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Everything posted by Clemgo3165

  1. I skipped this last night, but what should Kira have done? Come to LA with her newborn son so she could sit on the steps outside the studio to watch Kalani dance? Or leave the baby at home? Kalani is old enough now to be somewhat independent. If Melissa found her to be such a burden she should have said something directly to Kira rather than the other Moms. Honestly I have a hard time imagining Kalani as a pain in the neck to keep an eye on.
  2. Jill seems to be doing pretty well with the language at this point. Sure, she's not fluent yet, but most people aren't after only a year of study even in an immersive situation. Maybe the hugs she got from some of the other women were faked for the cameras, but it seemed to me like she had made some connections within the community. No, it's not like have 18 sibs around all the time and I'm sure she misses her littles, but she doesn't appear to me to be regretting the decision. Frankly she seems more confident, more poised, and more like a partner to Derick than she did before they left. I think this has been good for her. Nothing in life matches the daydream, it just doesn't. I'm sure she dreamed about living in CA and working as a missionary but I'm also sure she didn't include the tarantulas in her bedroom or count on the Zika virus. Stuff happens, it's how you deal with it that matters. And while you could tell she wasn't exactly happy to have a big hairy spider in her room, she wasn't freaking out about it either. Izzy isn't even speaking yet and most agree that being exposed to more than one language at such a young age is a big positive for children. He'll come home being able to switch between English and Spanish, and if Jill and Derick practice at home he may even be bi-lingual. He doesn't need people speaking English to him to be stimulated mentally and physically, he just needs people to talk to him, pay attention to him, and love on him. Seems to me he's got that in spades.
  3. I think Jill looks fine. Gummy smile and raised eyebrows and all. She looks like she's happy and I'm glad she's away from the compound.
  4. I'm a Reid/Emily shipper from way back and it did my little shipper's heart good to see that Reid new exactly where Garcia was going for her vacation before she even said it. Like maybe he'd skyped with Emily just that morning. Yeah, I know it'll never happen, but it made me happy anyway.
  5. But Chip has the cutest smile and he's funny too. And JJ's pretty hot when Avery's happy. What a waste this season has been.
  6. I would have loved for Mack to have had a real solo for this final dance. Hated that she got thrown yet another childish acro routine. She just looks ridiculous anymore with those. Was very pleasantly surprised by Areanna. She's pretty much the whole package already. More expressive than Maddie was at that age and better technique. Beautiful dance, though I hated the Emcee having her go out to hug her brother before her critique. Melissa acted like a lunatic b*tch. It's not all about you and your kids Melissa. Yes, it would have been nice if Abby had been a little more affectionate with Maddie and Mack, but your beef is with Abby not the mini Mom.
  7. Bruno should start writing down his scores for Len rather than relying on the verbal communication. If Len can't hear then that would solve the problem. Still begs the question as to why they're relying on this antiquated system - surely there's an app for that! IIRC, the judges said something like "no matter what happens tonight" when they were giving out Kim's scores. I figured then that she was out and that the 9s were a parting gift.
  8. Kim was not a happy camper. She wasn't the best dancer in town, by far, but I'll miss her personality.
  9. Other than that she didn't get what she wanted when SHE was 16, and maybe that her Dad went back to drinking because Deacon was able to make a success of the bar when he couldn't, even with the stupid name. I'm not really seeing much in the way of motivation. Of course I'm only skimming scenes right now so that might be a contributing factor ;) And I agree with you MM, if Maddie wants to go, by all means turn her loose. Let her make a go of it herself and see how she does. Oh, and change the locks on the house.
  10. Nia has a couple of brothers, doesn't she? How long do they actually spend filming in LA?
  11. Well, taking this with a huge grain of salt, but Melissa said that both girls had booked jobs and that that's why they were leaving. Frankly, my money's on her not wanting to hang out with the other Moms, being forced to watch Mack dance while Maddie is off working with famous people. I'm pretty sure Mack's getting the fuzzy end of the lollipop here.
  12. I really think she could be, given enough time. She showed off that soul in her duet with Luke and I'd have a great time watching her get the attention instead of her bratty sister.
  13. Except that Rayna didn't leave her family, she was kicked out by Lamar for not abiding by his rules. Deacon and Rayna were in no way going to kick Maddie out and are not standing in the way of her "career" in the way Lamar was. And Juliette left home because she had to. There are no creepy boyfriends trying to get into Maddie's pants. Neither of her parents are actively using and leaving her to fend for herself. She has a private school education, 3 parents who think she hung the moon, a comfy home, and a recording contract with her sister. If Maddie wants to be an adult, she should act like one. Honestly, there were a few times last night when she did seem more like the adult than Cash did, but she let Cash talk her out of it each time. And just what is Cash's deal?
  14. And we're back. Only skimmed the Deacon/Daphne scenes and Rayna's scenes with Cash and Teddy this morning. Loved Deacon with Daphne and felt terribly for her at the end.
  15. I didn't think Maddie's dance was a hot mess, she executed it well, it's just that there wasn't much to it. It was very simplistic, and even though danced well she's gonna wind up with lower scores because of it. Brynn's a lovely dancer, but the piece just left me cold. We've seen her emote on videos, has she been told not to emote for the show? Seems odd that she couldn't bring a bit of pain to her face. The Mom's were just plain cruel last night. Brynn certainly doesn't deserve the cr*p the Mom's are giving her, and if this is staged reality I still have an issue with them saying "yes" to bullying a child. Melissa needs to have her extensions removed - they're making her stupid.
  16. That's what got me. Whenever I'm among a group of women there is ALWAYS something to talk about, and plenty to laugh about too. Why is the conversation so stilted, especially among sibs?
  17. Then why all the talk of cancellation? Is it expense?
  18. Thanks! I'd forgotten about that scene. All I could remember was Teddy signing on the dotted line for the Edgehill contract to save his butt. Frankly, it would have saved a lot of trouble if they'd hired her a reputable manager and gotten the Sony deal signed for her, with some caveats. Like she has to have a diploma and be 18 before she can tour full-time.
  19. But how did Maddie know there was a possible deal with Sony in the first place? Did Cash just randomly call Sony and luck in to finding out about the deal?
  20. Wow. I haven't watched last night's episode yet - may wait until the end of the season to do so - but couldn't the police be asked to keep the search for Maddie on the down low? They don't need to go out and publicize it, just look for her. Surely they could do that for good citizen Rayna???? And she's more worried about what the public thinks than finding her own kid? Who is this woman? WHO.IS.WRITING.THIS.DRECK?
  21. Have you seen "Secret in Their Eyes" with Julia Roberts?
  22. I'm laughing out loud in the middle of the office over "blather, rinse, repeat." So funny, so true, and so well put. That and the red shirt comment. Hah!
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