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Everything posted by Absolom

  1. JB also said that they had medical insurance so they wouldn't have had to be paying the full cost.
  2. Someone dealt with a bunch having chicken pox at the same time perhaps it was Jana. They even did a tour while contagious. I expect they get some vaccinations, but they skipped the chicken pox vaccine for sure.
  3. They did show Josie going to a couple of check ups, but then she is the miracle child.
  4. Their being listed as producers won't avoid the kind of conflict that occurred. There is still a production company and a network. Being producers gives them a bit more money and bit of a say in things, but it doesn't mean a lot of control much less total control. There are still the regular trained and experienced producers and executive producers plus overall is still the network and what they want.
  5. Ratings: 1.127 M viewers and a .18 rating.
  6. It's ratings or salaries or both. I don't think it's a lack of advertisers.
  7. Speaking of showering under the runoff from the roof, if it's 95 degrees out an easy way to get hot water for the bath is sit some pails, buckets, pans, etc. out on the porch in the sun for awhile. Take two or three into the shower with a pitcher and wash away.
  8. For the "documentary" as they pretend them to be reality shows, they have no requirement to pay.
  9. It isn't required that the nanny be paid for filming, but the nanny can refuse to appear without compensation.
  10. Some do and some don't. The local Catholic parish does not. People are put on the prayer list by request and may freely talk to the priest who is nearby, but there is no sermon or religious discussion required to get the food. Many Christians believe that Christ's command to feed the hungry didn't come with strings. Except didn't the Duggar family send them a window unit? I read that they did. I also read that hot water works differently in El Salvador and Derick simply didn't know how to make it function.
  11. I agree it's not a big deal this time. Izzie is very tall for two so could probably reach it in all the normal places to leave rash cream such as in a basket on the changing table. It's what the little ones do. It's nice he put it in his hair which is washable rather than use it as finger paint on the walls or furniture.
  12. Placement by age or placement by achievement/development/ability is one question that's been around for awhile and I used to think only had one "correct" answer. However, as frequently happens life has brought me examples of both working and both not working. One example: we had friends with a daughter with Down Syndrome who was being mainstreamed. The classwork was so far beyond her that even with an aid, she wasn't learning. Her mother took her out of public school and moved her to a small Christian school where they placed her three years below her age. She was short and still fit it height-wise. She then became a child who showed off and bragged about her school work instead of being withdrawn. It can sometimes be the answer. Only Will and Zoey's parents and teachers are close enough to their situation to know the answer of if their current placement is working for them or not. I found that there are positives and negatives on both sides. I can't say if this the "right or wrong" decision for these kids as I've never seen them in person off camera.
  13. They should be able to by the second month of kindergarten (if not before) unless there are issues. I think it's safe to say Will has some issues. I've read and can't remember where that they placed Will in a class by his developmental/achievement level and not by his age. That is more common in private school than public school in our area. It seems to be that the kids are in Catholic parochial school which is probably not a bad place for them with the TV exposure and all.
  14. At that age the difference in 50th percentile and 69th is about a half an inch and within the range of error of measuring an infant. As the pediatrician said, "It depends on how much you stretch them."
  15. Ratings: 1.241 M viewers and a .23 rating. My grandkids' other grandma pulls that kind of stuff. I've been told by my daughter to go ahead and call her out gently and stop it as one grandma to another.
  16. But the question with a person like Audrey is if the height was deliberate. She's passive aggressive enough to do it. No one would probably bat at eyelash at gained 3 pounds since birth, meeting all developmental goals, etc.
  17. You can't just quit a TV contract if he had one. The person is obligated for the length of the contract. There are ways to get out of it and what Derick did is one of them. Well technically a person can walk off and the network can then sue the person. It's usually best to get negotiated out of a performance contract.
  18. It isn't like 69th percentile is exactly tall either. She hasn't the sense to know when to be quiet.
  19. I know where outlets normally are. I don't think the dentist office waiting room has any and neither does my rheumatologist's waiting room. A charging station is an area made for people to charge devices and is usually a shelf or counter type thing with multiple outlets so many devices can be charging at the same time. They can be designed in multiple ways, but basically an area established for charging phones, tablets, laptops, etc.
  20. I have never seen anyone charge a phone in a doctor's waiting room. I'm not even sure where to look for outlets in any we visit. I have seen a charging station in a hospital ER though and that I can understand. Unplugging medical equipment anywhere to plug in a phone is beyond rude and narcissistic. Yes, the portable batteries are great and keep people from being such pains to the rest of the world.
  21. Who charges their phone in a medical waiting room? We've found a new level of entitlement. I'm glad we have holidays during Joy Anna's pregnancy or I fear it would seem as long as Jill's. I've developed a new appreciation for people who wait until close to five months to make a public announcement.
  22. Derick picked on a particular person who has a show on the same network. That's a big difference from a general my religious belief is opposed to xyz.
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