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Everything posted by Milaxx

  1. Milk's expiration date was up. I like Trinity as a person, but she sucks as a performer. I wish she would realize that flipper she wears is a hindrance. Dorriane & Leganja are nasty, butter queens. I wish we could combine Dorriane's fashion sense and makeup skills with LaTrice's personality. We'd have the perfect plus size queen. If Courtney is going to give us body, she needs to pad those hips cause all I see is boy from the waist down. I am like Bianca more and more. Ditto for Ben and Adore. Joslyn has skills but she needs to tone down her runway looks to something less than the kitchen sink method of dressing.
  2. She needed a flawless glamazon runway this week to keep her here and that half baked look wasn't it.
  3. I guess her and Dorrianne are sharing the bitter queen crown this season.
  4. I don't think I checked in here. Puds38 from TWoP.
  5. I'd rather see this pursued from the legal aspects of what Dani did rather than a pregnancy storyline. A drunk teen cannot give consent, especially with an adult who was not drunk.
  6. In the meeting they had with Porsha it seems as if she understood what Kandi was saying about her contract demands and that Porsha was on board with everything. If she wasn't she should have called, but what I got from the show was that Porsha was simply a no show. I can;t see how that's on Kandi. Either way it's a moot point since the clips from the video release of the play clearly shows Porsha in it so obviously they worked things out.
  7. See this is why she has to play shit stirrer. Her storylines outside of instigating stuff wit the other housewives are just silly. Don't even get me started on her fake tears. The only time I felt her tears were genuine was when she was talking to her aunt about her mother. She can completely miss me with that stupid doll baby mess like she's some high school kid they are trying to scare straight out of a teen pregnancy.
  8. Looks like Kandi has plans on being the next Tyler Perry. Her play is available for preorder. You can also see a clip of the show and/or buy promotional tshirts. I may splurge since the DVD/CD price is relatively inexpensive.
  9. Talking Dead was good this week. Just Andrew and Scott. That was all that was needed. I had my doubts when Scott said he was going to give every character air time this season. It may have been an uneven season but overall I think it was successful. As a viewer I have much more of a sense of who these characters are. I'm also glad TD realized they can't have actors from the show on only when their character dies. Next season we finally get Chandler RIgg. I wonder how much of a growth spurt he'll have over the summer.
  10. I think they were on high alert to begin with. So he sees the poncho and maybe thinks, "mmm that looks familiar." but then he sees the pocketwatch and is convinced something is fishy then acts.
  11. If they are luring people in on the regular and as Kierstyn noted they are stockpiling those they don't invite to join them, then they could have an endless supply of soylent green.
  12. I don't know if I need things wrapped up all neat and tidy. As long as they are moving forward, I'm okay. I think getting Darryl away from Joe's gang, having most of the team reunited are all good forward moving steps. I also think the exchanges between Rick & Darryl and Michonne & Carl were all nice character growth motions.
  13. Yes they did. There was also someone wearing Maggie's poncho and Glenn's body armor.
  14. I haven't liked Rick for a very long time but he won me over this week. For once they behaved like folks living in the ZA and didn't trust ANYONE. Maggie & Glenn had to vouch for the new folks. When he said, "They done messed with the wrong one" (paraphrasing), I cheered. I'm still worried about Carol & Tyreese , but they can keep Beth.
  15. I have no idea what I would do. I am a true blue city gal. I have a bug out bag but the closest I've ever come to roughing it is the occasional hike on the local hiking trail.
  16. I live tweet. For some shows it's more fun.
  17. Just realized something else. In the same episode when Carol finds Lizzie outside by the fence crying she's says, "They killed Nick". Nick was the walker she named. Kid's dad just died and she's more upset over a walker who got his head bashed in. Yeah, Lizzie was a nutjob from day 1.
  18. I don't think he has Asperger's. I think he supposed to be the stereotypical basement dweller who's only friends are online in whatever guild he's part of or fighting against.
  19. I want something good for defense against walkers, catching food and defense against humans. I want a gun and a hammer. I'm one of those nerdy folks that actually has a bug out bag so I like the idea of having weapons I could strap to a tool belt if I need to be hands free.
  20. Sorry I worded that badly. What I meant to say was other than Maggie & Glenn worrying about each other no one seemed concerned about lost relatives or loved ones.
  21. I for one hope they do stick to all original characters. I sometimes think part of what slows down the tv show is trying to introduce comic characters. It builds up an expectation that often cannot be met. I'd rather see new characters unhindered by those limitations. I disliked the introduction of Eugene/Rosita/Abraham because they tried so hard to make them look like the comic characters they looked too cartoonish to be taken seriously.
  22. And that's why her drag fails for me. The pregnant drag? Missing follow though with the character. She should have mocked a few of the actresses who have done very pregnant RC appearances. Her Julia Childs Snatch Game drag? No bite. She could have gone full Dan Ackroyd SNL Julia or at least had flour or a rubber chicken and made jokes.
  23. I agree with the foolishness of the pregnancy, but Lena & Steph did discuss the pregnancy. They were looking at/interviewing donors together before Timothy offered to be sperm donor and together they foolishly decided to inseminate before having the donor contract signed. It was just that Steph had "buyers remorse" after everything jumped off at the dance and the Ana mess reared it's ugly head.
  24. I finally figured out who Jerry is. It's the kid that played Jack's son on LOST. Anyway, I love Scandal and the crazier it gets, the more I like it. I am also the only one in that special handbasket that like Quuck. *ducks* Quinn and Liv apparently both bought thir front doors from the same company, because their men folk seem to stroll up in their apartments any time they feel like it
  25. I agree. The information Mika shared about Lizzie not being quite right and that calming technique seemed straight out of family therapy. My guess is Lizzie was unstable pre-ZA. AMC is airing a marathon today. I'm watching episode 4.2 and even then Mika was trying to tell folks that Lizzie had issues. After their father dies Carol is telling Lizzie she can't be weak, she has to act fast. Mika tells Carol, "She's not weak, she's messed up." In hindsight I think this was her 8 year old way of trying to tell people that er sister is crazy.
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