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Everything posted by Cherpumple

  1. Sorry, but I'm still fuming over the fact that, yet again, Matt was given special treatment. He flubbed the response "Hard Knocks Life" then corrected himself and was ruled correct. Then, seconds later, Odessa made almost the exact same mistake (an incorrect S, but I don't remember the response) and was immediately ruled incorrect. What the actual hell? I can only hope that this is a product of Mike Richards' terrible reign and things will be better once he's gone. Fingers crossed!
  2. My favorite thing about Hallmark fall movies is watching the same handful of fake trees filled with colorful foliage migrate to different scenes, as the set designers desperately try to convince us that the movie was actually filmed in the fall. I just pretend that the trees are sentient and are sneakily following the main characters around town. I swear, one day I'll actually catch them moving! Seriously, this was the only way I stayed awake through the dreadful Roadhouse Romance. There was so little chemistry between the leads that I genuinely kept forgetting that this was supposed to be a romance and not just a friendship. And could Lauren's character be any more of a Mary Sue? Medical doctor, great singer, great cook, and oh, she also gave amazing editorial notes on the first movie script she ever read. Is there anything she can't do?
  3. What? You mean you didn't get something meaningful out of her incredibly insightful view that she would only consider getting married if "There [is] a purpose beyond, 'I think you're cute.'" You clearly have a lot to learn from this barely-out-of-her-teens expert who has studied polyamory "for a really long time."
  4. I think Nandor put it there when he wanted to sneak out to meet Gail without the others knowing, the same way kids stuff pillows under their covers when they want to trick their parents into thinking they're still in bed.
  5. Re the spoiler, I'm not sure I'm on board with Helford's thinking, especially regarding the "obstacle" (please, tv gods, don't let that happen!).
  6. Yes! It's usually fun when shows mix things up, and I've really enjoyed seeing the Colin/Laszlo and Nadja/Nandor pairings. I would love to meet some more female vampires. It would also be fun to see Nadja rekindle her friendship with the witch who slept with Laszlo. It's a long shot, but they were fast friends initially, and assuming that Guillermo's sperm supply business is still going strong, it could happen.
  7. Yes! Speaking as a member of the American Historical Association, I was outraged by that ruling. They are definitely letting Matt get away with way too many short cuts. And speaking of Matt, I know that his strategy of starting every response with "what's" is meant to make it easier for him but it would have the opposite effect on me. Putting "what is" in front of a person's name would compete with decades' worth of linguistic conditioning in my brain, and take precious mental resources away from me actually coming up with the right answer. It would be a disaster.
  8. I'm glad I'm not the only one who was aghast at Peter's outfit. Aside from the tie, it was the sheerness of the shirt fabric that got me. I liked his personality, but he needs to do better on the clothes. It's weird for me to see people debating whether or not chest hair is "in." I've always just thought of it as something some men have and others don't. No big whoop. Every time I hear "Pantora" I think of the band "Pantera" and it makes me chuckle, thinking how great it is that those nice heavy metal boys have found a new career designing wedding dresses.
  9. I think Friends actually did this fairly well. In a later episode, Ross and Rachel attend a fancy party and need to pretend that they're married, and they really lean into it by describing a ridiculously over-the-top proposal story and wedding. It was pretty funny. I am a total sucker for this trope when the kid gets to interact with a parent that they didn't spend much time with while growing up, either due to the parent's early death or divorce/estrangement. Admittedly, this is a wish fulfillment trope for me, but when done right it can be an emotional gut punch.
  10. I thought Johnny Gilbert sounded perfectly fine.
  11. I loved that! I don't mind Matt winning, but I hate when he (or any one person) gets all three DDs. It's much more interesting when all the contestants get a crack at one. Speaking of awkward small talk, I cringed and then let out my villain laugh when Mike talked about how much he wants to celebrate the contestants during his tenure as host.
  12. During his trial he wanted everyone to believe he was practically on death's door; a pitiable old blind man, barely able to walk. Well, his prison stint must have been really good for his health if he's now strong enough to even consider a tour, so I say we do him a favor and put him back in for his own health and safety.
  13. Yeah, it makes even less sense because the "were" part means "man" (thank you Professor Snape), so now they're calling Gail a man-woman, lol, which actually somehow fits with their general level of incompetence. If they needed a new word, something like shewolf would probably work better. I'm really curious to see what the ramifications are for Gail being both a werewolf and a vampire. Now that I think about it, it might even be a clue to Colin Robinson's origins- perhaps energy vampires are some weird hybrid creature that's considered unnatural or taboo, which could explain why there are no books about them in the library. Regarding Gail turning into a bat so quickly, the same thing happened last season when Nandor's familiar from the 1970s showed up asking to be turned into a vampire. At the end of the episode we see him get dropped off at a gas station, and then he turns into a bat and flies away.
  14. I had another look at it and saw that the visitor count was 53, and the contact person's name was Jeremy (have we met him?) The email address was in the same weird script that is in the Council Library (it looks like cuneiform), and the text said something like emails should not be considered as taking the place of ether. I loved the whole color scheme and also want to see what's in the store. I didn't see a URL, but I really hope the show makes an actual website for us to look through.
  15. This episode should have been called Full Moon. Seriously, I didn't think we'd get to see so much of Nandor, and I'm still laughing about it. Are they retconning Colin Robinson's back story? I thought they said in a previous episode that the other three met him because he came with the house, and I thought they'd been living there since at least the 1800s (didn't Laszlo mention going out west some time in the 1860s during the Jackie Daytona episode?). But I could be misremembering.
  16. I really like this show so far, since it satisfies my inherent nosiness of driving by old houses and wondering what they look like inside. I don't mind that it doesn't feature a full renovation, because it lets my imagination run wild, especially for the houses that have mismatched time periods inside; I start arguing with myself about whether I'd keep the adorable 1950s bathroom and the 1920s butler pantry, or return everything to the Victorian originals. My one concern is that I'm not sure it's wise for them to point out all the valuable original fixtures that are sitting around in these abandoned (or at least uninhabited) homes. It's just asking for trouble.
  17. I don't know if this counts as "cast" but the building that was used as the hotel that Rabbi Milligan and Satchel stayed at in season 4 was just featured in an episode of Cheap Old Houses on HGTV (episode 5: "Playful Indiana Victorians"). I instantly thought it looked like something that could be in Fargo (stately brick home in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by snow), but didn't think it was the actual building until the owners confirmed it. It was pretty rundown when they bought it a few years ago and they give a tour to show all their renovations. It's beautiful! (The people in the pic are the show hosts, not the owners)
  18. So happy this show is back! Kayvan was definitely my MVP for the night for having to impersonate each of the other characters. That was hilarious! And I love his workout pants. Please show more of Nandor working out and intimidating the other gym goers. Laszlo was also cracking me up with his deep dive into the pornography collection (and finding Aristotle's lost Poetics II), and I think Matt Berry looks great with the slightly longer hair this season. When he was disguised as Nandor and chatting with Meg at the coffee shop, she picked up on a vibe that "Nandor" has a crush on his "work friend," so maybe that will become a thing. It wouldn't surprise me at all if Guillermo felt some attraction to Nandor, even if it's in an unhealthy co-dependent way. Me too! I thought the witches' goat had killed her last season when it ransacked the house, but I'm glad to see her alive and well, and still having Nadja's back during house meetings.
  19. I saw this for the first time last week and really liked it. The scene where she teaches him how to kiss is practically risque by newer Hallmark standards, but it was actually very sweet.
  20. You're right, it was Joni Mitchell! I liked a lot of Kara's stuff and thought it was fun and festive, but I also kept thinking that it probably had the most wastage, which bothered me. Adam was all about recycling and using found materials, most of Melanio's stuff was multi-purpose and could be used over and over, and Chelsea seemed to embrace more natural materials. But what can you do with a giant foam volcano after your tiki-themed party is over? And unless they've changed the formula (I hope so), I thought foam was really bad for the environment. It just seemed that most of Kara's stuff would end up in the trash as soon as the novelty was over.
  21. Adam's shed wasn't my style, but I'm glad he won because he's very creative and seems like a really sweet guy (I can see why he won "Best Smile" in high school). It surprised me a little when he talked about feeling like he didn't fit in and had a hard time talking to people, because he seems like one of those effortlessly cool guys that I was always too shy to talk to. And maybe it was just editing, but I thought I saw a spark between him and Jessie in earlier episodes, and now I want them to get together (despite their wildly different art styles). I've thought Melanio was a ringer ever since he said that he used to work for Martha Stewart, and his designs definitely had the most polish. His train compartment is one of my favorite things from this whole show. I loved Amy's "Helper Song" in the style of Joan Baez. And she's right- some of the helpers are super hot! Where's their show? What do you guys think of them having so many episodes with Mega Crafts? Overall, I think they produced some of the best results, because the makers had so much time to work, but I also felt that those episodes dragged the most (especially when only a few people were left), since it was a full hour focused on only one activity. Next season, I would prefer fewer Mega Craft episodes, or maybe even mixing it up more with other types of challenges, like maybe three mini challenges, or a group challenge, or a technical challenge, like on the Great British Baking Show.
  22. I just love the idea of having connected movies. I've been saying for years that it would be fun for Hallmark to lean into the idea of their movies having a shared universe, if only to give some winks to their longtime fans. For instance, I would love to see someone casually mention that they spent their Christmases in a town called Evergreen when they were a kid, or say that they went to college at the place Jill Wagner's character teaches in Murder 101.
  23. It's unpopular with me. I don't mind seeing reruns of older episodes, but having Alex "interact" with new contestants in this way from beyond the grave is just too ghoulish for me, and I would not watch it. That does seem sensible, but it really goes against current game show trends, so we may be out of luck. I'm actually having trouble thinking of any new game show hosts on either the main networks or GSN that are NOT already known for acting/singing/stand-up comedy/etc. The days of someone breaking into the biz as merely a game show host may be over.
  24. His blue eyes looked amazing in that picture! I liked this one too, mainly because of the actors, and because the premise reminded me of Soapdish (one of my favorite movies), so I kept laughing at all the little similarities, which were probably unintentional. I wish they would've have leaned a little more into how goofy soap operas can be (just like Love, For Real made fun of reality dating shows), but the way they did it was fine. However, I did laugh when they were brainstorming ways for Ryan's soap character to come back on the show after being killed off the previous year and he suggested "vampire".
  25. For the red haired bride, I liked the second dress the best. It was the perfect Morticia Addams silhouette for her. But seeing her get so emotional about the third dress was definitely the clincher. She was so happy! I thought the dress that the Indian bride chose looked very 90s, especially the top. It looked good on her, just a little outdated. I'm really starting to feel bad for all these brides who are pressured to try on Randy's dresses and then have to tell him to his face that it's not the dress for them. Awkward! In the past, the brides only met the designer (mainly Pnina) if they were definitely planning to buy the dress, but wanted to ask about making a few alterations.
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