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Everything posted by Clemgo3165

  1. For me it just seems like 11-12 years of familiarity with the same people. Introverts can act like extroverts at times around people they know well and are comfortable with. Reid isn't the same young whippersnapper that he was 11 years ago. Gideon is long gone from the BAU and Reid's been through a lot and seen plenty in the intervening years. I wouldn't expect him to be the same person he was at the start of the show. I didn't have issue with Reid's interactions with Prentiss, Garcia, or Rossi either. Prentiss hugged him quick because she was still working the case. I wouldn't expect her to drop everything at that moment. Garcia seemed warm, comforting, and shmoopy - her usual self. And Rossi gave genuinely great advice, delivered in a very sweet way. What I thought was interesting was Reid's longing looks after Prentiss - right after she hugged him and again from outside the glass after she broke through with the brother.
  2. That's what i see too and I figure she's been brainwashed to the extent that she feels that praying is the way to deal with any depression problems, that and putting on a good countenance. I think she believes that there's probably a sin problem since she has everything she's been told she ever wanted. Problem is that she's fragile from the Josh information getting out, probably has a bit of post-partum depression, and while she wants to be a missionary, she's finding being away from all that she knows and alone with a baby and a new-ish husband in a foreign country to be lonely and difficult. Derick seems to care very much about her, but I'm not sure that he isn't just as brainwashed in terms to seeking help for her mental health. Joy was the one that was distressing to me in the bit I saw last night. All the light and spark is gone from her. She isn't/isn't allowed to continue her education and is resigned to hanging out at the house until some guy comes to scoop her up so she can get started making babies. I don't know if she's really dumb or just playing dumb, but she's obviously not happy with the limited choices that have been handed to her.
  3. I think she looks good too, I really don't see much of a pooch at all. I'd like to take about a foot off her hair and I'd make her change her top - pink and gray, blech! But one of my best friends is a bit like her - total opposite of fundamentalist, but a hippie, back to earth girl. She only trims the ends of her hair and wears skirts with shirts that don't always match, and during the summer it's Birkies and the winter it's sturdy brown shoes. Fashion just isn't a priority, function is.
  4. Anna also moved to the big city, where the light and the water generally stay on, everyone at least tries to speak your language, and there are lots of fun opportunities for you and your family. Once she got over her initial fears of using public transportation with three littles, she did just fine. Thrived even. Jill never looks to me like she's hanging on by a thread, she looks fine for the most part. But I wouldn't be surprised if she had some mild depression stemming from Izzy's birth, their quick move, the state of affairs at their house, and all of Josh's BS. She was the only one who showed any emotion other than anger of the sisters. Izzy took a long time to come and she eventually had to move to a hospital for the birth, she looked like she'd been ripped apart for a couple of months afterwards. She may appreciate the mission activity, but I don't think she bargained for the lack of AC, electricity, and water. Throw in the whole world knowing that you were molested by your own brother and your parents/TLC making you talk about it publicly and defend him, and I think I'd be hiding in a dark corner of a rubber room myself. She's been through a lot for someone so sheltered.
  5. I think home for us is the same place! My list would look just like yours with the addition of some lebanon bologna. I'm going to need some help on this one. What would be grammatically correct? I use got this way all the time ;(
  6. I think she said she "hoped" her goals were the same as is, not that she wanted him to tell her what to think. She looked surprised by the question, almost like she wondered why he would ask it when they'd either already discussed them or why he would bring something that personal up in front of the cameras. Of course she's submissive to her husband, her family and religious beliefs have taught her that, but that doesn't mean that she keeps her opinions to herself. But I don't think Jill is one to make too big of a stink over anything either. She seems to me to be very happy with the "mission" part of their time in CA, the actual engagement with the people there. But she seems to have been frightened by something that happened around her and is nervous because of it. Obviously she'd like to be someplace where she feels safer, but I don't get the impression that she's unhappy with a missionary life. She'd just prefer a safer environment, preferably with more reliable water.
  7. It looks like that's exactly what Derick is doing in the pic. They're obviously in a hotel room and there's a sheet in the playpen. Derick may be getting dressed or getting ready for bed himself.
  8. Looks like a dress with a modesty dress and a too long slip. Couldn't she have found something black for the bottom? And some back shoes?
  9. I don't know, this reads differently to me. She may be a baby-whisperer, but it's a title she's earned apparently (with magic charms no less), and her willingness is what most impresses the family. She's also called out for her one liners and her spunk. Overall it's so much more than any Duggar child gets and shows a recognition of Katie's talents that are hers alone.
  10. Ugh, it just makes me ill. Apparently it's becoming fashionable in Britain to tattoo different arrows on your wrist for each of your children, based on the same bible passage that the Quiverfull Movement is based on. These women claim not to be, but it still disturbs.
  11. This is one time I actually feel bad for Josh. He very clearly did not want any more than the three kids he already had. He's up to 4 now and apparently baking number 5. I guess he's been successfully reprogrammed at sex camp and realizes that he needs to get back to making babies. What I don't understand is if he is the "headship" why he can't say 3 is enough?
  12. At least she acknowledges a messy room. Maybe she was working on her paper in the bedroom as a way of keeping busy little fingers off her keyboard and out of her hair while she got it done. Maybe that's why she hasn't picked up and made the bed. But I can't really criticize. I have a room in my house that looks much like this where all the clutter goes to live while I wait for the round tuit to deal with it. It'll get done, but it doesn't have to be today and the rest of the house is tidy.
  13. They should probably look at some pics of the town before they try to portray it on TV. Could have been any number of towns nearby, but most definitely not Williamsburg. Gotta agree with PhysNerd's assessment of Alex with the flirting recruit. I knew right away he was the "fifth guy," why she didn't even suspect it is beyond me. At this point too the flasback/flash forward pattern is really starting to bug me.
  14. What Williamsburg were they supposed to be in?
  15. He looks so pleased with himself, LOL. I love that pic. And if you look closely the pants are rolled up at the bottom to show his cute socks. I think Jill's core looks just fine for someone who had an enormous baby yanked out of her. She really doesn't seem to have much of a tummy at all in that vid. She COULD use a bra fitting though.
  16. I'm nearsighted and have glasses for driving and other times when I need to see distances, I have computer glasses because my monitor is closer than my distance lenses correct for and too far away for regular close-up vision, and then I take them off for everything else. I don't need them to read or watch TV or just hanging out at the house. But if I'm out in town my glasses are off and on all the time as I move from distance to something close-up, or from walking to sitting down at a restaurant. I can't wear contacts either due to dry eyes. I kind of like his nerdy lenses and wish he was comfortable enough with himself to to just own them. But then he's entirely out of his element and the glasses are one way of showing that.
  17. OK, I missed some things due to rain and Dish Network. But did we ever hear the President's speech that was such a failure? And how did Italia Ricci go from the outside looking in last week to competing for COS this week?
  18. I think Joy's been told it's not attractive to be smarter than boys, that it's not attractive to show them up in any way like she would have naturally done (and did) with her brothers. I do think she's smart but that she plays the role of a simple country girl who loves nothing more than caring for her siblings on TV. She and Jana both look snarky when they're giving their "dumb" answers, as if they know the part they're supposed to play but aren't exactly cool with it. Joy and Jana have both seemed relatively quick-witted in the past, it's jarring to see the stupidity play now.
  19. I figured he was running it by her because she was supplying the credit card to pay for it.
  20. For the most part, I think the girls are tremendous, Kendall being the exception. They all seem to have each other's backs, encourage each other, and seem to let the adult silliness wash over them.
  21. Meredith seems to be happy as a clam playing with her cousin, and moving through the tunnel just fine. I don't see a safety issue here.
  22. I'm pretty sure that's Michael in the background, that looks like Mackenzie at the end of the tunnel and Jackson is 12 years old. The little one in the maze is too small for 12. Looks to me like an Izzy and M'kids outing. This will give away my age to some degree, but my Mom always put me in a little sundress with the funny little pants when I was Meredith's age. You wore pants to clean and maybe to go to the shore. No harm came to me from wearing a dress to play, I did it every day. I wore them on the monkey bars, hung upside down in them, and outraced most of the boys in my class in elementary school all while wearing a dress. Girls weren't permitted to wear pants to my very mainstream public school until I hit the 4th grade. I was actually a little excited when Derick was announcing his goals about wanting to get to know Jill more deeply in the coming year. Why? Because he used academic language. He wants to get a Master's and Ph.D. in Jill. Could regular school be in Izzy's future?
  23. For the most part, I do believe it's scripted. But what kind of people agree to harass a young girl just to make money off a TV show? And what kind of mother agrees to subject her child to it? Even if said child is aware that none of it is real it's got to take some kind of toll on her, this isn't a weekly scripted drama.
  24. No, Brynn doesn't need a yoga class. Jess and Jill need to stop beating up on a 12-year-old girl. If they have an issue with her placement then they need to take it up with Abby in private. I'm so done with this piece of trash after last night. Who does that?
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