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Cosmic Muffin

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Everything posted by Cosmic Muffin

  1. She does look weirder above, there is too much more space between her nose and her upper lip. The ratio was already off, but it's more pronounced now. She was such a lovely woman with her original face. I wonder where she's going to end up. Not that looks are everything, the personality was always lacking.
  2. The last GIF must be what it feels like when people who do nothing ever, then go on vacation, and then they get criticized for not paying their child support and The Man threatens to put one of the deadbeats in jail, and they don't understand why everyone doesn't support them in going on vacation instead of paying their kid's tuition and rent. Or something metaphorical and completely unfair like that...
  3. C'mon, kids don't need purses at all. Besides, North is the real accessory here. Poor kid.
  4. My cousin borrowed money for college from our aunt (not his mom), and dropped out three credit hours short of a degree. And, I guess now credits start dropping off after 7 years, so he can't just take a 3 hour sociology class sometime and have a BA. She even said she'd waive his debt if he'd just finish his degree, but he opted to not repay her or get his degree. He's dating an ambitious woman who gets them both jobs where they travel a lot, but many people in the family feel strongly about all this. Cousin also borrowed and did not return aunt's boogie board (they live in CA), and don't we hear about that on the way home from events when someone else is driving and she's drunk. Carry on...
  5. I'd like to see them skip the fame whores and do more than breasts and noses. This episodes' breast patient appeared to be a natural platinum blond, thin, with blue eyes, something sold all over the world as the feminine ideal (and yes, breasts disproportionately large for the thin body are part of the image) and she still thought she needed some fake breasts. I'm glad they got her something natural sized for her body and that's she's happy with them. Her husband seemed like a great guy who wanted her to get her breasts done for her. So glad her *seventh* breast surgery worked out well. I hope she leaves them alone now.
  6. I had a dream where I had just arrived at my cube at work, and Katya came by and asked to borrow some money. She was out of drag, so I guess she was Brian. In the dream I wasn't surprised that he seemed to work with me. He said he needed to borrow money, I pulled two fives and a twenty out of my pocket and asked if he wanted to borrow 5, 10 or 20 dollars. He took the twenty and left. There was more, but that was the Drag Race part. I blame the eclipse. I wish our interaction was more exciting in the dream.
  7. Re: popcorn, I learned recently that corn is ok for dogs, popcorn is ok for dogs, but unpopped kernels of popcorn are generally not good for dogs. Carry on...
  8. I think he was better looking one nose job back. Now he has too much space above his upper lip and his nose. His nose didn't even look big before. He seems decent in contrast to the loathsome Dr. Terry, but I don't think he's a prize. He shares custody with his ex Adrienne, and I sure wouldn't want her on the periphery of my life.
  9. Legs Akimbo, then I could have children: Knees and Arms. And let me add, after a misheard word conversation with my brother, another drag name. "Please welcome to the stage, Sir Francis Vegan!"
  10. Caitlyn is abhorrent, privileged, checked out and many other unpleasant things. But I also think she is just plain dumb. Uneducated, ignorant, but also an IQ south of 100. And she doesn't care to learn anything or expand her horizons in any direction. It is infuriating that she gets so much attention.
  11. JD5166, Every episode features a couple of regular people who have (usually) botched nose jobs or botched boob jobs. Sometimes there are other issues, someone got breast implants put in their ass, someone had cement fillers injected into their face, for example. Then there is a third person who gets turned down by the doctors, because what they want is dangerously extreme, like the women who wants ginormous breasts, or ribs removed. You could apply for the show. You might have to pretend that your mastectomy scars are preventing you from...something. Letting your partner see you naked, or having the confidence to learn to fly a plane. You can't just have scars you want to remove. And if they accept you, you might end up with larger implants then you'd like. And if you have a partner, you have to film a reveal where your partner pretends they haven't seen your breasts since before the surgery. Go for it, though, why not apply? They'll show your blurry breasts on t.v., but you'd get some excellent work done for free.
  12. That is some incoherent yet impassioned group of letters and emojis. It would almost be insightful if the "hollow" referred to Tyga's character, his life, his ambitions (or any of these people's, really) but I guess the chain he wears aren't solid but hollow.
  13. We changed our cable package to save money and lost Logo. I hope VH1 or some other channel airs Bob's Suspiciously Large Woman. I like Bob. I think that's a great title, too. I'm sure I'll catch this sometime, but I'm impatient.
  14. Just catching up with this season. Liberty is my favorite type of patient on this show. A normal person with a natural deformity, cleft palate and nose issues. And her results were the best; she feels pretty just looking more normal, and she wanted to be more confident in her 30s. And to breathe better. The twins were ridiculous. The fitness model who walked again after a car accident was somewhere in the middle.
  15. Angelyne is iconic, but I'm not trying to age like her. Kim is headed in that direction.
  16. Introducing Sheer Desperation, by Kanye. And no, that isn't the name of a drag queen. Although, "Please welcome Sheer Desperation to the stage" has a nice ring to it.
  17. I prefer things I can read at work to listening to things at work, so while I've read the synopsis and comments, I haven't listened to this. So I am just now figuring out that the two old hookers are not Max and Neve. Good to know.
  18. Speaking of Laganga's Rachel Zoe voice, I like TKB's talking head where she asked the producer if Rachel Zoe really sounds like a robot. Unseen producer,"no." Then TKB deadpanned,"That's unfortunate." Four and six are my favorite seasons.
  19. Here, at 2:50 So, Trixie Mattel is a drag queen who was on RuPaul's Drag Race, season 7. She has a Youtube series with another drag queen from that season, called UNHhhh. Trixie was abused by his step dad, who called him "Trixie" to make fun of him being gay and not masculine enough. Trixie took the name back as his drag name, and his style is not at all natural woman, but deliberately exaggerated, possibly doll like. In the latest episode of their show, Trixie talks about how his manager got a call from Botched asking if Trixie could be on. They assumed that under the make up he'd had grotesque work to look like his drag face. He's actually a good looking man, who hasn't had any apparent work. Their second question was would he like to have work done to look more like his made up self. They both declined, but I think they were totally setting him up to be the weird third person featured on the show who gets turned down. He was pretty disgusted by the whole thing. I found this interesting, and thought I'd post it here. Trixie has a good country album out, check it out if that's your sort of thing. Link to album preview of Two Birds I tried to link the album cover, which has Trixie/Brian in and out of drag, but I couldn't figure out how to do that.
  20. A friend of mine moved in with his boyfriend about 15 years ago. Their home was purchased by his boyfriend's late partner, who had died at home, and the boyfriend never cleaned any of his later partner's stuff out of the house. The late boyfriend had purchased the house when the family of four that owned it went off to Jonestown and perished. And no one ever cleaned out their stuff. So. a couple years ago when the boyfriend retired and they sold the house and moved, they had to go through a ton of really depressing stuff and make decisions about what to do with it. The family that went to Jonestown had all their kids report cards and school pictures, all their papers for the parents degrees and their professional lives, their wedding album. I think they ended up hiring someone to toss most of it. Boyfriend is something of a hoarder, and my friend never felt like he could go through this stuff, nor did he want to. I just think that having all that tragic stuff in the basement and wherever would have a bad energy for the occupants. Whether they moved or not, I'd glad they aren't living with all that stuff belonging to the dead. I just thought I'd put this here...
  21. I love mysteries, JakeyJokes, I would read yours! The only cross dressing mystery series I know of is Mehmet Murat Somer's, the first book is The Kiss Murder. The protagonist owns a night club and does freelance IT work while getting involved in mysteries. They're translated from Turkish, and the translations seem pretty good.
  22. Thanks, CaioF! The finale really should have been longer. So should the reunion. Maybe next season.
  23. I've carefully remained unspoiled about the finale and the winner, I got my Indian takeout, I was all set to watch something I've been looking forward to all week, all day, and ten minutes before it ended, the t.v. lost the cable signal! I decided I'd be ok being spoiled about whether it was Peppermint or Sasha, rather than waiting any longer. Any of the top four would have been fine with me, but I really liked Sasha. I hope they all have great careers post show, although I wouldn't mind it if Valentina faded from the public eye.
  24. Vacation from what? Having babies and not paying their bills? (Not directed at you, alexa)
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