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Everything posted by WordsWordsWords

  1. I enjoyed this episode. I've been a fan of Tonya Pinkins for literal decades. I used to watch her on "All My Children" in the '90s. I'm excited to see what she'll do with this nutcase she's playing here. The special effects were good tonight, too. Colman Domingo did a good job of directing. The tension in the episode was nicely paced.
  2. Oh, lord. I feel so sorry for that poor golf pro. Who goes golfing and ends up lying on top of another golfer? Only Tamra and Vickie. If I didn't have the headache from heck, I'd shake my head a lot harder. Tamra, by the way, can wear all the "Christian" tee shirts she wants to, but she'll never be one unless she does something about her heart. And she won't because she's so thrilled to be naked wasted on the regular. Shane is a twit. He really could have handled the original issue better, but that's not what I'm talking about. His little get-together with Tamra and Eddie (and Emily, of course) showed him to be the sort of guy I'd want to smack with a verbal skillet. He thinks he's a heckuva lot cuter than he is. I think everything else I might have wanted to say has been well-covered by other folks. :)
  3. As usual, I'm late to the party. I don't have much to add. I do want to say this again. I've seen alcoholism up close and personal in my immediate and extended family. I've seen funny, attractive people become ugly, angry, vile, and hateful when they were drunk. Dorinda is no just occasionally drunk. She is A drunk. If she doesn't acknowledge this and get help, she'll end up with mugshots, bad publicity, ruined relationships, and the whole nine yards. Until this season, I always rather liked Carole. She's let her jealousy override her common sense, I think. Too bad. Whether she should have been jealous of Bethenny is another story entirely. That's all I've got on this episode.
  4. I suspect it's sort of like musical theatre. I used to do a bit of that, and my voice is, ahem, interesting, though at least I can stay on key. Mostly. But I had personality, and I could act. And don't forget Rex Harrison, who had a long career in musical theatre, even though he couldn't sing a lick and never tried to. He sort of talked his way through songs with a bit of rhythm. Cabaret requires a big personality and a sense of fun. If you really can sing, that's gravy.
  5. I wasn't able to watch this episode till this afternoon. Oh woe! Anyway, I scanned through y'all's comments. So much fun there! I have only one or two things to add. Sonja says, "They're coming to see Sonja Morgan! This (taking her clothes off) is my schtick. That's what they expect." So the cabaret act was renamed to #SonjaMorganAndMaybeACameoBySomeRandomCountess? Gotcha. Dorinda was her usual bitter, angry, drunk self. If she can watch these episodes and *not* realise she's got a drinking problem, she's even more delusional than I think she is. Mrs. Fitzpatrick has a lot to answer for if she told Dorinda to always speak in forceful tones Dorinda didn't take her advice about keeping her hands behind her back, but she sure took *that* piece of advice to heart. Possibly too much. On the other hand, I didn't mind her saying she and Luann had been friends for "fifty years." I'm prone to that particular sort of exaggeration myself, only I usually say "a thousand years" or "a hundred years." :) And Ramona -- I guess there's only one way for a woman to support other women? Or turn down an invitation? I'm not a Bethenny fan, really, but I'm on her side here. Luann still can't sing. She's got a great backup cast, but she still can't find a key and stick to it.
  6. Speak for yourself. ;) Different people find different things difficult.
  7. This is sad news. I'm never happy to see someone die under these circumstances. My heart goes out to his family and friends -- even to Bethenny, who will no doubt have difficulty dealing with his death. For whatever reason, she never handles emotions well.
  8. The furnishings weren't my focus, though, especially when I was talking about Ramona's house. It was all the white everywhere. I don't care (and this is just my opinion, of course) for all-white kitchens, all-white walls everywhere. I find white to be cold and sterile.
  9. As usual, everyone has covered most of what I'd like to say. I would like to add that I HATE Ramona's redecorated house. I hate all-white everything. I'd rather live in a hospital. (Disclaimer: Over my loud objections, my husband has painted every room in our house cream with white woodwork. He said I could choose the colours for the bath and kitchen. The bath is pink and white. The kitchen is burgundy and green. He's not happy with either room, but I am.) I'm also not crazy about Bethenny's apartment, but at least it shows her style and personality, for better or worse. Ramona's shows no personality at all. Even though I didn't really like her much, it was nice to see Heather again. For Dorinda, of all people, to say Luann doesn't have self-awareness -- man, that's the most scorched pan on the shelf calling the kettle burnt. (And, to judge by the preview, Dorinda goes on the drunken rampage again next week.) Also, this is the first we've seen of John, I think, this season. Too bad we even saw this much. I dislike him enormously, but I suppose he and Dorinda deserve each other. I'm on the record repeatedly about my dislike for her.
  10. I have only two little things to add. Vickie's remark about owning the sandbox and getting to choose who comes in to play? The sheer chutzpah of it all. Sheesh. And Vickie tells Kelly never to scream at her? Screaming at Vickie is off-limits. Period. Because we all know Ms. G. never ever raises her voice to scream at her friends. Cue the 7,000 tapes of Vickie shrieking at one person or another, her face no more than six inches from her victim's, spittle flying. Yes, indeed, Vickie G is always in perfect control of her inside voice.
  11. Dorinda triggers all my growing-up-with-an-angry-alcoholic-father emotions. I could never be in the same room with her after she'd had a drink (she claimed that drunken tirade at Luann was after one drink, I think, though I could be wrong), much less after she'd had however many more she had by the time she finished the evening. I think she was still feeling the effects at breakfast, which is why her "apology" to Lu was more "you did me such an injury/how could you treat me this way" than "I'm sorry I blew up in your face." She needs help. I've been on a boat of about that size in choppy seas. It's not pleasant. Flinging yourself around and screeching, however, won't make anything better. These women and their tags left on clothing. That's a really low rent thing to do, in my opinion. Who's to blame for the disintegration of Carole and Bethenny's friendship? My money, based on the episodes so far, is both of them.
  12. I don't have much to add because other people have said most of what I'd say. Tamra - I guess we won't be subjected to her fake conversion to "Christianity" this year, huh? WWJD? Not getting smashed and prancing around in front of cameras and a camera crew stark naked, not to mention flashing an entire bar. The new Housewives and their babies - I'm in the minority here. I don't mind the new HoWives -- though I haven't yet made up my mind for sure about either of them -- and I am a sucker for kids and activities with kids. I live an entire continent away from my only grandbaby, whom I've seen only once in his young life, so my perspective might be skewed. I never let my boys run wild like New HoWife Number Two (I haven't learned either of their names yet) seems to do.
  13. Yes, Dorinda, at some point you get what you give. I suspect you'll have to eat those words in the future. (Disclaimer: Of all the HoWives in the franchise, I dislike Dorinda the most.) Dorinda is a mean drunk. I've seen mean alcoholics up close and personal. I know what they look and sound like. She fits the bill. She needs to get help before she hurts herself or someone else. Carole, I kinda like you, but that crack about not crying if you're over six . . . Honey, we've all seen you cry, so get off that tall pony before you get thrown. And if you go to Sonja to ask for advice, the least you could do is not talk over her while she's trying to tell you something. Sonja just likes stirring up other people. Bethenny, I've had to leave groups a few times because I was ill, either physically or emotionally. I haven't made "all the drama of an exit" about it, either. I've just quietly said, "Y'all, I have to go home because I'm too ill to be here. I'll catch y'all later." No one made big drama out of it. If you really wanted to go -- and production would allow it -- you could have done so. Bethenny doesn't know how to do the give and take that relationships need. Tinsley - I truly think she has so little foundation to her personality that she needs her glam squad for the validation. It's pitiful. And contemptible. She is the personification of "there's no there there." And just wait for it, dearie, Drunk Dorinda will jump on you, too. Then you can eat your comments about how Luann "jumped on Dorinda" and how that wasn't "cool." Luann, you are an ex-countess with a mug shot. On the other hand, I think Lu was reacting to the tone of voice rather than the actual words. I'm sorry Lu relapsed and is in rehab again. I guess we'll see The Boat Trip From Hell next week.
  14. Neither of the new HoWives has made much of an impression on me yet. I don't love 'em. I don't hate 'em. I feel about them the way I did about Shannon and Meghan and Heather at first: Okay, I'll wait and see. I had a visceral, immediate loathing for Kelly and Peggy in this franchise. I never budged off my loathing of Peggy and have only moved to "intensely dislike" Kelly. Kelly had a few moments last season when she wasn't loathsome, but maybe that was only because Peggy tripped ALL my triggers and then stomped on each one of them in her stiletto heels. so Kelly was less horrifying in comparison.
  15. When Vicki was apologising to Eddie, I kept hearing that old story of the boy with the bad temper. Long story short(ish). His dad told him to go hammer a nail into the back fence whenever he lost his temper. He did -- till the fence was filled with nails. As he began to get control of his temper, his dad said to go out every day he didn't lose his temper and pull out one nail. Finally all of the nails were out. Then his dad took him down to look at the battered, holey fence. "See, son, the fence will never be the same." Vicki, bless her heart, can say she's sorry every time she tramples someone, but that relationship will not be the same. She can say she wants to "go back to the way we were," but that fence is full of nail holes.
  16. The new cast has been announced. I suppose we'll get to see Kim Richards melt down again and again and again. Holy cow. https://www.realityblurred.com/realitytv/2018/07/marriage-boot-camp-reality-stars-season-11-cast-preview/
  17. I don't have anything to add except this: As a person who is allergic to fish and seafood of all kinds, I feel for Bethenny. Yes, when you accidentally take a bite of fish, it feels as if you've taken a bite of poison. I've lain in bathrooms throwing up, too ill to hold onto the toilet, helplessly heaving onto the floor. I can't believe (well, yes, I can) the way everyone ignored her and just kept on with their meal.
  18. I'd wondered from time to time where Tinsley came by her unpleasant nuttiness. Now I know the apple falleth not far from the tree. If my mother had opened her mouth in front of my not-even-quite-a-boyfriend and his mother the way Dale did, I'd have disowned her. Granted, I'd be less a drama queen than Tinsley was, but disowning would be on the agenda.
  19. Bethenny in Puerto Rico showed her good side, her depth. Bethenny back in New York showed her shallow, bitchy side. *sigh* I, too, think she was being insulting with her single, childless, no career comment, even if it was the truth. You can absolutely insult someone and speak nothing but the truth. If someone is 5'1", weighs 300 pounds, and showers only twice a month, and I say, "She's short, fat, and smelly," I haven't said anything untrue, but I've certainly been insulting. Luanne – Bless her heart (as we say in the South), she's delusional. Liza Minnelli praised that voice? Oh, please. And her musical fellow is either delusional along with her or playing her for a fool. Tony Bennett shouldn't be mentioned in the same paragraph as Luanne. She doesn't sing in the same key he does, mainly because she can't find a key and stay in it. Then the fellow says, "I don't think the voice matters." I nearly snorted my coffee through my poor nasal passages. I was reminded of Kim Zolciak who, when the singing teacher she hired tried to teach her, said, "I don't need to know music. I'm a singer." So much delusion. Also so much no-talent (both of them). Ramona – That "LuMan" wasn't funny the first 700 times it was pulled out. It still isn't. I roundly dislike Luanne, but I hate that nickname. Sonja – Good grief. So instead of cleaning the dog mess on the sofa cushion, she just turns over the cushion? I wonder how many times she's done that. Cushions have only so many sides, y'know. And then she paints over the bird crap instead of cleaning the patio furniture before painting? Ugh. That'll be a long-lasting paint job. *sarcasm* Carole – I know writing is hard, but you don't get to call yourself a writer unless you write something once in a while. I'm not terribly bothered by her glottal T speech pattern, though. I hear it a lot. It's not nearly as annoying to me as vocal fry. :) YMMV of course. Dorinda – So Tom should never borrow that same yacht again for another party? I guess if he'd hired a particular party space for the engagement party that space would also be forever off-limits? Frankly, I think she'd had (as always when liquor is available) too much to drink and flew off the handle, off the rails, and off any kind of logic It's her default drunk Dorinda position.
  20. Sorry. My error. Whoever he is, my point remains that he designed a lovely faux fur jacket/coat. :)
  21. Something I forgot to say. Matt, Kyle’s nephew, might be a bit flamboyant, but he surely designed a gorgeous faux fur jacket. I would SO buy one if they came in my size.
  22. This was a fun episode. A few thoughts. Ericka thinks girls are "timid and listen to their mothers." Has she ever met an actual girl? Does she remember being one? Please. And she doesn't have potluck in her "repertoire"? Really? The funniest thing to me about that TH was that she said she didn't have anything against potlucks and then threw out that "it's not in my repertoire" line in her trademark snooty/snotty tone of voice. Give.Me.A.Break. Dorit interacting with her children. She seems to be trying so hard to be the cool mom. I get the feeling she sees her kids occasionally and lets the nanny (or nannies) do all the heavy lifting of child-raising. LVP seems genuinely emotional when she talks about the sudden loss of two of her dogs. I lost one -- not suddenly or unexpectedly -- two years ago, and if I talk about him even now, I'll tear up. I wouldn't clone a dog ever. You get a physical copy, but the personality doesn't carry over. One of the most honest and sincere scenes I have ever watched on this show was the self-assessment at the dinner table at Teddi's beach house. Everyone except Dorit showed at least some self-awareness. What a shame that we know how that trip to the beach ended. On the whole, I'd love to see more scenes like these and fewer scenes of Dorit rolling her eyes when Teddi calls on the phone. Or Ericka trying to sing. Or anyone screaming in someone else's face. Which is not to say I want NO scenes like that, just fewer. Except Dorit - she can just go away and stay away -- I mean, even that raging bitch Ericka brings more to the show than Dorit does, a low bar, admittedly.
  23. So the show's over for now. A few random thoughts: Amber continues to show her (lack of) character. She flies into a rage with very little provocation (seriously, what Brandi said to her was a 2 on the scale of provoking things -- and Amber has often stepped up to make nasty level 11 on the 1-10 scale assessments of other people. ) And then would rather stay in her room than celebrate with the other participants. She's a toad. (Apologies to actual toads.) Tonya is going to kill herself with her denials. "They're just prescription medications, not drugs." Sure. A metric ton of people in this country die every year from prescription meds, especially when the user mixes them with alcohol. Mama Jones. "It's mean when you don't trust me." This right after she spilled beans (which weren't hers to spill) to Renee. Yeah, Mama, people don't trust you because you've proven yourself untrustworthy. Jim and Chrissy shouldn't have left. They should have stayed and faced his Mama. They also should have brought up this problem earlier. A big issue like infidelity could have been addressed instead of being locked away till someone (Mama) blabbed. Brandi and Guy. I was shocked by my reaction to Brandi (whom I've detested for several years). She does seem to have taken the advice she received and the input of the exercises to heart. (And my inner cynic says, "Maybe.") She also looks a lot better with the more low-key makeup she usually wore during this show than the over-the-top look she usually wears. I'm still rooting for the Mafia sisters. They are dysfunctional as all get-out, but they do seem to care about each other. I hope they can work out their issues.
  24. I don't know why you'd sign up for some kind of therapy and not even try, not even to lift your hand to write a few things you don't like about yourself. That's lame beyond words. Just weak. It seems the Mafia sisters and Brandi and her father might be learning something. That's nice. Mama Jones is also sad. She doesn't want to participate, doesn't want to take any responsibility. Amber drives me nuts. She is someone I couldn't spend thirty seconds alone with without exploding in rage. ETA: I typed this a week ago and forgot to click submit. *head-desk*
  25. Did anyone else notice how pleased with herself Ramona seemed after she dropped the information about Bethenny taking Dorinda to Puerto Rico? She knew this nugget would upset Carol, and she was thrilled to have done it. Dorinda is a drunk. She's a mean drunk -- and I have said that repeatedly. As the child of an angry alcoholic, I react viscerally to Dorinda's rants and abusive behaviour when she's drunk. It all takes me back to my childhood, hiding in my bedroom while the drunk member of the family raged. The expression on the face of the woman (whose name I didn't catch) at that meeting says so much. Also she says, "One night does not define you." That's right, one night doesn't -- but this wasn't one night, it was a pattern of behaviour. That's denial, honey. Sonja's townhouse has great bones. Before it'll rent for $32K a month, however, it's going to require some serious work, some visible (peeling wallpaper, frayed carpets, cracked counter tops) and some not visible (heat, air conditioning, yellow ice in the refrigerator). I don't have a strong opinion about Bethenny, but I admire her efforts in Puerto Rico.
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