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Everything posted by mlp

  1. After this episode. I have given up on Milly. During his season, he seemed mostly quiet and respectful and I liked him despite the awful beard. This season he has seemed to me to get louder and more arrogant and foul-mouthed every episode which, I assume, is what he's really like. Speaking of his beard, how is it that he has a long icky braid hanging down during rewards but not during service? Is there such thing as a beard extension he can put on and take off or are the rewards really not filmed when they say they are? So now I guess I'll pull for Jennifer and Benjamin. I don't even mind Van too much. He's not a type I'd want to spend time around but at least he's usually cheerful. I can't stand Elise OR Michelle so I hope they both get sent packing soon.
  2. I agree with Cory and have written a small rant about that very thing from time to time. I blame FN for some of it because they started long ago calling even KIDS on their various shows "chef" - which they are not. I think what surprises me the most is that I occasionally hear people who actually are chefs call the kids "chef."
  3. I thought Stephanie Izard vs. Leah Cohen was the worst episode of ICA ever. Neither side of the competition had any energy and the plating was just terrible. I didn't want to try a single dish. I do think Stephanie edged out Leah but they were both disappointing. I am sick of Alton.
  4. I know and I just don't get it. I see nothing at all appealing about someone with food all over their face. It reminds me of those "classic" pictures you see all the time of babies eating spaghetti or birthday cake. It's not cute; it's revolting and also not socially acceptable for adults. It's possible to express enthusiasm about a food without resorting to bad manners. I've seen Guy do that and end up with food in his beard. He apparently thinks it's amusing. It's gross.
  5. I have no idea what Guy saw in Lindsay. She was just a semi-cute girl with no talent and no food authority who just wanted to be on TV. I give him credit for eliminating her which was absolutely the right thing to do. So far, he's sent the right person home each week - IMO anyway. I don't dislike the Grill Dads but, as someone else said, I don't get them and I don't find them amusing. Everyone else seems to be doing at least OK. I don't even have a guess at this point who's going to end up winning.
  6. I'm of just the opposite opinion. I like and respect Jose Garces for his reputation for being an excellent chef, a good businessman and a thoroughly decent human being. I didn't like Kristin Kish when she was on Top Chef and still don't. I find her far more boring than Jose.
  7. I thought Peter should have won too. I thought he did the best overall, especially his tableau. Tanya's matryoshka doll cookie was beautiful but, apparently, dry and I didn't care for her other creations much. (not sure I spelled "matryoshka" right but I've seen it spelled so many ways that I feel safe without looking it up LOL) I remember seeing Peter before on some other show but I don't remember where. Ree looked a lot better this week.
  8. He did eliminate Vinnie. Christian got another chance. At least that's the way I understood it.
  9. I'm confused too. I didn't see the show on Saturday but they're showing a rerun of last week's cookie challenge right now.
  10. Guy made no bones about liking Vinnie and the show was edited to make us think Christian would be eliminated............ and it worked. I was surprised at the end. I like the way Guy sits down with them in private and just talks. I like him much better that way than yelling in DD&D. I do not understand what they see in Lindsay. She's awful. FN really doesn't need another female with a grating voice. Of course, she's the last female standing so they may be afraid to send her packing and end up with an all male group which a lot of viewers seem to resent even if the men are better.
  11. I know but they were usually balanced by a chef or food authority. Jeffrey Steingarten wasn't exactly warm and fuzzy but he knew what he was talking about. (His books are great reads.) So do people like Ted Allen who isn't a chef but has expertise. Maybe it's just me but I hate it when they have TV stars and sports people on Chopped judging working chefs. I could do the same thing but it wouldn't make me an authority.
  12. I like this show but I wish they'd stop using both Sunny and Katie Lee as they both try to make the show all about themselves. If they're on together, I can't even watch. Katie's flirting and Sunny's "teasing" are both obnoxious. I have also been impressed with Sophie both times she's been on but she does need to be told not to stick her fingers in stuff. That kind of thing may go on in restaurant kitchens out of sight of diners but I don't want to know about it.
  13. Part of what made ICA believable and respectable was that they had a panel of three, not two, judges most of whom were authorities in some way. Movie stars and so on were balanced by people who knew what they were talking about. I'm willing to put up with Alton's arrogance if the rest of the show seems serious but, if they start bringing in "foodies" to sit in judgment on professional chefs, I'm out.
  14. Thank you! I thought she looked familiar too but I watch so many cooking competitions that I've started to think everyone looks familiar and has at least been on Chopped. :) I liked her but I thought the young man's tree was more attractive.
  15. I was so eager to see this episode that I finally got around to watching it tonight. The announcer's line about Jared "fighting for his life" was hilarious and probably guaranteed Jared a place in whatever passes for infamy in Hell's Kitchen lore. Now that he's gone, I don't mind any of the rest of the blue team too much (except Robin whom I loathe) although I think overall they're weaker than the women. However, I'm still rooting for Milly. OTOH I think the women are a stronger team but the only one I like is Jennifer. Manda is obnoxious and they give her the lion's share of THs. Maybe that's why.
  16. Omigosh yes. Ree has that very pale skin a lot of redheads have and the makeup, orange hair dye and heavy black eyeliner make her look like a corpse. That and her awful voice always have me wondering why she's so popular although I do think she seems like a nice person.
  17. I love me a man in a suit so I liked Jesse's look when he walked out but, yeah, that jacket didn't fit right. Worse, much worse, he was wearing white socks! With a dark suit! Gah!!!
  18. AFAIC The sooner they get rid of Lindsay the better. She is clearly using the "sex sells" approach and her voice is awful. Guy doesn't seem bothered by either. Also she talks like a teenager. I got a laugh out of Guy telling her that "Loud" doesn't make her an authority or whatever. He must never watch DD&D. I liked the Grandmas but they were the right ones to eliminate. They were so awkward and scattered that their bit was hard to watch.
  19. Me too. In fact, when Erin showed up on FNS, I remember making the comment that I'd never forgive her for beating Bill.
  20. Hmmmm. That would explain why he's not at the table. Why do you think that? I don't know how to tell. I was going to say the same thing about judges. I like Antonia too but there should be three on every competition so there's a "tie breaker." I also liked Marc Forgione. Bobby's gorgeous cat is named Nacho, not Taco. :)
  21. Agreed. It's pretty obvious that he sees himself as the star of the show. Also, he looks awful (and much older) with his head shaved,. I can hardly stand to look at him. I don't mind the new girl reporter but I'd much rather have Kevin. I'm just happy that they brought back the "Chairman." ICA wouldn't seem right to me without him. He should be sitting at the table during judging, not Alton. Overall, I'm glad this show is back and I enjoyed all three related shows last night.
  22. I thought the other grandma looked familiar too but I was less sure of that. Maybe she was on that competition with all grandmas. I can't even remember the name of that show.
  23. Thank you! I never would have figured that out and, for some reason, it didn't occur to me to Google her. Maybe because I didn't recall her name. LOL
  24. I was soooooooooooo relieved that Gavin and his ugly beard didn't win. What a jerk. Poor loser too. I really liked the fellow who won and I was very happy for him. He looked absolutely exhausted by the dessert round. I liked Nick too but I figured he was doomed as soon as he said "risotto." That never works out well.
  25. OK, if that's what she meant, I'll stand corrected. I still think it odd that she claimed she couldn't taste it because of her age. Eating something flavored with an alcoholic beverage isn't considered drinking AFAIK no matter what the drinking age is in her state.
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