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Cosmic Muffin

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Everything posted by Cosmic Muffin

  1. Todrick has recorded a video on YouTube responding the the criticisms about the choreography that he gave Thorgy. I'm not even going to talk about the content; I want to remark that it's 16 minutes long, and the whole time Todrick is wandering around someplace under construction, with jackhammers and everything else. Regardless of what he's saying now, I don't understand why he recorded this in this loud place.
  2. I haven't watched this yet, but I'm so looking forward to seeing Questlove; I enjoy seeing him in anything. Best moment of Parks and Rec - him dropping the microwave.
  3. I'm glad this show is back, I need to catch up on some of the episodes. I was glad to see Jemaine Clement as the priest sponging off Dodo and making everyone listen to his music.
  4. I have liked Milk in the past, I like the alternative drag and I love figure skating. But I don't think I have any sense of who Milk really is, which might work in her favor. In season 6 Milk got into huge fights with both Adore and Gia, which they left out, but I don't think Milk is as mellow and cerebral as she'd like to be or as she'd like us to think she is.
  5. Aja and House of Aja are on a recent Hey Qween episode, and at the end when they played Look at Huh! They showed Milk, and Johnny said Milk was a bit mysterious and asked Aja to tell them something they wouldn't know about Milk. Aja was complimentary about Milk, and said they'd worked together for years, but she also said that Milk is a big crybaby. I wonder if this episode had anything to do with Aja saying that, because I think Aja might have been trying to soften the bad impression Milk made tonight. I'm not sure how long ago Hey Qween was filmed though. I recommend the whole episode, Aja came off pretty well. She said that "Hey, Sis" "brings warmth", like it's a friendly greeting.
  6. I forgot to say earlier that I think throwing a lip sync challenge is a talent. I think Dela did it this episode and Katya did it in AS2, and when the rules are that the winner chooses who goes home I don't blame them a bit. Although we could someday see an AS lip sync where both queens are trying to lose and they both end up just lying on the floor. Anyway, I think Dela didn't try to win the lip sync and that's fine.
  7. Kennedy was funny this episode, and I was so proud to see it! Glad she's still on the show. I was thinking Thorgy was in the bottom last week, but no, she wasn't. Not too disappointed to see her go. I wish she'd gotten some really good therapy between her season and now. Bitter and paranoid isn't entertaining. I'm really liking Dela and Aja. I guess there isn't any reason why alliances shouldn't be formed, but I be Shangela was counting on Dela winning. Although they reveal later who they chose. Hmmm.
  8. She forgot about her other bio kids a long time ago, but Kris is ok with that.
  9. Link Caitlyn being a jerk about her bio kids while just about denying her step kids.
  10. Suzie killed the three or four members of the book club on Earth, I can't think of anyone else, but I could be forgetting something. She killed the family dog, too. The Mage killed Suzie's boss, but I can't think of anyone else he succeeded in killing. She sent the soldiers to earth and there were casualties on both sides. My heart breaks for Bart wanting the happy ending but not getting it, and losing her only friend.
  11. Poor Bart, she thought she was a leaf in the stream of creation, she decided to try to kill fewer people, she wanted the happy ending, and she ends up believing she's just a tool, a weapon. If she decided Ken needs killing my heart breaks for her, but Ken doesn't stand a chance and he should be less nonchalant about that. I hope Rapunzel is ok. I hope there will be a third season that is more satisfying than this.
  12. I'm in this mainly for Bart, and for Bart and Ken together, and I'm not liking the fairy tale stuff or the feuding families led by stubborn jerks who will not listen. Actually, no one is listening to anyone these last few episodes, I find impassioned speeches annoying. So, I'm not really enjoying this season that much. I hope they get a 3rd season and that it's an improvement over this. When Dirk said he's usually several steps ahead of whatever is going on, and he's felt like he's three steps behind I felt like that's a flaw this season. I do like the character that captured Dirk, and now I want to name something Bibbit.
  13. I think she went to someplace that used a bicycle pump on her face. In positive, transperson news, Henry Lewis Gates, Jr. recently featured Janet Mock on his show, Finding Your Roots. All the episodes this season have been really well done, this one included.
  14. Are there not nannies? Poor Stella, if true.
  15. There is a 10th queen, and who it is has been spoiled, if you want to spoil yourselves. Reddit has the spoilers, or you can wait and be surprised!
  16. What will it take for Dean to actually end up in jail, and will Candy be ok with that?
  17. I think Tori can still get credit cards, somehow, and she runs up massive debts that Candy pays off every now and then. Will Candy extend to keeping Dean out of jail? I don't know.
  18. Yay for Julie; you can catch a lot of Julie and Brandy on Youtube on Hey Qween, in case anyone here didn't know that.
  19. Yeah, he's rich in magic beans, damaged kids, storage sheds of crap like the bouquet from Tori's first marriage, and...I can't think of anything else. Treasured memories, I guess. Maybe bean dip; if your crazy wife gives you magic beans, make bean dip. Men/Women, don't breed with the crazy! Sometimes you can't tell someone is crazy until it's too late, and some people are a Russian parade of red flags. Do not have children with these people! If you figure out someone is crazy, stop having kids with them.
  20. On the other hand, how happy is Mary Jo that she only had one child with Dean, and he's now college and and presumably she doesn't have to communicate with D&T much, if at all? I don't think she's happy about how her marriage ended, or that the IRS took Jack's money, or Dean owes $100,000 in back child support (I wonder if she'll ever see that money? Did Jack get his money back?). And financially raising her daughter was probably hard, but she didn't have to coparent with Dean or deal with Tori. The daughter is younger and home longer, but Dean might be just about out of her life. T&D are tied to each other with their 5 kids, the youngest whom they'll be raising for the next 18 years. But yeah, Tori is probably freaking out about the idea of menopause specifically, and aging/Dean leaving in general. Possibly TMI, I'm now 4 years older than my mother when she went through menopause and I'm not there yet. I've never wanted bio kids (I have cats, that's enough) since I was 13 I've wanted to throw my uterus into traffic each month, and it just won't retire. I'm not freaking out, and I may have some pangs when it does stop, but I will also be so happy to have that era over.
  21. Oh, and having bio kids was something she had over Mary Jo (in her mind anyway). Menopause can only be for the good (stop having high risk pregnancies for kids you already neglect and can't afford for the wrong reasons!), but the idea of it might push her to an even darker place.
  22. Tori and Dean had their little reality shows, and I think those were pretty good for them, financially, and in terms of what they had to do for them and the attention it brought them, I think the kids fared ok on those shows too. But then they did the last reality show where she publicly punished him for cheating, and that completely destroyed the brand. I'm not sure people even tuned in to that last show, but it revealed her to be the broken mess that she is, as well as the cracks in their marriage. They can't go back to the cutesy family stuff from that, and they can't change or resolve their issues. They, Tori mainly, killed the golden goose, is what I'm saying. Neither of them really has other prospects. They might do the occasional guest spot, but I don't think they'll really work in t.v. or movies again. She just had to let everyone know that the cheater she cheated on her first husband with cheated on her (duh!) and that she was the victim more than she could play the long game for their marketability. Not to mention what filming that show probably did to the kids, and of course they'll be able to find it later.
  23. The show is losing in the ratings to the weather channel!
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