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Everything posted by Leroux

  1. Let's preface saying that I don't like Daya one bit andI think she is in this for all the wrong reason for him and the right reasons for her but i do perfectly understand your plight, Passive aggresive guys do this kind of crap so underhandedly that it might look to the outsider as if you are overreacting but only a person who has lived through it would be able to understand why is it so annoying. Worse yet is when everybody else thinks he is such a great guy while probably thinking you are being just a B... , eventually it gets old so I am relieved that you are talking about him in the past tense. Daya asking Brett to take her to the jewelry storyu left a bad taste in my mouth but then again maybe she has taken that ring to a jewelry store in Phillipines to apraise it and the value of it wasn't what she thought would be of a real diamond ring.
  2. Let's remember all things in context though, didn't Kelly and Bethenny made up at her cocktail release party, didn't Kely attended the party and acted somehow normal? I guess at that point there was no reason for Bethenny to believe that they couldn't be cordial to each other, they could never be friends but they could have a normal cordial, distant relationship. Kelly started the hostilities for no reason at all. Bethenny was having a conversation with Sonja and Kelly interjected herself , that has nothing to do with who is the biggest famewhore, for all that matters all people who go on relaity TV are famewhores in my book, all of them. In Scary Island however the agressor was from beginning to end KKB and there is no amount of sugarcoating that, to blame Bethenny for being there and attributing her famewhoring for being there and "making" Kelly act like a lunatic is IMO like blaming the girl who is using a short miniskkirt for being molested. You are only in control of your own actions, Kelly is the only one to blame for her behavior, just because some dislike Bethenny it doesn't mean that Kelly suddenly is innocent or was provoked.
  3. Maybe I am remembering it all wrong because I don't remember too much about the first two seasons of RHNY and I never paid attention to bethenny those first two seasons so please correct me if I am wrong. When I started to pay attention to bethenny it was when she had that scene with Kelly at the bar and then during the arthritis charity event during the finale of second season. I like that she is witty even if her quotes are reused, what makes her funny IMO is that she uses then for the appropriate occasions so it Nida hits the nail in the head, plus I don't ever remember about her crediting herself with those says. What I really like about her is how quick she thinks on her feet and how calm she is when under duress, that scene with kelly at the bar was what first caught my attention, the way she handled kelly was masterful. Imagine teresa instead of bethenny and a table flip right there , LOL Another scene was that charity party, by my account Jill was being a major bitch by taking down the signage she had agreed to put there and yet Bethenny (for business reasons or not) agreed to let that go and they ended up the party on a good note. I have always believed that that party changed the relationship between jill and bethenny or at least was the beginning to the end of the friendship. I do not think bethenny used jill more than Jill used bethenny. Bethenny didn't go and knocked on Jill's door for the chance to be on the show, IIRC it was Bobby who approached her and it was months before she made the decision to participate so I hardly think that bethenny befriended Jill just to be on the show. Jill expected to be star of the show and couldn't stand that she was not. I have been helped during my career by other women, and I have also helped other women on their career, I hate to think that they might believe that I have used them and I certainly don't ever think that the friends who I have helped have used me, what do not owe them or they owe me is blind loyalty or to have their back while they are blatantly are stabbing me in my back. If I would found out with evidence (emails) that a friend of mine is plotting to get me fired out of my job I would never forgive her, it wouldn't matter if I got the job with her husband's help to begin with. If I had a woman belittling me and pretending we have never met after 10 times I probably would have the same reaction a s bethenny, that is why I don't consider any of that diabolical or think that makes her manipulative or a bad person, her reaction IMO are perfectly understandable.
  4. I am most curious to know the terms of the contract she signed with Bravo, is there a "Bethenny clause" in her new contract?
  5. My neighbor's son has a gf from Nicaragua (they started dating in hs and six years later just got engaged) and she has a lot of family over there so I just started the conversation with them a couple of days ago about yamir and Chelsea and encourage her to watch the show. I saw her at the farmers market this morning and we had a juicy talk as she did saw the show and is now hooked. First of all she was very upset at the portrayal that Chelsea made of Nicaragua. She mentioned that like any central American country they do have very poor villages and being that Chelsea went on missionary work then most likely she was in those poor villages were they probably lack water, but in the city of Managua which is where they met, is just like any other city, clubs, restaurant, buildings and what not, so Chelsea didn't meet yamir in a run down village, she met him in a club where he was performing. Second, and amazing to me, she has heard about yamirs group through her younger cousins so they do indeed seem to be a big deal in Nicaragua but of course in a nation of 6M people what it is big deal to them might not be a big deal to us do YMMV. I was LOL because she mentioned that Chelsea is hated in Nicaragua so this romance is shaping more and more as a Yoko kind of deal which I found fascinating.
  6. Thanks for clarifying that. i have never been in a prison so my idea of visiiting is getting patted down, strip search and all kind of despicable things. I am thinking about the mental health of her girls , even if Teresa never thought about it for a second, and it pains me to think that the Guidice girls would get the completely wrong message about jail. If Teresa is in so much denial , then for sure these girls might be inclined to think that their mother is in jail being completely innocent . I would like to think that in the privacy of her home Teresa has been honest with her daughters and has owned up to her crimes but I know better.
  7. I am sorry for tagging on your post, thanks for the info but this bother me a lot. If i had the misfortune to land in jail and the sentence is going to be 15 months which means that I will be out in probably a year, why in the world would I want to submit my young daughters to the penance of going to visit me to jail every week? why would I put them through this? Phone calls? Every day if possible, videochat? don't know if it is possible but if it was then great, but visits? absolutely not. Teresa says she loves her daughters, but love sometimes means sacrifice, to love someone as much as she says she loves her daughters means to do what it is in their best interest, not YOURS, but THEIRS. If I was in Teresa's position I would ask Joe to not everbring her girls to prison, she has to know that the paps will be all over them and that they would have to be pattend down and search, she will have to witness the reality of prison which as nice as this one is, it is still prison. Of course none of this clicks in her mind, if she would think and loved her daughters as much as she wants us to believe she would have never commited the crimes she did so that point is nule and void.
  8. LOL, did I read correctly? so she can return to her charitable endeavors? I knew there was a reason why Teresa suddeenly got so interested in doing charity, she thought it would be a get out of jail pass. I hope the judge doesn't fall for all this antics.
  9. Awesome video motorcitymom. Teresa level of denial is unbelievable, I only hope that judge Salas watched last night WWHL and had a come to Jesus moment when she realized that she had been duped. Judge Salas considered just probation for an unrepentant criminal like Teresa? WTF If Teresa in some moment of clarity would have done the right thing for just once and declare accurately her assets she wouldn't even be going to jail or even house arrest, just probation which is a joke. I wish that the prosecutors would have included as part of their deal an interview with these two felons were they finally acknowledge and apologize for their criminal behavior , the way they are painting this is like they were victim of the circunstances, the lawyers, the accountants, the prosecutors, anybody but them. The bottom line is that the lawyers, accountants, bank officers, etc were not the ones enjoying the ill gotten money, it was the Guidices. I can't believe that for a moment when they pleaded guilty that I imagine that they finally were accepting their faults. These two felons haven't learn a thing and never will.
  10. Fascinating topic of the prenup. I found certain inconsistencies between what Kandi and Todd have said. IIRC since the taping of RHOA last season Kandi has talked to Todd about the prenup, he said he would sign it because he didn't want any money from her. Kandi has said that since her lawyer started drafting the prenup, she (Kandi) told Todd to get his lawyer so they can work together but Todd said he would take care of it when there was a final copy. Todd should have had his lawyer back in the preliminary stages working right along with Kandi's lawyer and rewording everything that he didn't find fair. Todd has said that he left some projects to take over the production of the play, but Kandi says he was compensated for it with 50% of the earnings, so it is not as Todd put his career on hold to stay at home for her to purse her dreams, he changed one opportunity for other. If the other opportunity was to work for a huge and lucrative project i.e working for Oprah, I am sure that Todd would have continued with his original project but at this point Todd is the one who made the decision to change from one to the other and the only fact is that he was paid for it with 50% even though I am sure that Kandi was the investor. Todd has also said that if she died then he gets nothing, does he know or is he clear that a lot of brides/grooms have died even in the honeymoon stage when the couple hasn't been married even a month, how would it go then? Kandi dies in the honeymoon and Todd receives everything and Riley nothing? I don't think so. Prenups have several provisions, there could be provisions for when they have a child together, I think I heard there was already a provision for when they were married more than 2 years, prenups can be modified but one thing is for sure Kandi was not a single woman, she had her daughter to think about and if indeed something happen to her without short time of them being married, then her daughter Riley should get everything. I do not see anything wrong with that. Todd is not going to quit his job to be a SAHD, he is going to keep working and due to his appearances on RHOA he probably has now more opportunities that he ever had , he doesn't have to pay a mortgage and even though he pays bills he would have to do the same if he rented. All in all and with few changes I didn't see anything outrageous in Kandi's prenup. Todd said he didn't want any of her money so the prenup stated just that. If he wanted to be "protected" by the divorce then he should have said so. There are facts that are irrefutable like the fact that Kandi bought that house cash with her money and that house should be her patrimony for her kids, if Todd is married to her in the next 15-20 years then they can always change the deed or have the prenup modified , but being that the prenup is valid since day 1 after the marriage I think that Kandi was trying to protect her and Riley's patrimony. Maybe it is just me watching too many episodes of Snapped but when there is a lot of money involved , crazy things happen, better safe than sorry.
  11. Jason moved in to Bethenny's second apartment, he never even met her when she had the single bedroom apartment , Jason was only there for the move of the second apartment to the Tribeca apartment. Not sure how you do that search because still nothing come up with his name. IMO it is a stupid decision to put a deed in both names when you have used only your money for the down payment. Luckily for Bethenny NY will consider the proof of where the money came from and it would be fairly easy for her to prove that it came from her accounts and not his. Division of properties is nothing but cumbersome, if Bethenny had lived in CA it wouldn't have matter how much each of them put out of their pocket, the fact that both names were in the deed would have made them split it evenly, meaning she will have had to buy him off and pay him half of the down payment for him to leave, which would have been funny considering he never put a penny towards it. Prenups are legal documents and are written for a reason, they are written to protects the wealthy partner , you do not see a person with no assets trying to get a prenup , love is a lovely concept but with the divorce rate at +50% in this country it is wise to protect your patrimony. Is it part of the romantic fairytale? of course not but neither are divorces yet they still happen every day at an alarming rate.
  12. Thanks, so they have nobody else to blame but themselves. I find this whole issue so utterly ridiculous, that girls was not asking for anything outrageous, 300 dollars and to fix her schedule , they thought they can railroad her and look at all they are going through. Can they be so delusional to think that the laws do not apply to them? I am quickly doping a search on everything that Cedric said about them, I am going to have to read to his statements with a new set of eyes.
  13. I wonder about this issue, are Ken and Lisa the sole owners of Villa Blanca? I thought she had a partner On her website she is listed as the designer but no mention of owners. If they have a partner we haven't heard or read the name of him/her on any of this legal procedures so I am itching to know if they make this dumb decisions on their own or if they are in big time trouble for this latest events. If anybody can find if Lisa has any partners for VB please post here, thanks
  14. There are no records of any properties own, bought or sold by any Jason Hoppy in the whole state of NY or PA, his name of a simple record search only goes back to the apartment in Tribeca , that is only because Bethenny was dumb enough to put his name on the deed, but NY is not a community property state so I assume it would be fairly easy for Bethany to prove that the chunk of the down payments for the apartment (2.3M IIRC) came from her funds and not from his. He was also very clear about his not having a penny to put towards this apartment. Bethenny lived in a much better apartment than Jason when they started dating, she no longer had her single bedroom apartment from season 1, she had moved to her much more spacious apartment, the one that had an office for SGM headquarters, so Jason never met the poor, single bedroom apartment of season 1, he met the lady with a cocktail already in production and with two books, one ready to be released and another one in the editing process and also the lady who had finished filming season 2 of RHNY. I find very telling that the beginning of their relationship officially was marked by a trip to be beautiful island of Turks and Caicos with promotional tickets given to Bethenny, that IMO dispels any doubts about them being on an equal level when it comes to incomes. Jason would have never been able to afford a trip to that paradise and even when Bethenny didn't have to spend her own money to go the fact was that Jason was able to enjoy the fruits of her labor since early on. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/bethenny-frankel/a-luxury-experience_b_210419.html I also find very telling that Jason had the need to portray himself as a real state mogul just because he collected the rent of a couple of apartments for a friend , that was obviously a lie with short legs and from early on he was called "fake" but he was charming so I am sure that Bethenny as everybody else ignored the obvious red flags. http://www.foxnews.com/entertainment/2009/07/27/ny-housewife-bethenny-frankel-sued-fiance-fake/ The engagement was fake as they never got engaged until October of 2009 but his real state background was as fake as his portrayal of the perfect BF/husband,
  15. She might, which would be a good move for her. Like with any new venture beam took the risk, it won for two straight years and now it is coming to an end, just like any fade. More and more people are constantly changing and trying new things, Bethenny's fortune was that she was able to capitalize and capitalize big when she had the chance, but times are changing, more and more people are changing from diet sodas to water, or water enhance products and soon enough there will be some studies to let us know that any kind of sugar is bad and there will be another change. I do not see it as bad at all, it had a great run and it has forever won Bethenny a spot into the market of diet cocktails, her own name is a synonym of that. Bethenny took the risk and sign for bonus, Kanbar was smarter and took his investment and moved to new products. That IMO is the trait of any good entrepreneur, you takes risks and chances, some pay and some don't, in this case for Bethenny it paid huge and gave her a future of financial stability that would not have happened otherwise.
  16. Since the moment the story was told about how Jason introduced himself to Bethenny I thought 1) he is either perfect for her because he really gets her , 2) he had a very elaborated plan in mind to get himself settle into the good life. As it turns out to be he never really got her and only used her issues as a weapon to inflict her more emotional pain, if he wanted the perfect suburban wife that sure wasn't Bethenny by any stretched of the imagination, there is absolutely no way that he ever thought it could be possible to turn Bethenny into the perfect Hazleton wife who wanted to spend every weekend with his parents so I have to lean towards he was after recognition and money. Bethenny IMO is not a monster, she is neurotic, OCD woman with childhood issues and a lot of drive and determination, a lot of people and I mean a lot are just like that, those qualities have propelled her in the business arena but have been a hindrance in her personal life. Many male executives display the same qualities and are praised for them, they get to the top of the food chain and their spouses are usually SAHM who enjoy the happy life and provide support instead of resentment and competition. Jason OTOH IMO is a manipulative man who knew and had time to study Bethenny and her emotional struggles, who knew she was on her way up and who did everything and say all the right things to win her over and secure himself a piece of the pie. Once his job was done (modification of prenup) he rolled the dice again and decided that if he could push Bethenny hard enough to ask for divorce then he could get even more money, so he moved out three times, refused to go to therapy and according to plan she asked for divorce. Then since that moment on all he has done is play the right cards to force a settlement where he can get more money than what the modification would give him. He played the part of the perfect BF and husband and now he is working hard to collect based on an image he portrayed and not on who he really is. When Jason used Bethenny's emotional issues to inflict her more pain during their arguments I knew the marriage was doomed, if a person really loves you, he would never used your most rooted fears to hurt you, never. Jason's passive aggressiveness was glaring to me even if not to others and this relationship was not meant to be and never was. Now Jason can happily seat and wait for his big pay day , collect his money and then he can start the life he has always wanted, find himself a submissive woman who sees him like the savior of her world, , a girl who tells him everyday that he is the best thing since sliced bread, a hometown girl who doesn't mind goes to Hazelton every weekend, a girl who probably won't have to work another day in her life because after all Bethenny's money will go long ways to support Jason and his new family for the rest of his life. Jason's best investment to date has been getting Bethenny pregnant and marrying her. If there has been a winner in this marriage that certainly has not been Bethenny, it has been Jason. How many people can say that they have invested merely three years of their life and got money to live comfortably for the rest of their lives? Not very many and we all know what name do they receive: Gold diggers.
  17. Yes, she did. There is a difference in villains at this point for me, even thought IMO Bethenny has never really been a villain but let's pretend she was. Bethenny in her maniac ways has only hurt herself , she has never plotted behind doors to take someone down, when she was done with Jill she let her know that and it was the end of it, she has not spoken ill about Jill, she has wished her the best, she is the first one who told Andy to stop when he was going on and one listing the viewers' grievances about Jill, even now if anybody asks Bethenny she says plainly than they haven't seen each other, that she wishes her the best and that is about it. Compare that to the great lengths that Jill has gone out of her way to hurt Bethenny, first plotting to isolate her from the rest of the cast, then creating the idea that Bethenny knew about Bobby's and never reached, then after the season ended filming and while waiting for it to be aired by going to any and every interview that would have her to plant the seeds about Bethenny being a bad friend, then after the airing of season 3 reunion and during season 4 talking about how Bethenny is such a bad friend for not taking her back, talking about Bethenny's marriage, talking badly about her show, refusing to go to her show while other active RHNY have been there, actively plotting with her besties Rob Shuter and Cindy Adams (from Page Six) to continue spreading gossip about her. While they are both strong and determined, the difference in her styles when they are facing challenges is quite different and very telling of their personalities.
  18. You should give it a try, I like the Ladies of London , it is sort of the same as HWs but different. It has the allure of the first season where the characters are not too mindful of how they come across and haven't learned about editing antics so they are more real. Out of each season my 2-3 seasons are the favorites, after that these ladies learn the game and then instead of being themselves they portray a character that tries to pander to what they think viewers want to see. I do not like that. I like a character who owns who she is, even when it is far from perfect. I much rather watch and imperfect but realistic character on TV than the portrayal of a perfect person who is the complete opposite behind close doors. I can deal with imperfect, I can't deal with fake.
  19. This is what I can gather after watching not only the episodes but also articles and interviews. I also like to collect useless information :) Jill was trying to peddle a spin off show with the two of them: Jill and Bethenny almost as a Lucy and Ethel kinda of show. Bravo was not having it , they were interested only in Bethenny, Bethenny's two books have made it to the best seller lists and were there for months so obviously interviews followed, invitations to host and what not. Jill was upset because she thought that Bethenny owed her to dragged her along, after all how can she peddle a show about both of them when Bethenny was doing things by herself. Then the invitation to the Today show came along, Bethenny was invited by herself and Jill threw a fit when she found out, she even went as far as to call one of the executives of the show and try to get a back door invitation but it didn't worked. Jill even hinted that Bethenny would not do the interview without her. Jill was with Bethenny , not together but on the same room when an executive of Bravo approached her (immediately after season 2 reunion tapping) and offered her the spin off , of course Bethenny was static and Jill smiled through her teeth, Bethenny told Jill that even though the show would not be about both of them that she would love to have her on her show as much as possible, Jill again smiled and then when leaving she was heard saying that she would not be caught dead filming on her show, other people came back and told Bethenny what Jill had said. Then Bethenny received the phone call from the producers of the Today show asking her if she would be there and they told her what Jill had said. Bethenny grew worried but still didn't do anything. As part of one of her gigs she received two free tickets to go to Turcos and Caicos at the beginning of June 2009 and she decided to go with Jason (they have decided to get out of the open dating relationship and give it a try and Bethenny said she wanted to take this trip to see how it went), Jill went ballistic when she heard about it , she thought she should be the one going in this trip. That is when the phone call happened, Bethenny aired her grievances with her and let her know that she needed to find a hobby. Jill hatched a plan in her mind to sabotage Bethenny, first off she never let anybody know about Bobby's health condition, Bethenny was doing her book tour for her two best seller books so they lost contact for the summer but as soon filming resumed (Memorial day) Jill lead everyone to believe that Bethenny all along knew about Boby's cancer scare and she had not bother to call or reach out to her, she tried to portrayed herself as the poor friend who had been left in the dust. When filming started Bethenny thought that they will resume to normal and that is why she was surprised by Jill's reaction not wanting to talk to her and the others telling her about how bad friend she was because she never reached out when Bobby was sick. All this was news to Bethenny, she was surprised and that is why she asked Ramona to be the mediator because she thought this was just a misunderstanding that could get cleared. Little did Bethenny know that behind screens Jill had hatched a masterplan to isolate Bethenny , Jill probably thought that if nobody filmed with Bethenny , she would faced out, become irrelevant and the spin off will be off the table, she e-mailed her costars, all of them and not only informed them of the spin off offered to Bethenny (which was not public information at all) but also asked them not to film with her. At some point (I am thinking after the failed meeting at Ramona's house somebody, either Ramona or Alex, must have told Bethenny about such e-mail and what was happening. I think that is when Bethenny realize what Jill was doing to destroy her and from that point on Bethenny was done with Jill, she didn't want anything to do with her. Jill was still determined to continue her sabotage until news of the engagement and the dead of Bethenny's father reached her and soon enough the pregnancy, that is IMO when Jill realized the stupidity of her plan because on her own Bethenny had plenty of material for a spin off and that is when she tried to reach out, too late, I think when Bethenny found out the lengths that Jill was willing to go she was done with her. I am not sure what Jill was thinking when she said that she mastermind a plan to have a "fake" fight with Bethenny for ratings, that she went to Andy with the idea and he tried to discourage her, that she never let Bethenny know that the fight would be fake and just for ratings but I do not believe her. I do believe that she tried to take Bethenny down but between two bad things Jill chose to say that she pretended a fight and it went wrong and Bethenny is a hard head because she won't let it go rather that tell the truth about how she tried to destroy Bethenny's career and isolate her so she couldn't have a spin off show. The first option portrays a stupid woman willing to do stupid things for ratings (which she actually is) but the second option IMO portrays and evil and vindictive woman who thought she would be the star of the show and couldn't cope with not having her way. IMO Jill is the second.
  20. They have made up after that feud, Bethenny even has praised some of Rachel's pieces with tweets. It is not Bethenny's style anyway, when she wants to dish someone she doesn't go around the bushes, she goes frontal and names names. She did mentioned on previous tweets that she was watching Bravo shows so IMO she probably was referring to the new show Ladies of London when some on the non British ladies are trying to be more British than the brits there.
  21. I am just now reading about this, someone mentioned Tamara Tattles blog so I went there and read the depositions, it is very telling. Bottom line none of this would be happening if Ken would have taken the waitress allegations seriously instead of being so dismissive and that little snippet from Ken and Pandora about "she is lucky she is working for us" rubbed me the wrong way. They do think that they are better than this hard working people, they do think that they can get away with a lot of things just based on their income. I however wondered why didn't they fired the offending manager? if Ken was shown the tape evidence, why didn't he follow his own safe regulation guidelines? this manager Mr. Gebia probably had a lot of dirt on the Todd/Vanderpumps because there is absolutely no way that an owner would have risk as much as the T/V have risked for this guy, especially in light of his verifiable misconduct.
  22. RIP Mr. Guidice What a terribly thing to happen, he wasn't old at all, just 63. I wonder if he had heart problems or if it was something related to the heat. I will never ever condone Joe and Teresa's crimes and total disregard for the law but I do feel bad for Joe's mom , she has been with him probably for most of her life, they immigrated together and probably did everything together, that would be a hard one to recover from. As far as sentencing arraignments I don't think the date will change, it is three weeks away so that is plenty of time for it, but I do wonder if this will have an effect on the severity of the sentence.
  23. It is super weird, but IMO he had a goal in mind and the more screwed she was the better for his plans. Bethenny has plenty of issues, she has never denied them or hide them, she probably is still working on them via therapy, Jason seemed to accepted her with them and willing to work with that, OTOH I think Jason has a whole bundle of issues that he hasn't even acknowledged and probably never will because it is safer for him to believe his own hype that he is completely normal and perfect and there is nothing to change about him. You can't change what you don't acknowledge, he doesn't believe in therapy so there is no much to go from there. Like you I had plenty of friends who attended college with me (poor me was there on an financial aid and scholarships) while they seemed to have all the money in the world, they had mommy and daddy's credit cards but also a whole lot of issues, I can't even remember how many of them never visited their parents during breaks or summer vacations, they were wild on looking for the next thing that would numb them inside, deep inside they were looking for that unconditional kind of love that only comes from knowing that your parents love you and accept you no matter what. I had that and there is no amount of money in this world that can buy you that. The simple fact that you know as a child and as an adult that you have people (parents, grandparents, relatives, etc.) who love you no matter what is the basis for a healthy self esteem. Bethenny's situation in this regard is not unique, plenty of kids with rich parents struggle to find an emotional connection. These kind of parents seem to believe that everything can be solved with money: expensive schools, trips, university tuitions but they don't realize that what they need to give is their time and love. Bethenny has been vocal about her struggles with her father and how much grieve it cost her to try to excel at everything just so he would feel proud of her, in reality she probably thought the only way he could love her was if she was great at something, but then again she never found it , her father according to her own close circle of friends was great with the horses but that was the extend of his emotional interaction. Her mother was just like many teenage mothers, she had her issues and her problems and instead of putting them in the back burner for the sake of her daughter she made them front and center, she had parties to attend, she had fights to pick, it was all about her. Amazingly in this equation I always found interesting that Bethenny was able to bond with her stepfather who by all accounts was nor perfect either, he was a gambler, he fought incessantly with Bethenny's mother to the point of physical violence, he was not perfect , yet out of the three adults in her life he was the only one who took the time out of his day to show any interest in her, he took her to the race tracks, showed her how to care for horses, he was the one who would picked her up from the neighbor houses where Bethenny's mom had left her for few days and ultimately he was the only one with wisdom to know that this kind of environment was way too toxic for a little girl to handle and he registered her and paid for her boarding school. Probably that is the reason why Bethenny still has a relationship with him and has said that he was the only actual parental figure she had.
  24. Ladies , thanks for the links. I refuse to google either George or Cody but I am delighted that you guys are getting all the dirt on them. A spin off for the wedding, heck no!
  25. Was Jason fundamental to the success of SGC because he made Bethenny marketable? Did her marriage contributed to her financial success? I am not even going to point out Jason's allegations that he helped her launch her cocktail company because as Wendy already pointed out that is easily verifiable and contradicted by evidence. I will just go with facts that are easy to prove. Bethenny's partnership with Kanbar happened before Bethenny and Jason ever met each other, Kanbar is a well known investor in the spirit business, if he didn't see the potential in Bethenny's cocktail, it would have never happened for Bethenny. She would have been like many of the other housewives who have a cocktail, wine, sangria, vodka, etc, but no renown investor to back them up. Bethenny would have never been able to take her cocktail to the next level and Kanbar would have never been interested in such partnership. Kanbar provided the experience and his credibility on the line and Bethenny put the product and her exposure on TV, both elements were key for this unique situation, Jason has nothing to do with this as he was not even part of the equation back then. Whether Bethenny married Jason or not her cocktail was going to be successful, at the end of RHNY season 3 her popularity was very strong and she was still not married. If likability and popularity can be automatically be translated as millions and millions of income, then how come not even one Bravo housewife has been able to replicate the Bethenny formula? Lisa V is extremely popular so is her husband , but she hasn't accumulate millions upon millions because of Bravo exposure, she was millionaire before and she is in better shape now , her restaurants are great but VB was already succesful before the show, she has a sangria that was produced last year so unless a deal is in the making to mass produce that product I say Lisa has done extremely well but nowhere close to the financial deal of Bethenny and Beam. How about Teresa? Before the indictments, she was very popular and her fans one of the most fanatics and vocals of the bunch, that of course translated in terms of book sales and her cocktail sales but then again, has it provided her with millions? Has it produced a spirit company interested in buying it? Not that I know off Other housewives have tried to peddle everything and anything with little success if you ask me, but not one of them has been able to imitate the formula whether they were likable or not, whether they were popular or not, so to attribute Jason's appeal to her financial success is not reasonable, if all they needed was a wonderful husband to create a financial empire then lets go and take a look at Kim Zolciac, before she married Kroy she was one of the most hated Bravo HW, Kroy in fact has been fundamental to make her more likable to the point that most viewers of her show have all forgotten about Big Poppa, not only that but she has adorable children, I mean that has been a 180 degree turn in her TV persona and that has only been possible through the presence of Kroy in her life, the perfect example of a guy who can claim that his presence in fact had a positive impact in her TV career, yet where are the millions? Where is the Beam deal? Kim was promoting for a while a couple of flavored cocktails? Has anybody heard of them? Why not? Her husband made her likable Isn't that all that is needed to successfully get yourself a business deal of a Beam nature? The fact that Jason is trying to claim that is him who helped launch the product or made it profitable by making Bethenny likable is petty and ridiculous, he is not acknowledging or trying to dismiss all the hard work and financial planning that when along in the success of this product, he wasn't there when Bethenny was paving the streets getting rejection after rejection, he wasn't there when the product was taking off and being produced by a small company giving Bethenny probably endless sleepless nights, he came at the last miles of a marathon and wants to claim credit just because he was there for the photo op? He signed a prenup , he should honor his signature.
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