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Everything posted by redlaces

  1. Jerry Springer is indeed a cultural sodomite. (thanks Greg Giraldo) Jerry will never go away. He's a herpe.
  2. Yes, aware. I was just speaking on her looks.
  3. Kathy Griffin looks fantastic!! She is one of the few whose plastic surgery worked out very well for her. I hope to see her on much more often. Mario usually bugs the hell outta me, but, he wasn't too bad. A much more enjoyable show today. I do have to say though, that I do like when they "get into it" I really loved when Rosie was on before. She rocked the hell out of that show and made some damn damn good points. It tends to be a little fluffy now for my taste, but, I will watch Rosie in anything. Her talk show was every day required viewing for me when I was a teen.
  4. I loathe PETA and damn them for having me agree with them about Palin.. Damn it all!
  5. Sherri has always annoyed the ever loving crap out of me, but the absolute hatred for this woman confuses me. I find her extremely ignorant, but I sincerely don't see a hateful person. She's very religious, and she doesn't have a lot of logic upstairs. I think that is where her dolty comments come from. In her heart, I just don't see a bad person. Just someone who hustles her ass off and doesn't stop no matter what. I have to give her that, and I wish her well. There are so much bigger fish out there that need to be fried. I don't get it, I really do not.
  6. This is all a hot damned joke and it should not be. Just remember.. This c*** is eating hummus while people are dying in cells for selling some weed.. Oh look he was driving a pick up truck... the fuck out of here.. This shit just makes me sick,
  7. Fuck this shit. She should be rotting in a hot cell. Just like the thousands and thousands of folks who are ROTTING away in prison for things like pot charges. Fuck her. I hope she rots and her greasy face falls off.
  8. Yes.. Yes she was.. Just watching it now again, and it never changes.. No. Thanks.. Get your fuckin' shine box Tommy! I know their parents were horrors, but shit, at least wait out for the inheritance.. Hot damn I want that pool though. Aunt T ate the hell out of those chllren, and took their voices with her. :) :)
  9. Reading the back and forth has always been much more entertaining than the Duggars, Thank you all for that. It is for sure something else...
  10. Odd.. I watched the clip several times on YT and I thought it was very clear that she said baby. Which honestly makes more sense to me coming from Whoopi.
  11. Absolutely! I am not religious, but, I am baffled at the hardcore defending of any religion other than Christianity. It really makes my brain spin. I am still waiting for a legit reason as to why this is happening, but have yet to see it come to fruition.
  12. If they were of any religion other than Christian, people would be gnashing their teeth to defend their right to pray..
  13. The Hershey Kisses playing We Wish You A Merry Christmas as bells... I loathe that damn commercial. Only because every channel plays that commercial ad nauseam this time of year. Every.single.year. It seems like it has been around for 20 years now. I also can't stand the one with the little boy who comes in as a snowman and thaws out when he eats the soup for the same reason. Have yet to see that one this year though.
  14. Lilly needs an ass whoopin' What a little bitch.
  15. I had not yet fully understood why Nicole was called Cackles.. until today. My GOD! She sounded like she lost her damn mind during that weird challenge near the end of the show. I didn't see most of it, but oh man did I hear.
  16. The Duggars would win hands down IMO. They are trained in firearms and they do know what actual work and labor feels like. In regards to media, Jessa seems to be a muuuuch better kisser than Ben.
  17. We get it.. You're allowed to say shit. I'm not liking this season at all so far. Damn.
  18. Yeeeeesh! If that is the least the could get then I would hope so! I was being a smart ass by the way. :) :)
  19. Life, friends and family. Things that matter?
  20. I thought this one was funnier than usual. The obvious yeah Woody we know you like your substances grew a little tired though. I hate WU there is nothing natural about it anymore at all. I find it painful every time lately. Makes me miss the old days. Get off my lawn and all that shit.
  21. I came into this show very late in the game and have recently been binge watching. I do think it's cute and funny, it does annoy me though to no end that these kids are the most coddled assholes I have ever seen on a sitcom. They are all complete wimps when it comes to raising their children.
  22. Wow.. Just wow. The party of tolerance my ass.
  23. I'm still partial to the "Big ol' dyke bumper sticker" on Nancy's car.
  24. Ugh! If I find something Dane Cook does funny, there is a problem. I don't watch the show because I just can't deal with their nasal tone and pretentious attitudes. Bitches are laughing all the way to the bank though.
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