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Everything posted by Clemgo3165

  1. She's probably wearing shorts or little yoga type pants under her dress. Most of the little girls have.
  2. I don't know if Josie has delays or if they've coddled her to the point of being spoiled. Michelle said absolutely nothing to her about using her fork, it was Jessa who had to speak up. Why wasn't Michelle correcting her? I can't imagine Jessa would have insisted on the fork if she knew for a fact that Josie wasn't capable of doing so.
  3. I honestly didn't see her as looking terrified for her life, but it does look like she's had a bit of a wakeup call as to the dangers of the "mission" field. Apparently it ain't all sunshine and lollipops, living the hippie life in the jungle. She seemed happy enough and she and Derick seemed to be doing well as a team. I've had sheets over my doors and windows on really hot days, it helps block the sun and keep the house cooler. I thought Derick reacted when she asked what she should do if he didn't come home, just not dramatically. I don't think Derick really does dramatic, I don't think he needs to with Jill around. But he did acknowledge the question by nodding his head and urging her to continue. That's a reasonable question for her to be asking and it should apply to any new parents - you want to make sure your children are cared for should something happen to one or both of you. Knowing who and when to call for help if Derick doesn't come home in CA is far different than what she'd do if she were home. Does she call SOS to handle it? Does she call the police first? Should she grab Izzy and go looking? Does she call a neighbor? I surely hope that SOS has provided them with life insurance coverage and that he made sure they had a policy once Izzy came along. Can't imagine his Mom wouldn't be making sure that happened.
  4. Actually it says she's leaving season 5 after 10 episodes, not that she's leaving altogether. Apparently Connie didn't want a 22 episode renewal, she wanted a shorter, more basic cable type season. So I guess she's building one for herself. Sending her out on tour would make sense, but it would seem weird to leave Deacon home with the girls rather than taking him along. I would be surprised if Deacon were OK with that too. And would they never go out to visit her? Or would we see them coming back from seeing her and then on another ep packing up to go see her? I'd hate for them to kill her off, but it would kind of make sense.
  5. He so clearly didn't want to have a fourth child, but Anna's programmed to pop out babies and so is he. I hope that part of his "rehab" included a long conversation with his wife about the size of their family. But then it was Jesus Jail, probably just got reprogrammed.
  6. They've done it at virtually every wedding I've been to. East coast, Catholic girl, mostly the traditional sit-down dinner wedding with the dollar dance afterwards. A few times that's been fun, with a cute, single girl catching the bouquet and a cute, single guy catching the garter. One wedding I went to though my older cousin caught the garter and had to slip it on his little sister's leg - and it has to go above the knee...more than a teeny bit awkward.
  7. Or they could have changed their minds after welcoming enormous baby Izzy. And back in the day, when my Mom was having children, she had to vow to have as many children as God gave her because my Dad was Catholic and they were married in the church. They were not in any way, shape, or form wanting to raise up and army for God.
  8. True, but maybe she's not. Maybe she and Derick are happy with the one they have right now and are waiting for a bit to add another child to the mix. They did get pregnant VERY early in their married life and she did go through a pretty traumatic birth experience.
  9. Who'd have thought Jessa would be the one following in Michelle's footsteps?
  10. I don't think Jill's homely at all. She's not the prettiest of the older sisters, but she's not been beaten with the ugly stick either. I think somewhere along the way someone told her that her eyes were too small and she needed to make them look bigger if she was ever going to catch a guy. So she does this out of habit now, probably couldn't stop if you told her she was killing innocents every time she did it. I just think this family is extraordinarily screwed up because of their parents, and Josh, and the family's lack of dealing with him in a meaningful way - instead everyone else gets punished - and the seemingly desperate need to show an absolutely perfect "countenance" to the world at all times. It's ugly in that house methinks.
  11. My guess is CBS is probably happy to see him go. He's costly to a series that is expensive already and that has been around for now 12 seasons. And if TG has had serious anger issues that required remediation and created a difficult working environment, they were likely delighted to show him the door. I don't know TG or anything about his recent past history on CM. I'd like to know more about what went down because a kick if one feels threatened seems fairly Innocuous to me, but a kick if one is just ticked off does not.
  12. There are other, more permanent forms of birth control. Having been through the number of miscarriages she has plus the danger of additional pregnancies, I would think they'd pick an early stopping point rather than risk any more danger to Erin or risk for their family.
  13. He totally is. And whatever Jessa may be to the rest of the human race, she seems to be a good Mom. Spurgie sure loves her.
  14. I thought he looked good there too. What is that bracelet? He couldn't possibly be wearing a Fitbit, could he? Jill would look better with a skirt that wasn't knit and a more supportive bra. Undergarments are the key to turning matronly into womanly. My boss does the same thing - she had a child nearly three years ago and walks around the office in knit dresses with underthings that don't fit her (think panty lines and bra bulges.) When she actually tries, say for an important meeting, and wears something with support her figure actually looks pretty good. There's a reason God made underwire and spanx ;)
  15. Probably not the time to be planting deals about shooting the President. I was looking forward to this one though. Not much to watch this summer.
  16. I had the same question, but there's a little diagram on the buckle. Not sure if they don't know how to buckle it correctly or if he's capable of moving it down on his own now. Unless he's in a rear-facing seat, he's not in the front. But it could be rear-facing with the little jiggers up on the right the air vents. Not cool unless they're driving a truck.
  17. Watched Sia on GMA this morning - loved her new songs, lots to dance to and she doesn't seem nearly as weird as her videos make her seem - except for the hair that is. What was weird was watching an adult dancer take Maddie's role while the video with Maddie dancing played on the big screen. Maddie's got it in spades over the adult dancer, but maybe it's difficult to create that childlike bounce and enthusiasm when you're not 12 or 13.
  18. I hopeful for Paget's return but not at all happy to hear of all the crossovers, nor am I confident that the new guy won't become some love interest for Emily. And with all the characters now on the scene I'm afraid that Reid will be left in the dust, left to suffer some kind of mental breakdown because he can't handle Morgan not working with them anymore. I had hoped that Reid's actions in the last episode of Season 11 would lead to greater things for him this year.
  19. I'm excited to see Paget back. Emily has been my favorite character since he arrived on the scene. I just hope she's not going to be used as a love interest for the new guy. I'm also a little apprehensive that between her and the newbie, Reid will be relegated to the back burner and won't be allowed to step up and show his skills, as he should now with Morgan gone.
  20. While Anna looks like she's been having a hard time, she does seem to have swallowed all of the fundie koolaid and really, firmly believes that she's doing the right thing to stand by Josh. It's how she was raised and what she was taught, and both her parents and the Duggars have been extremely careful in limiting outside influences with her.
  21. I think it's easier sometimes to say you're "addicted" to something like porn than to say that you just enjoy it. You admit your failings in the press and do your obligatory rehab and then hope that it's over. We haven't been given any indication that Anna or the children, his office, or his family for that matter, knew anything about this being an issue. Either he managed to keep it hidden or they have tremendous control in keeping it from being revealed. Either is possible I suppose.
  22. I just don't think the possession and consumption of adult porn by an adult would be enough to require supervised visitation. Otherwise you'd have supervised visits for every man who keeps copies of Playboy at home or every wife who's enjoyed a porn flick with her husband. Adult porn is common among adults and as long as it's kept to the adults there shouldn't be a problem. His issue would come with the history of molestation. Sure the Catholic Church gives an out in the form of an annulment, but that's not a divorce. And if you are legally divorced you cannot participate in fully in the church - no communion, no joining others at the table for you.
  23. The Catholic Church is known for it's stance against divorce, many Christian churches are. Duggardom is not alone in the effort to avoid divorce. I don't know that an addiction to porn would be enough to separate him from his kids entirely. AFAIK he didn't have any kiddie porn, and there are many adults who watch porn regularly whether alone or with a significant other. No, the children shouldn't see it, but I haven't heard anything to indicate that Josh's kids were exposed.
  24. I can't imagine she'd lose her kids to someone with a history of child molestation. She'd need to find work, but she'd be OK.
  25. If figured their calling it Counting On now that Jinger's courting. It's not going to be so focused on Jill and Jessa this season.
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