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Everything posted by Leroux

  1. Lisa and Brandi had a friendship, of convenience but friendship nonetheless, Lisa and Brandi were two peas on a pod, Lisa IMO was the mastermind and Brandi was the executor, they talked for hours on the phone everyday and according to Brandi she got tired of discussing the other castmates way too long. Lisa and Ken were both very fond of Brandi, they did plenty of activities during the off season and Lisa by her own accounts took her under her wing. The disturbing images of Lisa condoning and defending Brandi's behavior when she revealed the surrogacy, when she lied about the lawsuit, the way she laughed when Brandi was being such an asshole to Joyce and her husband forever changed my opinipon of her. Yolanda and Brandi are friends but IMO they are not as close as Lisa was, Yolanda can't entertain Brandi for hours on the phone and she is always out of the country so their friendship to me looks more like a shallow friendship were Brandi has played Yolanda to a T by doing what she does best, playing the victim, the victim of the other jealous women with more money than her (Lisa or Adrienne) and poor Brandi damsel in distress needed a champion and Yolanda loves that roles, beyond that I don't see too much, Brandi would love for it to be a closer friendship but I just don't think Yolanda has the time or energy and never had. Kyle and Brandi were never friends, they were mending fences and trying to get along, that is what dumb Kyle thought anyway, after so much love declarations from Lisa about how Brandi is misunderstood and how much of a true cannon she really was, after realizing that they will be filming together for the foreseable future IMO Kyle decided that it was better to bury the hatched and sort of keep your enemies closer type of deal, were they calling each other on the phone for hours? NO, Brandi would have had great joy in saying so, did the yhave some gigs together during off season? YES, mainly acting gigs or cameo appereances during different shows, was Brandi invited to Kyle's house during the off season? NO, at least I never heard about it. I don't blame Kyle for believing Brandi about the magazines anyway. Up to that point Lisa made her mission during the first 5 episodes of last season to mention Mauricio's cheating rumors like clockwork, Lisa had an obvious agenda so when Brandi revealed the issue of the magazines, Lisa's behavior towards Kyle made it believable. The fact that Brandi boldly mentions that production was there and they confirm to Kyle about the magazines probably is what gave credence to Brandi's allegations.
  2. Blog about Brandi's podcast with Carlton http://lynnfam.com/2015/01/25/brandi-glanville-podcast-carlon-gebbia-as-guest/ LMAO!!!! OMG, this chick is truly delusional . She actually thinks that when she shows up with a date the other women show her more respect? She probably doesn't get sloppy drunk when she is with a date, maybe the date kindly removes her before she makes an ass of herself, it has nothing to do with the guy, it has to do with Brandi being a vicious drunk, this simple fact has obviously eluded her. Brandi is it not THEM, it is YOU, you are the problem. Holy Mother of all Delusions
  3. 100% she loves it , it gives her validation. Season 3 wasn't she so proud and smirking when her BF Ken the bullmastiff would go toe to toe with Kyle and let her know that they didn't care about her concerns to their shenanigans? Ken was just another addict like Kim and also enabled Kim , he also went against Kyle and Kim fully enjoyed it, you could see it in her face. I am sure that Kyle was blasted by her big sister Kathy when she exposed Kim's alcoholism, Kathy was not concerned one bit about Kim being an alcoholic but about everybody knowing about it, I am sure Kyle got a lot of flack from it and the fact that about the same time Mauricio decided to open his own firm and leave the Hilton's might have to do with it as well. It is obvious that Kathy and Kim are much closer than Kathy and Kyle, like somebody else pointed uptread Kathy swoops twice a year and can afford to be the "good cop" while Kyle has been left with no other option than being the "bad cop" , Kim knows that Kyle regrets what happened in that limo and will not do it again and she is pushing and pushing, acting like an awful drunk but daring Kyle to even say a word about it. Kim IMO loves her sister but also hates Kyle's life, she wants all that Kyle has and that gives her more will to constantly play a guilt trip on her sister. Kim acts like a spoiled brat child who takes great pleasure is rub her misbehavior in your face and almost dares you to "what are you going to do about it?" because she knows your hands are tied. Kim's brain are so toasted that she doesn't seem to grasp that her own life is at stake here, one overdose might be all it takes, but I can surely imagine Kim as Julia Robert's sister, she will leave a nice letter blaming all her issues on her sister and making sure than nobody ever forgets that her sister was her tormentor without realizing that she herself was her own worst enemy.
  4. Uhmmmm, Let's check the evidence Brandi made up a whole convoluted story about being Cedric's BFF just to get producers attentions to her and be casted as a new BH housewife Brandi used two little five year old boys who had to learn before their time about the conditions of their procreation just because Brandi wanted to secure a spot in the show. Brandi made up a whole lawsuit when there was never one, not even a C&D letter was sent to her yet for a whole seasons she cried about the "lawsuit" Brandi blasted to the world that Kim carried a shitty pillow at the airport for no other reason than to embarrass her because they were calling out Yolanda. Brandi used racial slurs against another castmate, bullying her with no shame Brandi admittedly thought it was okay to change Joyce's name just to further antagonize her and her husband Brandi made up allegations about Lisa V being bankrupt that have proved to be a lie. Brandi made stupid jokes about a poor man commiting suicide and how annoyed she was because it made her late to an event. Brandi has talked about her sister's molestation without her sister's consent and wished it would have happened to her Brandi has outed her father as a pot dealer without his consent Brandi has called her sons a$$holes on social media for the world to see and has also mentioned that they wet their beds. Brandi has paraded her tampon string for the world to see when drunk out of her mind (but nobody dares to mention this on the show). Brandi has antagonized castmates from other franchises and disrespected them for no reason while being drunk. Brandi has made allegations about body odor parts that have landed her a lawsuit Brandi has lied about Eddie suing her for back child support Brandi has stalked an ex-BF who made clear she was just a booty call. Brandi has shamessly flirted with most of the husbands on the franchise just because she thinks is cute Brandi has been drunk on almost every episode she has participated in and has acted like a boorish person with no manners at all. Brandi has thrown wine at Eileen's face for no reason at all Brandi has thrown wine at Jeff's face , faked cried, called him a a$$hole and then pretended it was a joke. Brandi has used language that even a truck driver would be ashamed of at social gatherings. You are absolutely right, Kyle is the mean girl, Brandi is just a poor misunderstood woman who is doing the best she can :/ (insert sarcasm) Brandi is in a shit storm of her own doing, she gets drunk and loud and obnoxious all the time and then acts like a loon, she has zero social manners, she thinks her innapropriate jokes are funny when they are offensive, she is always in competition to be somebody's best friend because she is so insecure that this is the only thing that gives her validation, she has bought her own BS about being a true cannon when all is proven is the extention of her lies, Brandi needs rehab and intensive psychological help not only for her but for her poor kids who have to endure a toxic person like her on a daily basis. But if you ask Brandi there is nothing wrong with her and the other women are just picking on her because she is the only real one , LOL Denial and the abundance of enablers (so called friends) is all Brandi is willing to accept, she needs to grow up and own to her behaviors and the consequences of it.
  5. Yes, they both do, if you do not overlook their horrible actions you become the enemy, and really who would like to have any of these two nasty women with no filter as their enemy, so most of them just pretend that this is not happening or do not talk about it. I agree with you on that one 100%, Brandi saw her opportunity and took it, she would become protector or poor underdog Kim against her evil sister Kyle, Brandi had it all figured out since the moment Kyle was opening her heart to her in the limo. Stupid Kyle didn't realize that she was giving Brandi just the ammunition that she needed. With the absence of engaging from Lisa, Eileen and Lisa R, given how badly she behaved when she threw wine at Eileen and knowing that she needed something quick to vindicate herself she IMO decided that her best bet was to go against Kyle and what better way to do it than to use her own sister against her. I don't put it pass Brand ibecause she has shown time and time again that she is very rotten to the core.
  6. I do get it. Brandi and Kim hate Kyle's guts. Kim loves her sister to some level but she also hates her and is insanely jealous of her, same as Brandi Kyle has a loving husband, who BTW was just a regular Joe when he married Kyle and built his fortune with her, she has a lovely house, a business and adoring daughters, Kyle has been very blessed in life. Kim and Brandi OTOH are broke by BH standards, they have substance abuse problems, and haven't been able to find the love of their life. For someone as entitled as Kim Richards, the fact that she was so succesful before and to look at where she is at and where her sister is at at this station of life must be pretty depressing. Kim doesn't have the insight to realize that she is in this place due to her own doing, she must blame someone and IMO she blames her sister. Brandi is a naturally nasty person who is only relevant due to her fight with others, she has assessed the situation and realized her fight with Lisa was overdone and that picking a fight with Kim would make her look like a bully so she chose the one she thinks all viewers hated and that was Kyle. She probably regrets picking on beloved Lisa because it backfired on her, so now she decided to go against one of the most hated ones because she thinks she will come on top. She is using Kim to stay relevant and they both are enabling each other. In their mind there is nothing wrong with them and whoever dares to say so is the enemy. Secretly they both think they deserve the happy life that Kyle has created for herself , neither can't see how their addictive and nasty personalities would never result in that kind of life, they can't accept fault so they found a common enemy, the fact that Kim is so unloyal to her sister is not a mistery to me. Kyle would give her right arm for her sister's sake, KIm? nahhhhh , she would give her right arm for an endless prescription of pain killers but never for her sister Kyle.
  7. Really? Kim was worried about what the host would think of her if she didn't say good bye? I was fooled , I would think that not getting high like a kite before going to her event would probably be a better sign of respect but that is just me. Kim wanted to go back because she wanted to throw that last dig at Kyle. At that point and even after Kim had fessed up to popping a pill Kyle had returned to the kitchen and was pretending that nothing was happening, all Kim had to do was jump in the car and leave and Brandi would have come with the news that Kim wasn't feeling well and EVERYBODY would have understood, do you think that LisaR or Eileen were worried at that point about Kim not saying Good bye? So when is Kim accountable for her own decisions? It was Kim decision to use pain substances when she knows that she shouldn't. She used them before going to an event that would be filmed by cameras, doesn't she know after four seasons that when she is on something it is VERY obvious?. Kyle was not with her in Kim's house when she decided to pop the pill, that was all on Kim. Kim was acting like an "ornery child" as she mildly put it, but everybody has to hush and pretend that is not happening because that would be using Kim for camera time? I am confused. If Kim was truly commited to her sobriety there is nothing that Kyle could do to jeopardize that, in the meantime by her own admission Kim has taken on a person who is cancer striken just so she can 1)have the perfect excuse about why she needs to use due to being overwhelmed 2) having available pain medications that she obviously is addicted to, then again where is Kim's accountability on this? It is not like Monty doesn't have the resources to hire a nurse if needed be, it is not like Kim is nursing him 24/7 as he obviously comes an goes as he pleases. The issue of the jealousy is something that Kim will milk for the rest of her life because it allows her to make Kyle feel guilty and overcompensate by trying to hide Kim's obvious relapses. Kyle didn't drag Kim back to the house, she came back because like the selfish idiot she is, she wanted that last dig at her sister, her passive aggresive "Thanks" was meant to create chaos and confussion and she got that. Any rational person would have pegged Kim's antics and just ignore her and let her go to hell , but unfortunately Kyle is not there yet. Kim is or should be responsible for her own actions and decision, she is the one who decided to pop a pill and act like an asshole, everything else came as a result of that.
  8. Kim Richards She by her own admission has struggled with sustance abuse since her early 20's , she is about to be 50 so that is most of her adult life being an addict. She is a nasty one when she is using so I just can't imagine what a nightmare it has been for her family as in her kids and her sister Kyle and family to deal with her on a daily basis, having to pick up the pieces of the mess that Kim is. Kathy has lived the fabulous life jetsetting everywhere and most of this mess has fallen on Kyle's lap. What a nightmare, this is a life sentence that you just can't get away from. For anybody who has lived with an addict, you know how manipulative they are, first of all they must find an excuse for their addiction , in this case for Kim she took Monty in and found the perfect excuse , the second thing an addict has to find is somebody to blame, in this case Kim seems to have her own personal punching bag in Kyle. it doesn't matter if she was acting like a lunatic in the limo with LisaR, it doesn't matter it she was acting like an asshole at the poker table with help of her bestie Brandi, it doesn't matter if it was obvious as the day is long that she was on "something" all that needed to happen was for Kyle to even dare to ask her if she was using, that forced her to fessed up to taking pain medication and BAM, must blame her for everything. Kim was mad not at herself for relapsing, she was mad at Kyle for (in her hazed mind) even asking, Kim is so delusional that she probably believes that nobody noticed her strange behavior at all, she probably is crazy enough to believe that during season 1 nobody knew she was abusing sustances until Kyle mentioned it. Well, let me tell you Kim Richards, the day you take accountability for your own actions and stop trying to find an excuse and blame others that might be the day you have a chance at recovery, but as long as you keep surrounding yourself with the likes of Brandi, you have no hope. What a slap in the face that despite of all this events you are still Brandi's BFF, you have shoved that POS in your sister's face and brought her with you to family events to further antagonize Kyle, I wish Kyle would say "F..it, I am done with you" and walk away, then you would have to find somebody else to blame. When that time comes maybe a mirror would come in handy.
  9. I agree about the decor. I let my mom do it because it was her thing and I figured it made her feel like she was involved in the process so I let her have her moment. As far as the whole family dynamic changing, I can't critisize that, it is true the dynamic changes and some people take change better than others. It not only affect Kyle and Mauricio, it also affects her two sisters, specially the one who is closest in age with her. I have 3 siblings and I can tell you that my younger sister cried probably more than my mother ever did just because we were use to do almost everything together. We were just two years apart. The other two were much younger so I guess it affected them but not as much. I enjoyed my college life, it was a great time, but I couldn't wait for Thanksgiving, Christmas and every semester break to go back home, there is just something about knowing that there is a place where you are unconditionally loved than feeds your soul and your spirit, not everybody has that and I feel extremely fortunate that even now, that is my safe place, that is the place where I can regroup and I can totally let all walls down because my parents and siblings will always be on my side no matter what. This is exactly what I see in Kyle's house. The love and the closeness of these girls and their parents is palpable, you can almost touch it, so I am sure everytime the dynamic changes it is a big deal for them. That brings me to LVP, her family dynamic is SOOOO different, I can feel their love and passion for everything and anything that Pandora does, I have no doubt that they love Max but it definitely is not the same, the constant reminders that he is not their biological son and the constant reminders of his failures as opposed as Pandora's sucess is nothing but a festering group for resentment and bad attutide. I wonder if Lisa has ever wondered if the reason why Max is so "laid back" and lacks the Vanderpump-Todd ambition is because after 23 years of these dynamic going on Max already knows that no matter what he will never win, he will always be second place and now he has positioned and feels comfortable there. Now they are adding Pandora's husband to the mix and poor Max will be relagated to the third spot or maybe fourth after Gigi the dog. I hate to agree with Kim but I think she was onto something when she said that Lisa's priorities were Pandora, Gigi and Ken in that order. Max didn't even make it to the rank.
  10. Very interesting conversation here, What happened first, the egg or the chicken? What happened first? the posters comments about Mauricio being a sleezy guy who only befriends people who are potential customers and then ditches them or Lisa nailing this point time and time again until it has become one of those facts that we pull out of the hat time and time again when trying to slam Kyle? One of Lisa's main MO during RHBH is how much she panders to the viewers and how carefully she crafts her image around our comments and perceptions. Lisa was firmly on Kyle's side during half of season 2 against Brandi, that was until she realized that Brandi was a nuts with a funny edge who would be her next pet project being that Cedric was gone, then Lisa turned her attention to Brandi. Once season 2 started airing Lisa very cunninly started using her blogs to write excuses for herself and to side with Brandi despite the fact that during the show they were barely speaking and Lisa was very much aware of Brandi/Cedric association, but if you read her blogs you would think that Lisa and Brandi were BFFs since the beginning of the season. Lisa was completely pandering to viewers on that one because by then the season had already wrapped and reunion time was coming and she needed Brandi firmly on her side. Same with last season, we were not privvy to it, even though reading the gossip rags some posters here already knew about Brandi's tampon string incident, we already knew that this was a huge scandal with Brandi being drunk out of her mind and showing her string for the world to see, result? Lisa cleverly understood that this would be a huge hit to Brandi's popularity so she backed away from Brandi, isn't that one of the main complains of Brandi against Lisa? Isn't it funny how Lisa promoted and repeated time and time again not only during the reunion but also at the beginning of the last season this unfounded lie about Mauricio only befriending potential clients? Lisa and Ken main allegiance is to money, they are business people, they are doing tghis show for the promotional opportunity, the only reason she chose Mauricio is because he is the top realtor in BH, that is it, she didn't chose him because he is Kyle's husband, she chose it because in that particular niche of huge houses Mauricio is the best. Listening to Lisa one would be tempted to think that Mauricio's only job was to befriend the RHBH to sell their houses, yet the amount of inventory that Mauricio has sold and that has made him the best realtor in BH are not based on the sale of Lisa or Adrienne's house. Lisa knows this but she drives the point home time and time again. Speculation and unfounded rumor gossip about Mauricio's alleged infidelity made it to the show via Lisa, she claimed that it was the elephant in the room and needed to be addressed so being the great friend she is (never mind that during the previous reunion she has pretty much slammed Kyle and her husband as users and ranked Yolanda and Brandi as her only real friends on the show) she made sure she gave Kyle a platform to "clear it up" (LOL, you have to give it to Lisa, she comes up with the most crafty excuses) , yet the incident of the tampon string never once crossed her lips, Brandi and Lisa and nobody else on the show for that matter have ever mentioned this incident, except Joyce at the reunion, wouldn't you think that an incident like this would be mentioned because that was indeed a huge elephant in the room? well, it was not on Lisa's rethoric last season at all yet Brand ialluded to it several times but never direclty as the reason why Lisa backed away . It is not until this season that Lisa has alluded to it, she now is finally making jokes about "something between Brandi's legs" Lisa never says something that she doesn't mean, she sticks to her narrative, if you are her friend or should I say "allied" then you can get away with murder (remember Joyce?) , but if you are against her then she demands your head in a platter, just like right now in her blog she is pretending to be apalled at Yolanda for not reigning Brandi in, are you kidding me? talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Lisa has done and will do only the things that put her on a favorable light even if it affects others, she does it with grace and elegance, she jokes about things that she knows affect others but God forbids anybody "jokes" about her, there will be no forgiveness, there will be hell to pay.
  11. IMO Brandi always leads with her sexuality and she just can't conceive that all the guys are not falling for her or want/desire to be with her . She plays her card way too many times and if a guy doesn't care for her then she immidiately goes in attack mode. Paul Nassif didn't fall for it and he was on point when he treated her like he did after she revealed a secret that affected his children, he might have made up with her just to spite Adrienne but after that they have remain cordially distant. Mauricio had the gall to confront her about the lawsuit and stated that she deserved it if that was the case for revealing information that was private, Brandi would have loved for Mauricio to flirt with her and "protect" her but Mauricio has always kept his distance with Brandi, even when Kyle was trying to move forward with her. Brandi wept about who she was defenseless and single as if that made any difference. Michael Ohoven dared to defend his wife and didn't let Brandi railroad her in his presence so she went for the yugular by attacking his looks and weight. Another one who didn't fall for her poor dansel in distress act. The one who was dumb enough was Ken, he really seemed to enjoy the attention that Brandi paid to him, even when he looked like a fool. David doesn't seem confortable around Brandi so I am positive that he will not be the new Ken. I am curious about how Brandi's relations with VVP and HH are going to develop.
  12. I spoke too soon https://twitter.com/BrandiGlanville/status/552731951061549056 Now this lunatic is saying that it was all a joke between her and Jeff to fool Andy. I don't believe it. Jeff's face was real and he hasn't said a word or replied any tweet that Brandi has tagged him on. I do hope that Jeff stays away form her, another burnt bridge for Brandi. Maybe this is just another of Brandi's psychotic moments and she is trying to fix it by saying it was a joke. For years I never thought that anybody on Bravo could be as loon as Kelly Bensimon but this chick Brandi surely is giving her a run for her money.
  13. Brandi and Jeff Lewis. I am not sure it was a joke, it was very raw. I already know it is hypocritical on my part because if it was about anybody else I would be horrified, but Brandi does this to other people all the time so I wonder if now she knows how the other person feels. I am glad she took a dosis of her own medicine. The "joke" was in horrid taste but so are all of Brandi's "jokes" IMO Brandi was okay with the joke at the beginning, she was taken aback but got over it, she seems her usual trashy self the rest of the interview, then going into the last commercial break she thought about it, thought about it and realized that she pretty much had looked like an a$$hole with Eileen and was going to be grilled on all blogs and racked through the coals and so then the bright idea came to her mind. What is the one thing Brandi excels at? She is excellent at playing the victim She took her last chance and before Andy could say anything she acted offended and cried her fake tears and it paid off. Today instead of talking about the glass of wine that she threw at Eileen for no reason at all and how vulgar and psycho she is, we are debating whether the confrontation with Jeff was real or not, how Jeff was out of line and how nobody deserves to be treated that way. Brandi went in a split season from villian to victim. Brandi knows how to redirect attention form her bad actions to others being "mean" to her and it usually pays off, last night was no exception. She can dish it with a laddle but she cannot take even a teaspoon of it.
  14. Oh boy, oh boy, where to start? I have always disliked Brandi, even when she was the darling of the show and everyone seemed to praise her for her honesty, barf.... I am glad to see that my initial feeling was correct all along, since the beginning all I saw was a stupid and unfiltered woman with very poor social skills. Being poor or having a lackluster education doesn't mean that you get to behave like a moron and everybody else is supposed to take it because of your unfortunate circunstances, the people whom I admire the most are exactly the ones who despite their circunstances have arisen to the top and left the excuses to the side. Brandi has an unfiltered mouth and poor social skills which is already a dreadful combination, now add to that an unfiltered and unpredictable behavior when she is drunk (which is quite often) and you have a woman whom IMO needs to be ostrasized from this group. If she has friends that are as trashy as her and they get along perfectly fine, more power to her, hang out with them and make a fool of yourself all day long. I am not kidding myself into thinking that any of the other women would have anything to do with her outside of the show, the only dumb one is Kim Richards but she doesn't count because she is another one who has a stunted mentality. Yesterday's episode didn't change my view about Brandi at all, it just confirmed it, on the other hand I have been on the fence about Eileen and now I openly like her, she has more self control than I ever could and she provides the right dose of snark without being trashy. The combo between Eileen and LisaR was priceless, shade BH style. I loved it.
  15. Could it be because of her daughters? maybe Joe put his foot down and said no? I mean she is as stupid as to lie to them about going away for a year to do some research for her next book. Maybe she believes that this is a way to protect her girls. So maybe she doesn't want any video evidence of her time in jail so she can keep up the lie (at least until they are old enough to use the internet) Teresa never spoke about her criminal case mainly on her lawyers advice so she wouldn't incriminate herself. The first two seasons when she was not under lawyers advice, she did pretty stupid things like flaunt loads of cash. I am sure she regrets all that now.
  16. Not for that kind of money anyway. Now if Bravo would have offered her 250K 0r 500K I am sure she will be singing a different tune. This woman has no shame and has filmed the most private parts of her life for the last 5 years, if she got the right kind of money she would be saying that she wanted to stay true to herself and she owed it to her fans, now when an agreement about the price probably was not reached she is playing the I wanted to keep it private. Teresa is dumb as a fox.
  17. Thanks for clarifying that :) I enjoy reading most post but have an awful memory sometimes so you scared me for a second. Most blog sites and posters really get how this is all Teresa and Joe's doing, most people understand that their undoing was not only to ask for loans with fake documents but mainly their stupid and criminal desire to discharge their debts in bankrupcy court so they didn't have to pay back their creditors. Have they never asked for bankrupcy and paid their debts on time neither of them would be going to jail. Well maybe Joe would be for her wreckless driving and DUIs but not Tre. What bothers me the most is that during the last 4-5 years Teresa has had a very well paying job, she has had endorsements, she has had book advances, she has sold products and made money out of appereances, milions have passed through the Guidices' hands, they could have set a payment plan with their creditors, they could have show good faith to repay a substantial part of their debt, they could have sold their gaudy assets and deluxe cars and downsized altogether, yet they have done none of that. They have spent thousands and thousands of dollars in lawyer fees to get out of this, they have used every delay, they have asked for every extension, they have blamed everybody except them, they are suing their lawyer, all of that tells me that they never intended to pay back. Out of a massive debt of 11M (now 13M) they have paid the ridiculous amount of 7.5K , that to me is a slap in the face and shows how they think they were above all this. I was a little bit scared because there are few, but I have to say some of them are relentless supporters of Tre, they are very vocal , they will blame every one and their neighbor before they blame Teresa, it is Joe's fault, it is the lawyers' fault, the accountants, it is the banks' fault, the house bubble, all corporations did it and nobody has gone to jail for it, it is Melissa and Joey, it is Jacqueline and Chris, it is Kathy and her husband, it is Bravo's fault. I have never seen such level of denial. If you dare to say anything then surely you are a "hater" who is jealous of Teresa, Saint Teresa who is coming back stronger than ever and ready to make millions out of her time in jail , etc. Nobody is perfect they say and anybody can end up in jail so we must be compasionate they claim :/ The level of denial is astounding. When I read some of their comments (mostly on some purple site) I scratch my head, I go back and read again the court documents and then realize that if at this point they haven't seen the pattern of deceit and the systematic lies, there is nothing anybody can do, I am glad that you clarified that you are not one of them. It scaress me to think that a person is judged by their likebility or not, justice is supposed to be blind, justice is supposed to be served regardless of how many kids you have or how young they are , justice is supposed to be served regardless of whether you are a TV personality or not , RHNJ will never be the same without Teresa that is true but regardless of that when a crime is commited then justice must be served. Otherwise it would be utter chaos.
  18. I am sorry but I just had to comment on this one. Joe didn't do this alone, Teresa was right by his side every step of the way, he might have brough the fake documents for her to sign but she didn't have to, she didn 't have to go in front of a loan officer and swear that she had make thousands of dollars a year when she knew darn well she wasn't working, she didn't have to spend money like there was no tomorrow, she didn't have to sign the bankrrupcy papers in their desire to stiff their creditors. Teresa can maybe play dumb and claim that she didn't knowq what she was signing but after the bankupcy filing and denial all she had to do was to be honest , show her desire to cooperate with the judicial system by merely declaring her assets but she CHOSE not to do it, she stubornly decided to play dumb until the very end. Joe is guilty but so is Teresa, neither of them thought about the welfare of their children, not for one second did THEY thought about the consequences of their illegal actions , today is Teresa's turn and in a year it will be Joe's turn, my sympathy is reserved for their kids, they have selfish parents who do not have any moral compass and who will probably will never learned their lesson the same way that they have never accepted any responsibility. Teresa is not innocent, she is guilty and that is why she is in jail today.
  19. TLC really has no responsibility on this though TLC made an open call and Danielle applied, she is so delusional that she probably thought that this would not only be an easy way to make extra money to pay for some of the travel expenses, but also to catch up with her bills. It looked like a great idea and easy money, everybody was supposed to be a winner, except on the world of reality TV the only winners are the networks. Mohammed didn't want to do it for the obvious reason (his scam would be exposed) but at the end when the money was hold like a dangling carrot he fell for it and fully embraced it. Not only did he embraced it, for the rumors out there he got all the monye andtook off with it. Two grown up people made a decision and signed a contract, at that point it is up to TLC to tape whatever is happening, the trainwreck that is Danielle and Mohammed is not TLC's responsibility. Plenty has been said about editing and how they can alter or modify the perception of a person by highlighting certain traits or by editing and splicing pieces and bites, yet in this case there is no amount of editing that can do justice to this trainwreck. Mohammed was detached and found any kind of excuses to keep his distance from Danielle, yet the one who was most critisized was Danielle, she was critisized for her looks, her weight, he lack of touch with reality, her clinginess, her slow talk, her intelligence, her financial situation, in the meantime poor Mohammed was pitied, viewers were compasionate with his scam gone wrong because not even a scammer deserves the likes of a Danielle, this is just a fine example of how superficial our society has become , Danielle is grilled to the wall for daring to think that a guy like Mohammed could ever give her the time of the day, Mohammed on the other hand, just because he is nice looking (IMO he is repulsive but to each his own) is shown compassion and a lot of crazies are willing to come to his aid. Would this same ladies that thrown themselves so shamesslessly at Mohammed on FB think that they would be any different than Danielle? do they think that if they hook up with Mohammed, that he would not play them like he has play Danielle? would these ladies do the same if Mohamed was 300 pounds, short and with crocked teeth? I dare to sya no, if Mohammed was ugly as hell, everybody would be crying for his deportation, yet because he has decent looks there is a need to tear Danielle apart to justify why this gigolo is a victim and not a scammer. The botom line is that Mohammed hs followed his tunisian rat business guidelines to the T, he found the older, overweight, low self steem, with several kids, slow minded woman that would let him take advantage of her and make it possible for him to come to the states and get a green card, now that he got his work permisison he no longer cares to fake anything and he has become wuite blunt on his agenda. I could only hope that the end of this trainwreck is not a tragedy, I hope that Danielle finally gets the rose colored glasses and realizes that she has been taken advantage of and reports his to the USCIS and ends this charade of marriage. That won't stop Mohammed though, another victim will come his way and she , just like stupid Danielle, would think that she is the one, if anything this story is a cautionary tale and hopefully other women would be prevented from making the same mistake Danielle has.
  20. "Good people do bad things sometimes" I am pretty sure all criminals and crooks think this way. I am LMAO thinking about Teresa Guidice and her crooked husband telling the judge , "but your honor, good people do bad things sometimes" and the judge being understanding and exonerating them from any criminal prosecution. If it was that easy. In real life good people who do bad things suffer the consequences, in this case where an obvious scam of the visa process is taken place, the consequences should be Mohammed's deportation. BTW this has nothing to do with Mohammed being Muslim, if Yamir would have treated Chelsea the same way that Mohammed has treated Danielle and would be flaunting his total disrespect for her I would also be asking for him to be deported. If Amy, Cassia, Daya or Evelyn would have shown such callousness in regard of their fiance's feelings, then I would be asking for their deportation as well. This has nothing to do with race or religion, it has to do with Mohammed being nothing but a scam artist.
  21. I am surprised and amazed at the amount of sympathy a scam artist like Mohammed get not only on FB but also in forums like this one. Am I supposed to feel sorry for a grown up man who came to a shitty situation where all his ideas of the American Dream were shattered and instead he found a weepy mess of a woman like Danielle? I would feel sorry for him if he was duped and never knew what he was getting himself into but the facts are that he met Danielle before coming to the states, he met her and was with her for 11 days, there is absolutely no way that Danielle change or even pretended to have a different personality than what she has, Danielle's awful personality and level of idiocy is so glaring that it would be impossible to hide. It is also a fact that he knew Danielle had three teenage daughters living with her in her house, so he was duped on that one either. The only thing he was duped was on her financial situation, Mohammed knew she wasn't rich but probably never knew how broke she really was. Mohammed had 90 days with nothing else to do but to collect information about his immigration status, he must have known that there would be months before he could work, he must have known that there would be months were he would be doing absolutely nothing but stay around the house, he also must known that unless he has a degree and even then, he will be working at an entry level job so his prospects of making loads of money are limited. His contempt for Danielle as if she was guilty of the process taking this long are laughable. If he was here and had a clear understanding with Danielle that he was here only for the green card then he should not have waited 90 days, technically he could have gotten married on the next day of his arrival if he wanted to do so. Once he found out about her financial situation and even consulted a lawyer to figure out the depths of the commitment he was about to face then all bets are off. Once Mohammed knew how broke she really was, he should have called it off and return to his country. He decided to go ahead with the wedding and stick it with the program to get the green card at any cost, but that comes with a price. Mohammed wants the green card but is unwilling to pay the price which is to give enough attention to Danielle to keep her happy. Mohammed wants to have his cake and eat it too. Mohammed sold his dignity for a green card and now is miserable and complaining about the high price he has to play and to top it off I am supposed to feel sorry for him? Please, the only one I feel sorry for is his next victim, looking at his FB account it seems that Danielle is not a unique phenomenon, there are hundreds of desperate women just like her.
  22. The body language of the couples told me all I needed to know. I do not have unrealistic expectations for these couples , IMO they have as much chance as making it into. Long term marriage as any couple who meets at a party or a bar, some might last more than others, some might not , after all the divorce rate in this country is above 50% so their chances of being together for life is not set in stone as it is not set for any couple that meets in the traditional way. My point in this show is mainly who married for the right reasons, and I could say looking at these couples' body language, all of them (except Mohammed and Danielle) held hands, touch each other, lean on each other at various times. It was obvious that they had a physical connection that might lead to the kind of love that last or can just go away. Mohammed didn't even care enough to try to fake anything and Danielle was a meeky shadow of a woman. Mohammed is the kind of con artist who probably did made love to her when she traveled to Doha, just to seal the deal and get her completely smitten with him, enough to go through the process of requesting a fiance visa, he will treat her like crap probably until the night before they have to go for their INS interview, he probably will get approved and the he will treat her again like crap and do whatever to drive her crazy to the point that she is the one who requests the divorce. Danielle is utterly stupid and pathetic but IMO nobody deserves to be taken advantage this awful way. Daniele has nobody else to blame but her, her selfishness and her level of denial have made her the perfect target for someone with no scruples like Mohammed. Mohammed, I do hope that you find a gold digger after you leave Danielle, I do hope that you find someone who will take advantage of you as much as you have taken advantage of her. Mohammed, I wish you nothing but the worst on your future "buzznees" of scamming stupid, oblivious and delusional American women.
  23. In the matter of Kim's mothering skils, I don't doubt for a second that she loves her kids and she was the best mother she could be but the issue of her alcoholism as Kim herself admitted had robbed her of many good times with her kids. IIRC in one of the first episodes of season 1, kim got very irritated with Kyle because her daughter Brooke consulted with kyle about something that she should have asked her mother and kim was upset about that. That small scene gave me some insight into the unique relationship that Kim's daughters share with Kyle, Kyle was not just the regular aunt like Kathy, Kyle in many occasions seemed to have been the surrogate mother of Kim's daughters, maybe because Paris and Nicki were older or maybe because Kyles daughters were closer in age with Kim's , but a lot of little details have lead me to believe that Kim's daughters share a very special bond with Kyle and Kyle's daughters. The fact that Kim was mentioned as being Mauricio's second wife makes me believe that the Umanskies were heavily involved in the day to day intricacies of Kim's household. Does that mean that Kim is not a good mother? U hmmm , I guess as good mother as an alcoholic person can be, there were probably moments were she was an excellent mother, there were probably moments I the depths of her addiction were she was too gone to care for any other human being and somebody had to pick up the pieces. Luckily for Kim she had the means to pay for nannies, the children's fathers or have sister Kyle to the rescue , one way or another the kids were taken care of and I guess that accounts for their upbringing. the kids were lucky to have a strong support system and I only hope that Kim is able to acknowledge that. Not all kids of alcoholic parents are that lucky.
  24. As usual I pay more attention to what is not said than what is actually said. Why is Brandi not apologizing? Maybe because in her mind she has nothing to apologize for, the "wrongdoings" that she feels have been done to her by Lisa are facts in her mind, lisa backing away from her after tampon incident, getting her around Sheanna at any chance, but especially the issue of the magazines. I have watched every single episode since the issue of the magazines were revealed, reunion included and IIRC not once has Lisa called brandi a liar to her face and she has had plenty of opportunities to do it, she could have said it to her in PR, she could have said it at the reunion, she could have said it several times, yet I don't remember one time where Lisa with a direct eye to eye statement has said to brandi that she will not under any circumstance be her friend again until she clear up the big lie she made regarding the magazines. When someone said a lie about Lisa, like the bankruptcy, she immediately goes all out to clarify, she is relentless in her pursue of the truth. Yet with this issue of the magazines the one who has never changed her story is Brandi, she even threw out there that Kyle knew it was truth because members of production were there and witnessed everything and confirmed it to Kyle. If I was Lisa and the truth was on my side I would have gone the extra mile to clear my name, I would have even dare Brandi to bring whoever was in production to tell the truth, I would have called her a liar and a coward to her face and would never talk to her again until she told the truth. Lisa is very lucky that most viewers are oblivious to her machinations and Brandi is nothing but a trouble maker because it is wasn't for that more viewers would have questioned what happened with the magazines and the true nature of the unholy alliance of Brandi and Lisa. Lisa and Ken have the perfect comeback for Brandi every time she gets grabby and nutty, a simple "Brandi darling, you are a bonafide liar who didn't hesitate to make up a horrible lie about me when you accused me of trying to bring some magazines to Palm Springs to humiliate Kyle some more with the cheating rumors, that was a direct attack to my character and my morals because it doesn't matter if Kyle and I were not getting along, I would never do that to another human being, so unless and until you are ready to tell the truth and clear my name as well as tell me the exact reason why you made this horrible lie about me, I am not ready to talk to you at all" , yet for some reason I don't think that Lisa will ever address Brandi about the magazines again. Unluckily for Brandi she is like the boy who cried wolf too many times, the one time that she might have told the truth nobody is going to believe her. All Lisa has to do is sit back and let Brandi be Brandi because her trashy and vulgar behavior are her worst enemy. Lisa is lucky indeed.
  25. If they receive some small fee for appereance (which I highly doubt) . most likely they get some expenses covered for presentations after the show airs, but I really don't believe they get paid that much, if there is any fee paid, the american citizen would be entitled to all of it and doesn't have to share a dime. Most of this show was filmed during the 90 days all the way up to the wedding day, so the non-american person was unauthorized to work and any paying of any wages during that time would be illegal. If they do not want to participate they can refuse, nobody is pointing a gun at them. In Mo and Danielle's case, Mohammed could have said that he didn't want to participate but he agreed, it is not like he was dupped as it is obvious that Danielle went to Tunis to meet him before he came here to the U.S. He knew how she looked, he knew how dumb and bland she was, he at no moment was taken advantage of. Did Danielle lied to him about her financial situation? most likely. Did Danielle told Mohammed that she was a wealthy person and when he came here he would be in excellent care? I doubt it. All you have to do is look at Danielle and what she wears and how she carries herself to know that she is not even close to be wealthy. Mohammed has said repeatedly that he had a job in Tunis, family, friends, great things going on for him, yet after finding out that she is flat broke he still makes the decision of marrying her? why? why couldn't he pay for his own plane ticket to come to the U.S. if he had such a nice job? why couldn't he paid for his plane ticket to get himself back from where he came? There is a part that is missing in this show that I would like to see and that is the side of the non american partners, if they have chosen in advance the couples why can't TLC go to their home countries and show us where they live, their families and how this affects not only them but also their families? Mohammed is ragging on Danielle because she lied to him about her financial situation but what do we know about his financial situation? why a 26 year old man has to endure an obviously sham of a marriage to come here to the U.S? did he even have a job? where did he lived? It is so easy to critisize Danielle because she is an obvious and oblivious train wreck but Mohammed is a con artist who will soon hitch with another dim wit woman with a little bit more money that Danielle and then to the next one as well. He is nothing but a gigolo who sells himself (not his body though) in order to advance in life. Almost like a paid escort if you would. Am I supposed to feel sorry because this SOB Mohammed didn't find all the ritches he thought he would have coming to the U.S.? Had Danielle be in a better financial position would have made any difference in how he treats her? would he had been more affectionate if she had more money? That is a lot of ifs , what is a fact is that this guy entered a marriage with the sole purpose of getting a green card and that in my eyes will always make him a POS.
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