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Everything posted by ichbin

  1. If this was the end I'm glad the powers that be tied this up for fans the way they did. It's been a pleasant show to watch...no huge drama and pretty much a fantasy, but sometimes that's all one needs. It did feel final and I'm sorry if it is. Since the inhabitants of Bluebell were essentially the southern Stars Hollow it was nice to see their mutual gazebo surrounded by the townspeople featured in this finale just like in GG.
  2. Just another couple of mysteries...I think the main problem with this show is that they have confused quantity with quality.
  3. I'm trying to stay with this but it's tough. I think they needed to tighten up the various story lines sooner.
  4. Ridiculous is exactly the right word to describe it, but sometimes that makes for good entertainment. I'm hooked so far. I'm glad it has some decent production value too.
  5. It would have been interesting to hear what Simon would have said about Qaasim's performance tonight.... That was one of the most disappointing weeks ever. Aside from a handful of good performances by contestants the best thing was JLo's gown during her performance.
  6. Joey seems like the type of performer who will do well in small venues. I think she needs more intimate settings to do her thing. Qaasim works a stage but those vocals...tonight was really bad. Plus that was a song that needed more clear diction than he gave it. Tyanna on the other hand oozes personality, works the stage and really can sing. She pulls it off, and does it well. HIs best performances have been mostly a decent James Brown imitation. His performance really suffered tonight without the frenetic dancing to distract from the singing.
  7. I thought Janet actually looked better, mostly around the eyes...younger. Can't tell if it's due to make-up or a procedure. Lydia, Chyka, and Gina looked good too. I have trouble getting past Jackie, with her angels and the shine, shine though. I'm nowhere close to being as interested in her as she appears to be in herself. It does seem that Gina and Lydia took some notes from the first season and will be thinking twice before speaking on camera. Janet on the other hand apears to have upped her mean girl level...which I find really nasty in a woman of her age. Could she possibly think that makes her endearing? There's a line betwen a character people love to hate and those who are simply hated. Hope she locates it herself or is directed to it. Anyone missing Andrea? Not me. This franchise entertains me more than any in the US at this point. I'm glad Bravo brought it back.
  8. It always reminds me of Chaka from Land of the Lost.
  9. The first time I saw Joanne Froggatt on Downton Abbey I remembered her from Bad Girls. Her character in that could have been a modern day Anna. I have a feeling casting directors see her as a downtrodden type.
  10. Leeza was the winner even without Trump's endorsement. She is one of the few who came through a season without showing herself to be nothing but an undeserved ego. She was impressive. A class act, respectful of all, and it truly seemed like her driving force for being there was to bring attention and money for her charity.
  11. I remember that too and it felt then like something was being left open. Who knows, it could also be something along the lines of a gender issue. Didn't some character (Elijah maybe?) make some comment about her father in an episode during an earlier season?
  12. Funny how Maddie was upstaged by Kristen Wiig during the Grammy appearance. Have to wonder if someone in a decision making position for the show watches Dance Moms.
  13. I prefer stories to be tied up neatly, so of course I was disappointed. If I want to create my own ending, I'd be writing screenplays instead of being solely a viewer. I really dislike ambiguous endings if a show wasn't already renewed and there is any possibility that the ending is in fact the series finale rather than season finale. I've had enough of the Paul Spencer character now and if there is a third season I don't want it to be about a trial with issues about evidence, etc. Nor do I want to see a manhunt if he survives and somehow manages to escape. Please let it begin with mentinon of his post trial incarceration and nothing more. I realy hope a third season will not feature Katy. She was featured so much (too much) in the second series and her last scene when she was with her friend didnt seem final. The character is too annoying for my taste. I enjoyed the series up until the last episode which had too many WTF moments, not the least of which being that slow stroll through the woods.
  14. Robson Green rarely disappoints so I was glad to see him pop up in something new. If you want to see James Norton in something else try Happy Valley which can be found on Netflix. It's a really good series. Norton plays a totally different type of character and after seeing him in this he's clearly a very good actor. Happy to hear this has been renewed. I'm sold based on the first episode. I should have realized that the secretary was involved considering how the camera focused on her during the funeral. She wasn't featured much after that so I forgot all about her.
  15. One of the sticker sisters lives near Indianapolis and one of the news stations there said they later decided they couldn't part with the business and backed<br />out of the deal. Cuban is supposedly going to stay involved as an adviser.<br /><br />
  16. Maybe he didn't think it was significant. I'm thinking the cop picked it up just because it was something that shouldn't have been there but didnt necessarily have to think it was an actual lead. Then he gave it to the reporter to get him off his back but still thinking it was actually unimportant to the case.
  17. The three sisters pulling $100K/year each at this point and with that profit? $68 and $78 for a modernized dickey?
  18. C'mon! Coffee guy? The redhead from Long Island was better than him.
  19. Oh, the days of never ending O.J. Simpson coverage...and he still hadn't reached the heights of insufferableness that he is at now. Some people mellow and/or develop some sense of self-awareness with age, some don't.
  20. He was fine back in the 70's while an investigative reporter. Now the only thing good I can say it that he appears to be in excellent shape for a man his age (71).
  21. Yes! MasterChef USA could take more than a few notes from this show. I also wanted to know how Norman made those even holes in his biscuits. They all do lovely work. That final challenge was tough considering they were being judged on both their construction skills plus flavor. It seems they choose contestants based more on skill rather than personality (and potential for drama) like far too many other shows.
  22. This is the thrid different show I've seen featuring Sue Perkins and I still don't get her.
  23. This was a fun series. I'm glad things weren't left dangling at the end of the 10th episode in case it doesn't have a second season.
  24. A different story.... FYI...the spoiler is about the first/current series.
  25. Brooke....shut up, shut up, SHUT UP!!! One more thing....stop looking at the camera!!!
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