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Everything posted by cynicat

  1. I know this isn't local, but it always feels local so I'm posting here. Over the years I've watched the cheesy Bob's Discount furniture commercials with a wince and a laugh. Kudos to them for having brilliantly transitioned to the animated little Bob as the real Bob decided to step back. It was pretty seamless.
  2. I struggle with the idea of saying it's Amy's money. It's not like she came into the marriage with it, so doesn't it really belongs to them both? I have that same reaction when husbands say that when their wives are not working outside the home. I'm taking the children out of the equation, because I think they are figured in to decide how their money should be divided.
  3. There's something oddly full circle about a Doctor Who actor dying on Christmas Day.
  4. What makes me feel better for the ones who don't win is that they can (and do!) still launch amazing careers in baking, just for being on the show.
  5. Also, as Noel pointed out, Josh could have been wrong. Regardless, this season was an absolute delight!
  6. After Matty made a raw lardy cake, I thought for sure it would be Josh. However, as they were about to announce the winner, I immediately realized Josh didn't have that same fun, outgoing personality as Matty and knew he would get the cake plate. That's not to say Josh should have won, but it was likely very close. As for Dan, well it wasn't his day (and he knew it). Also, loved when Allyson asked Josh what he was going to miss most and without missing a beat said, "you".
  7. Pretentious, high-maintenance, no-talent bitches? (Oops, did I say that out loud?)
  8. Oh wow. That one hurts me a bit too much, but it is certainly lovely. 💔
  9. We need more shelter ads like this ❤️
  10. It's not that the second commercial is bad, it's the bait-and-switch part that stinks. I actually like that newer commercial as a stand alone, but find it annoying when it jarringly cuts off the nice and pleasant ringing of the Hershey's kisses bells
  11. The unfortunate answer to all of your questions is 'No'.
  12. When she chucked that lemon I truly laughed out loud. It was the perfect way of telling Noel to fuck off.
  13. I think Jovi is missing the real reason as to why Yara is upset. Shocking, I know. He's caught up in the fact that he's not "technically" cheating but really he should be looking at why he continues to do something that seriously upsets his wife. Considering Yara mentioned this on the show, I have to believe she has told him her deep-seated insecurities about her looks. Going to strip clubs to ogle beautiful women is cruel. I can't decide if he's merely a totally clueless husband who doesn't get it, or is being passively aggressive and mean.
  14. This show needs to be renamed as 90 Day: Schadenfreude.
  15. What accent was she trying for? It wasn't NY/NJ and it was a shitty Boston accent if that's what she wanted. I loved the episode but that distracted me a tad.
  16. Plus, wasn't it during Baked AlaskaGate that we learned if it's in the trash it basically doesn't exist? Get it on the plate at all costs.
  17. Jovi is a 14 year-old boy who doesn't want to be an adult. Yara should cut bait.
  18. I think the wagon wheels looked an awful lot like MoonPies with spokes.
  19. I sometimes find her bluntness refreshing although having no filter at all can get old. Personally, I can't get enough of watching Nicola's sanctimonious ass get pwned.
  20. This might be the first time I have ever chuckled at the opening.
  21. I agreed with her on one point--all the guys were saying that Kelly worked his whole life and deserved a break. Molly has done the same thing and more, building a successful business while raising children . It doesn't mean he has to help her, but please stop with the double standards. FWIW, that doesn't mean I like her, but I do respect her for that.
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