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Everything posted by Absolom

  1. For me a bit of consideration is accepting one's friends and relatives may need to wear glasses to see and not seeing them as frumpy or disturbing or "ruining photos." I think I'd have been insulted if my kids thought I should remove my glasses so their wedding photos were not ruined or disrupted or made frumpy.
  2. Maybe they'll hire an actual licensed contractor who will order the proper size cabinets, pull the misaligned bricks off the wall, and properly install the dishwasher and stove.
  3. I think that's a TLC line given to Jen. Kate Gosselin used to say it all the time. It seems to make the fans feel that cancelling the show would then "deprive" the children. It's also cover for we're dragging these children around just to make episodes of a TV show.
  4. Ratings are in and down a bit: 1.224 M viewers and a .21 rating.
  5. Pennsylvania passed a law requiring a small percentage of the proceeds from the show be put in trust for the kids. The law was passed covering Pennyslvania only because of the Gosselin show. Many, many people were involved in getting that passed. That's the ONLY reason Kate put aside what she did. Arkansas has no such provision. There is nothing really requiring participants on reality shows to be paid. Many people are shown without monetary compensation and that is legal. TLC frequently signs a contract with a family production company and pays that company. Then it is up to the family members to work out who gets how much and participates how often.
  6. Yeah, Austin being saved is at the top of his list as it should be for a good fundie manboy. He doesn't want to let us forget that or think he puts Joy ahead of that.
  7. I think he said they are going to be non-religious.
  8. It doesn't need to be fixed. If they don't announce within the next few days, they'll have made it a year of marriage without a pregnancy announcement. :) They have definitely made it a year without a "blessing."
  9. I don't think it's campus housing since neither is enrolled, but it seems it is Cross Church housing for people in their "ministry program."
  10. My daughter danced with a girl who was always, always the weakest in the group. Her mama insisted she dance and the girl said she enjoyed it. She never had a solo and she and mama never once complained. Sometimes you need to acknowledge where you are in the place of things. Nia would look a lot better if she acknowledged she's not a top dancer. It's not a failing to not be a natural. Christie seems even worse than she was the first season or two. I'm reasonably sure production told her to bring the drama.
  11. The "program" Derick is in can include housing or not. It does look like they went with the housing included option. The housing has to be cheap since they only take off about $2K for not using their housing option.
  12. That question makes no sense to me. I'm sorry. I was responding to someone asking why Cheryl Burke would agree to appear on Dance Moms.
  13. I've seen a lot in life, but never used diapers on a dresser. I have seen stinky, nasty piles of diapers in a regular trash can though.
  14. I don't see anyone doing with Will the kinds of things we do with grandson. Maybe they're doing it off camera, but not getting results. The day before his sister's party, we took him quietly aside and discussed it was HER birthday party and he had had a great party for his birthday and she should have the same opportunity. We looked at some photos on the phone of his party. Right before the granddaughter's party we had a couple sentence reminder. Only once during the party did I gather him up and had him look me in the eye so I knew I had his attention and asked him if he was having the right attitude. He said no. I went wild. I'll do better and he did. Even short as Jen is you can't parent if you don't get in there with them and make sure you have their attention. Chattering at young kids is fairly useless. I wouldn't call Will mean yet, but rather unrestrained. In another couple of years if he isn't corralled, then I'll be a lot more critical. Jen talks to her kids like my daughter used to talk to hers. The now sweetie this isn't really what you should be doing type thing. Daughter learned she needed to be a lot more directive and make sure he understood by making good eye contact and making the kids at least repeat the direction but better explain it.
  15. I'm sorry. Thanks for catching that. Too many Duggarlings for me to track apparently.
  16. Ratings: 1.443 M viewers and a .24 rating.
  17. She should never have labored at home at all with Henry. Attempting a VBAC is one thing, but there is a reason Arkansas doesn't allow licensed midwives to attend them at home. She should have found someone licensed to practice in a hospital who would allow her to attempt a VBAC in relatively safe conditions. I fully expect she tried to be "heroic" and almost killed herself or Henry in the process.
  18. Jeremy said that they have children in the five year plan. He basically outright said they weren't in the one year plan.
  19. A couple of other people who have been on the show who "didn't need" it either were asked why at a dinner I attended. The answer was similar to there's no such thing as bad publicity. You never know who might see it and say let's hire that person.
  20. What happened to the furniture that they used to have? JB was so proud of buying it for them. I guess the "for them" was only for them to use while in one of his houses or doing his bidding.
  21. I finally watched it. So filmed sometime around Zoey's fifth birthday. No, her speech is nowhere near a five year old pattern, but speech therapy is helping. She's not even up to many/most three year olds. She is adorable, but quite behind in development and behavior. So is Will and perhaps to a greater degree. The behavior, Bill and Jen could definitely work on. I think both grandmothers could give them some pointers and probably have. I think at this point Bill and Jen have settled on their decisions and unless something shakes them loose they aren't going to push the kids. It may be that they've been told one or both of them may never catch up and thus have settled on happy. That I've seen from quite a few parents.
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