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Everything posted by Absolom

  1. https://edition.cnn.com/2023/02/10/entertainment/zach-roloff-emergency-surgery/index.html
  2. This "problem" has such a ready, simple fix: shut up, Amy.
  3. Choosing to separate doesn't have to come from an explosive argument. It can be as simple as I can't take this situation. I think when Janelle separated before it was more from Meri than Kody. Wasn't one of their kids conceived during a "separation?"
  4. Here we go with the emergency surgery, if it really was, because Zach can't keep up with regular attention to his medical issues. I can see Tori screaming emergency brain surgery!!! AAckk. All because Zach needs regular maintenance of the shunt.
  5. For me it's anything Gain scented. I've had to switch to Tide Free lately due to some skin irritation from the perfumes in detergents.
  6. I have echos on the regular. They do not have to press hard. My cardiologist had a tech who always left me bruised (well twice). He used the lame excuse of he had to press harder. I complained and the dr fired him. The new tech doesn't press hard at all. She says it's about proper positioning and angle not pushing. My heart is slightly off from where they expect it to be.
  7. I may be unpopular but after very dark bruises and pain that lasted two weeks, I've become a crank about it. I've made one tech stop and remove the plastic and go get someone else. I've told others to stop cranking the pressure or release it some. I had a long discussion with one of the techs where I go and she said there was no reason for me to have pain. She told me it isn't the compression that matters as much as not moving. She has never put me in pain or left bruises so it can be done. If someone had me in or near tears, I'd complain to as many people in management at the place as I could find. There's no excuse for it. If it hurts that much, they should stop and reschedule when you've healed. I also refuse to let the fusspot radiologist review mine after she wanted excessive redos. You can refuse to let medical personnel torture you.
  8. Exactly also many times the gift doesn't need to be material. The auntie and uncle of my grandkids like to give experiences such as ice skating, museum trips, or a weekend for one on one attention. The kids will forget toys but hopefully always remember rafting with the uncles.
  9. This sounds like something to fall asleep to on NYE for me. I don't party any more.
  10. Mom’s dog was on a senior food with a joint supplement in it. It worked great for him. He loved bone broth but he loved anything he thought was human food.
  11. Medicaid. Medicare is for people receiving social security from paid work and/or over 65 or disabled.
  12. I don't watch their videos so I can't comment on how really safe or unsafe Zade was, but I did get a laugh at him closing the gate before he went downstairs. I didn't ever use baby gates. I borrowed one and my 12 month old immediately climbed over it. I decided the stairs were safer without it. My daughter removed the gates as soon as the kids could open them or climb over them. They were useless with the granddaughter. Like her mother, she climbed like a monkey. I do wonder what an 18 month old was doing gated upstairs alone. That one makes no sense to me in practical parenting. It does seem they're setting him up to paint his face or the walls with nail polish or makeup or to start flushing things down the toilet.
  13. For the handrail, it would be required where I live for anything more than, I think, 2 or 3 steps. The rail was more for keeping the kids from falling off the stairs. They didn't use it to hold onto. For some reason all the kids at around three wanted to climb the outside of the stairs. That we all stopped immediately. Being a second child, I doubt Zade will be as cooperative as Layla. They may actually have to pay attention to him instead of pacifying him with snack foods.
  14. With a handrail, my kids did stairs between 18 months and 2 years as did my grandkids. This was at home not out in public where they could easily be pushed or become distracted. They never fell onto, down, or off the stairs. If they live with stairs daily, they can learn to navigate them.
  15. Menopause is going to take care of Jill's fertility. Hopefully at some point Jill's kids are going to have to prioritize their own families. I expect the in-laws will speak up at some point.
  16. ALERT isn't IFB. It's strictly Gothard/IBLP/ATI. Gothard's work and organization dove tail with IFB and many or most of the families are members of IFB churches. Their ideologies are very similar.
  17. Yikes, the recreation is worse than what she wore. This looks cheap and lacking in style.
  18. It works when the couple takes the time to actually get to know one another. JD was wise to gain some freedom and advice before looking for a spouse.
  19. The best part of TLC airing the wedding as a special is that it's possible the only people getting paid for it are the Brown's shown in it.
  20. I've stalled out on it a bit. There's a limit to how many stories of abuse I can absorb/endure. I understand there were so many victims and they all want to and deserve to tell their story, but I don't have the bandwith. Funny/sad story: when we were clearing out my parents' house we found a copy of one of the Hyles-Anderson books. Yikes. I think it's titled How to Be the Wife of a Happy Husband.
  21. Can I just reach through the screen and "snatch that jackass bald?" Kody deserves every bad thing that comes to him in the rest of his life.
  22. Yes, it was pay off the two lots that had loans or they could lose what they had put into them as they would revert to the seller.
  23. I'm guessing that due to finances, Robyn and Kody are going to have to downsize to a three or four bedroom house. The last daughter in college can live in the dorm and visit during breaks. David and Aurora will have to fend for themselves (as they should) since Kody won't be able to afford them any more. Robyn's storage unit fees may break them. Solomon and Ariabellaboo have to learn to help around the house because Robyn can barely manage working and comes home to stay on the sofa. Meri vanishes from the narrative and goes off living her own life. Christine continues putting everything on instagram and Janelle finds a business she likes and can still run while visiting all her kids in rotation.
  24. We get at least one more. Christing and Janelle have mentioned filming it in interviews.
  25. I tend to think Kody's chances of getting the county to approve his redrawn plans, should he ever make it to the planning council level, are near zero.
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