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Everything posted by Clemgo3165

  1. Wikipedia says his kids are Caleb, Adora, and Titus. I'd imagine one of them might go by Jack.
  2. Gotta say that I feel for Joy, who looked absolutely devastated on camera. Why in the world they forced her to go through the TH when she very clearly didn't want to talk is beyond me. Gotta say that I feel for Joy, who looked absolutely devastated on camera. Why in the world they forced her to go through the TH when she very clearly didn't want to talk is beyond me.
  3. I could totally get behind Daphne kicking Maddie's behind in the music department.
  4. He had more confidence and seemed more secure when he was dying of cancer, it's odd what they've done with the character.
  5. Right, I think CMT was rumored to be looking for 100 episodes, which a mini-season would get us.
  6. My guess would be none unless the rumored CMT syndication deal is true, then we'll get a mini-season next year.
  7. The long break was planned from the outset to allow for American Crime to have a mini-season. A few more of ABC's shows are doing the same.
  8. Daphne is the biggest grown up of all of them. And I liked her song even if her sister didn't.
  9. And it was amazing how it so quickly went from just finding out about it, to working it out with the IRS, to having it all exposed and fallen down around him. All in one episode. And wouldn't people have some sympathy for Luke with the embezzlement? I think I would.
  10. And if she couldn't, for whatever reason, she at least owed him a call to let him know what was up so that he wasn't left waiting for her to show, and then in tears in the back lot when she did make it. She chased him onto the airplane as a label head and talked to him very specifically about exploring a new genre/sound and doing it with Hwy 65. She was very clear about wanting him for her label, not her bed. Don't know how he'd misread that other than ego. Had Luke done the same thing he would have thought it was purely business, wouldn't he?
  11. I got the impression that Deacon wasn't ticked because Rayna had a business relationship, but that that relationship had subsumed all the others in her life. The opening was a big deal for Deacon and she didn't show until he'd finished performing, and apparently hadn't called either because he didn't know what had happened with Markus - and Markus walked in the morning when the opening was that night. And they're in the middle of an argument about Markus kissing her and the first thing she does is pick up the text message in the middle of it. I can see where Deacon might think he wasn't all that important. All that to say that I do think that Rayna should be able to prioritize Hwy 65 when she needs to and Deacon should be understanding of that, but she should also be aware of moments that are important to him. And honestly, the whole thing could have been avoided if they'd just used their words. Put the phone up for a second and let Deacon know that she'd be back to finish the talk, maybe Deacon could be allowed to grow back up and say "sorry, you go deal with that - can you take Bucky?" And then a call to Deacon to let him know that Markus had walked and she'd be late. Bam. Hurt feelings avoided. Oy.
  12. I so fondly remember season 1 Deacon who was confident and owned his shit. Miss that version. I'd like for him to have a personal win too. The Beverly is a good start even if the name sucks, but he deserves some success of his own and at least one fully happy day. It's like he's Pauline in "The Perils of..." And Rayna deserves a big win too. All this stuff just keeps happening to her. I fully expect they'll be run over on the way to their honeymoon.
  13. Yeah, Rayna didn't fail at anything except failing to fall for Markus' b.s. There's no reason her label should be in the crapper again and surely they could throw her one success? Sheesh!
  14. In fairness, he's trying to lend it legitimacy as a listening room ala the Bluebird and the Ryman, both of which have pews.
  15. The logic of a bottom feeder? Even I felt bad for Luke tonight. I think Rayna did a good job managing Markus, there wouldn't have been an album if she hadn't. But I think he was more into her than into changing his sound. Plus managing him is kind of like trying to nail jello to a tree ;)
  16. They're getting married on my birthday! Yay! I don't mind the hiatus too much, I like having the eps air consecutively. Wonder what will happen with Markus? Surely Rayna has a contract of some kind that she can sue him over, and wouldn't she own the album? I don't want her to lose her label, but it doesn't look good. In other news my local station cut off the bulk of the bridge conversation. Any idea where I can find it without having to download the whole show? I live in the boonies, out in low bandwidth nation, and that'd take all night.
  17. I'll take Johnny Cash and hope that their relationship is a healthier one.
  18. I'm hoping that this will lead to Deacon, Maddie and Rayna having a real talk about alcoholism, Deacon's childhood, etc. And maybe all of this jealousy stuff is leading up to an effort on Deacon's part to try to cool his jets somewhat. He does lash out pretty easily and can be pretty petty when he does so. It's not at all a good look for him. But who am I kidding, remember what TV show you're watching Clem!
  19. Read that too. Apparently she's scared of Deacon now, sigh. I've wondered if Rayna actually knows about what went down at the house? Deacon cut himself on that mirror, kind of hard to hide that from your SO though it would be easy enough to lie about it - can't imagine he would about that to Rayna though unless he just never told her. I'd love for Maddie to come clean and find out that Rayna's known all along - that Deacon told her after his visit with Frankie.
  20. Me too. And once again we're at the part where the characters don't use their words. I guess in the wedding ep Maddie actually does talk to Rayna about Deacon's temper, but honestly, going after a pap whose trying to take pics of your kid is fairly normal. What Deacon did at the house isn't, but would it really kill her to talk to her Mom and then her Dad about it? Deacon's never done anything to her that would make her feel like he'd hurt her. It makes me sad that Daphne was so excited about her Mom marrying Luke but can't find any warm feelings for Deacon who she's known and loved all her life.
  21. They were doing some filming in at least one cemetery, if not two - Bev and Rayna's Mom maybe? The first venue is compromised by the paps so they have to find a new venue. Apparently Daphne is STILL feeling left out. Then there's everybody's favorite interaction between Avery and Layla which caused quite an uproar on the other boards. Then there are some pics going around from what looks like the Bluebird set with tables set up - the girls are in dresses but not in their wedding finery, so rehearsal dinner maybe? Sounds to me like it needs to be a "Very Special Episode" and last a couple of hours.
  22. Probably. They'll do the big circle film around the two of them in front of the officiant, then an up shot of the crowd, and then they'll be leaving the reception ;)
  23. The only reason I don't want that scene is because there's so much happening in the episode already. Hard to imagine that they could actually squeeze in a wedding with everything else.
  24. She seems pretty reluctant to be there to me - a little wary in fact. But her new artist has just had a terrific launch of his new album and the first major accomplishment for her label - seems right to celebrate. And since last week he told her he had no intentions that way she probably doesn't see any harm in indulging him a bit. Frankly, the label head/producer and the artist should have a moment to bask in that glory. Too bad Markus ruins it.
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