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Everything posted by Dobian

  1. I meant in terms of how advanced things are today vs 3,000 years ago. The medieval stasis you commented further on.
  2. The problem with this show started to become apparent after the second episode. The first couple of episodes were great. Lots of action, focus on plot. But as the season progressed, I realized this whole season's story was linear plot-driven. The pacing was too fast, and there was no time spent developing relationships with the characters. And when they did have those kind of character-building moments, so much of it was as in this episode with things like "You are as bright as the sun, a warrior...a lioness..." Who talks like that? Just a bunch of cliche-ridden dialogue. When Rand met the Dark One in the alternate reality and Rand turned on him because he said that Egwyne would never want this idyllic countryfied life, I have to take his word for it. How do I know if Egwene would not want that life, or maybe she does? Because of some conversation they had earlier in the season? They have spent very little time together, and most of that time has been spent chasing around to figure out who the Dragon is. I really don't know what Egwene wants, or any of them. When Moiraine got stabbed through the mouth, I was like, well there goes Moiraine. Of course she didn't really die, but if she had, I didn't feel invested enough to have cared too much. I want to care about these characters, but so much of the emotion in the show is hollow. It isn't based on anything I have seen in the story, but on the characters speaking dramatically to each other about whatever pious principle or lofty goal. And a lot of the emotion is cheaply done, like Nynaeve dying in the final battle, and Egwene sobbing...but wait, she's not dead! I'll take GoT or even The Witcher any day with all their layers of gray and the emphasis on politics, intrigue, and Machiavellian gamesmanship over the Light vs. Dark themes I have seen so far in WoT. Another thing that bugs me, is that so many of these fantasy stories take place in medieval worlds. But then you learn that these civilizations have been around for thousands of years. So in the 3,000 year old flashback, the setting looks no different than the present. Everything appears so similar at the White Tower or whatever that the scene might as well have taken place last year. Why does nothing progress in these worlds? 3,000 years of no technological innovation, no industrial revolution? 3,000 years later and people are still living on feudal farms, raising pigs and going to the tavern at night? If you want to make things medieval because everything has to be Tolkien, fine, but why are these worlds perpetually stuck in this stage of civilization? I like the show enough to keep watching season 2, but I hope it does a much better job of growing the characters instead of relentlessly pursuing another Light vs Dark showdown. I want to watch a good television series. So far, WoT feels like a Hollywood movie to me.
  3. He might do the "I'm killing us both" move in some climactic showdown.
  4. Lambert has a T-shirt that says, "FUNCLE"
  5. Well they need to beef up the evidence on all the other missing women and try and find some bodies. Then they would have a case against Kurt. The other circumstantial evidence is too flimsy. Okay, so he lied about face-timing his son. All that proves is he is being weird. He invited podcast girl to his cabin. So what? It's one of those things where a jury would vote not guilty based on the evidence, but if you asked them do they think he did it, they would say "yeah."
  6. Is Kodvid the most hated man in America now? Even the Kardashians have their defenders. Kodvid's approval rating is hovering at 1%.
  7. Great first episode. Creepy MotW, and Nivellen’s story showed that humans can be monsters too. Good plot development with Yennefer and Fringilla. Like others mentioned, I was also thrown off by Ciri’s age change. I also couldn’t understand why Geralt was so quick to write off Yennefer. Okay she’s missing. Maybe you want to do a search, find out if the enemy captured her? No body means death inconclusive. Otherwise, a nice start to the season.
  8. Hateful, sure. But boring? No, a well-written villain is about as great a character as you can find. Ramsay Bolton was a psychotic masterpiece on GoT. And of course there was the deliciously evil Cersei Lannister. Gus Fring was easily the most fascinating character to watch on Breaking Bad and chewed up every scene he was in with his quiet menace. There have been "evil is fun" characters like Lucifer, Crowley, and Rowena on Supernatural. Or Riddler and Penguin on Gotham. Al Swearengen was so entertainingly loathsome on Deadwood I root for him whenever he's on the screen. But sometimes you get bad villains like Negan on Walking Dead, or Marco and Phillip. You don't just hate what they're doing, you don't want to watch them. Mostly it's because of the writing, and sometimes the acting (like in Marco's case).
  9. I got a kick out of the parallel universe stuff and Riverdale Heaven was the highlight with all of them dressed like from the comics. I had totally forgotten about original Reggie. Showing a clip of Luke Perry and bringing back other old cast members, plus paying homage to the comic books made this a very appropriate 100th episode.
  10. Benny Hill! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQf2TiwBFHo
  11. I miss Alex. With such a short mini-season (why couldn't they do a full ten episodes?), it's going to be a very linear plot-driven finish. Keep moving the chains. Avasarala's Big Move should be revealed shortly.
  12. The thing that kills me with Kodvid is that he talks about how the family's interests outweigh Ysabel's interests. Someone needs to remind Kodvid that the whole point of a family is to support the family members who need help the most when they need it. Otherwise you can't call it a family.
  13. Unfortunately, she probably will. I know someone whose mother treated her even worse than Kodvid treats Ysabel, but she is always trying to have a relationship with her thoughtless and abusive mom and win her approval as a young adult.
  14. Not to derail the thread but a former colleague of mine was an extra in the audience where MJ was performing for a Pepsi commercial when his hair caught on fire. She had a full view from a few feet away of MJ with his head blazing. He was on fire that day, literally. Kim could visit this sacred ground.
  15. I would watch all of Kim's segments if it's just her traveling around the country on a pilgrimage to Michael Jackson points of interest. This week, Kim travels to the former Neverland Ranch!
  16. I had to laugh at the feminist fantasy of this episode. Rivervale being run by a patriarchy of brutal and ogreish men who demand babies and are incapable of satisfying their wives in bed. So the oppressed women all run to Thornhill to join Abigail/Poppy/Cheryl's lesbian cabal. But Riverdale's silliness, even when the show is kind of trying to be serious, has always been sort of endearing to me. I did like Sabrina's exposition at the end about how all three were the same person who was cursed by that warlock. Nice tour de force by Madeline Petsch.
  17. She looked like she was dressed up for church on Little House on the Prarie. I have to wonder what kind of inheritance would he even leave? Did he make a lot of money? I read he was a property manager, so it doesn't sound like it. But I also read he sold his house and is living off the cash from that. If he lives another 20 years there won't be anything left for his beneficiaries. He seems to have retired pretty early. But so many on 90 Days seem to have no problem not working even though they're poor.
  18. A Midnight Express scenario for Steven would have been ideal. "I dropped my soap, can you pick it up?" I think the LDS church should be tipped off to watch Steven's segments, if they haven't watched already. Get him tossed out and his family disgraced. If his goal in life is to be a man whore, let him pay the price.
  19. It seems like Leandro never evolved from the obsessive high school boy stage. He still clings to Areola as his ideal fantasy girl instead of finding a normal relationship with a normal person. For her part, Areola is a total hypocrite who treats men like props in her life. She's controlling, bullying, and abusive, but when her faults are brought up she sticks her little pig nose out and makes her cat-who-ate-the-canary cute face. She wants to hold Bini accountable for everything he does but has no accountability for herself. She used the hernia surgery as an excuse to hang out with family and friends in the States, which prevented Bini from seeing Avi for two critical months during his development. Babies change so fast that it's a big deal when you miss even a month. You'll never get to see it again. She continues to harangue him for having people in their apartment, when she lied about living with her ex in the States for weeks. She would have issue with Bini maintaining contact with an ex-girlfriend, but she continues to have extensive contact with Leandro when she knows it bothers Bini. She says openly that if her relationship with Bini fails she is going back to Leandro. So framing her relationship with Leandro as friendship is false. She uses Avi as leverage to keep Bini under her thumb because she knows how he lost contact with his other child and is fearful of that happening again. She manufactures drama with his sisters to create a rift so she has further control. She is a really manipulative piece of work, but that is how her parents raised her. Privileged, entitled, and no accountability for her behavior.
  20. This guy is a sociopath. He doesn't feel repressed, it's just an act and he's a bad actor. He likes to manipulate women and get them to have sex with him. He was even getting action in Russia when he went there to visit Alina. He married Alina only because he wanted to get on TV.
  21. An exciting evening of 90 Days: LDS! Steven and Alina are headed to Only Fans after this gig is done. Steven looks to compare himself to Ghandi in his next appearance. Kenny, go to Florida for a month once a year, no need for boo-boo face. Jenny, the 63 year old woman with the facial expressions of a 15 year old whose mother just found out she sneaked out last night to sleep with a boy. Binky, we know who wears the pants in your family, and it's not you. Areola, the poster girl for privilege and entitlement. They're in the States now. Is that nanny still with them? She talked about her in the present tense. Corey's still the lamest one in the room, even with Steven there. At least Steven is getting away with his BS while Cory is the perpetual punching bag. Viktor and Ellie..who are they again?
  22. I watched this show last season in the way you might rubberneck a car accident, but I'm not even going to do that anymore. I'm done with this crapfest after last night. Jazz and Jeanette are and always will be in total denial about Jazz and the real reasons for the depression and anxiety and weight gain and everything else. They're dysfunctional co-dependent co-enablers on the reality tv train of narcissism, thinking they are great role models. The siblings aren't much better. I like the grandparents. That's about it.
  23. The reality is that Robyn is his wife and he has a family with her. He also has three ex-wives with kids that he visits when he has time or interest. That is the true dynamic of his relationship with these women. When he divorced Meri so he could marry Robyn legally, it was symbolic as well as a practical matter. This isn't polygamy. There is no compound with all the wives and kids there. This isn't Big Love. It's a married guy with three ex-wives.
  24. I wonder how long this show can keep up this relentless pace. The first four episodes were jam-packed with adrenaline. You look at GoT and with all the excitement it was still a slow burn kind of show. WoT is like Fast and Furious by comparison. I wonder how long Stepin has now that Karene's dead. They really emphasized how Warders can't go on after their Aes Sedai passes. I also wonder how long main group remains split up. That part of it actually does remind me of GoT some where you have separate main plots happening in different parts of the story's world. Mat and Rand should have stayed and helped Thom fight the Fade. Yeah he told them to run for it but sheesh, three on one is a lot better odds than one on one. Time to man up if you wan to take down those dark ones, boys!
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