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Everything posted by Clemgo3165

  1. I agree with that assessment Airwair, but I wonder why Cash doesn't see any ramifications from the video. She stood there while a 16-year-old was being felt up by some guy, filming the whole time, and never stepped in. What kind of friend/mentor is that? She didn't look like she was uncomfortable watching it either, which is pretty creepy in my book.
  2. I agree with everything you've said, but I find it puzzling that it seems Rossi may be getting back together with a woman who kept his child from him for so long. I think I could eventually reach forgiveness, but I wouldn't be able to forget that kind of deception.
  3. Rayna's pretty darn innocent in this one to me. So her sister threw in some shady money to the start up of Hwy 65, is she supposed to ask Tandy, her own sister, if she acquired the money through shady dealings? How is Tandy going to answer that question ya think? She's surely not going to say "yes." Teddy did do the noble thing in not turning in Tandy to save his own @ss from prison, but that doesn't diminish his crimes. And Tandy is the guilty party in the money mess, Rayna would be the victim of that crime since she'd likely lose her business due to Tandy's money maneuvers. But she did know that Lamar was crooked, didn't she? I'm pretty sure she did though I could be wrong - I skipped past a number of the Tandy/Lamar scenes. Rayna would definitely have to forfeit the funds given by Tandy (and thanks for this info, it was great), but would she really have to forfeit her entire inheritance? While they could likely prove that some of Lamar's money was ill-gotten gain, that house was purchased decades ago and it would be difficult to prove criminal activity going back that far.
  4. My problem is that we're so far down the road at this point that I'm not sure I can fanwave it anymore. At this point I'm ready to send Maddie out on tour with someone we haven't yet met and will never see again. Let her succeed or fail, whatever, as long as she's away from her family. Horrible, I know, but they've made her so very unlikeable over the last year.
  5. I'm with ya there. You can't even Skype where I live. In Virginia...15 minutes from a major University. She has more amenities in CA than I do in the contiguous U.S.
  6. If you can't serve the time, don't commit the crime. Since unethical financial doings got us into the economic mess we've been in the last 8 years, I have absolutely no sympathy for anyone who cheats and get caught.
  7. I think she'll give it a try and may find she likes with all of the family around. But I think she'd likely be happier in Nashville or Atlanta. Both are big enough to be interesting and lively, but both have close in semi-rural areas where a tree man could thrive. Eh, I drive 42 miles round trip every day to work and only fill the tank once a week. Of course Nathan would probably have a truck, but maybe he could leave that at the homestead and drive something more economical to and from.
  8. I couldn't believe what was coming out of JJ's mouth. This is the woman who came back to BAU and is off on the jet pretty frequently to do her job, leaving her kids behind. And trying to make keeping a child away from her father OK because he was so involved with work is total BS. At the very least let him know and let him make his own decision about how much he wants/can be involved. So maybe Rossi would have been the Dad who showed up every couple of weeks with a new toy, or he may have been the guy who only called on birthdays and Xmas. Too bad his daughter will never know.
  9. Usually there's a bouncer or somebody running the house who would nip that kind of stuff in the bud and send the guy packing.
  10. Worse comes to worst, she'll be able to write some deeply felt songs about it ;)
  11. But it wasn't HER sexuality he had an issue with. He was standing there listening to her sing about how she was a very bad girl and never moved. It was when a grown man started feeling her up that he reacted. I don't see that as taking away Maddie's sexual choice because she didn't have a choice in the first place. I would expect any good parent to follow-up with a serious discussion after everyone had calmed down. Maddie needs to know how to deal with these situations, she needs to know that she doesn't have to take that from any man, and her parents are the ones who need to instill that in her.
  12. In fairness to Deacon, he didn't know that she had come without permission the one time she did. He thought she was there for her regular music lesson and most objected to Teddy's using her small amount of time with Deacon as punishment. Deacon also didn't know there were problems with her getting her homework done until Teddy asked him to help out in that regard. At that point he was only seeing her for a short while every week and wasn't with her to supervise her homework. From there on out you saw Deacon making sure the work was done. I think Teddy was, for the most part, a good father, and he definitely loves both of the girls, but I don't think they'd have been doomed without him. We've seen Rayna be the bad cop more than once.
  13. I don't think waiting at home would have been a good choice for this situation. She's underage playing in an over-21 club, she snuck out of the house and cajoled her sister into keeping quiet, she flat out lied to her Dad, Deacon had no choice but to go down there. While I see your point about Deacon directing his anger at the guy doing the touching rather than the girl being touched and think that's a completely valid criticism, I do see Deacon's side too in terms of fear for his daughter's safety. Pulling her off the stage at that moment doesn't seem irrational to me. My own Dad intervened with me many times when I'd gotten myself in over my head, which is where Maddie was at that point. Often he was able to stay cool and be an advisor, but there were also times when my safety was involved that he behaved more like Deacon. I'm thankful every day for him. This I don't see at all. I think her parents, all three of them, treat her with a great deal of respect. While I do think that sometimes they want to keep her more sheltered than she needs to be, especially in terms of performing, I don't think that shows a lack of respect for her or her choices. She's being actively encouraged to pursue her music, she's writing with Cash with the permission of her parents, she's allowed to go out to coffee bars with a woman who is a good bit older than her, and she has a recording contract. The only fault I see is in tying her down to her 12-year-old sister. Even if Daphne is the bomb, she's still a kid.
  14. Little on the Reid-meter I thought. JJ was showing off her magical profiling powers tonight, Reid was just along for the ride for the most part except for making one important discovery. He looked good though.
  15. Once again I'm left feeling as if there's a chip missing in Maddie. Upon learning that her ex has gone off to join the Army her biggest concern is that she's not getting to play in clubs by herself? Really? Zero concern that Colt could end up in Afghanistan or Iraq? Dead or injured?
  16. Maddie has a lot of drive and is willing to work her butt off to improve. While I feel like she's experiencing her 15 minutes right now, I think she has the personality to succeed in life away from the cameras. I just hope that If/when her 15 minutes are up that she has a strong support system. She's at a pretty vulnerable age and Melissa comes off as pushing her into things sometimes.
  17. I think she remembered what happened just before the break, right before she went into rehab.
  18. I don't think she was unsure of the moves, but she couldn't hear the music so she didn't have her cues. She got lost one time that I could tell, I think because she couldn't hear. I think the animation would have disappeared or been distorted if they'd run into it.
  19. Thing is I think Jodie is dancing well, especially for only the 4th week. And she seems to be emoting her butt off. I thought that criticism was valid the first week, but it hasn't been since. I don't know. The judges seemed to be extra harsh with her tonight.
  20. I thought the same. At the heart of it, they have very similar values and both are outgoing and energetic, willing to try new things. They'll have a great time together. Geography is an issue, but if Ashley can settle for a smaller city, say Knoxville, then he could have some land and be close to his family and she could be within 10 minutes of a mall. It's not NYC but it's not the holler either. I was just happy to see a group of young adults who seem to openly care for one another, have some ambition outside of the home, and who are interested in the world outside their front door. Kelly and Gil allow their kids much more freedom and so far none of them have turned into heathens.
  21. If they make it to a 5th season, I'd love to see Maddie spending some time with people who actually did have rough childhoods - Scarlett, Juliette, Deacon - all come to mind. If her worst experience is not being able to get the kind of contract she wants at 16 then she's doing pretty well I think.
  22. This brainwashing really disturbs me. First they suck the tomboy out of Joy and now they're doing it with Hannie, you never see her with Jackson anymore. It's upsetting to me that someone with Joy's assertive, confident style, and seeming intelligence will never go to college or even a trade school. She could kick butt in the real world, as I suspect Hannie would too, but both have been firmly planted on the path to early SAHMotherhood.
  23. I've been worried for Maddie before, but not as much as I was last night. I'd assumed that she gone into all these different endeavors because she wanted to, that she was that driven to succeed. And now I'm not so sure that it's all her. Melissa using "us" and "we" when talking about future directions and not asking Maddie what SHE wanted really bugged me. Maddie is not a meal ticket and she has the right at this point to determine which way she'd like her life to go. And if she still wants to dance with her friends sometimes at ALDC what's the big deal?
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