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Everything posted by Kanner

  1. I go back and forth with the Ashley issue tonight. I am so over people crying on these shows and as she mentioned someone was going to be picked last and that person was not going to feel great about it. However, not picking a two-time winner is suspect. There was no indication that Ashley would be hard to work with. It was a love feast between her and Candice when they teamed up. Candice and Kelly both lost points with me this episode. After all the drama the right person went home. Amanda just hasn't shown that she could go anything.
  2. The tag took a very dark turn. It went quickly for me. I always like the Jeff/Abed push and pull of reality v. TV.
  3. I really like this show. The relationship between Russ and Milt just makes me smile.
  4. I can't count how may times I rewound Holt's reaction to Rosa telling him she might be pregnant.
  5. Sheldon was on fire this episode. From the wise man stuff to the songs (he was ready for the sonar comment) to the advice to Penny (both the acting and the knocking). I liked seeing the different pairing of the guys too. Amy was hardly in it but she made a great impact.
  6. Kanner

    College Basketball

    Great win for Duke. They fought hard in this game and showed that defense should never be overlooked. The unsung hero is Jefferson and his play against Kaminsky in the 2nd half.
  7. Xander is my favorite. I've read through most of the thread and see he is very polarizing. It's funny, SilverSadow's post that had all the examples of what SS thought were bad Xander moments, most of those are examples of why I liked Xander. He was not expressing feelings, he was stating facts about Angel. I was in his corner in all those discussions about the Angel/Angelus problem. And I did't have a problem with Angel as a character. (Just the creepy age difference between him and teenage Buffy).
  8. I am so happy. I enjoyed both episodes but I probably would have liked them anyway because I am just so glad it is back. So much of the great stuff has been mention. I do need to say that the reason I love this show can be summed up in the awesomely ridiculous visual of Britta peddling away on the stolen big wheel.
  9. I guess I am one of those rare people who really didn't like Buffy. I could appreciate her kick butt fighting skills but as a person I couldn't stand her. She came off as always on her high horse and she thought she was better than the rest of them. I am glad they had her own up to that in an episode in the later seasons.
  10. This episode was only ok for me. That is because I dislike story lines with young kids going after older people romantically (this is why Manny is my least favorite character on MF). Though as mentioned above, I laughed very hard when Eddie sat down and had to get right back up. The younger sons are still awesome.
  11. As others said Penny and Sheldon are always awesome. For me they work because they don't take each other's BS.
  12. Wow! Awesome! She didn't just die. She was killed by Ichabod to save Abbie. The whole episode was great. Abbie kicking ass and being smart. Stuck up and stuffy Ichabod. Finding allies. The horseman doing his thing. The video. Captain/Lieutenant Grace Dixon And the four of them ready for Season 3 (hopefully).
  13. Damn Fish!! Say what you want about her she knows how to make a point.
  14. I just can't express how much I am loving this season. They are definitely pushing all the right buttons for me. I was signing K-Ci and JoJo's All My Life for at least 2 hours after the show. 90's R & B will live forever. Perfect for Tom's proposal (even though it ended up being used for Garry). Jean-Ralphio never gets old for me. I think they used his character just right because he is the type who can suffer from over use. I am usually not a fluff person but it just works on this show. Happy endings all around.
  15. I know it wasn't the best but I got things I wanted so I can't complain too much. Henry is dead. Ichabod and Katrina splitsville. Frank seems to be back to normal. Jenny I also liked the call back to when Ichabod arrived in Sleepy Hollow. Good thing Abbie kept her wits about her. She is in a very dangerous situation.
  16. I am so glad that Nick's story ended with him running his own lab. It was the perfect evolution of his character. Also, thank you George for finally leaving the show. I can stop watching now. Hallelujah!
  17. This show is pretty funny but it would be worth it just for the music.
  18. They are hitting all the right notes. This show is definitely going out on a high note. Ron's secrecy about his brothers. The accountants and eventually turning down the job. Ron's love of scavenger hunts. The special "bond" between Garry and Donna. The woman of the year award. The ex-animal control guys. CALZONES! I can keep on going on.
  19. I liked this one. I was nervous about Sharif because I have loved him in other shows (White Collar, Criminal Minds) and I wanted his character not to suck. Very pleased with his introduction. I was shocked that when Abbie and Crane first see the lid to the tunnel and one of them mentioned the witch symbols that Katrina's name was not brought up. Thank you show. Poor Frank. Yes, smart Jenny. Overall, it was just a good old fashioned two witnesses fighting the good fight. That is the Sleepy Hollow I want.
  20. It is rare but there is nothing about this show that I don't like. The different combinations of relationships still bring freshness to each episode. Shame on you Jake for not seeing that Die Hard move coming from a mile away.
  21. I really really enjoyed this one. I love it when the guys get to "do" science. Ragging on each other can be funny but nothing beats when they are working well together.
  22. I love when they do great things for each other. Donna with the Garry, April providing the drama, Ron fixing his mistake, etc. That end was ridiculously awesome.
  23. I am happy that we are getting a direction for the end of the season. Irving and Henry make a good pair. I too really liked Abbie reminding Crane that they fought things without magic in the past. I also noticed he was quick to leave "ailing" Katrina to celebrate with Abbie. I even actually "liked" Katrina tonight. I would be happy with her going darkside.
  24. I loved Cinnamon or Emily. I also liked when Sheldon asked the guys to help him out. The back and forth between them and Sheldon was great. Sheldon coming back to say thanks was even better. I liked Amy putting her foot down at dinner. Their relationship has grown and Amy has been more assertive lately. I like Sheldon but you can not be a wimp when dealing with him. The werewolf debate was also funny.
  25. I really like the relationship between Dean and Charlie.
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