if you can't stand anyone controlling you (including even making a tiny suggestion about something, it seems), why are you tying yourself into knots trying to control your mother? Could it be a lack of empathy on your part? Lack of self-awareness? Giving your mother a makeover wasn't the worst idea in the world, though. She looked good - though not much different - and I really liked her hair. Granted, the stylist couldn't do anything radically different (disclaimer: a decade ago, I wore my hair much the same way). Shannon: I worry about your drinking. I do. I like you most of the time, but when you get a few vodkas under your belt, you are way more volatile than you need to be. I hope you can move on from David and find peace within yourself. You will never be happy with another person till you are at peace with yourself. Vicki: You are even less self-aware than poor Kelly. Also, even when she's being vulgar, angry, and drunk, she's interesting to watch. You are just vile. I wouldn't give you a casserole if you were the last woman on my block. Peggy: Bless your heart, I keep coming back to the same themes with you. I cannot understand why someone who's been in this country since she was one year old and graduated from a major university with a degree in English (!) can neither speak the language clearly nor understand it. Empathy for another human being is also not in your vocabulary. Lydia: You're cute. Now please go away because you're also vapid. Meghan: Yeah, yeah, I gave my son my maiden name for his middle name, too. The only HWs I truly want to be off my screen next year are Peggy and Lydia. Peggy because she's toxic and incomprehensible, Lydia because she takes up space and that's it. Even Vicki, who's toxic, provides some drama. Of course, if she's gone I won't cry.
  11. In no particular order: Joe is pleased that his son has three girlfriends but is cracking down on his daughter over . . . what, exactly? Sleepovers? *sigh* Reminds me -- in a not-so-good way of my own Dad. But that was nearly 60 years ago, and I'd thought attitudes had changed a little. Siggy continues to annoy me. And the preview for next week doesn't show her at her best either. Standing in front of people who are looking for relationship advice and telling them to scream "F You!" at someone who hurts them? Yeah, that's gonna make for really strong relationships. Dolores cannot see anything wrong with Siggy's behaviour at the tasting. "I see only good." Wow. When I get angry enough to stick my tongue out, scream at people, shake my shoulders, and flail an arm like a three-year-old, someone please call me on that, okay? Don't "see only good." Tell me I'm acting like a deranged toddler. Theresa will never ever take responsibility for her part in all those years of frauds. Never. Everyone around her knows she was in them up to her very generous eyebrows, but she'll shift the blame to Joe every time. And her children are badly behaved little misses who could use some of my Mama's death glare. My Mama was only about 5 feet tall, but when she gave you That Glare, you fell into line so fast you rattled your own teeth. I raised two sons and wouldn't have let them get away with a fraction of the stuff those girls do.
  12. First off, I wouldn't have Peggy's back either because she doesn't deserve *anyone* to have her back. BUT, Vicki honey, if someone doesn't have *your* back, no matter how egregious your disgusting behaviour has been, you screech like a demented hyena. (No matter how much you say you wouldn't get mad if she didn't have your back. Oh, honey, we've seen you in action.) And you can't lift a finger or say a word for your alleged friend? No wonder nobody wants to be more than "whoop it up" friends with you, and few enough of those. And still I can't deal with Peggy's blank face when Vicki gave her the headband/hat. When someone gives you something, can't you muster the tiniest bit of a smile. Peggy continues to be The Worst Housewife. I continue to be shocked that she was an English major. Just shocked. She went to (the very end of) that dinner party not to "support Lydia" but to pick a fight. Mission accomplished. Flouncing off in the middle of the night is perfectly in character and utterly ridiculous. And when Brianna asks Vicki about the trip, Vicki says, "The girls drank." Yeah, 'cause you were as sober as a monk. *snorts* I'll bet Peggy paid a pile of money for that horrid jean jacket. Someone saw her coming. (And don't get me started on how she'd interpret that remark.) David has left this marriage in all but the minimal physical presence. He has no interest in Shannon or anything she touches. Poor Archie. Last but not least, Iceland is utterly gorgeous. It is on my most-wanted-to-visit list. Iceland, I'm so very sorry these OC heifers clomped all over you.
  13. I don't know this from experience, but I Googled it. Yes, it's open, and it's getting witheringly bad reviews. Apparently Nene's selling mostly used merchandise for extravagant prices and is being nasty to would-be customers. *insert dry voice* I am shocked. Shocked, I say. *resume normal voice* Oh, Porsha: "Do those babies come out looking old?" Oh, Porsha's equally dim sister: "Oh, I forgot about that!" Also Porsha's "perched" lips made me make one of Nene's most facially tormented expressions. Nene telling anyone not to put her hands on another person never loses its hilarious irony. Or its ironic hilarity. I wonder if her increasingly overdone facial expressions are a result of her attempts to learn to act? She always stretched her face around, but it seems lately she's doing more of it since her "brilliant acting career." It seems everyone dislikes hates that wig with bangs Kandi was wearing at the beginning of the episode. I didn't care much for it, but I really hated that middle-part look with the extra-red lips she was wearing in her THs. Good grief, but whoever did her makeup and hair for that TH clearly hated her. I think Kandi's a pretty woman, but that look did her no favours. In the preview, Kenya is already sobbing on the phone about how she doesn't want to divorce nameless hubby-man? (I assume he's the Marc in question.) Lord help us.
  14. I don't think so. I could be wrong, of course, but I think it was just her way of showing the depth of their very complicated relationship.
  15. I'm so very sorry for your loss. My own Mama passed many years ago, and shows like this stir up all that emotion all over again. *hugs you from afar*
  16. I think Megan Mullally was perfection in this episode. I was in tears throughout her whole last scene. I was amused by the return of Lorraine. Not so much by the Will and Grace bickering. That's all I have to say.
  17. Teresa is milking her mother's death like a whole dairy barn full of cows. I feel so bad for her father. Every time I think Siggy has surely destroyed her reputation as a "relationship expert" beyond repair, she rolls up her sleeves, says, "Hold my beer, honey," and digs herself in even farther. How do people who've paid her money to give them advice feel when they see her screaming, "No, no, no, I'm NOT over it!" and then shimmying herself at her "enemy's" back and singing "Nyah, nyah, nyah," or whatever she was singing? I mean, really. If she offered me a free, all-expenses-paid overnighter at some 5-star luxury hotel, I'd refuse. (Okay, I'd first try to figure out how I could go to the hotel but not have to attend her wretched presentation.) Teresa, please, if you won't listen to Melissa, listen to your actual daughter. You need to learn some discipline -- both for yourself and your children. Considering her reaction, though, I don't think Tre absorbed a single wise word Gia laid on her. Dolores, honey, if you've been divorced for 18 years, your marriage IS over. Teresa (yeah, I seem to be focusing on Tre this week) has some entertaining ideas about what makes a person a member of a family. She remains a Gorga, despite her own marriage; Melissa, however, is still a Whatever despite her marriage. I agree with the posters who wonder about what she thinks about her own mother. Is she a Gorga or is she a Whatever? Poor Tre. She's an idiot.
  18. I have a few fairly random thoughts. Andrew J. West is a pretty good actor, but he has no chemistry at all with the actor who plays Jacinda. None. Robert Carlyle (and also Emilie de Ravin) really sold the heck out of their final scene. I'm not a Rumpbelle shipper, but I cried actual tears. I wasn't reacting to the storyline so much as the emotion showed by the actors which was plentiful. About Henry's saying "could have went": I'm a copy editor and writer in my "real life." I winced. I also -- in my role as copy editor -- know how often actual novelists write exactly that sort of grammatical oops. Did it bother me? Yup. Did I think no writer would say it? Unfortunately, I have too much experience with writers to say that. I'd still like to see a lot more Rogers. I want to see how Weaver will react to remembering who he really is. Unless the show screws up more, I'm still here for the foreseeable future.
  19. I have only two things to say. Granted, I had other things, but everyone else has already covered all my points so well. Siggy lying on the floor and screaming about being vindicated ("That's ALL I WANTED!") would have sent me rocketing into the atmosphere if it'd been aimed at me as it was at Melissa. And Siggy still thinks she's a relationship expert? *my eyes roll so hard it gives me a headache* Also, until a couple of months ago, my hair was hip-length. I'm nearly seventy years old. I had no extensions, no colouring, no extensive styling. I had to cut it to my shoulders after an accident. I expect it to be hip-length again in a few years, if I live that long. I don't mind long hair on older women as long as it suits them. I think it suits a few of the various Ho-wives. Others, not so much.
  20. True -- but in the foreground, you can see see the marsh I think she was talking about.
  21. I hate having to defend Lydia more than I can possibly say, but when she said that Iceland "looked like Mississippi," the view she had in mind was the one by the hotel, the one shown onscreen as she said it -- a flat, marshy bayou of sorts. And, yes, it looked like Mississippi. *makes gagging noise at having to defend Lydia* I'd have been asking all those same questions on the van ride from the airport to the hotel, too. Be quiet, Peggy. Throwing menus is always the proper Christian response to a minor slight. /sarcasm When I was a girl, my family had a boarder from Iceland for nearly a year. He was in the States getting training with my father's fire department to take back to the airport fire department in Reykjavik. Ever since then, I've wanted to visit Iceland. I loved the scenery in this episode. :)
  22. And in that case, I can do nothing but applaud. 'Cause you are 100% right. :)
  23. Except Balki was sweet and kind. :) Peggy would curdle milk if she looked at it.
  24. So far, Margaret is amusing me. Siggy is a bigger pain in my butt than all the pellets in the world inserted all at once. If I were given the opportunity to hear her give a class -- free, for nothing, gratis -- I'd decline because I've seen her announce her intention to "destroy" a friend. What kind of semi-sensible person does that? And, more to the point, what kind of alleged relationship expert does that? In front of a camera? Oh, Joe. Buying a restaurant without consulting your wife is such a boneheaded move. Typical of Joe Gorga, though. Bless his heart, his ability to think things through is limited. Like a couple of the others, I also heard "partner of 37 years." My closed captioning said the same. Teresa is 45 years old; Joe is 38. I would guess that he was 37 when this was filmed and, in his distress, he misspoke. Either that or they didn't marry till Joe was born.
  25. I am genuinely sorry this happened to you. I guarantee her ancestors came from somewhere outside the continental USA.
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