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Everything posted by cynicat

  1. Fair enough. By the way, did he have more than 1 outfit?
  2. I never believed that Tammy would ever get the surgery, but perhaps that last near death episode impacted her more than we know. It was heartwarming to see her succeed and agree she sure seems to be committed to following the rules.
  3. I watched, but must have zoned out as to exactly how the drip gas ended up in the passenger seat. How did that happen?
  4. Say what you will about Amy and MIchael (and there is definitely plenty to say), IMO they sure make beautiful babies.
  5. That one I totally get. I personally know a few people (including me) who react to some of the scents, dyes, and/or additives. Plus, I want something that does NOT have those awful scents. They have to see the growth of products like Seventh Generation.
  6. Not a trainwreck! You could see him turn around when Dr. Now took him to task at that first follow up. I can't wait to see a follow-up and I think he'll be a great success. I love episodes like this.
  7. I totally plan on using that as my next screen name.
  8. I hate to admit it but I did a chuckle when they said Tammy needed a bitch-orcist. This is all incredibly manipulative and producer-driven, yet I still watch. It would make me very happy to see Tammy do well.
  9. You know, at the end of the day, I still like this show 🙂
  10. I'm finding Tubi to be a free hidden gem. There are some really good non-mainstream documentaries, true crime/forensic shows and even a few fascinating reality shows.
  11. I can watch these types of episodes all day long. They followed the diet! What a concept. I'm not bothered by only seeing the beginning of their journey since it begs for a part2 and/or a WATN.
  12. She can't do that. It's like asking a heroin addict to only shoot a small amount, or an alcoholic to only have 1 beer and then stop.
  13. Not sure if this has been discussed recently. If you have Discovery Plus, are you happy with it? There are so many shows where D+ is the last to get the episodes and I've had access to them elsewhere. Am I the last holdout? I'm ready to hit the cancel button because I'm not seeing the point.
  14. I am not a fan in any way, shape of Meghan at this moment, however I'm curious as to how she's a grifter?
  15. I think you nailed it @Mothra. The anger towards Dr. Proctor is increased because I believe he used to point to her as a great success, and then he told her she was in last place. That probably needs unpacking with a therapist, not sure she's doing it. Didn't Vanessa say something about one of Meghan's triggers being when someone praises or compliments Vanessa?
  16. It's mentioned at the top of this very page.
  17. Feel free to skip this post if you don't give a flip about the stats. The sensitivity/specificity rates can be found here: Cologard stats I think this is compelling, as long as it's understood that a screening test is not a confirmatory diagnostic tool: (Tlhis is why I don't get the insurance company's reasoning)
  18. I believe you lose weight and keep it off due to portion control, and more importantly, through food aversion.
  19. But those are often the best posts!!
  20. I don't dislike her as much as many others, however I agree with @Mindthinkr about it being repetitive. She uses the same ingredients that she prepares in slightly different ways. Usually Mexican with jalapeños and pepper flakes. It's become boring.
  21. I particularly liked the president saying: "you look like Phil Spector wiped his ass with Randy Quaid".
  22. Personally, I think the puppy is one up over the truck.
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