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Everything posted by Brookside

  1. The Dolly sisters are insufferable. I can neither watch them nor listen to them.
  2. Anyone else notice how terrified Cole looked on the water slide? Phil's trousers -- always a source of entertainment.
  3. Am I the only one who hates Lily? She (the actress) is so wooden and her lines are delivered in the same stilted way every week. IMHO she's even worse than Luke and Manny, who I can't stand.
  4. That caterpillar on Gordon's lip is an abomination. And is his wife being played by a different actress?
  5. Can anyone tell me where Natasha is from and whether she has ever suffered a tragedy that she could use as blatant judge manipulation?
  6. Ken's (I think) huge orange/red thing looked way too heavy and bulky for resort wear IMHO. Alyssa's awful silhouette was bad enough, but then at the end I saw it also had an unforgivable outside zipper.
  7. As someone above said, Palmer could have declined to appear. For me it seemed that part of the problem was their different personalities - Palmer stiff and boring, Amar loud and exuberant. Though I don't recall seeing Palmer on anything else so I may be wrong.
  8. Nope, still don't know who Michelle is. Don't forget Debbie also said she was a photographer. When Julia (?) and Peter (?) were in the water she had one strap off. She must have totally been flashing him.
  9. Thanks. Maybe she had to pee? Or change her underwear. I know I would.
  10. The whole show terrified me! Like Blackwing I initially thought they were going to drive themselves, and the thought of non-stickshift-enabled racers struggling on the ice was not a happy one. No way could I have got the first clue, nor could I have done the baguette delivery. Maybe, just maybe I could have forced myself to paraglide. I have huge respect for those afraid of heights who managed to do the tasks. I would have been taking time penalties. Since, like others, I can't tell most of them apart, I can't help you with this :-)
  11. And here I was thinking she must work for the water authority in Flint, Michigan.
  12. I didn't realize Kwame was opening his own restaurant. I hope he's very successful. And I hope he has an appetizer of fried chicken and mashed potatoes!
  13. I was really expecting Tom to offer him a position at one of his places, whether short or long-term.
  14. Dr Choi sure has a great body. More shirtless scenes please.
  15. Other star of tonight's episode: Kwame's crotch.
  16. What happened to the Bed and Breakfast Carson and Hughes were going to run? We know Carson bought the building. Just another conveniently forgotten plotline? And anyone else notice how crunchy whatever Daisy was mashing was? Certainly not boiled potatoes - maybe potato crisps . . .
  17. More on Mitch's control freak dad - what an insensitive jerk to have his hand on his fiancée's (bare) knee in front of his ex-wife. (And Mitch is a jerk too for inviting her.)
  18. You can get some of the frozen herbs at Trader Joes. Also glad that sulky Phillip didn't win.
  19. It's as if Wardrobe shops at Ross for her clothes - most of what she wears is so cheap looking. And what was with the President's hair going from mainly dark to snowy white during the walk from the situation room to the Oval Office?
  20. I wanted the cheerleader to give up before Justin and Diana arrived and take the time penalty. Then again I knew the Justin had at least a 30 minute penalty.
  21. I assume the nurse who found it gave it to him and he tucked it under the sheet. We knew he was planning to propose that night.
  22. I thought Russell must have had a heart attack or something, he looked so dreadful.
  23. Yes, ABC. This show reminds me why I like GBBS so much --- format, chefs, time allowed to bake, judges, contestants, lack of drama, supportive contestant's, and lack of ads (though of course ABC will have ads). I realize it's a very different show, but I won't be watching this one anymore --- too much manic running around, not long enough to cook, professional contestants (some of whom don't seem to be able to bake), the drama, and the mainly insufferable judges.
  24. I've seen this happen plenty of times in the US.
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