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Everything posted by Cherpumple

  1. I liked Katherine Hahn's story, even though I got a little confused keeping all the people straight. Her German great-great grandfather sounded despicable for abandoning his young children, leaving them to forever wonder where he was and if he was alive or dead. I know that Pamela Adlon had heard a rumor about her mom's paternity issue, but I'm curious about who actually knew what. I think there was a brief mention of her grandparents not having a great marriage, but I wonder if that was because he knew about her cheating and knew he was raising another man's child, or if he didn't know at all and the marriage was bad for other reasons. Pamela didn't really go into any specifics about her mother's relationship with the man that she always thought was her father. Regarding the five years of work they did on Pamela's story, I wonder if that time was mostly spent waiting for someone in her paternal line to take DNA tests and have the results available online. Until that puzzle piece was available, they didn't have much of a story to tell. Also, for those who remember the show King of the Hill, Pamela voiced the teenaged son Bobby. It blew my mind when I first learned that, but now I hear it every time I hear her voice!
  2. I thought I saw him too, but it turned out to be Jackie. They basically have the same haircut now!
  3. Aww, that would have been very sweet. I was surprised by the grief counseling scene, but very moved by what Kat said. I'm glad that she had enough self-awareness to see how her grief was affecting her other relationships, and am interested to see if she continues to work on this in future episodes. I really like the actor who plays Phil and am glad that he's been up for some physical comedy this season- first in stilettos, then on a bike. He's a great sport!
  4. That was my thought exactly! The contrasting highs and lows were such an important hallmark of that time period.
  5. Yeah, I get that. But if I were an actor and worked on something that was super heavy on the special effects I would definitely want to watch it to see what all those green screens ended up looking like.
  6. I don't know the answer for these two in particular, but over the years I've realized that people who work on a show/movie have a very different experience with it than the fans do. Some actors are super invested in the character and plot developments, some stick around because they really love working with their co-stars, and some are just there for a paycheck. Some actors have great memories for story continuity, and some have never watched a single episode of the shows they've been on (which honestly blows my mind). Like I said, I have no idea where Metcalf and Goodman fall on this spectrum, but for two seasoned veterans who have worked on a ton of different projects, it wouldn't surprise me if they view this as an easy gig that they don't need to take too seriously. They might just be happy having a steady paycheck and working with a group of old friends.
  7. He has two kids. It was confusing because Dan and Jesse kept telling Harris that she would be "raising three kids," implying that Aldo is so immature that he'd be like a third kid. At this point, I have to assume that the writers are just trolling us. They can't honestly expect us to root for Darlene, right? Not with her selfishness, pettiness, and appalling lack of self-awareness. If I had been drinking, I would have done a spit take when she described herself as "new and improved." She just too absurd to be taken seriously.
  8. Out of curiosity, I looked up a list of events that happened near the beginning of Dean's 7th grade school year and I saw that August 30, 1967 was the date Thurgood Marshall was confirmed as the first African American Supreme Court Justice. If the showrunners had chosen to subvert the expectation of tragedy, as you suggested, they could have included this event as the pilot episode's big emotional moment instead. It could have been interesting to see this uplifting milestone juxtaposed against Dean facing the challenges of starting 7th grade in a newly-integrated school.
  9. I had the same reaction. It seemed really out of character for Dean's dad to let him skip the concert when he's usually so big on commitment and hard work. There was plenty of time for father/son fun after the concert was over. I hope Dean got in trouble for it at school. I shudder to think what my high school orchestra teacher would have said if I bailed on a concert to goof around. I also agree about the confusing timeline. It was a strange choice to start the show in April. I mean, I know the historical reason, but for a show that focuses so much on Dean's school life, why start the story near the end of a school year? And I assume they're going in actual chronological order, but maybe this is supposed to be more like the Goldbergs, where adult Dean is remembering various snippets of his life in no particular order. It's hard to tell. And was I the only one who got nervous about the dad's pending tour across the south? I was waiting for a Green Book reference/discussion, and was glad the story went in another direction.
  10. They also completely ignored Mark's drug/school problem. The continuity on this show is abysmal. At this point they just seem to be showing episodes in random order.
  11. I normally don't mind split timeline stories, but I don't think it adds much here. It might have actually been better to show this story in chronological order to let Boba's character build and give us a clearer idea of how the events on Tatooine unfolded. As it is, I'm having a hard time getting invested in the "present day" stuff because it's shown in such brief bits and pieces. Also, I was very disappointed in the Boba meets Fennec flashback; it played out almost exactly as Fennec explained to Mando in one sentence in the Mandalorian, with no extra twists.
  12. I rolled my eyes so hard at that scene. He proposed a deal of mutual defense, then when one person asked why they should agree, Boba immediately backed down without even answering with a simple "because you'll be targeted next". Then afterwards he clearly thought he was a master diplomat for getting them all to agree to do nothing. Pathetic. You jest, but I'm actually kind of shipping Fennec and Boba now. Not that I think they'd be so great together, but mainly because the plot thus far is so thin and slow that my mind has started to wander. So, in Star Wars world is "spice" just an illegal drug? If so, it really bums me out that when given room to play in a world as varied and rich as Stars Wars, the show runners seem to be going with a tired old story about rival gangs fighting over the drug trade. Yawn. Just because it's *in SPACE!* doesn't it make it any more interesting than the many other shows about gangs. I do still like this show, but definitely not as much as the Mandalorian. ETA: Did Jabba actually sit on that throne as Boba said? I can't imagine him fitting in that thing in any position, and the very thought of it made me laugh.
  13. They looked separate to me, since I definitely saw two distinct tails- one in front and one in back. I guess they could be conjoined at their sides, but I'm not sure how that would look.
  14. Same here. She was his childhood crush from the first time he saw her on the Cosby show, and in interviews he always talked about her with an "I can't believe I won the lottery" lilt to his voice. I wish them the best, but it sucks that they couldn't make it work.
  15. This one didn't really grab me either. It was fine, but seemed to cover a lot of the same historical ground we've seen before. I'm glad that Brittany was so thrilled to learn about her paternal line, but the story of her grandparents made me nervous. At best, the relationship was a one night stand or brief affair between a married man and a young woman visiting her brothers. But it could have been a much more sinister encounter. We'll never know. And hearing that he later divorced his wife and was stabbed to death by a girlfriend sounds even more shady. However, I did like the picture of the grandfather with the pipe in his mouth.
  16. I liked that Jackie (finally) addressed her concerns with Neville like an adult rather than a lunatic, and everything worked out. I also got some laughs out of Becky flirting with the doctor and then stalking his social media. It was also nice to see Ben sitting with the family and supporting Mark without getting into a bitchfest with Darlene. What a revelation! But yet again, I hated the way Darlene handled the situation with Mark. This woman is incapable of anything other than rash decisions when it comes to her kids. She went straight to yanking him out of his school without even attempting another solution. At the very least she could have looked at his syllabus to get a handle on his workload. And why not set up a meeting with his teachers and/or guidance counselor to discuss his options? Maybe he can change his class schedule or get after-school help. I'm not minimizing the seriousness of him turning to drugs to deal with his stress, but this school is a big opportunity for Mark, and Darlene should at least get a fuller understanding of the problem before choosing the nuclear option.
  17. Same here! It definitely could go either way. I'm not sure what to make of this episode. If this is really the last we'll see of that Tusken group, it was a very anticlimactic arc. Same with the twins- if they are actually leaving Tatooine after two brief appearances, I'll be very disappointed (I'll miss that tiny fan!). The new teenage street gang was fun, but super goofy and not threatening at all. And I know nothing about the Pykes, so I have no strong feelings about them arriving in Mos Espa. It just felt like a weird reshuffling of characters and plot lines before the story has really gotten started.
  18. Yeah, whenever I see it I think that this is the one piece of music where his crowd-pleasing split jump feels inappropriate.
  19. This is me with the whole NXIVM cult thing. It was just completely off my radar. As are most big scandals involving famous athletes because I barely follow any sports. There's just so much information swirling around it's impossible to keep up with everything, so everyone has blind spots. Incidentally, I became aware of Theranos about a year ago when YouTube randomly recommended a video about Elizabeth Holmes's bizarre affectations - the deep voice, the intense stare - and I was intrigued enough to click on it.
  20. You're right. The older retired guy was the one who returned Houdini to the cafe after Houdini jumped from the roof into his arms.
  21. Ah, okay. Thanks! I did not get that.
  22. It was really rough for me too. Hugo Awards? Pictures of banks? Chess moves? No ma'am, those are not my areas of knowledge. I also thought the Copenhagen question was a trick, and flubbed FJ because I was focused on Paris, and couldn't think of any famous French brothers from that time. I'm still confused about the chess category, admittedly because I wasn't playing close attention. But were those real chess moves? Or made up moves with chess puns? Or something else? I was totally confused.
  23. I agree. I really thought Oscar was going to dump her when she was so late for their rooftop date, and was pleasantly surprised they avoided that cliche. Loved the Blossom reunion. Jenna and Joey look great! I always liked Michael (the other brother), and it was a bit startling to see him looking so rough compared to the others. I kinda hope the retired customer starts working at the cafe. He was fun and fits in well with the gang.
  24. Matt Berry also voices a droid in the new Boba Fett show on Disney+. His voice is a little more subdued than normal to sound more mechanical, but I'd recognize it anywhere!
  25. Me too. Also, is anyone else getting the vibe that the Tusken in black (who I think is Boba's primary trainer) is a woman? I only know about Tuskens from the main films, so if there is an obvious male/female distinction in their society that I'm unaware of, I'm happy to learn. And I could be totally wrong; I'm just getting vibes. That's pretty cool. The initiation ceremony at the end reminded me of a Haka, so I wonder if that was the intention. Like I said, I know most of my Star Wars stuff from the main films so I may have missed something, but what's the big deal with the Hutts? I mean, how did they become such feared gangsters? Maybe it was just due to the limitations of practical effects in the originals, but Jabba could barely move, so how did that bloated worm build a crime empire? I am very excited to see more of the twins though. They were adorable.
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